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Unit: No man is an Island Mini-Introduction

1. Puzzle: Unscramble the letters to get the synonym of the word catastrophe:
2. Read the definitions of the natural catastrophes stated in the table, then name the pictures
3. What are the natural catastrophes that occur in your country?
Natural Definition
Flood a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry.
Volcanic Eruption a sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material.
Hurricane a violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean.
Forest fire an uncontrolled fire in a wooded area.
Sandstorm a windstorm, especially in a desert, that blows along great clouds of sand.
Drought a long period of time when there is little or no rain.
Earthquake a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface.
Tsunami an extremely large wave in the sea caused by an earthquake.


4. Check the following picture. Can any person live alone on an island? Justify?
Choose the correct answer: What did the man in picture mean when he said ‘’ No man is an
a- A person can live in isolation without the support of others.
b- A person needs the support of others and society altogether to survive. ·

Unit: No man is an Island Reading and Writing01 Discovering Language
1. Look at the picture and discuss the questions below:

A.What are people in white and red suits doing ? Do they get money for their job?
B. Choose the best adjectives that suit those people:
rude - good - bad - selfish - helpful - helpless - charitable - careless - responsible - careful

Read the report below, then and answer the questions:

How Charitable Are Our Youth?
Most people believe that youth do not feel concerned about community issues. The older generation is deeply
worried that society cannot face up to problems, such as floods and earthquakes, because they consider that young
people have become less charitable and thoughtful about needy people than their elders used to be. The magazine
Youth2010 has recently carried out a survey about charity among secondary school pupils to check out on these two
Let us find out by looking at some of the questions Youth 2010 asked its informants and how they responded to its
questions. Youth2010 asked the teenagers if they had ever experienced an emergency. Interestingly, forty of them said
that they had experienced a natural or fabricated disaster and no less than seventy of them told the Youth 2010
reporter that they had felt deeply moved by the disasters covered in the media. When the reporter asked them whether
they had contributed anything to help during emergencies, twenty of them told the reporter that they had volunteered
to help the Algerian Red Crescent collect food aid.
The data gathered by Youth 2010 suggest that our youth are more thoughtful and charitable than some parents think.
They know that they will live through highly risky times and that in such times every little contribution can help.
Act01: Are the following statements true or false according to the text:
A. The older generation think that youth are less charitable. (………………)
B. Youth don’t contribute in helping the victims in times of disasters. (………………)
D. The findings show that today’s youth are more charitable than their parents think (………..…..)
Act02: Read the text again and answer the following questions:
A. What is the report about?
B. In which paragraph does the author speak about the findings/ results?
C. In which one does he give interpretation? (analyzing results)
D. Does the report confirm the older generation’s worry about society? Why? Or why not?

Post-Reading Grammar Desk
Objective: Reporting statements/ questions / orders/ requests.
1. Describe the following pictures using words from the box:
Writing a report – a journalist – conducting an interview

2. Match direct sentences (1-6) with the appropriate reported sentences (a-f)
3. Indicate the type of each sentence using words from the box:

A statement – an order – a positive request - a negative request- a WH question – a Yes No question.

1. Journalist to youth: “Vote for the best’’ a. He told them to vote for the best.
2. J to Y: ‘‘Could you answer the questionnaire, please? ‘’ b. He asked them why they helped the poor.
3. J to Y: ‘’ Why do you help the poor?’’. c. He asked them to answer the questionnaire.
4. J to Y: ‘’ Do you take part in charity events? ‘’ d. He told them that youth were thoughtful and charitable.
5. J to Y:‘’Please don’t ignore community issues.’ e. He asked them if they took part in charity events.
6. J to Y: ‘’Youth are thoughtful and charitable.’’ f. He asked them not to ignore community issues.
4. Complete the Reminder:

We use asked to report ………………………..and …………………………

We use told to report …………………………..and ………………………..
We report requests and orders as follows: reporting verb+ ……………….+……….+……….
We report WH questions as follows: reporting verb+………….+……………+……………..
We report YES NO questions as follows : reporting verbs+………..+…………+……………
Let’s practice: More Practice: Rewrite sentences ‘B’ and ‘C’ the same as sentence ‘A’
1. A/ Sarah : ‘’ My brother has damaged my phone‘’
B/ Sarah says that………………………………………
C/ Sarah said that………………………………….
2. A/ Aymen: ‘’ Why do teenagers prefer Facebook to Instagram?’’
B/ Aymen asks …………………………………………..
C/ Aymen asked……………………………………………..
3. A/ Walid : ‘’ have you bought a new phone?”
B/ Walid asks …………………………………………
C/ Walid asked …………………………………
Report the following interview: Objective: Writing a report on the results of the interview
Interview with Bill Gates, (Man of the Year for 2005)

Interviewer: Where did you grow up?

