Anansi Questions

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Created by Adam Webb

50 Practice Questions on the CSEC English B Text Anansi

1. “The Forest of Stories serves as a beacon of hope and an escape from the grim reality of
the slave ship.”
Write an essay in which you describe ONE instance where the Forest of Stories offers solace
or wisdom to a character on the slave ship and ONE instance highlighting the harsh conditions
that a character faces on the ship. For ONE of the instances described, discuss how it
significantly impacts ONE character’s outlook or actions. Finally, you must examine how the
contrast between these settings is used as a dramatic technique to highlight the power of

2. “Anansi is renowned for his cleverness, serving as both a guide and a trickster.”
Write an essay in which you describe ONE instance where Anansi’s cleverness positively
influences one or more characters on the slave ship and ONE instance where his trickery
creates problems for one or more characters in the Forest of Stories. For ONE of the instances
described, discuss how Anansi’s actions significantly impact ONE character’s development or
choices. Finally, you must examine how Campbell uses Anansi’s dual nature as a dramatic
technique to underscore the themes of survival and resilience.

3. “In the play Anansi, storytelling is not just entertainment but a means of survival.”
Write an essay describing TWO instances where storytelling empowers one or more characters.
For ONE of the instances described, discuss the impact of one or more stories on a character’s
will to survive or understand the world around them. Finally, analyze the use of ONE dramatic
or literary device that makes storytelling memorable and impactful to the audience.

4. “Leadership takes various forms in the play Anansi.”

Write an essay detailing ONE instance where Woman’s leadership provides guidance or hope,
and ONE instance showcasing Captain’s leadership style on the slave ship. For ONE of the
instances, explore how the leadership approach affects the morale or decisions of one or more
characters. Finally, comment on Campbell’s use of contrast in the characterization of these two
Created by Adam Webb

5. “Women in the play Anansi play crucial roles that go beyond traditional expectations.”
Describe ONE instance where a female character shows resilience on the slave ship and ONE
instance of leadership or wisdom on the part of a female character in the Forest of Stories. For
ONE of the instances, discuss its significance on a character’s perception of strength or hope.
Finally, consider how Campbell uses dialogue to underscore the strength and complexity of
female characters.

6. “The concepts of freedom and captivity are explored through contrasting settings in

Describe ONE way in which the Forest of Stories symbolizes or enables freedom and ONE
way in which the slave ship represents or enables captivity. Discuss the effect of ONE of these
settings on ONE character’s actions or beliefs. Finally, examine Campbell’s use of imagery to
highlight the theme of bondage versus freedom.

7. “Hope is a driving force for some characters in the play Anansi.”

Write an essay describing ONE instance where hope is ignited in characters on the slave ship
as they reflect on Anansi and ONE instance where hope is manifested in the Forest of Stories.
For ONE of the instances, analyze how this hope changes a character’s outlook. Also, consider
the effectiveness of one dramatic or literary technique in highlighting the hope that Anansi
brings to one or more characters.

8. “Unity and division are significant themes in Anansi.”

Describe ONE instance where unity among characters overcomes a challenge in the Forest of
Stories and ONE instance where division on the slave ship leads to conflict. For ONE of the
instances, discuss the impact of unity or division on the life of ONE character. Finally, examine
how Campbell uses character interactions to portray the strength of unity and the pitfalls of

10. “Courage in the face of adversity is an important theme in Anansi.”

Write an essay describing ONE instance where a character demonstrates courage on the slave
ship and ONE instance of courage in the Forest of Stories. For ONE of the instances, discuss
how this courageous act affects the character’s journey. Finally, analyze Campbell’s use of
imagery or symbolism in the depiction of courage.
Created by Adam Webb

11. “Characters in Anansi undergo significant transformations.”

Detail ONE instance of personal growth or transformation on the slave ship and ONE in the
Forest of Stories. For ONE of the instances, discuss how the transformation influences the
character’s future actions or decisions. Finally, explore how one dramatic or narrative
technique is used to illustrate the process of personal growth.

12. “Resilience in the face of adversity is a central theme in Anansi, manifested through both
collective action and individual determination.”
Describe ONE instance where the collective spirit of the characters on the slave ship embodies
resilience, and ONE instance where an individual’s actions in the Forest of Stories showcase
bravery. For ONE of these instances, discuss how this resilience or bravery leads to a pivotal
moment in the narrative. Finally, select one dramatic effect employed in the play and discuss
how it highlights the Africans’ spirit of resilience.

