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Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers

S. Al-Malaika

agents that combat and inhibit the combined degrad-

The aim of this review is to present a coherent ative eVects of oxygen, temperature and light. The
treatment of the fundamental aspects of the terms primary and secondary antioxidants are also
science that underpins current technological used sometimes even though the distinction is rather
practices, and future advances, in the stabilisation arbitrary and does not relate to their mechanisms of
of synthetic organic polymers. Aspects of polymer action. On the other hand, the rubber industry tends
oxidation are introduced first before discussing the to use terms such as antidegradants, antifatigue agents
role of antioxidants, with numerous examples, to and antiozonants, to refer similarly to chemical agents
illustrate their basic mechanisms of action. The
that act against the deleterious eVects of temperature,
state of the art is discussed with particular
emphasis on recent development and progress. stress and ozone, respectively. Although antioxidants
IMR/386 and stabilisers are normally used at low concen-
trations (generally <1%) they are key ingredients in
The author is in the Polymer Processing and Performance the compounding of polymers. The continuous
Research Unit, School of Engineering and Applied Science, growth of polymer markets has ensured a parallel
Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 ET, UK growth in the demand for antioxidants and stabilisers,
especially in the large tonnage polymers with major
© 2003 IoM Communications Ltd. Published by Maney for
packaging, building, automotive, electrical and elec-
the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and ASM tronics applications.

Autoxidation of polymers
Synthetic organic polymers are susceptible to attack
Introduction by molecular oxygen in an autocatalytic reaction;
Organic materials are susceptible to attack by at- hence the term autoxidation13–16 is used to describe
mospheric oxygen. In the case of synthetic organic an oxidation reaction that starts slowly, possibly with
polymers, molecular oxygen initiates oxidative degra- a short induction period, followed by a gradual
dation processes that lead to material failure. Polymer increase in the rate (ascribed to the build up of
oxidation is often accelerated by other environmental, hydroperoxides) which eventually subsides giving rise
biological and physical factors, e.g. sunlight, ozone, to a sigmoidal curve. The length of the induction
heat, radiation, mechanical stress, traces of transition period is very short or absent when initiators (e.g.
metal ions, water, pollutants and micro-organisms. peroxides, azo compounds) are present, but can be
Oxidative degradation of commercial organic poly- prolonged in the presence of antioxidants and stabil-
mers occurs, to varying degrees, at every stage of isers (Fig. 1). The basic autoxidation theory of hydro-
their lifecycle, including manufacture, processing, fab- carbons which involves a complex set of elementary
rication, storage and in-service, both during their Žrst reaction steps is similarly valid for polymer oxi-
and subsequent (i.e. after recycling) lifetimes. Such dation.4,17–19 The role of hydroperoxides formed
oxidative processes lead to the irreversible deterior-
during autoxidation of polymers cannot be overemph-
ation of the useful properties (e.g. mechanical prop-
asised; they are associated with further initiation,
erties: tensile, exural and impact strengths; surface
changes in molar mass and other polymer properties
appearance: gloss, texture, and colour) of polymer
artefacts and are reected in poor performance or leading ultimately to loss of properties and cata-
catastrophic failures. The extent of oxidative degra- strophic failure (see Fig. 2). Studies of oxidation in
dation, however, is not the same in all polymers: it polymers, both in the solid phase (e.g. under service
depends on intrinsic chemical structure (with con- conditions in the presence of heat or light) and in the
comitant chemical and physical structural defects) viscous melt during processing, have been shown to
and susceptibility to external inuences during the be more complex than in liquid hydrocarbons due to
lifetime of the polymer product. problems of oxygen diVusion, solubility, and eVects
The early searches for ‘antioxidants’ were empiri- of polymer crystallinity and morphology.20,21 For
cally based and have led to the production of a example, oxygen solubility in solid polymers (e.g.
number of inhibitors of oxidation.1–5 Subsequent polyoleŽns) is not greatly diVerent (slightly lower)
development focused on understanding of the under- from that in liquid hydrocarbons, whereas its diVusion
lying processes of oxidation and inhibition in poly- in polymers is two orders of magnitude slower.20
mers.6–9 A further intense period of research ushered The autoxidation process of polymers involves free
in a new era where an understanding of basic mechan- radical initiated chain reactions and proceeds in three
isms of action of polymer oxidation and commercial basic steps: initiation, propagation and termination
antioxidants has transformed the trial and error prac- (Scheme 1).17 Many factors, e.g. heat, mechanical
tices of industry to a mature science based polymer stress, light and transition metal impurities, contribute
stabilisation technology.10–12 to the initiation step leading to the formation of
The terms stabilisers and antioxidants are generally the Žrst alkyl macroradicals (Scheme 1, reaction 1).
used in the plastics industry to describe chemical Bimolecular oxygen–polymer reaction is generally not
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Scheme 1 Basic autoxidation mechanism

1 Generalised scheme for changes in autoxidation
curve caused by presence of initiators and
antioxidants homolysis (bond dissociation energy of RO–OH is
about 175 kJ molÕ 1; Ref. 22) under the eVect of heat,
favoured (very slow at moderate temperatures) on light or metal ions giving rise to alkoxyl and hydroxyl
thermodynamic and kinetic grounds. Such a reaction macroradicals (Scheme 1, reaction 4). Both these rad-
may take place only in polymers with very labile icals can abstract a hydrogen from another polymer
C–H bonds to give relatively stable alkyl radicals molecule leading to new alkyl macroradicals (reac-
that terminate, rather than propagate, the oxidation tions 5 and 6a) which continue the chain reaction.
chain reaction. Alkoxyl radicals can undergo further reactions,
Propagation reactions involve the very fast reaction e.g. b-scission (see reaction 6b), that would lead to
of oxygen diradical, I (oxygen exists in a triplet cleavage of the macromolecular backbone and the
ground state) with polymer alkyl radicals leading to generation of further radicals.
the formation of alkylperoxyl macroradicals O·–O·
(Scheme 1, reaction 2). This is followed by abstraction oxygen diradical (biradical), I
of a hydrogen atom from another macromolecule
resulting in hydroperoxide formation, the Žrst molec- Termination of the oxidative process occurs through
ular product of the chain oxidation process (Scheme 1, combination or disproportionation reactions involv-
reaction 3). This reaction involves the breaking of a ing the various propagating radicals. The exact nature
C–H bond and, therefore, requires a higher activation of the terminating step depends on both the structure
energy than reaction 2. The rate of reaction 3, which of the polymer substrate and the oxygen concen-
in most polymers at normal oxygen pressures deter- tration. Since reaction 3 (Scheme 1) is rate determin-
mines the overall oxidation rate, is a function of both ing, alkylperoxyl radicals are the predominant
the C–H bond dissociation energy (allyl<benzyl < reactive species under normal oxygen pressure
tertiary <secondary <primary, see Table 122) and the (oxygen saturation), i.e. [POO· ]>[P· ], and termin-
stability of the alkyl macroradical formed.17 The ation occurs primarily through reaction 7 leading to
hydroperoxide macromolecules formed can undergo diperoxides, carbonyl compounds and alcohols.23–25
In the presence of a limited amount of oxygen (oxygen
deŽciency), however, alkyl radicals predominate, i.e.
[P· ]>[POO· ], and bimolecular termination reac-
tions 8–10 (Scheme 1) assume greater signiŽcance
leading to polymer cross-linking (and higher molar
mass, reaction 9) and/or disproportionation (reaction
10; without changes in molar mass). Both ‘limiting
conditions’ occur in polymers in the course of their