Bill Gates: I grew up in Seattle, Washington.
I: Where did you discover your interest in software?
G: I discovered it at the private Lakeside School.
I: When did you begin computer programming?
G: I began at the age of 13.
I: Which charities have you supported so far?
G: So far, I have supported organizations working in the fields of health and learning.

Reminder: To tell someone else what someone else said, there are two ways of doing this:
1. You can repeat someone’s words (direct speech): He said: "I'm watching TV"
2. Or you can use indirect speech (reported speech): He said (that) he was watching TV.
3. The word “that” is between parentheses because it is not obligatory.
Verb Tense Change: If the Reporting verb is in the present tense, there will be no change in the tense of the
reported clause. But if the reporting verb is in the past tense, tenses of the reported speech will change as
Direct Indirect
Present simple Past simple
Present continuous Past continuous
Present perfect Past perfect
imperative infinitive
Past simple Past perfect
Future Conditionel ( would+stem)
Other changes: Changes in Time and Place Markers:
Direct Indirect Today That day
Must Had to Tomorrow The next day/ the following day
May Might Yesterday The previous day/ the day before
Can Could Next week, month, year The following week, month, year
Shall Should Last week, month, year The previous week, year, month
This That
These Those
Here There
Now Then
Ago Before

Task: Read the following conversation between the partially deaf grandmother and her grandson then rewrite
the underlined sentences in the indirect speech (reporting must be in the past):
Grandmother: I love listening to the radio. It reminds me of my youth.
Grandson: I enjoy watching videos on YouTube and TikTok…
Grandmother: What is TikTok anyway ….!!!
Grandson: Well, it is a video-sharing application for smartphones.
Grandmother: Are phones smart? Hein!!!! That’s awkward!
Grandson: You must try them; you will love them.
Grandmother: Can you turn the radio up?
Grandson: surely ….
(the grandson wearing the headphones and humming a song)
Grandmother: What are these strange wires on your ears.
Grandson: These are “earphones”, “You shall try them to listen to your favourite songs.”
Grandmother: No, never.
Grandson: Come on grandma, don’t be a Luddite!!
Grandmother: Hush! My favourite radio-talk show is playing now. Tell me what are they speaking about today?
Grandson: they are speaking about old ladies who hate technology and …. (Grandson laughing)
Grandmother: Hein! How dare you ….!!

Objective: Writing a report interpreting the data presented on a chart.
Man of the year 2005

1. Check the picture and reoder the scrambled words into a coherent sentence in order to find out who the
person in the picture is:

world /one/ the/ founder/men/ Bill/ the/ in/ of/ is/ Microsoft/ Gates/ richest/of/and/the/./
2. Match the following pictures with their corresponding descriptions in the table below:


Bill Gates Main Achievements:

Achievements picture
1. Sponsoring vaccination campaigns in Africa.
2. A self-made man.
3. Making the PC available for everyone.
4. Publishing a book which has helped solve business problems.
5. Donating money to improve learning opportunities.

Write it right: Use the information in the pie chart and the layout that follows to write a report about
why Americans elected Bill Gates Man of the Year for 2005. Pick up the appropriate reporting verbs from the
box: (reporting verbs should be put in the simple past):


15 10 % wrote Business@the Speed of Thought which has heped solve
business problems
15 % has made the Pc available for everyone
20 % has donated money to improve learning opportunities

20 25 % a self-made man
30 % sponsored vaccination campaigns in Africa

think - believe - consider - state


Why Bill Gates was elected Man of the Year?