13. “In Anansi, the sea is both a barrier and a bridge, representing the vast divide between
freedom and captivity, as well as the hope for crossing it.”
Describe ONE moment where the sea symbolizes the barrier to freedom faced by characters
and ONE moment where it represents hope or connection. Discuss how one of these moments
affects a character’s outlook or choices. Finally, examine how Campbell uses the sea imagery
to add emotional depth to the play.

14. “Trust and betrayal are pivotal elements in Anansi, influencing characters’ relationships
and the plot’s progression.”
Write an essay outlining ONE instance of trust-building between two characters on the slave
ship and ONE instance of betrayal in the Forest of Stories. For ONE of these instances, discuss
the consequences on interpersonal relationships. Finally, analyze how Campbell utilizes
character development to explore the themes of trust and betrayal.

15. “The interplay of fear and courage in Anansi serves as a testament to the character’s
humanity and depth.”
Describe ONE instance where a character’s fear leads to significant decisions either on the
slave ship or in the Forest of Stories, and ONE instance where courage defines a character’s
actions either on the slave ship or in the Forest of Stories. For ONE of these instances, analyze
the impact on the character’s journey. Finally, examine how Campbell uses these emotional
experiences to craft more nuanced characters.
Created by Adam Webb

16. “The interplay of fate and free will in Anansi challenges characters to navigate their
destinies within the constraints of their circumstances.”
Write an essay discussing ONE moment where fate seems to dictate a character’s path on the
slave ship, and ONE moment where a character’s exercise of free will alters their course in the
Forest of Stories. Discuss how ONE of these moments underscores the theme of destiny versus
autonomy. Finally, explore how the playwright uses the dichotomy of the slave ship and forest
to comment on the ideas of fate and free will.

17. Analyze the portrayal of justice and injustice in ‘Anansi’. Describe ONE scene where justice
prevails and ONE scene where injustice overshadows. For ONE of these scenes, discuss its
profound impact on a central character’s moral compass. Finally, examine Campbell’s
employment of one dramatic device in the portrayal of either justice or injustice.

18. “The play Anansi showcases situations of hope and light, but also situations of
hopelessness and darkness.”

Highlight from the play ONE instance that encapsulates hope and ONE that embodies despair.
Discuss the emotional or psychological impact of ONE of these instances on a character’s
decision-making process. Finally, delve into Campbell’s utilization of environmental elements
to differentiate these experiences.

19. Dissect the dynamics of power and resistance in Anansi, focusing on ONE powerful act of
defiance and ONE instance of oppressive control. Explore how ONE of these acts significantly
alters the narrative’s direction or a character’s arc. Finally, investigate how the playwright uses
symbolism to represent power struggles.

20. Describe ONE character who embodies traditional heroism and ONE whose heroism is
unconventional. For ONE of these characters, analyze how their form of heroism impacts their
legacy within the story. Finally, consider how Campbell uses dialogue to help convey these
two different types of heroism.
Created by Adam Webb

21. “Both Anansi and Captain are leaders.”

Describe ONE instance where Anansi’s leadership significantly impacts one or more characters
in the Forest of Stories, and ONE instance showcasing how Captain’s command on the slave
ship affects his crew. For ONE of these instances, discuss its influence on the storyline or a
character’s development. Finally, analyze how Campbell uses these characters to explore
different facets of leadership within the narrative.

22. “The themes of resilience and adaptability can be explored through the characters of
Woman and Girl.”

Detail ONE situation where Woman’s resilience is evident and ONE where Girl’s adaptability
shines. Discuss how ONE of these qualities affects the respective character’s interactions with
others. Finally, evaluate how Campbell uses dialogue to highlight either Girl’s adaptability or
Woman’s resilience.

23. Dissect the dynamics of power and resistance in Anansi, focusing on ONE powerful act of
defiance and ONE instance of oppressive control. Explore how ONE of these acts significantly
alters the narrative’s direction or a character’s journey. Finally, investigate how the playwright
uses symbolism to represent power struggles.

24. “In the play Anansi, Anansi and Woman can be seen as icons of cultural preservation.”

Provide ONE example of how Anansi’s stories serve as a cultural beacon and ONE example
of Woman’s efforts to maintain her cultural identity on the slave ship. For ONE of these
examples, analyze its impact on one or more characters. Also, examine the dramatic effect of
storytelling in the play.

25. “Anansi and Captain navigate moral ambiguities within the play Anansi.”