Table 1 Dissociation energies of carbon–

hydrogen bonds22
R–H DR–H , kJ molÕ 1* Bond type
CH2 CHCH2–H 343 Allylic
C6 H5 CH2 –H 347 Benzyl
(CH3 )3 C–H 380 Tertiary
(CH3 )2 CH–H 393 Secondary
CH3 –CH2 –H 414 Primary
2 Generalised scheme relating hydroperoxide
concentration and loss of useful properties * To convert to kcal molÕ 1 , multiply by 4·184.

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Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers 167

processes. As a consequence, various oxygen contain-

ing groups are introduced into the oxidised polymer
substrate leading to changes in the molecular struc-
ture and the formation of low molecular mass prod-
ucts that would adversely aVect the performance (e.g.
mechanical and electrical properties) of the Žnal poly-
mer product. Clearly, therefore, the thermal history
of a polymer can play a major role on its subsequent
in-service performance.
A typical polymer melt extrusion process consti-
tutes a closed system whereby dissolved oxygen in
the polymer melt is consumed rapidly and the
environment inside a closed extruder becomes oxygen
deŽcient. Under these conditions, therefore, the oxi-
dation becomes oxygen diVusion limited and the
concentration of [R· ] exceeds that of [ROO· ] in the
polymer system. Termination of the chain reaction is
Scheme 2 Schematic presentation of cyclical expected to proceed predominantly through reactions
oxidation process and some of main of the alkyl macroradicals, including:
reactions/products formed from d recombination ( leading to cross-linking and
propagating radicals increase in molar mass of the polymer matrix)
d fragmentation (chain scission resulting in lowering

lifecycle, with oxygen saturation dominating in the of molar mass)

d disproportionation (oleŽn formation, with reten-
course of end-product use, and oxygen deŽciency (i.e.
diVusion limited oxidation) occurring mainly during tion of molar mass)
polymer processing (e.g. extrusion) as well as in thick d addition to double bonds
d oxidation (b-scission leading to lowering of molar
cross-sections, when oxidation rate is controlled by
oxygen diVusion. Other radical–polymer reactions, mass).
including fragmentation and addition to double The nature of the polymer matrix exerts a profound
bonds to give rise to further free radicals, can also eVect on the mechanothermal oxidation chemistry of
take place depending on the reaction conditions.26–29 the system. Examples of the chemical and physical
These molecular changes lead ultimately to loss of changes that occur during melt processing of some of
mechanical properties (e.g. impact strength, tensile the important commercial polymers are highlighted
strength, elongation), modiŽcation of surface appear- below.
ance (e.g. crack formation, loss of gloss, ‘chalking’),
yellowing and premature failure. Scheme 2 highlights Polyethylenes
the cyclical oxidation pathways and the nature and Polyethylenes ( high density, HDPE; low density,
eVects of oxidation products arising from the diVerent LDPE; and linear low density, LLDPE) diVer in their
propagating species. densities, type and extent of branching, and type and
amount of double bonds (depending on the polymeris-
ation process used commercially). Some of the charac-
Thermal oxidation during processing teristics of two diVerently polymerised LLDPE
and in-service polymers, Ziegler (Z) and metallocene (m), are given
Hydrocarbon polymers are normally processed (e.g. in Table 2.30 The structural diVerences, as well as the
by extrusion and injection moulding) at high temper- processing conditions, play a signiŽcant role in
atures in the presence of mechanical shearing forces determining the type of oxidative degradation reac-
to produce the Žnal fabricated article. Under these tions that take place during the melt extrusion of
conditions, the polymer is subjected to a process of polyethylenes. Ziegler-type polyethylene polymers
thermal degradation which is accelerated by atmos- generally undergo predominantly cross-linking reac-
pheric oxygen (ambient, dissolved or trapped in the tions and enlargement of molar mass, particularly at
polymer). Although thermal oxidation of plastics and lower extrusion temperatures. However, the import-
rubbers can occur at all stages of their lifecycle, it is ance of chain scission reactions (and reduction in
most pronounced at the high melt processing temper- molar mass) becomes more pronounced at higher
atures (e.g. 180 to 330°C) needed for conversion temperatures (see Fig. 3), though varying the

Table 2 Characteristics of Ziegler (Z) and metallocene (m) octane based linear low density polyethylene
(LLDPE) polymers 30
Unsaturation, mol LÕ 1
Density, MFI*,
Polymer g cmÕ 3 g/10 min MFR† 1-octene, wt-% Vinyl t-vinylene Vinylidene Total double bond
Z-LLDPE 0·92 1·0 36 10·5 0·25 0·06 0·08 0·39
m-LLDPE PL1840 0·91 1·0 38 13·5 0·03 0·27 0·22 0·52
*MFI is melt flow index.
†MFR is defined as the ratio of high load melt index to low load melt index.