Bill Gates was elected Man of the Year for 2005. We have carried out a public opinion survey to find out
about the reasons why he was so elected. Here are our findings. 30% of our informants
These results suggest/show

Lesson03 Say it Loud and Clear: Silent Letters

Task 01: Listen to your teacher reading the poem and the dialogue below and underline the letters
which are not pronounced:
Part one:
I keep six honest serving men.
They taught me all I know.
Their names are What and Why and When,
And How and Where and Who.
Part Two:
You: I beg your pardon. What did you say?
Your partner: I said, “One autumn day a column of condemned prisoner solemnly marched along singing hymns”.
You: I beg your pardon. What did the warder say?
Your partner: He said, “The knight knocked the knave on his knuckles with a knotted knob. He knew when he
knelt on his knees; he had a knife in his knitted socks.

Act02: Name pictures (1-8) using words from the texts above:

1……………….. 2………… 3 ……………….. 4 ………………. 5 ……………………….

6…………………………. 7 ………………………… 8 …………………………

 Task02: Find the spelling form of the transcribed words.

Pronunciation spelling Pronunciation spelling
/ ‘lɪsn / / ˈraɪtɪŋ /
/ rɪˈpɔːt / /wɛnzdeɪ /
/ ˈdɒktə / / ˈkʌpəd /

Unit: No Man is an Island Sequence02 DEVELOPING SKILLS

Objective: Explain the importance of safety rules and conduct (especially in disasters)
Check the picture. What is the woman and the girl doing?
Do you know other safety measures to be taken during an earthquake?

While -Listening:
1. Listen to the interview and check your answers to the previous question:
Act01: Listen to the interview and say whether the following statements are true or false:
a. Human beings can stop natural disasters.
b. Mr. Clancy is a policeman and a flood expert.
c. Mitigation means minimizing risks through good preparation.
Act02: Listen again and correct the mistakes in the following safety measures given by Mr. Clancy:
A. If you ‘re inside a building during an earthquake, you’d better to stand in a door way.
B. You’d better not to try to take the stairs and lifts.
C. If you’re outside, you ‘d better to stand away from buildings.
 In sentences (A/B/C) Mr. Clancy is: 1. Giving orders. 2. Giving advice
Read the tip Box then complete the dialogues below.
When giving advice use one of the following:
should (not) + base verb./ ought to + base verb./ better ('d better) + base verb. With
negatives, not comes after better. With questions, had
is usually hadn't.

 Ask for and give advice about what to do before and after an earthquake using: The verb idiom
had/’d better / ‘d better not. /or Should(no)/ought to..
You: What should I do during an earthquake?
Your partner: You’d better not panic.

Before an earthquake After an earthquake

- Don’t place objects over bed. - Check for injuries/ provide first aid
- Make plans to keep the family together - Wear shoes/clean dangerous spills

Unit: No Man is an Island. Sequence: Reading and Writing.

Objective: Writing a public announcement on earthquake safety measures.
A. Name pictures using words and phrases from the box:
To climb a ladder – to use a flashlight – to put out fire using an extinguisher – to place a smoke
detector – to cover one’s mouth and nose - to use the stairs – to avoid using the elevator.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7
B- Choose the right answer:
The pictures above (1-7) represent:
a. Tsunami safety measures. b. Fire accident safety measures. c. Hurricane safety measures.
Read the following text, and then do the tasks below:
Dear citizen,
Preparedness is the important key in all crises, but being prepared does not always equate to prevention.
However, in some cases, as in fire safety, preparations can prevent fires and can most certainly save our
Before fire, you’d better install smoke detectors because they warn us before the catastrophe happens.
Moreover, we should keep flashlights in each room and keep at least one escape ladder on upper levels for
a quick rush.
During fire, you ought to stay low to the ground, cover your mouth and nose with a cloth or your shirt
to prevent breathing in smoke or dangerous fumes as you may faint and fall down. Besides, you ‘d better
not use an elevator during a fire but always take the stairs.
After fire, you ought to make sure that all individuals who are injured should be treated by a doctor.
Moreover, you’d better throw out all food that was exposed to the fire and smoke.
1. Choose the right answer: The text is:
a. A press release. b. a public announcement. c. an advertisement.

2. Classify the safety measures in the table below:

1 2 3
Don't use elevators. Crawl under heavy furniture. Stay out of damaged buildings

4 5 6
Remove heavy objects from shelves Learn how to turn off the gas, Check yourself and others for
water, and electricity. injuries and provide help for anyone

Before Earthquake During Earthquake After Earthquake

Write it right: Recently, an earthquake has rattled your town and most of the citizens were
ignorant of the important safety measures that should be taken before, during and after such a
catastrophe. So, write a short announcement advertising the precautions that people should take
before, during and after an earthquake. Use the previous announcement as a model. Use the necessary
phrases to give advice.






