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Journal 1

A. Some important values that made me want to be a teacher are being able to help them
grow and see them grow in what they learn. Another reason is that I wanted to help
children teach them and be there for them.
B. I could use the prior knowledge of the students by using their knowledge and build upon
it. For example, if they need already know their multiples of 3s then I would move to the
multiples of 4s.
C. Jean Piaget has studied how children develop cognitively and this impacts their learning
depending on what stage they are at. Lev Vygotsky believed that parents, caregivers,
peers, and culture are very responsible for developing higher-order functions.
D. The cooperating teacher is Marissa at Jefferson Elementary. I am helping students do
homework that they do not understand and need extra assistance with. I learn how to
play games they teach me; they also have some food arts and crafts and regular arts and
crafts as well such as coloring for the students to do with a picture to follow. I help them
complete it and see them have fun doing it.

Journal 2

A. Realization is defined as the expectations, assumptions, perceptions, stereotypes, and

fears that we may individually have of a racial or ethnic group. One example of
racialization is The Middle East has many stereotypes that are not true. The Middle
East does not have clear-cut boundaries. The geography of the Middle East is diverse
and can include forests, mountain ranges, and arid plateaus. The majority of the
world’s Muslims are not Arab and live outside of the Middle East, which means not
everyone in the Middle East speaks Arabic. Most Muslims are peace-loving people.
Women in the Middle East are well-educated members of the society. Muslims have
prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage and prohibit drinking alcohol and eating pork due to
faith. Another example of racialization is that Latinx population people believe that
they can't speak very well English because they are not from America, and where they
come from, they are poor and live in poverty, making them more likely to be
B. Cultural characteristic of a learner can be influenced by their beliefs they have and
what they do because of it. Another thing that can influence racialization is by having
a different skin tone, they can also be called names because how they look/act.
C. Some important societal factors that impact learners are the education of the parents,
the occupation of parents, and the income level of the household. Another societal
factor that impacts learners is how they are being treated at school by peers and staff.
I can see the excitement level when the parent comes in and they have a good
income/occupation. Another example is the students that are happier are being treated
better by peers/staff.
D. Lev Vygotsky’s theory is by social interactions influence our cognitive development.
Piaget made the chart on how children develop cognitively and physically.
Journal 3
A. I was assigned a hope and growth mindset. Taken together, hope—or the lack of hope—
and mindset—whether you believe that you're born smart or that you can grow in
intelligence along the way—can be either significant assets or serious liabilities. If
students think failure or low performance i"I have been taught that having a hopeful and
growth mindset is crucial. Hope and mindset are important factors that can either be
advantageous or detrimental, depending on how they are perceived. If students believe
that they are likely to fail or perform poorly, they may not even try. Likewise, if they
believe that they are not intelligent enough to succeed, they may not put in any effort
likely, they'll probably not bother to try. Similarly, if they think they aren't smart enough
and can't succeed, they'll probably not put in
any effort.
B. The cooperating teacher helped learners by treating them all equally. They all had the
same opportunities as each other. They all have the same options as everyone has. Some
children have some behaviors, so they get extra help from staff.
C. An example in the article is “when students believe their intelligence can grow and
change with effort, they perform better on academic tests (Schwartz,2016).” Another
example from this article is “Students from low-income families were less likely to hold a
growth mindset than their more affluent peers. However, if a low-income student did
have a growth mindset, it worked as a buffer against the negative effects of poverty on
achievement (Schwartz,2016).”
D. Vygotsky, an example also believed that how we communicate with others influences
how we learn. According to him, we learn by talking to others and listening to what they

Journal 4

A. The name of my resource is teaching gender identity.

B. They can have lesson plans about the gender spectrum. They also can have
activities and books about the gender spectrum. They wanted students to better
understand what the gender spectrum is and that you are still you even though
you change your gender identity.
C. Kohlberg because children acquire gender roles after she/he has gained an
understanding and awareness that her/his sex is permanent, constant, and will
never change.
D. An example from my field experience is that they develop a sense of gender by playing
with different toys they like. Even the types of games they play help them figure out their
gender. They learn from experience and from tack\’ling things heads on.

Journal 5
A. Vygotsky's social development theory asserts that a child's cognitive development and
learning ability can be guided and mediated by their social interactions. Learning is a
crucial social process.
B. Resource three says Funds of Knowledge applies the knowledge and skills of daily
household routines to create meaningful and innovative approaches to classroom teaching
and learning. resource two says funds of knowledge as existing cultural knowledge and
skills present in an individual’s household, community, and culture.
C. Some strategies that were suggested are building trust with the youth, families, and
community you work with. A way I could build trust with parents is by having them
come to the room and help. A way I could build trust with the students telling them about
myself, providing a culture that is a safe learning environment based on mutual respect
and understanding, and discovering what youth bring to the classroom. Once you
discover it value it.
D. I saw an opportunity to use the one about getting to know what the child brings into the
classroom when I was getting to know the child. I could use their strengths an
weaknesses to my advantage when teaching.
E. Yes.

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