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168 Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers

Scheme 4 Intramolecular hydrogen abstraction

and formation of vicinal hydro-
peroxides in PP

vinylene; –CH CH–) as impurities in polyethylene

play an important role in the overall oxidation and
cross-linking of the polymer. For example, the rela-
tively high concentration of vinyl groups (with respect
to other types of unsaturation) in the Zeigler polymers
3 Effect of extrusion temperature on molecular (see Table 2), suggest that cross-linking reactions may
weight changes of Ziegler-type linear low occur, at least in part, through addition of alkyl
density polyethylene (Z-LLDPE) 31
macroradicals to the vinylic double bonds (see
Scheme 3).29,31 Degradation by chain scission at
extrusion conditions, e.g. screw speed, can alter the higher temperatures, on the other hand, proceeds to
relative importance of these two reactions.31 a large extent by b-scission of alkoxyl radicals
Controlling changes in molar mass is crucial, since (Scheme 3).
the Žnal properties of fabricated products are greatly
dependent on the molar mass of the base polymer. Polypropylene
The high mechanical shearing forces in an extruder
Polypropylene (PP) undergoes predominantly chain
lead to chain scission of the C–C backbone and the
formation of alkyl macroradicals. Both alkyl and scission under all processing conditions26–29,33,34
alkoxyl macroradicals are important intermediates giving rise to pronounced reduction in the molar
mass and melt viscosity of the polymer (see Scheme 3).
that are ultimately responsible for the formation of
chemical impurities and structural defects, e.g. hydro- The propagation reaction (reaction 3, Scheme 1) at
peroxide macromolecules (a potential source of oxi- the tertiary carbon atom of PP is 20% faster than a
corresponding reaction at a secondary carbon atom
dative instability in the fabricated product ), carbonyl
groups, double bonds, that adversely aVect the molar (e.g. in PE). Furthermore, this reaction is particularly
mass of the base polymer, and, consequently, its facilitated in PP by intramolecular hydrogen abstrac-
tion leading to the formation of adjacent hydroper-
rheological characteristics and performance (see
Scheme 3). The presence of unsaturated groups oxides ( less stable than isolated hydroperoxides) along
(e.g. vinyl; CH CH–, vinylidene; CH C <, trans- the polymer chain resulting in an increased rate of
2 2 initiation (see Scheme 4). Consequently, the kinetic
chain length (i.e. the average number of oxidation
cycles, reactions 3 and 4, before termination occurs)
for PP autoxidation is quite high, approximately 100
(compared to only about 10 for the more oxidatively
stable PE).

Polystyrene (PS) behaves similarly to PP under pro-
cessing conditions (see Scheme 5) where decompos-
ition of tertiary hydroperoxides results in b-scission
(and formation of acetophenone groups on the PS
chain35,36) causing a sharp drop in melt viscosity (due
to a sharp reduction in molar mass37). Thermal
oxidative degradation of copolymers or terpolymers

PP =polypropylene; PE=polyethylene
Scheme 3 Reactions of alkyl macroradicals during Scheme 5 Chain scission of polystyrene (PS)
high temperature processing of poly- hydroperoxides formed during melt
olefins processing

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Scheme 7 Reactions of polyamides (PA) during

high temperature processing

resulting in peroxidation and reduction in molar

mass39,43–45 (see e.g. Scheme 7). These polymers, along
with other heteroatom containing polymers, such as
polycarbonates (PC) and polyethylene terephthalate
(PET), are also highly susceptible to hydrolytic degra-
dation (Scheme 8), giving rise to chain scission,
reduction in molar mass and deterioration of mechan-
ical properties.12 These polymers must be thoroughly
dried before melt processing which is normally per-
formed at temperatures of up to 300°C.
Scheme 6 Reactions of alkyl macroradical during Polymers may be further subjected to long term
high temperature processing of poly- thermal oxidation during their in-service life, for
vinyl chloride (PVC) example, in automotive (e.g. under-the-bonnet) and
electronics applications and domestic appliances. In
of PS, such as styrene–acrylonitrile (SAN) and acry- addition to temperature, both polymer morphology
lonitrile–butadiene–styrene (ABS), is a more complex and sample thickness inuence signiŽcantly the long
process. For example, the presence of the rubber term thermal oxidative behaviour of polymers. In
component (butadiene rubber, BR) in ABS makes the contrast to melt processing, under conditions of long
polymer much more thermo-oxidatively sensitive due term thermal oxidation (usually conducted at much
to the rapid oxidation of the rubber phase; oxidation lower temperatures than processing ) under ambient
of BR results in cross-linking and loss of rubber conditions, the concentration of alkylperoxyl radicals
properties, e.g. impact.38 [ROO· ] exceeds that of [R· ] in the polymer system.
Under these conditions, for thin polymer samples
Polyvinyl chloride (<30 mm), oxygen diVusion is not rate determining
and the main termination process (in the absence of
Unlike polyoleŽns and polystyrene, melt processing
antioxidants) is a bimolecular reaction of alkylperoxyl
of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) results mainly in elimin-
radicals (e.g. Scheme 1, reaction 7). For thick polymer
ation reaction rather than changes in molar mass.
sections, and particularly at service high temperatures,
The initial macroradicals formed in PVC melt give
oxygen may become deŽcient inside the sample during
rise to two competing reactions: elimination of HCl
long term thermal exposure, hence increasing the role
leading to the formation of conjugated double bonds
of alkyl radicals in polymer oxidation, and require
(with visible discolouration observed with at least
diVerent strategies for its inhibition.
seven double bonds) (Scheme 6, reaction c). The
damage was found to be greatest during the Žrst few
minutes of processing when viscosity is highest.39–42 Photoxidation and effect of outdoor
Although the small amount of impurities or struc- environment
tural defects found in commercial grades of PVC,
such as vinyl [CH CH–CH(Cl)–] and vinylene The outdoor performance of polymers depends largely
2 on their photoxidative stability under the combined
[–CH –CH CH–CH(Cl)] double bonds, have been
thought responsible for the high susceptibility of PVC
to HCl elimination, evidence from melt processing
work based on unstabilised polymer has shown that
their overall eVect is far less than the damaging
role of functional groups (e.g. hydroperoxides, un-
saturation) formed during the early stage of melt

Engineering polymers
Aliphatic polyamides (PA) and polyesters are more
stable under processing conditions than polyoleŽns.
However, after the initial formation of mechano rad-
icals, they undergo free radical attack by hydrogen Scheme 8 Hydrolytic degradation of poly-
abstraction at methylene groups in position a to the carbonate (a) and polyethylene tere-
nitrogen (polyamides) or oxygen (polyesters) atoms phthalate (b)

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170 Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers

Scheme 9 Photolysis of PE (Norrish reactions)

action of light and oxygen. The ultraviolet (UV ) part

of the sun’s radiation reaching earth, in the region
290–400 nm, is mainly responsible for the light
induced polymer oxidation (photoxidation). Pure
saturated hydrocarbon polymers are intrinsically Scheme 11 Oxidation cycles, antioxidant
transparent to solar radiation greater than 290 nm. mechanisms and some examples
However, commercial hydrocarbon polymers (e.g. PE, representing different antioxidant
PP) absorb weakly at wavelengths above 285 nm (AO) classes
because of the presence of light absorbing impurities,
particularly oxygen containing species, and trace In the case of polyoleŽns, the photostability of
levels of metals and adventitious species introduced, diVerent members of the family varies signiŽcantly
inadvertently, during the various manufacturing and depending on their chemical and morphological struc-
conversion processes. Hydroperoxides formed during tures. Generally, PP and HDPE are more susceptible
melt processing (and to a lesser extent during manu- to photoxidation than LDPE;32,55 PVC and PS
facturing and storage) are potent photoinitiators of should be relatively stable to photoxidation, but their
polymer photoxidation46 (see Scheme 1, reaction 4b). thermal history exerts signiŽcant eVects on their sub-
The later stages of photoxidation are predominated sequent photoxidative behaviour.40,56,57 Engineering
by the derived carbonyl-containing impurities, leading polymers, e.g. aliphatic polyesters and polyamides,
to backbone scission according to Norrish types I are generally more stable than polyoleŽns, albeit
and II photocleavage processes (Scheme 9).47–50 similar photoxidative processes are involved; i.e. per-
Apart from the direct eVect of UV light and oxygen, oxidation, photo-induced reactions and chain scis-
outdoor weathering of polymer articles involves other sion.58–63 Other engineering polymers, such as
environmental factors such as heat, pollutants, water polycarbonates (PC), polysulphones (PSO), poly-
(particularly in the case of polymers containing phenylene oxide (PPO), are also more stable to UV
heteroatoms), ozone (especially for unsaturated light than, for example, polyoleŽns and PVC.
elastomers). These factors catalyse the formation of Prolonged outdoor exposure of these polymers leads
free radicals and light sensitive chromophoric groups to changes in their molar mass, and deterioration of
and initiate photoxidation.51–53 Under photoxidative mechanical (e.g. impact strength) and optical (e.g.
conditions, the alkyl/peroxyl radical ratio is high, i.e. yellowing) properties, the latter can be particularly
[R· ]À [ROO· ], due to a higher rate of initiation important in certain applications, e.g. outdoor use of
(compared to oxidation under thermal conditions) PC instead of glass.50,63 The outdoor performance of
and low rate of oxygen diVusion in the solid all polymers can, however, be markedly improved by
polymer.21,54 photoantioxidants and UV stabilisers.
The photoxidative behaviour of commercial poly-
mers is widely diVerent. The most photoxidisable
polymers are the unsaturated rubbers with labile P–H Antioxidants
bond, hence they are heavily loaded with carbon Antioxidants and stabilisers are a group of com-
black (an eVective sun screen) for outdoor appli- pounds that are known to inhibit or retard oxidative
cations. Similarly, rubber modiŽed plastics, e.g. high degradation of polymers. Low concentrations of anti-
impact polystyrene (HIPS), are more susceptible to oxidants (0·03–0·25 wt-% for thermal antioxidants,
photoxidation than polyoleŽns due to rapid peroxi- and up to 1 wt-% for photoantioxidants) are generally
dation of the rubber component that will sensitise the incorporated during melt processing of polymers.
polymer to further photoxidation (see Scheme 10), Antioxidants are usually classiŽed according to the
causing detrimental changes to colour and impact way they interrupt the overall oxidation process:
properties.38 chain breaking and preventive antioxidants (see
Scheme 11). Examples of commercial antioxidants
and their main mode of action are given in Table 3.

Antioxidant mechanisms
Chain breaking (CB) antioxidants (sometimes referred
to as primary antioxidants) interrupt the primary
oxidation cycle by removing the polymer propagating
radicals, POO· and P· (Ref. 10). Chain breaking
Scheme 10 Photoxidation of polybutadiene– donor antioxidants (CB-D), such as hindered phenols
polystyrene graft copolymer (high and aromatic amines, AH, (see Table 3, AO1–AO12),
impact PS) are hydrogen atom donors which are capable of
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers 171