Unit: No Man is an Island. Sequence: Developing Skills.

1. Match words with their definitions:

1) Blizzard a) Sudden movement of earth surface.
2) Drought b) The processes by which an area becomes a desert.
3) Earthquake c) Violent storm carrying sand.
4) Flood e) Violent and heavy snowstorm.
5) Hurricane f) Huge tide caused by shock waves following an
6) Tsunami g) long period of dry weather.
7) Sandstorm h) Inundation caused by overflowing of water.
8) Desertification i) Violent wind storm.
2. Read the Text, then do the tasks:
A 'natural disaster' is a major event resulting from natural processes of the Earth. Natural disasters
devastate the environment; consequently, many people die or lose their shelters. These natural catastrophes
include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, tidal waves, tsunamis, fires
and landslides.
During such disasters, the number of people who become houseless is more than the number of people
who lose their lives. It is true that we cannot stop a natural phenomenon; as a result, we must reduce its
negative impacts. First of all, global warming must be reduced because it is the root cause of all the
problems. We should also have insurance policies so that we could have sufficient money to rebuild our
lives after such disasters. Moreover, scientists should invent advance-warning systems. While construction
we should make sure that, it is strong enough to withstand earthquakes. Finally, we should educate people
about evacuation during any disaster in order to save their lives.
Act01: Choose the best title for the text:
a) Effects of global warming. b) Natural disasters. c) Causes of earthquakes.
Act02: Say whether the following questions are true or false according to the text:
a. Natural disasters destroy the environment.
b. We cannot avoid a natural phenomenon.
c. Global warming must be increased.

Act03: Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text:

a) Its= ………...................................... b) Their=…………………………….

1. Read the second paragraph of the text on the previous page and pick out a sentence which is close in
meaning to the following:
A. Many people die or lose their shelters because natural disasters devastate the environment.
B. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Classify sentences (A-B) in the right column, then complete table:

Expressing cause Expressing result

Form:…………………………………….…… Form: …………………………………………….

3. Complete the following reminder:

We express cause as follows:

……………….. + ……………………..+ ………………………
We express effect (result) we use:
Let’s practise: Match the following pairs of sentences using the right connectors to express both: cause and

Cause Connectors Effect… 1. Sea animals are dying

a. Factories and ..since….

vehicles release gases into the air
.. because .. 2. The atmosphere is full of
…; as a result…

b. When water is heated, the …; as a consequence, 3. The water boils.

molecules move quickly
..; consequently,

…..; therefore,

….; thus,

c. Factories pollute the

ocean with oil spills
Example: Cause: Global warming is occurring because there has been an increase in greenhouse gases.
Result: There has been an increase in greenhouse gases; as a result, global warming has occurred.
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b. . …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Reading and Writing02

Look at the picture and choose the correct answer:
- The young people in the picture are:
A. Having a party B. Giving food and clothes to needy people

Read the text, then do the activities that follow:

Great calamities can show the best in man. For instance, while I was covering, for my newspaper, the
earthquake in Boumerdes I met a group of women carrying plates of couscous. “Where are they going all
together like that?” I asked Rafik, my Algerian friend and translator. “They are taking food to their
neighbors who have lost their homes,” he replied. After a few minutes, he added, “People have always
helped each other over here. But this earthquake has considerably increased that sense of neighborliness”.
Rafik stopped talking for a few minutes before he resumed his speech. “This earthquake has made every
one of us show his best”, he said pointing to the debris of a fallen building. I didn’t understand what he
meant by that. So I asked him to explain. “The youths have played a heroic role in the first minutes of the
disasters, “He answered. “Why has this young man become a local hero? (§2)
Yesterday, he saved two children from certain death,” he told me.
As I listened further to Rafik, I understood that disasters could certainly kill people, but in some way they
are like hammers that weld the brotherly spirit of humanity. (§3)
Task 1: Read the text again and answer the following questions:
A. What has this earthquake considerably increased according to Rafik?
B. What did the young man do to become their local hero?
C. Does Rafik think that disasters have only a negative side?
Task 2: Turn the conversation between Rafik and the journalist into reported speech. Use the
information in the table below:
Speaker Verb in the present simple Verb in the past simple
A. The journalist asks Rafik…………………. asked rafik…………….
B. Rafik replies that………………… replied that…………….
C. Rafik says that…………………... said that……………….
D. Rafik answers that……………….. answered that…………
E. The Journalist further asks………………. further asked him……
F. Rafik tells the journalist that… told journalist that….

