Inc3701 02 2024

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Assignment 02

Inclusive Education: Generic Module

Module code: INC3701

Year module

Department of Inclusive Education

This tutorial letter contains important information about the module.


Open Rubric

Academic dishonesty

Assignment 2 is a written individual assessment and must not be written as a groupwork.

Sharing your responses for Assignment 02 with anyone is strictly forbidden as it constitutes
academic dishonesty. Any act of dishonesty could be subjected to disciplinary actions set
by the University of South Africa.


I (full names): ………………………………………………………………………………………

Student number: …………………… Module code: …………………

Declare that…
1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in this
2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used someone else’s
work, whether a printed source, the internet, or any other source, I give the proper
acknowledgement and include a complete reference list.
3. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my own.
4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of
submitting it as his or her own work.

Signature ………………………… Date: ………………………….


NB. Submission of Assignment 2

Assignment 2 is a written assignment and must be completed and submitted online.

Please do not zoom your assignment script when you submit online. This makes it
difficult for markers to mark your assignment.

Always ensure that your assignment script is in PDF format when you submit online.
Word format documents will not be marked.

Assignments sent to the lecturer’s e-mails will not be accepted. Please read the
instructions carefully before answering questions.

The marking of Assignment 2

A memorandum guide will be used to mark Assignment 2. Once marking has been
completed, feedback will be uploaded for you on myUnisa. Kindly note that once
feedback has been released, all students who have missed the submission date for
any reason will have to write Assignment 05 to have four (4) assignments at the end
of the year. Kindly adhere to the due date.


Assignment 2

Unique assignment number: 688449

Closing date: 21 May 2024

Presentation of the assignment: Assignment 2

should be presented as follows:

• Cover page
• Contents page
• Declaration of honesty
• All the responses for Assignment 2 should correspond with numbering in
the question paper.

Students are encouraged to type their assignments responses as much as possible,


since handwritten assignments could be blurry and difficult to read, which could lead
in them not marked. write legibly to enable fair marking of your work.

Specific outcomes and assessment criteria

Questions for Assignment 2 have been drawn from the following specific outcomes
and assessment criteria. The successful completion of this module will enable you to
do the following:

No. Specific outcomes Assessment criteria

2 Explain relevant policies with • South African educational policies that

regards to inclusive deal with inclusive education are
education. discussed.
• International treaties that deal with
inclusive education are described and
their contribution towards inclusion in
education and society is described and
so is their contribution towards the
adoption of inclusion in education and
3 Describe how the principles of • Inclusive education as practiced in context
Inclusive Education can is assessed.
contribute to the achievement • The term “quality education” is defined
in context.
of quality education for all
learners when applied in


Question 1
Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow:


I am a sucker for horror and supernatural movies and a fan of metal rock and hip-hop music.
Being a South African teenager comes with its ups and downs.
Sometimes it becomes a living nightmare because there is not a single day that a person like me
does not face discrimination unless we spend our time indoors. This is because I was born with a
medical condition called albinism. Growing up and now as a teenager I’ve been called names such
as “mlungu”. People also point at me and will say things like I bath with milk. I once had an
emotional breakdown, but through the support of my parents, I overcame it.

1.1 Investigate the challenges faced by individuals with albinism and discuss the
impact these difficulties can have on their daily lives. [5]

1.2 Discuss the impact of Rhulani’s medical condition on his social life and interactions
with peers. How did he managed to maintain a positive outlook despite
facing discrimination? [ 5]

1.3 Identify two inclusive education policies aimed at safeguarding learners

with albinism in school environments. Explain how these policies can
effectively protect them.
2x5= [10]
Sub-Total= [20]
Question 2

2.1 In accordance with South African educational policies addressing inclusive

education, discuss the national and international human rights treaties committed to
contributing to the adoption of inclusion in education and society.


2.2 Read the principles that underpin inclusive education and its definition
as outlined in Education White Paper 6. Critically analyse how you can
implement these principles in addressing barriers to the diverse learning
needs of all the learners in your
classroom. [15]
Sub-total= [30]
Question 3
3.1 With reference to learner diversity in an inclusive teaching and learning environment,
discuss the concept of 'inclusion' and explain how this teaching strategy can be applied
in the classroom setting to accommodate the diverse range of learning needs. [15]

3.2 Education is seen as a fundamental human right. Explain the aim of human
rights policies in inclusive education for learners with disabilities in the provision of
quality education in South Africa. [15]

Sub-total= [30]
Question 4
4.1 Discuss strategies educators can employ to address learning barriers arising from
the curriculum for all learners. [20]

Grand-total = [100]
We wish you all the best with your assignment.

Examiner : Dr MC Sadiki

Internal Moderators : Dr NG Mpya

Dr SE Mbelu

Unisa 2024

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