Scheme 13 Peroxidolytic (PD) and chain breaking

(CB) activity of phosphorous anti-

aryl phosphites, see AO15–AO18, Table 3) are also

Scheme 12 Main reactions and competing capable of functioning by a chain breaking mechanism
pathways involved in chain breaking (Scheme 13, reactions b and c). The contribution of
antioxidant activity each of these modes of action to the overall mech-
anism depends on the structure of the phosphite,
oxidisability of the substrate and the reaction con-
reducing POO· to POOH (see Scheme 12, reaction ditions.75,76 Sulphur compounds, e.g. thioethers, esters
a). EVective CB-D antioxidants must compete of thiodipropionic acid and metal dithiolates (see
eYciently with POO· for the polymer, i.e. prevent AO19–AO24, Table 3), decompose hydroperoxides
hydrogen abstraction from the polymer (chain propa- catalytically (PD-C) whereby one antioxidant mol-
gating step, reaction 12b), and the antioxidant radical ecule destroys several hydroperoxides through the
(A· ) produced from reaction 12a must lead to stable intermediacy of sulphur acids (see Scheme 14, reac-
molecular products, i.e. A· does not continue the tions a, b, c).11,74,77,78
kinetic chain either by hydrogen abstraction (reaction Metal ion deactivators (MD) act, primarily, by
12ci) or reaction with oxygen (reaction 12cii). retarding metal-catalysed oxidation of polymers (see
Enhancing the steric hindrance of the antioxidant Scheme 1, reaction 4b), and are used in polymers in
(e.g. hindered phenols) in addition to any other factor contact with metals, e.g. copper in wires and power
that increases the stability of the derived antioxidant cables. These are normally polyfunctional metal chel-
radical (A· ) would contribute to reducing the rate of ating compounds (e.g. AO33, AO34, Table 3) that
the chain transfer reaction (reaction 12ci) and increas- form stable metal complexes with reduced catalytic
ing the inherent eVectiveness of the antioxidant. activity of the metal.79,80 The UV absorbers (UVA)
Chain breaking acceptor antioxidants (CB-A) act act by absorbing UV light thereby retarding the
by oxidising alkyl macroradicals (reaction 12d) in a formation and photolysis of hydroperoxides. Typical
stoichiometric reaction (P· are removed from the examples that are based on 2-hydroxybenzophenone
autoxidising system) in competition with the chain and 2-hydroxybenzotriazole structures are given in
propagating reaction (reaction 12e) and hence are Table 3, AO28–AO32. These compounds are photost-
only eVective under conditions of low oxygen concen- able with high absorptivity in the spectral region
tration. Quinones, stable free radicals, and the recently 300–360 nm. Their activity is based essentially on
developed antioxidants based on benzofuranone absorption of the harmful UV radiation and its
derivatives (lactones) and hydroxylamines are good harmless dissipation as heat. For example, UV light
examples of CB-A antioxidants.64–68 Hindered amine induces intramolecular hydrogen transfer in
derivatives (often referred to as hindered amine stabil- 2-hydroxybenzophenones to give an enol which is
isers (HAS), e.g. Table 3, AO25–AO27) function also converted, radiationlessly, back to the original ketone
by a chain breaking mechanism and, through their in a tautomeric interconversion process.22,81
transformation products, are able to trap both P· and
POO· in a cyclical regenerative mechanism.46,50,69–73 Factors affecting practical use of antioxidants
Preventive antioxidants (sometimes referred to as The eVectiveness and use of stabilisers and antioxi-
secondary antioxidants) interrupt the second oxidat- dants in real polymer applications depends on several
ive cycle by preventing or inhibiting the generation
of free radicals (see Scheme 11, cycle B). The most
important preventive mechanism is the non-radical
hydroperoxide decomposition (PD).11,74 Phosphite
esters and sulphur containing compounds (e.g.
AO15–AO24, Table 3) are the most important classes
of peroxide decomposers. Phosphites reduce hydro-
peroxides to alcohols and are themselves oxidised to
the corresponding phosphates with a 1 : 1 stoichi-
ometry and are referred to as stoichiometric peroxide
decomposers (PD-S) (see Scheme 13, reaction a).
Some phosphite esters behave additionally as catalytic Scheme 14 Peroxidolytic activity of simple alkyl
peroxidolytic agents (PD-C) and others (e.g. hindered sulphides

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172 Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers

Table 3 Some examples of commercial antioxidants representing major antioxidant mechanisms

Antioxidant Code* Tradename Molecular mass
Hindered phenols
AO1 BHT 220

AO2 Irganox 1330 775

AO3 Irganox 3114 784

AO4 Irganox 1076 531

AO5 Irganox 1010 1178

AO6 Irganox 1098 637

AO7 Irganox 259 639

AO8 Irganox 3052 385

AO9 Irganox 1081 359

AO10 Irganox E 201 431

Aromatic amines
AO11 Nonex OD 393
AO12a Nonex DPPD 260
AO12b … 252


AO13 HP136 351

AO14 Irgastab FS 042 537

* AO=antioxidant.

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Table 3 Some examples of commercial antioxidants representing major antioxidant mechanisms (cont.)
Antioxidant Code* Tradename Molecular mass
Peroxide decomposers
AO15a Ultranox TLP 586 Q
AO15b Irgafos TNPP 689
AO16 Irgafos 168 647
R Phosphite
N esters
AO17 Irgafos P-EPQ 991 N
AO18 Ultranox U626 … S

AO19 Irganox PS802 683 N
AO20 Irganox PS800 515 N
R Sulphur
N compounds
AO21 Robec Z bud …
AO22 Iron dithiocarbamate …
AO23 Nickel dithiophosphate …
AO24 Nickel xanthate …

Photoantioxidants, hindered amine stablilisers

AO25 Tinuvin 770 481 Q

AO26a Tinuvin 765 509
3100–4000 N
AO26b Tinuvin 626

2000–3100 N
AO27 Chimassorb 944


UV absorbers

AO28 Chimassorb 81 326

AO29 Tinuvin 320 323
AO30 Tinuvin 571 394 N
AO31 Tinuvin P 225 N
AO32 Tinuvin 326 316 S

Metal deactivators
AO33 Irganox MD1024 553 N
AO34 Eastman OABH 294

Hydrogen chloride scavengers

AO35 Dibutyl tin maleate 347
N scavengers
AO36 Dioctyltin thioglycolate 750 S

* AO=antioxidant.

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174 Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers

factors: chemical, physical, toxicological, and econ- problem of physical loss was partly solved by the
omic. Under aggressive service conditions their per- advent of ‘new’ high molecular mass antioxidants
formance can be dominated by their physical based on the same hindered phenol function which
characteristics, e.g. physical loss from polymers were synthesised by increasing the length of the
through volatilisation during processing and fabri- aliphatic chain and/or increasing the equivalent
cation, or by exudation and solvent extraction during weight of the active moiety, i.e. di-, tri-, and poly-
end-use. Physical loss is more serious in semicrystal- phenolic antioxidants, e.g. Irganox 1010, Irganox 1330
line polymers and with polymer artefacts having high (AO5, AO2, Table 3), and which have outperformed
surface/volume ratio, e.g. coatings, Žbres, Žlms.20,82 BHT.12
Chemical factors include structure, hydrolytic-,
thermal- and photochemical stability of both the Stabilisation of polymers
parent antioxidant molecule and its transformation
products. The intrinsic chemical activity of stabilisers Stabilisation of polymers against the eVects of temper-
and antioxidants is a function of their molecular ature, shear, and UV light and other oxidising agents
structure which can be determined from studies in is required both to prevent mechanothermal oxidation
model substrates. Some stabilisers, notably aromatic at the processing stage (processing antioxidants) and
amines and some hindered phenols, impart discolour- to aVord protection during in-service ( long term
ation or yellowing to the polymer substrate during thermal stabilisers and photostabilisers). In addition,
processing and fabrication or during long term use. the thermal stability of reprocessed polymers
This is highly undesirable in plastics and is largely (recycled) must be preserved and reinforced by
due to the formation of quinonoid-type transform- additional stabilisation (recycling stabilisers) for
ation products of the parent antioxidant molecule.83,84 further reprocessing and end-use. Both thermal- and
Aromatic amines cause extensive discolouration, photostabilisers must satisfy the basic chemical
hence they are generally restricted to the stabilisation and physical requirements outlined previously (see
of rubbers. Some stabilisers are also sensitive towards ‘Factors aVecting practical use of antioxidants’ above).
hydrolysis, especially phosphites, and to a lesser In addition, photostabilisers must be photostable, i.e.
extent, phosphonites (see Scheme 13, reaction d). This stable to UV light, to withstand continuous periods
results not only in the loss of their antioxidant activity, of UV exposure without being prematurely destroyed
but also in the formation of acidic species that can or transformed into sensitising products.
initiate corrosion in processing machines,76 hence
special attention is needed for storing and handling Stabilisation during processing
hydrolytically sensitive antioxidants and stabilisers. The choice of antioxidants for the stabilisation of
Physical factors such as solubility, diVusivity, vola- polymer melts, during processing, is made after exam-
tility, leachability of antioxidants are further inu- ination of several factors: structure and oxidisability
enced by the chemistry and morphology of the of the base polymer, temperature of conversion pro-
polymer substrate. Physical loss of antioxidants into cesses, rate of application of mechanical stress, type
the contact media can have severe toxicological conse- and amount of structural defects and impurities, and
quences in addition to risks associated with premature performance targets of the end-use applications. Thus,
failure of the polymer product. Most countries have structural diVerences in polyoleŽns, for example, give
stringent regulations regarding the use of these addi- rise to macromolecular structures with diVerent levels
tives in applications involving the human environ- of oxidisability, as discussed above in ‘Thermal
ment, e.g. food packaging and medical applications. oxidation during processing and in-service’.
Although stabilisers and antioxidants destined for Polypropylene, for example, is very sensitive towards
such applications have to undergo strict toxicity oxidation and may not be processed without adequate
testing regimes, their approval, however, does not stabilisation. High density PE is less sensitive to
necessarily mean that their transformation products oxidation than PP and lower antioxidant concen-
(derived from the parent molecule during processing, trations are normally needed, whereas LDPE (pro-
or as by-products of their protective action) are also cessed around 200°C) is more oxidatively stable and
non-toxic. may even be used (for certain applications) without
The use of a highly chemically eYcient antioxidants the addition of an antioxidant. DiVerent classes of
does not in itself guarantee successful long term antioxidants are used, and their stabilising action in
protection of polymers under aggressive environment polymer melts is discussed below.
where the problem of physical loss is most severe.
For example, the hindered phenol BHT (AO1, Aromatic amines, hindered phenols, lactones and
Table 3) has a very high intrinsic antioxidant activity hydroxylamines
but is ineVective in protecting thermoplastic polymers Antioxidants based on p-phenylenediamine (e.g.
because of its rapid physical loss and depletion AO11, AO12, Table 3 ) are highly eVective peroxyl
through volatilisation from the polymer.85 Indeed the radical scavengers (more eVective than hindered phe-
physical behaviour of stabilisers is a major factor nols). Their use is limited, however, to elastomers
aVecting their permanency, eYciency and accept- because of their extreme staining power. Sterically
ability, especially in polymer applications destined for hindered phenols (also eYcient CB-D antioxidants),
use under aggressive service environments, typical on the other hand, have been used extensively as melt
examples being organic solvents, e.g. dry cleaning processing stabilisers in plastics. The primary step in
solvents, hot water and detergents, hot oils, acids, their stabilising action involves the scavenging of
fatty food, hot air and intense solar radiation. The alkylperoxyl (ROO· ) radicals giving rise to harmful
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers 175

Scheme 16 Chain breaking reactions involved in

antioxidant action of benzofuranes
(lactone stabilisers)

act by trapping alkyl macroradicals, as well as peroxyl

radicals, through the intermediacy of the resonance
stabilised lactone ( benzfuranyl ) radical (see
Scheme 16). Similarly, the hydroxylamines (see AO14,
Table 3), which can also scavenge the alkyl macrorad-
icals via the intermediacy of nitrones have been
shown64 to be highly eYcient processing stabilisers
Scheme 15 Key reactions that take place during (Scheme 17, a, b). Hydroxylamines have also been
antioxidant action of 4-propionate shown (see Scheme 17, c) to be able to reduce hydro-
hindered phenols peroxides to alcohols and form the corresponding
nitrones (peroxide decomposer).

hydroperoxides (see Scheme 12, reaction a). In prac- Phosphites and sulphur compounds
tice, therefore, hindered phenols are generally used in Alkyl and aryl phosphite esters are eVective melt
combination with a peroxide decomposer, typically a stabilisers (see Scheme 13). They are often used in
hydrolysis resistant phosphite.12,39,86 The eYciency of combination with hindered phenols to give highly
hindered phenols depends on the degree of steric eYcient melt stabilising systems (see Table 4), and to
hindrance and the nature of the para-substituents reduce discolouration of the polymer due to the
present. Generally, decreasing steric hindrance in the oxidation products of the phenols present. Phosphites
2- and 6- positions results in increasing the rate of (particularly those derived from aliphatic alcohols
hydrogen abstraction from the phenol. Similarly, the and unhindered phenols) are, however, generally sus-
nature of para-substituents aVects the extent of dis- ceptible to hydrolysis. For example, hydrolysis of
colouration as it determines the nature of transform- phenyl phosphites gives rise to low molecular mass
ation products obtained from the parent phenol.87 phenol and hydrogen phosphite which is further
Discolouration is typically caused by the formation hydrolysed to phosphorous acid (Scheme 13, reaction
of coloured conjugated quinonoid-type transform- d).75,76 Consequently, moisture sensitive phosphites
ation products with visible absorption wavelengths, adversely aVect the handling characteristics (i.e. ow
extending to more than 400 nm.88 Propionate esters, properties) of the additive package and are a source
e.g. AO4 and AO5, are good stabilisers for polyoleŽns of other problems: corrosion of metal surfaces, forma-
and styrenics, the propionamide AO6 is used in tion of dark coloured spots and gel formation. In
aliphatic polyamides, and the ester AO7 is suitable practice, hydrolysis resistant phosphites based on
for polyesters. Scheme 15 shows some key reactions sterically hindered phenols are used, e.g. AO17,
of propionate based hindered phenols used for poly- AO18, Table 3.
mer stabilisation in order to illustrate their antioxi- Sulphur containing compounds are highly eVective
dant action and the formation of discolouring PD antioxidants but they are more complex in their
products. It is clear that the major transformations behaviour than the phosphites. They react with
of phenolic antioxidants during melt processing con- hydroperoxides in a catalytic process which leads to
sist of quinone-type products, C–C and C–O coupling the formation of sulphur acids that are responsible
products. Transformation products of antioxidants for the catalytic non-radical destruction of hydroper-
can further inuence the overall stabilisation imparted oxides. The ‘simple’ dialkyl sulphides, e.g. thiodipro-
to the polymer by exerting anti- or pro-oxidant eVects, pionate esters such as Irganox PS800 and PS802
and hence synergise or antagonise the action of the (AO20, AO19, Table 3) function as weak melt stabil-
parent antioxidant.
Antioxidants which act by a CB-A mechanism are
particularly suitable for melt stabilisation. The bifunc-
tional hindered phenol semiacrylate antioxidant (AO8
in Table 3) which acts primarily by deactivating alkyl
radicals, is an eVective processing stabiliser for styr-
ene–butadiene–styrene copolymers.89 The new lactone
stabilisers (see AO13, Table 3), which are used com-
mercially in phenol-free blends (e.g. with phosphites)
or in blends containing combinations of hindered
phenols and phosphites, have been shown65,66 to be Scheme 17 Chain breaking (a, b) and per-
highly eYcient in oxygen deŽcient environments par- oxidolytic (c) reactions of hydroxyl-
ticularly during melt processing. Lactone stabilisers amine antioxidants