Task03: Check the following table. Then, do the task below:

The final “ed” of regular verbs is pronounced:
/d/ /t/ /Id/
After vowels and consonants After: After:
except /d/:
/b/ ,/g/, /l/, /m/,/n/, /ŋ/,/ ð/, /z/, / f /, / k /, / p /, / s /, / θ, / ∫ /t ∫/ /t/, /d/
/v/,/ʒ/, /dʒ/

 Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final 'ED": Helped –
wanted - needed- called- cleaned-offered -damaged- loved - used-amazed-rubbed- claimed-
looked-sniffed - laughed- washed-watched-kissed -danced-fixed.
Objective: Reporting statements, questions, orders
Label pictures with SUMMARIZING VERBS from the box:
admit - request- order- report- apologize- threaten- blame- agree- suggest- refuse- persuade – promise -

1 2 3 4
………………………………….. …………………… ……………………… …………………

5 6 7 8
………………………….. ……………………… …………….. ………………………….

9 10 11 12 13
..................................... ……………….. ……………………. ……………………….. ………………..
2. Report the following quotes using the appropriate summarizing verbs from the box above:
A. A thief is speaking to a police officer.
“I have stolen her bag’’
 The thief admitted that he had stolen her bag.
B. A mother is speaking to a doctor.
“Please, Doctor. Save my son!”  The mother …………………………………………….
C. A school girl is speaking to her teacher.” “ Sorry, I’m late”  The girl ……………………….
D. A mother is speaking to her child. “Come here!’’  She…………………………………
E. Rim is speaking to her friend. “Let’s go out for a walk’’.  Rim…………………………………..
F. Rim is speaking to her friend. ‘’ If I were you, I would consult a doctor.” S/he……………………..
G. Rim to Nour: ‘’ The vase is broken. It’s your fault.”  S/he………………………………………..
H. ‘’ You’re right. The Flowers are really beautiful.” Leila …………………………………………..

No Man is an Island Key Answers

Unit: No man is an Island Mini-Introduction
5. Puzzle: Unscrambling the letters to get the synonym of the word catastrophe:
6. Naming the pictures:
A Drought BForest fire C Hurricane DSandstorm ETsunami FEarthquake GFlood
7. What are the natural catastrophes that occur in your country?
The most common natural disasters that occur in Algeria are: Floods, sandstorms, earthquakes and forest fires.
8. Checking the picture and answering the question:
- No person can live alone on an island ( in isolation) because all human beings should live
together and help each other to build their communities.
- Choosing the correct answer: ‘’ No man is an Island’’. means:
b- A person needs the support of others and society altogether to survive. ·
Lesson01: Discovering Language
A.What are people in white and red suits doing ? Do they get money for their job?
B. Choose the best adjectives that suit those people:
A. People in white and red suits are helping/rescuing victims. Non they aren’t. they are volunteers.
B. The adjectives that suit those people:

good - helpful - charitable - responsible - careful

A. True B. False C. True
A. The report is about how charitable the new generation youth are.
B. In paragraph number 02
C. In paragraph number 03
D. No, it doesn’t because the report showed that the new generation youth are helpful and
GRAMMAR DESK Reporting statements/ questions / orders/ requests.
5. Describing pictures: A: a journalist is conducting an interview
B: the journalist is reporting the findings of his interview
6. Matching direct sentences (1-6) with the appropriate reported sentences (a-f)
7. Indicating the type of each sentence using words from the box:
1. “Vote for the best’’  a. He told them to vote for the best.  ORDER
2. ‘‘Could you answer the questionnaire, please”  c. He asked them to answer the
questionnaire.  POSITIVE REQUEST
3. ‘’ Why do you help the poor?’’.  b. He asked them why they helped the poor.  WH
4. ‘’ Do you take part in charity events? ‘’  e. He asked them if they took part in charity
5. ‘’Please don’t ignore community issues.’  f. He asked them not to ignore community
6. ’Youth are thoughtful and charitable.’’  d. He told them that youth were thoughtful and
charitable.  STATEMENT
‘Completing the Reminder:
We use asked to report requests and questions
We use told to report statements and orders
We report requests and orders as follows: reporting verb + object pronoun+to+infinitive
We report WH questions as follows: reporting verb+Wh word+Subject+Verb
We report YES NO questions as follows : reporting verbs+If+Subject+Verb