Describe ONE instance where Anansi’s actions blur the lines of morality in the Forest of Stories
and ONE where the Captain’s decisions do the same on the slave ship. Discuss the impact of
ONE of these instances on other characters. Finally, explore one device that Campbell uses to
explore the nature of morality and ethics.
Created by Adam Webb

26. “Both Boy and Girl undergo significant transformations throughout the play.”

Provide details on ONE pivotal experience for Girl that leads to significant growth, and ONE
for Boy that catalyzes his development. For ONE of these transformations, analyze how it
influences their perspective on freedom. Finally, discuss the use of ONE dramatic technique in
the exploration of personal growth.

27. Write an essay in which you highlight ONE instance where Anansi’s legacy is celebrated or
condemned, and ONE instance reflecting Captain’s legacy. For ONE of these instances, discuss
its impact on one other character. Finally, discuss the contrasts between the legacies of Anansi
and Captain.

28. “In the play Anansi, Girl and Woman exhibit resilience in the face of adversity.”

Detail ONE challenge Girl overcomes and ONE that Woman faces. Analyze the effect of ONE
of these challenges on their character development. Also, explore how Campbell uses these
two characters to showcase different facets of resilience.

29. “Anansi uses cunning and strategy to outwit his adversaries and manipulate those around
them, while Captain uses his position to do the same.”

Provide ONE example where Anansi’s cunning outwits one or more adversaries in the Forest
of Stories and ONE where the Captain exerts his power on the slave ship. For ONE of these
examples, discuss its implications for the power dynamics within the narrative. Finally, analyze
how ONE dramatic or literary device is used to explore power and control in the play.

30. “Write an essay in which you examine the development of empathy and understanding
in Girl and Boy throughout the play.”

In this essay, detail ONE instance where Girl shows empathy or learns to empathize, and ONE
where Boy demonstrates empathy toward one or more characters. Discuss the impact of ONE
of these instances on their relationships with other characters. Finally, investigate how dialogue
is used in the conveyance of empathy in the play.
Created by Adam Webb

31. Consider how Anansi and Woman challenge authority within their respective domains.
Describe ONE act of defiance by Anansi in the Forest of Stories, and ONE by Woman on the
slave ship. Analyze the consequences of ONE of these acts on the narrative’s progression.
Finally, examine how ONE dramatic technique is used in the depiction of rebellion against

32. “The themes of self-discovery and self-identity are deeply explored in the play Anansi.”

Highlight ONE pivotal moment for Girl that leads to self-awareness, and ONE for Woman that
displays her understanding of self. For ONE of these moments, discuss its significance in
understanding their character or personal growth. Finally, examine how storytelling plays into
the theme of self-discovery or the theme of self-identity in the play.

33. “Conflict resolution and problem-solving are skills that some of the characters in the play
Anansi display.”

Write an essay in which you describe ONE problem Anansi resolves through cunning. Also
describe ONE problem that Woman solves through wisdom. For ONE of these characters,
discuss how problem-solving or conflict resolution help them to survive. Finally, assess how
ONE problem or conflict explored in the Forest of Stories mirrors a problem or conflict faced
on the slave ship.

34. “Write an essay in which you examine the theme of sacrifice through the actions of
Woman and Boy.”

In this essay, you must detail ONE instance where Woman sacrifices for others and ONE where
Boy does the same. Discuss the consequence of ONE of these sacrifices on their personal
journey. Finally, explore how the motif of sacrifice is used to add emotional depth to the play.

35. “The play Anansi can be seen as a story about a struggle for freedom.”

Describe ONE act by Soliday that champions freedom and ONE by the Captain that suppresses
it. For ONE of these acts, examine its effect on oppressed or enslaved characters. Finally,
explain how Soliday’s battle against Mancrow might be symbolic of the African’s slave’s fight
for freedom.
Created by Adam Webb

36. “The play Anansi can be seen as a story about finding light within the darkness.”

Provide ONE scenario where Woman instills hope and ONE where Girl finds hope amidst
despair. Discuss the impact of ONE of these scenarios on the character’s journey. Assess how
the concepts of light and darkness connect to the ideas of hope and hopelessness in the play.

37. Compare the emotional intelligence and capacity for empathy of Girl and Woman. Provide
ONE example of Girl’s empathy (or lack thereof) in action and ONE of Woman’s. Discuss how
ONE of these acts of empathy influences the narrative. Finally, delve into Campbell’s portrayal
of emotional intelligence as a transformative force.

