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DAILY MCQs with answer and reason

1. Belief, often demonstrated by preoperational children, that inanimate objects have

thoughts and feelings
a- Egocentrism
b- Animism
c- conservation
d- assimilation
Now the answer is b. animism
Animism is the belief that objects have lifelike qualities and are therefore
capable of having feelings, intentions and emotions
2. Which of the following is a binocular cue that helps in perceiving depth
a- Interposition
b- texture gradient
c- relative motion
d- stereopsis
Now, the answer is d – stereopsis
Stereopsis (depth perception) is the visual ability to perceive the world in
three dimensions 3D – length, width, and the depth – which then allows a
person to judge where an object is relative to him or her. Depth perception
arises from a variety of visual stimuli referred to as depth cues.
3. Which of the following is a monocular cue to depth perception?
a- Binocular disparity
b- retinal disparity
c- linear perspective
d- convergence
Now, the answer is c- linear perspective
Linear perspective is a monocular depth cue in that causes parallel lines to
appear to meet at some point in the distance. The vanishing point is where
the lines seem to merge. Linear perspective not only affect our judgement of
depth, but also how we perceive size.
4. Which theory of motivation is associated with the idea that individuals have an
innate drive to maintain a certain level of physiological arousal?
a- Pull theory
b- push theory
c- both theories
d- none of the above
Now the answer is d- none of the above
In both push and pull theory we are trying to get something or avoid
something , we not trying to maintain physiological arousal. There are one
theory called arousal motivation theory the indicate people act in a way to
maintain a optimal level of there ‘physiological arousal’.
5. Pairing a previously neutral stimulus with another stimulus to evoke a particular
response refers to?
a- Classical conditioning
b- positive punishment
c- associative learning
d- operant conditioning
Now the answer is a- classical conditioning
The classical conditioning process is all about pairing a previously neutral
stimulus with another stimulus that naturally produces a response.
6. What term describes the tendency of a learned behavior to reappear after it has
been extinguished?
a- Spontaneous recovery
b- Generalization
c- discrimination
d- latent learning
Now the answer is a- spontaneous recovery
The spontaneous recovery is when a behavior that is believed to (the
conditioned behavior has disappeared or stopped occurring when the
stimulus is present) unexpectedly and quickly returns after a period of rest or
lessened response.
7. What term is used to describe the process of gradually reducing reinforcement to
extinguish a behavior?
a- Shaping
b- generalization
c- discrimination
d- extinction
Now the answer Is d- extinction
The gradual weakening of a conditioned response that results in the behavior
decreasing or disappearing.
8. Jason is so preoccupied with staying clean that he showers as many times as 10
times each day. Jason would be diagnose das suffering from what?
b- OCD
c- schizophrenia
d- phobia
Now the answer is b- OCD
OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORED (OCD) is a long lasting disorder in
which a person experiences uncontrollable and recurring thoughts
(obsessions), engages in repetitive behaviors (compulsions), or both.
9. The activation, often unconsciously, of certain associations, thus predisposing
one’s perception, memory, or response
a- Priming
b- perception
c- grouping
d- sensation
Now the answer is priming
Priming is the idea that exposure to one stimulus may influence a response to
a subsequent stimulus, without conscious guidance or intentions.
10. What is always found in cases of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) ?
a- Hallucinations
b- phobias
c- forbidden wishes
d- irrational impulses
Now the answer is d- irrational impulses
Irrational impulses refers to a sudden, involuntary desire or inclination to
engage in a behavior or action without rational judgment, logical reasoning
or conscious decision making.
11. What is typical of the schizoid personality disorder?
a- Voluntary loneliness
b- Rambling speech
c- Multiple personality
d- Anger and suspicion
Now the answer is a- voluntary loneliness
Individuals with schizoid personality disorder often exhibit a preference for
solitude and may voluntarily choose to be alone, avoiding close relationships.
12. Principle that frustration – blocking of an attempt to achieve some goal- creates
anger which can generate aggression
a- Minimal group paradigm
b- Principle of proximity
c- Similarity principle