Let’s practice: Reporting the following interview:
Objective: Writing a report on the results of the interview
Interview with Bill Gates, (Man of the Year for 2005)

The journalist asked Bill Gates where he had grown up. Bill gates said that he had grown
up in Seattle, Washington. Then, the interviewer asked Bill when he had discovered his
interest in software. Gates answered that he had discovered it when he had been a pupil at
the private Lakeside School. After that, the Journalist wanted to know when Gates had
begun computer programming. Gates said that he had begun at the age of 13. Finally, the
journalist asked which charities Gates had supported so far. Bill Gates answered that he had
supported I organizations working in the fields of health and learning.

Objective: Writing a report interpreting the data presented on a chart.
Man of the year 2005
2. Reodering the scrambled words into a coherent sentence in order to find out who the person in the
picture is:
Bill Gates is the fouder of Microsoft and one of the richest men in the world .

2. Matching the pictures with their corresponding descriptions in the table below:
Bill Gates Main Achievements:

Achievements picture
6. Sponsoring vaccination campaigns in Africa. E
7. A self-made man. A
8. Making the PC available for everyone. D
9. Publishing a book which has helped solve business problems. B
10. Donating money to improve learning opportunities. C

Write it right: Use the information in the pie chart and the layout that follows to write a report about
why Americans elected Bill Gates Man of the Year for 2005. Pick up appropriate reporting verbs verbs from
the box: (reporting verbs should be put in the simple past)

Why Bill Gates was elected Man of the Year?

Bill Gates was elected Man of the Year for 2005. We have carried out a public opinion survey to find out
about the reasons why he was so elected. Here are our findings. 30% of our informants thought that Bill
Gates was elected because he had sponsored vaccination campaigns in Africa. 25% of the informants
believed that Bill Gates was chosen because he had was a self-made man. While, 20% of the informants
stated that Bill Gates was elected because he had donated money to improve learning opportunities.
According to 15% of the informants, Bill Gates was elected only because he had made the Pc available for
everyone. Finally, 10% of the informants considered that Gates succeeded in the election because he had
written a business book that helped in solving business problems.
These results suggest/show that most people believe that sponsoring vaccination campaigns in Africa is
the main reason for electing Bill Gates Man of the year 2005.

Lesson03 Say it Loud and Clear

Task 01 Underlining the letters which are not pronounced:

Part one:
I keep six honest serving men.
They taught me all I know.
Their names are What and Why and When,
And How and Where and Who.
Part Two:
You: I beg your pardon. What did you say?
Your partner: I said, “One autumn day a column of condemned prisoner solemnly marched along singing hymns”.
You: I beg your pardon. What did the warder say?
Your partner: He said, “The knight knocked the knave on his knuckles with a knotted knob. He knew when he
knelt on his knees; he had a knife in his knitted socks.

Act02: Name pictures (1-8) using words from the texts above:
1  knuckles 2  a Knee 3  knotted knob 4  The knight 5 The warder
6  Hymn 7  knave 8  condemned prisoner

 Task02: Find the spelling form of the transcribed words.

Pronunciation spelling Pronunciation spelling
/ ‘lɪsn / listen / ˈraɪtɪŋ / writing
/ rɪˈpɔːt / report /wɛnzdeɪ / wednesday
/ ˈdɒktə / doctor / ˈkʌpəd / cupboard
Objective: Reporting statements, questions, orders
Labeling pictures with SUMMARIZING VERBS from the box:
1threaten 2 agree 3 persuade 4 report
5 Blame 6 order 7 refuse 8 promise
9 suggest 10 admit 11advise 12 apologize 13 beg
2. Using the appropriate summarizing verbs from the box above to report the quotes in the following box:
B. “The mother begged the doctor to save her son.
C. The girl apologized to her teacher.
D. She ordered her child to come there.
E. Rim suggested to go out for a walk with her friend.
F. Rim advised her friend to consult a doctor.
G. Rim blamed Nour for breaking the vase.
H. Leila agreed that the flowers were really beautiful.