International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3

176 Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers

Scheme 18 Elimination of labile chlorine from PVC

by an organotin stabiliser

isers (Table 4, sample S1). They give rise to a pro-

oxidant eVect in the polymer due to the generation
of free radicals (see Scheme 14, reaction (d) by an
initial redox reaction with hydroperoxides.67 The
sulphoxide transformation products formed from thi-
odipropionate esters have been shown to be more Scheme 19 Antioxidant action of Cd/Ba
eVective melt stabilisers as they give rise to sulphenic carboxylates system in PVC
acid, an eYcient chain breaking antioxidant39 (see
Scheme 14, reaction e). In view of the prodegradant However, neither the zinc nor the cadmium carb-
eVects of thiodipropionate esters, these sulphide anti- oxylates can be used alone for the thermal stabilis-
oxidants are always used in combination with CB-D ation of PVC because of the ease of formation of
antioxidants, such as Irganox 1010 (AO5; see Table 4, their chloride salts during the polymer processing.
sample HS1 ), in order to deactivate the free radicals Both zinc- and cadmium-chlorides are strong Lewis
formed. acids and would therefore destabilise PVC by catalys-
ing the dehydrochlorination reaction.92 Two diVerent
Metal carboxylates as hydrogen chloride metal II carboxylates are, therefore, generally used in
scavengers and use of co-stabilisers combination (e.g. Ca/Zn or Ba/Zn and Ba/Cd stabil-
The aim of melt stabilisation of PVC is to reduce the iser systems) to eVect synergistic stabilisation of PVC.
formation of both HCl, which results in conjugated In the case of barium and cadmium compounds, the
double bonds and colour, and hydroper- cadmium carboxylate is able to substitute labile chlor-
oxides.39,40,90,91 In general, plasticised PVC is pro- ine atoms in the PVC giving rise to cadmium chloride,
cessed at lower temperatures than rigid PVC, and CdCl (Scheme 19, reaction a), which reacts readily
less damage is therefore expected during its melt with barium carboxylate to give BaCl and cadmium
processing. The removal of labile chlorine atoms from carboxylate (Scheme 19, reaction b); 2cadmium carb-
the polymer backbone, instead of elimination of HCl oxylate substitutes a further labile chlorine atom in
(Scheme 6, b), is the most important stabilisation the polymer (repeat reaction a). This reaction (reac-
mechanism for PVC. This can be achieved through tion b) can also hinder partially the destabilising eVect
substitution reactions with carboxylate and mercap- of the CdCl (a Lewis acid). The barium carboxylate
tide salts of certain metals such as zinc, calcium, can react directly with HCl as shown in reaction c.
barium, cadmium and tin. Such compounds can Combinations of Ba/Zn and Ca/Zn carboxylates sta-
attack the labile chlorines and substitute them by bilising systems act also synergistically in a similar
more thermally stable C–O or C–S (than C–Cl in way to that described for the Cd/Ba system,90,92,93
PVC) bound ligands (e.g. AO35, AO36, Table 3). where the zinc carboxylates substitute the labile chlor-
Scheme 18 shows the substitution reaction by a tetra- ine atoms by the more stable carboxylate groups
valent derivative of tin, that removes the labile chlor- (Scheme 20, reaction a). However, the destabilising
ine and reduces the risk of further initiation from eVect of zinc chloride formed in the reaction is much
allylic chlorine sites ( by relocation of the double bond more pronounced than that of cadmium chloride due
away from the ‘adjacent’ allylic chlorine). Generally, to the stronger Lewis acidity of the former. Calcium
dialkyl tin carboxylates are more eVective as chlorine or barium carboxylates used in zinc soap containing
trapping reagents than the metal group II (e.g. Zn, systems can suppress, at least partially, the detrimen-
Cd, Ca, Ba) carboxylates.91 tal eVect of any ZnCl formed via an ester exchange

Table 4 Melt stabilising efficiency of phosphites in polypropylene (processed in internal mixer at 190°C):
melt flow index (MFI) measured at 230°C and 2·16 kg
code Antioxidant (AO) AO, wt-% MFI, g/10 min
C1 Control 1 (virgin, not processed) 0 2·0
C2 Control 2 (processed with no AO) 0 11·7
H1 Irganox 1010 (AO5) 0·05 5·9
P1 Irgafos 168 (AO16) 0·05 7·7
S1 Irganox PS800 (AO20) 0·1 8·4
HP1 Irganox 1010+Irgafos 168 0·05+0·05 4·3
HS1 Irganox 1010+Irganox PS800 0·05+0·10 4·9

