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LLM Generic Marking Criteria Level 7

80-100 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 0-29

Identification of the Identifies all the major Identifies all the major Identifies virtually all of Identifies the majority Identifies sufficient Identifies few Identifies very few or
issues relevant issues and relevant issues and the major relevant of the major issues and major issues – answers relevant major or no relevant issues
most minor issues. number of minor issues and minor issues. some minor issues. at the upper end may minor issues
Typically, students in issues. Typically, also identify some
this mark range often students in this mark minor issues.
identify relevant issues range may identify
that have not been relevant issues that
anticipated. have not been

Knowledge and Demonstrates Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates a good Demonstrates a sound Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates very
understanding outstanding or even or outstanding or very good knowledge level of knowledge and An acceptable inadequate little or no
exemplary knowledge knowledge and and understanding of understanding of the knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and
and understanding of understanding of the the relevant law. relevant law. Explains understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
the relevant law. relevant law. Explains Explains the law mostly some of the law relevant law. Explains relevant law. relevant law.
Explains the law with a the law accurately, accurately, making very accurately and makes some of the law Explains only a small Explains hardly any
very high degree of making excellent use of good use of relevant some use of supporting accurately, but with amount of the law law accurately and
accuracy, making a range of relevant supporting case law case law and statute as omissions and accurately and with with substantial
excellent use of a wide supporting case law, and statute as appropriate. Evidence misunderstandings. substantial omissions omissions and
range of relevant statute and academic appropriate. Evidence of some independent Adequate use of and misunderstandings.
supporting case law, opinion as appropriate. of independent reading reading and research. A relevant supporting misunderstandings. Virtually no use of
statute and academic Evidence of and research. A good reasonable case law and statute as Inadequate use of relevant supporting
opinion as appropriate. independent reading understanding, where understanding, where appropriate. Evidence relevant supporting law or statute. Little
Evidence of extensive and research. A very appropriate, of the appropriate, of the of limited independent case law and statute. or no evidence of
independent reading good understanding, wider context within wider context within reading and research. Little or no evidence independent reading
and research. An where appropriate, of which the relevant law which the relevant law An adequate of independent and research. Little
excellent the wider context operates. operates. understanding, where reading or research. or no understanding,
understanding, where within which the appropriate, of the An inadequate where appropriate,
appropriate, of the relevant law operates. wider context within understanding, of the wider context
wider context within which the relevant law where appropriate, within which the
which the relevant law operates. of the wider context relevant law
operates. within which the operates.
relevant law

Argument/application Outstanding or Excellent or Good/very good Sound application of Demonstrates Inadequate Little or no
exemplary application outstanding application application of the law the law to the facts. acceptable application application of the application of
of the law to the facts. of the law to the facts. to the facts. Application/argument of the law to the facts law to the facts. relevant law to the
Evidence of Application/argument Application/argument supported by some Application/argument Little consideration facts. Almost
application/argument supported by evidence supported by evidence evidence of some supported by limited of alternative points entirely descriptive.
supported by evidence of detailed and relevant of some relevant relevant research. evidence of relevant of view. Inadequate Little or no critical
of detailed and research. research. Good critical Reasonable critical research. Adequate critical analysis and analysis and little or
relevant research. Very good critical analysis and evidence analysis and some critical analysis and a little evidence of no evidence of
Sophisticated critical analysis and evaluation of the consideration of evidence of little evidence of relevant research. relevant research.
analysis and evaluation of alternative points of alternative points of consideration of consideration of Typically, answers in
of alternative points of view supported, where view supported, where alternative points of alternative points of this range are
view supported, where appropriate, by clear appropriate, by some view. view. Typically, answers excessively
appropriate, by evidence wider reading evidence of wider in this range are overly descriptive.
excellent evidence of in the subject area. reading in the subject descriptive.
substantial wider area.
reading in the subject

Structure Exemplary, clear and An exceptionally clear A very clear and logical A clear and logical Evidence of a logical Disorganised Little or no structure,
logical structure, and logical structure, structure, dealing with structure, dealing with structure, dealing with structure, failing to failing to deal with
dealing with each dealing with each legal each legal issue in a each legal issue in a each legal issue in a deal with each legal each legal issue in a
relevant legal issue in a issue in a logical logical sequence. reasonably logical reasonably logical issue in a reasonably reasonably logical
highly logical sequence. sequence. Where Where appropriate, a sequence. Where sequence. Where logical sequence. sequence. Where
Where appropriate, a appropriate, a fully reasoned conclusion appropriate, a reasoned appropriate, a Where relevant, relevant, lacking a
fully reasoned reasoned conclusion that brings together all conclusion that brings conclusion that brings lacking a conclusion conclusion that
conclusion that brings that brings together all the arguments raised together some of the together some of the that brings together brings together some
together all the the arguments raised throughout the answer. arguments raised arguments raised some or any of the or any of the
arguments raised throughout the answer. throughout the answer. throughout the answer. arguments raised arguments raised
throughout the answer. throughout the throughout the
answer. answer.

Writing and Outstanding or Excellent or Good or very good use Sound use of English Acceptable use of Poor use of English Very poor use of
presentation exemplary and outstanding and of English with few with some spelling English with significant with many spelling English with many
sophisticated use of sophisticated use of spelling and mistakes and spelling mistakes and mistakes and spelling and
English with no English with no grammatical errors. grammatical errors. grammatical errors but grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
significant grammatical significant spelling or Clear, concise and Some evidence of work remains Very little evidence Little or no evidence
or spelling errors. grammatical errors. accurate legal writing accurate legal writing comprehensible. of accurate legal of accurate legal
Exceptionally clear, Clear, concise and using appropriate and some use of Adequate evidence of writing. Inadequate writing. Inadequate
concise and accurate accurate legal writing terminology , style and appropriate accurate legal writing. referencing and referencing and
legal writing using using appropriate tone. Good referencing terminology. Adequate referencing bibliography. bibliography.
appropriate terminology , style and and bibliography where Reasonable referencing and bibliography.
terminology, style and tone. Very good appropriate. and bibliography.
tone. Excellent referencing and
referencing and bibliography where
bibliography where appropriate.

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