Unit: No Man is an Island Sequence02 DEVELOPING SKILLS

Objective: Explain the importance of safety rules and conduct (especially in disasters)
Check the picture+ answering the question:
The woman and the girl are using the table as a cover to protect themselves from earthquake.
Other safety measures to be taken during an earthquake: staying away from buildings/ using
flashlights instead of turning on the lights.

The listening script:

Interviewer: We do live in a region where some of the largest earthquakes in the world occur.
Human beings can’t stop natural disasters, but they can prepare for it. Today in the studio, we are so
luck to have Mr Clancy, a fireman and an earthquake expert who will tell us how we can reducethe
dangers of earthquakes. Mr. Clancy, good evening and welcome to Studio5.
Mr Clancy: Good evening.
Interviewer: Mr. Clancy, there a lot of talk about mitigation these days? What does this mean
Mr Clancy: Mitigation means reducing risks through the good preparation.
Interviewer: Okay. Now I understand. Now could you please tell us what safety measures the ordinary
citizens should take if an earthquake occurs?
Mr. Clancy: well the most important rules is to stay calm. If you’re inside a building during an
earthquake, you’d better stand in a doorway. You’d better not try to take the stairs and lifts. These are the most
dangerous places during an earthquake. Now, if you’re outside, you’d better stand away from buildings. If you apply
these steps, you will be safe from the dangers of an earthquake.

2. Listen to the interview and check your answers to the previous question:
Act01: Listen to the interview and say whether the following statements are true or false:
d. False
e. False
f. True
Act02: Listen again and correct the mistakes in the following safety measures given by Mr. Clancy:
D. If you ‘re inside a building during an earthquake, you’d better to stand in a door way.
E. You’d better not to try to take the stairs and lifts.
F. If you’re outside, you ‘d better to stand away from buildings.
 In sentences (A/B/C) Mr. Clancy is: 2. Giving advice

 Ask for and give advice about what to do before and after an earthquake using: The verb idiom
had/’d better / ‘d better not. /or Should(no)/ought to.
You: What should I do before an earthquake?
Your partner: You’d better not place objects over beds.
You: okay. What else?
Your partner: You ought to make plans to keep the family together.
You: thank you. Now what do you think I should do after an earthquake?
Your partner: Well. You’d better check for injuries, then you should provide them with first aid.
You: That’s good. Is that all?
Your partner: Wait! You ought to clean the dangerous spills, but you’d better wear shoes …

Unit: No Man is an Island. Sequence: Reading and Writing.
Objective: Writing a public announcement on earthquake safety measures.
B. Name pictures using words and phrases from the box:
1 to cover one’s mouth and nose 2 to place a smell detector 3 to use the stairs
4 to avoid using the elevator. 5 to use a flashlight 6 To climb a ladder
7 to put out fire using an extinguisher
B- Choose the right answer:
The pictures above (1-7) represent:
b. b. Fire accident safety measures.
3. Choose the right answer: The text is:
b. a public announcement.
4. Classify the safety measures in the table below:
Before Earthquake During Earthquake After Earthquake
Remove heavy objects from Crawl under heavy furniture Stay out of damaged buildings
shelves Don't use elevators. Check yourself and others for
Learn how to turn off the gas, injuries and provide help for
water, and electricity. anyone in need.

Write it right: Recently, an earthquake has rattled your town and most of the citizens were
ignorant of the important safety measures that should be taken before, during and after such a
catastrophe. So, write a short announcement advertising the precautions that people should take
before, during and after an earthquake. Use the previous announcement as a model. Use the necessary
phrases to give advice.
Dear citizen,
Preparedness is the important key in all crises, but being prepared does not always equate to
prevention. However, in some cases, as in fire safety, preparations can prevent fires and can most
certainly save our lives.
Before an earthquake, you’d better remove heavy objects from shelves. Moreover, you should
learn how to turn off the gas, water, and electricity.
During an earthquake, you ought to crawl under heavy furniture. Besides, you’d better not use
After the earthquake, you ought to stay out of damaged buildings. Then, you should heck yourself and
others for injuries and provide help for anyone in need.

Unit: No Man is an Island. Sequence: Developing Skills.