d- Frustration aggression principle
Now the answer is d- frustration aggression principle
The frustration aggression principle posits that frustration, arising from blocked
goals, can lead to aggressive behavior as a coping response. It suggests a causal
relationship between frustration and the likelihood of aggressive actions.
13. Sharron is continually tense, jittery and apprehensive for no specific reason. She
would probably be diagnosed as suffering what?
a- Major depressive disorder
b- Schizophrenia
c- An antisocial personality
d- Generalized anxiety disorder
Now the answer is d- generalized anxiety disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a chronic mental health condition
characterized by excessive and uncontrollable worry about various aspects of life,
often without a specific cause or trigger.
14. Which of the following perspectives arguses that human behavior develops in
certain ways because it serves a useful purpose?
a- Psychoanalysis
b- Cognitive psychology
c- Behaviorism
d- Functionalism
Now the answer is d- functionalism
Functionalism is a psychological perspective that views mental processes and
behaviors as serving adaptive functions to help individuals survive and thrive in
their environment. It emphasizes the practical roles of consciousness and
behaviors in promoting effective adaptation.
15. Which of these might be prescribed to a patient who has been diagnosed with
major depressive disorder?
a- Norepinephrine
b- Acetylcholine
d- DSM
Now the answer is c- SSRI
SSRI stands for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. It is class of
antidepressant medications that work by increasing the levels of serotonin, a
neurotransmitter in the brain, by inhibiting its reabsorption or reuptake by nerve
cells. SSRI are commonly prescribed to treat conditions such as depression,
anxiety disorders, and certain other mental health conditions
16. Misinformation is given, can contaminate memory imagining an event can
contaminate as well.
a- Misinformation effect
b- Recency effect
c- Retrograde amnesia
d- Phonological similarity effect
Now the answer is a- misinformation effect
The misinformation effect is a phenomenon where exposure to misleading
information can distort one’s memory of an event, leading indiviuals to
incorporate false details into their recollections.
17. Which of these is not one of Freud’s stages of psychosexual
a- Curious
b- Anal
c- Oral
d- Phallic
Now the answer is a- curious
Because the rest of the options are Freud’s theory
18. Which of the following was most closely associated with the structuralist school
of psychology .
a- Descartes
b- James
c- Titchener
d- Watson
Now the answer is c- Titchener
Edward B. Titchener was most closely associated with the structuralist school of
19. A sleep disorder characterized by temporary cessations of breathing during sleep
and repeated momentary awakenings
a- Sleep apnea
b- Anorexia
c- Narcolepsy
d- Narcolepsy
Now the answer is a- Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder marked by beathing interruptions during sleep,
with common symptoms including loud snoring and daytime fatigue. Treatment
options range from lifestyle changes to medical interventions like CPAP machines
or surgery.
20. Which school of psychology believes that it is impossible to objectively study the
a- Functionalism
b- Behaviorism
c- Humanism
d- Socialism
Now the answer b- behaviorism
Behaviorism believes the mind is like a black box, hidden from direct observation.
It focuses on studying the observable outputs, our actions and behaviors, to
understand how they’re shaped by the environment through learning and
21. Which field of psychology would be most likely to study the influence of over-
crowding on conformity?
a- personality
b- cognitive
c- clinical
d- social
now the answer is d- social
22. psychologist who believe that each person has freedom in directing their future/
achieving personal growth.
a- Cognitive psychology
b- Gestalt psychology
c- Narcolepsy cognitive
d- Humanistic psychology
Now the answer is d. humanistic psychology
Humanistic psychology emphasizes the inherent potential and capacity for growth
within each individual.
23. The study of how individuals perceive and interpret the emotions of others
through facial expressions is known as
a- Social identity
b- Social cognition
c- Emotional intelligence
d- Interpersonal attraction
Now the answer is b- social cognition
Social cognition specifically deals with how individual think about, understand,
and interact with others. This includes the ability to perceive and interpret
emotions, which plays a crucial role in social interactions and communication.

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