38. Analyze the role of destiny in the lives of Girl and Boy. Highlight ONE moment where either
character seems to control their destiny and ONE where the other’s destiny appears
predetermined. For ONE of these moments, examine its implications on free will. Finally,
reflect on how Campbell uses the concepts of destiny and free will to deepen the narrative.

39. “At several points in the play Anansi, there is a distinct contrast between Woman’s
resilience and Girl’s despair.”

Highlight ONE moment where Woman embodies resilience and ONE moment showcasing
Girl’s despair. For ONE of these moments, discuss its impact on the two characters’
relationship. Finally, examine Campbell’s use of symbolism to depict the struggle between
hope and hopelessness.

40. In analyzing the role of curiosity and innocence in shaping Boy’s character, describe ONE
instance where Boy’s curiosity leads to a significant revelation and ONE where his curiosity
causes trouble for him. For ONE of these instances, explore its influence on Boy’s worldview.
Finally, consider how Campbell employs dialogue to underscore the evolution of Boy’s

41. “In the play Anansi, the stories of the titular character are shown to be able to shape the
identities of the African characters.”

Provide TWO examples of stories featuring Anansi that influence Girl’s self-perception.
Discuss the effect of ONE of these stories on the Girl’s actions. Finally, analyze how Campbell
uses storytelling as a tool for cultural preservation and identity formation.
Created by Adam Webb

42. “Discuss the role of mentorship through the interactions between Anansi and Soliday,
and Woman and Girl.”

In your essay, describe ONE mentoring moment that leads to Soliday’s triumph and ONE that
empowers Girl. For ONE of these mentoring relationships, analyze its significance in the
mentee’s journey. Finally, explore how Campbell uses mentorship as a tool to highlight themes
of growth and empowerment.

43. “Analyze how characters cope with alienation in the play Anansi.”

Provide ONE example of how Girl copes with alienation from her homeland and ONE of how
Boy feels alienated from his father. For ONE of these examples, discuss how alienation
influences their actions towards others or feelings about themselves. Finally, examine how
Campbell uses the theme of alienation to deepen character development.

44. “Discuss the transformation of identity through adversity, focusing on Girl and Boy.”

Describe ONE event that catalyzes a change in Girl’s identity and ONE in Boy’s. For ONE of
these events, analyze its role in reshaping the character’s self-concept. Finally, comment on the
effectiveness of ONE narrative device in the play’s exploration of identity.

45. “Evaluate the manifestation of power and powerlessness through the characters of
Captain and Woman.”

Highlight ONE act of power by Captain and ONE instance of powerlessness experienced by
Girl. Discuss how ONE of these instances reflects broader societal dynamics. Finally, consider
how ONE dramatic or narrative device helps the audience to fully understand either Captain’s
power or Woman’s lack of power.

46. “Analyze the interplay of courage and fear in Anansi, focusing on pivotal moments for
Girl and Woman.”

In your essay, describe ONE moment where Girl exercises courage is found in the face of fear
and ONE where Woman instills courage. For ONE of these moments, discuss its transformative
effect. Finally, delve into how Campbell uses the interplay of courage and fear to drive
character development.
Created by Adam Webb

47. “Examine the impact of heritage and displacement on the African characters.”

In your essay, provide ONE example where heritage offers strength to Woman and ONE
instance of displacement’s impact on Girl. For ONE of these instances, analyze its significance
in the context of survival and identity. Finally, explore the use of ONE narrative or literary
device in the exploration of Girl’s sense of displacement.

48. “Examine the role of female characters in shaping the narrative of Anansi.”

Detail ONE instance where a female character influences the story’s direction on the slave ship
and ONE in the Forest of Stories. For ONE of these instances, discuss its implications for the
overall narrative. Finally, consider how female characters are pivotal in driving the story
forward and challenging traditional roles.

49. “Analyze the dichotomy of freedom and captivity through the experiences of two

Describe ONE moment where a character experiences freedom and ONE where a character
confronts the reality of captivity. For ONE of these moments, discuss its impact on the
character’s psyche. Finally, explore how Anansi uses these contrasting experiences to delve
into the essence of freedom and bondage.

50. “Hope is a catalyst for action.”

Provide ONE example where hope inspires decisive action on the slave ship and another in the
Forest of Stories. For ONE of these examples, analyze its role in propelling the narrative
forward. Finally, discuss the use of symbolism in the exploration of hope in Anansi.

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