Natural Disasters
2. Match words with their definitions:
1) Blizzard  d
2) Drought f
3) Earthquake a
4) Flood g
5) Hurricane  h
6) Tsunami e
7) Sandstorm c .
8) Desertification b
Read the Text, then do the tasks:
Choose the best answer:
The text is about: b) Natural disasters.
1. Say whether the following questions are true or false according to the text:
d. Natural disasters destroy the environment. T
e. We cannot avoid a natural phenomenon. T
f. Global warming must be increased. F

2. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text:

a) Its= natural phenomenon b) Their=people
4. Read the second paragraph of the text on the previous page and pick out a sentence which is close in
meaning to the following:
C. Many people die or lose their shelters because natural disasters devastate the environment.
D. Natural disasters devastate the environment; consequently, many people die or lose their
shelters. Classify sentences (A-B) in the right column, then complete table:
Expressing cause Expressing result
Many people ….because….. Natural disasters…consequently,…
Form:result+cause connector+ cause Form: cause+result connector+result

E. Complete the following reminder:

To express cause we use:
Result + cause connector+ cause
Cause connectors: because/as/since+Subject+Verb
To express effect(effect) we use:
Cause + result connector+ result
Result connectors:
As a result/As a consequence / Consequently /Thus /Therefore/So+Subject+Verb.
Let’s Practise: Match the following pairs of sentences using the right connectors to express both: cause and
Example: Cause: Global warming is occurring because there has been an increase in greenhouse gases.
Result: there has been an increase in greenhouse gases; as a result, global warming has occurred.
c. Cause: the water boils because when water is heated, the molecules move quickly.
Result: when water is heated, the molecules move quickly; therefore, the water boils.
d. Cause: sea animals are dying because factories pollute the oceans with oil spills.
Result: factories pollute the ocean with oil spills therefore sea animals are dying.

Reading and Writing

Look at the picture and choose the correct answer:
- The young people in the picture are:
B. Giving food and clothes to needy people

Read the text, then do the activities that follow:

Task 1: Read the text again and answer the following questions:
A. what has this earthquake considerably increased?  it has considerably increased the sense of
B. What did the young man do to become their local hero?  He saved two children from certain death.
C. Does Rafik think that disasters have only a negative side? No, he doesn’t.
Task 2: Turn the conversation between Rafik and the journalist into reported speech. Use the
information in the table below:
Speaker Verb in the present simple Verb in the past simple
G. The journalist asks Rafik where they are going all asked Rafik where they were going all
together like that together like that
H. Rafik replies that they are taking food to replied that they were taking food to
their neighbors who have lost their their .. who had lost..
I. Rafik says that this earthquake has made said that that earthquake had made every
every one of us show his best. one of us show his best.
J. Rafik answers that the youths have played a answered that the youths had played…
heroic role in…
K. The Journalist further asks why that young man has further asked him why that young man
become a local here. had become..
L. Rafik tells the journalist that the previous told journalist that the previous day he
day he saved two children … had saved …
Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final 'ED": Helped – wanted -
/id/ /t/ /d/
looked -laughed -kissed - offered- used – claimed-
needed - damaged -wanted fixed- danced - watched- rubbed- amazed- loved-
washed- called- cleaned-

Should, ought to, and had better are all used to give advice or suggestions. They have small
differences in meaning, and the grammar for each one is also different.
Should is the most common. It means that the speaker thinks the action is a good idea. The
grammar is should (not) + base verb.
• Affirmative: You should go to the dentist. / I think you should go to the dentist.
• Negative: You shouldn't wait to go. / I don't think you should wait to go.
• Question: Should I go to the dentist? / Do you think I should go to the dentist?
Ought to
Ought to: is a little stronger. It's often used to talk about rules and expectations. The grammar
is usually ought to + base verb. An exception is that the “to” is sometimes dropped in negative
Negatives and questions are not common with ought to. It's more common to use should for
negatives and questions.
• Affirmative: He ought to follow the rules. / I think he ought to follow the rules.
• Negative: He ought not (to) do that. / I don't think he ought to do that.
• Question: Ought he to tell the teacher?
Had better
Had better is the strongest. It has the meaning that if you don't do the action, something
bad could happen. With questions, the negative form is more common. The grammar is had
better ('d better) + base verb. With negatives, not comes after better. With questions, had
is usually hadn't.
• Affirmative: We'd better leave now or we'll be late.
• Negative: We'd better not be late or they'll be angry.
• Question: Had / Hadn't we better leave now? The show starts in 20 minutes.


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