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Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers 177

with Ca (or Ba) carboxylate, through direct consump-

tion by co-stabilisers (e.g. epoxy or phosphites), or by
moderation of the catalytic power by complexation
with various co-synergists.92
Both dialkyl tin maleates and thioglycollates (e.g.
AO36, Table 3) also function by eliminating HCl in
an exchange reaction similar to that of the metal
carboxylates; it diVers only in that the tin alkyl
chlorides formed do not exert a destabilising
eVect.40,90,91 In addition, the maleates function
Scheme 20 Antioxidant action of Zn/Ca
by removing the unsaturation and limiting colour
carboxylates system in PVC development, whereas the thioglycollates have an
additional peroxidolytic function (see Scheme 22
below). Lead based stabilisers are among the oldest
reaction similar to that shown for the Cd/Ba system group of thermal stabilisers for PVC. However, due
(see Scheme 20, reaction b) and both CaCl and BaCl to toxicological and eco-toxicological problems, the
2 2 level of their use in PVC stabilisation will be drasti-
are neutral.
The performance of stabilising systems containing cally curtailed, and may be phased out altogether,
zinc or cadmium salts can be further improved by with future trends centred more on the use of
the addition of other co-stabilisers (secondary antioxi- improved metal soap combinations (e.g. Ca/Zn) and
dants), such as polyols, epoxidised fatty acid esters, metal-free organic based stabiliser systems.
and phosphites that prevent or delay the formation
of the respective Lewis acid metal chlorides. These
co-stabilisers have been shown to be capable of Stabilisation in-service: long term thermal
reacting with labile allylic chlorines (see e.g. stability
Scheme 21, reactions a and c), as well as their direct Hindered phenols and aromatic amines (CB-D) are
reaction with HCl (Scheme 20, reaction b).92 They highly eVective inhibitors of peroxyl (ROO· ) radicals,
have also been shown to have the ability to chelate the predominant propagating species under long term
the active metal centres which alters the Lewis acidity thermal conditions, and are used as antioxidants for
of the chloride salts. b-diketone compounds (e.g. long term thermal stability of polymers. In practice,
dibenzoyl methane) that have been used as however, these CB-D antioxidants are used in combi-
co-stabilisers, e.g. with Zn/Ca antioxidant systems to nation with peroxide decomposers, such as phosphite
delay early colour formation, are thought to act also esters (see Table 5), to ensure eVective long term
through a ZnCl catalysed substitution reaction, stability at high service temperatures ( below the
C-alkylation (Scheme 21, reaction e). Since this reac- softening point of the polymer).12
tion also results in the production of HCl, b-diketones Many sulphur containing peroxidolytic (PD) anti-
must be used in the presence of an eVective HCl oxidants, especially the metal dithiolates, are very
acceptor. Overall, therefore, the synergistic eVects eVective long term thermal stabilisers, as well as melt
related to the strong catalytic action of, for example, and photoantioxidants74,77,78 (see below). The eVec-
ZnCl , in HCl elimination from PVC have been tiveness of dithiolate antioxidants, within any one
shown to be either due to limiting the accumulation series depends strongly on their solubility in the
of ZnCl (or CdCl ) through the exchange reaction polymer. For example, in the case of nickel dialkyl
2 2
dithiophosphate (NiDRP, AO23, Table 3) series, the
lower molecular mass members of the series are less
soluble and less eVective than the higher members
(see Fig. 4 for PP);94 the zinc dialkyl dithiocarbamate
(ZnDRC, AO21) series too show similar behaviour.
Long term thermal stabilisation of PVC is normally
achieved by the same antioxidants used for melt
stabilisation. Thiotin stabilisers (e.g. AO36) were
shown to be more eVective thermal antioxidants than
the more traditional dialkyl tin maleates (e.g. AO35,
Table 3), and result in the drastic reduction, even
disappearance, of both the unsaturation and per-
oxides from the polymer which is generally attributed
to the peroxidolytic activity of sulphur.40 The acidic
species (peroxidolytic antioxidants) are formed by
reaction of thiotin with hydroperoxide (see Scheme 22,
reactions a–c) in a similar manner to the formation
of sulphur acids from thiodipropionate ester (see
Scheme 14). Moreover, reaction with HCl, liberated
Scheme 21 Mechanism of organic phosphites, in PVC, results in the formation of thioglycolic ester
epoxidised soya bean oil, and b- (Scheme 22, reaction d ), which adds ( by Kharash
diketones as PVC antioxidants addition) to the developing monomeric unsaturation
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
178 Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers

Scheme 22 Stabilisation mechanism of thiotin

stabilisers for long term thermal
stability of PVC

including nickel complexes, and sterically hindered

amine light stabilisers.
UV absorbers and pigments
4 Effect of length of R-group in NiDRP [0·4%] on Most of the UV absorbers (UVA) used commercially
thermoxidative stability of polypropylene (PP) fall into two main classes of compounds, the
at 140°C 2-hydroxybenzophenones (e.g. AO28, Table 3), and
the 2-hydroxybenzotriazoles (e.g. AO29–AO32,
Table 3), with the 2-hydroxy group being essential for
(formed by HCl elimination) thus removing sensitising
their activity.95 These UVAs operate by additional
allylic methylene groups (see Scheme 22, reaction e);
mechanisms too, for example, by removing initiating
the monosulphides formed are themselves eVective
radicals (e.g. alkoxyl radicals) in a weak chain break-
thermal antioxidants.
ing donor (CB-D) mechanism (see Scheme 23).96 UV
absorbers, such as AO28, also synergise eVectively
Stabilisation during outdoor exposure to with peroxide decomposers, e.g. metal dithiolates (see
sunlight Table 9 below).
As with thermal stabilisers, photostabilisers must UV screening pigments have been used extensively
satisfy basic chemical and physical requirements (see to protect polymers against the harmful eVect of UV
‘Factors aVecting practical use of antioxidants’ above). radiation. Carbon black gives extraordinary stabilis-
In addition, they must be photostable, i.e. stable to ation because it is a highly eYcient UVA. However,
UV light, to withstand continuous periods of UV like other UVAs, carbon black has additional photo-
exposure without being prematurely destroyed or antioxidant activities associated with its chemical
eVectively transformed into sensitising products. structure.97 Carbon black has a highly condensed
There are essentially three classes of compounds that aromatic ring structure with small amounts of phe-
are categorised as photostabilisers/photoantioxidants: nolic, ketonic, carboxyl functions, and a relatively
UV absorbers and pigments, peroxide decomposers high concentration of ‘oxyl’ radicals which are stabil-

Table 5 Long term thermal stabilisation of different polymers* in draft air oven†12
EMT, EBt50 , TS t50 , EBt50 , EB t50 ,
days at days at days at days at days at
Formulation 120°C 100°C 120°C 120°C 160°C
PP (tape; 30 mm thick)
Control 1 … … … …
AO5, 0·05% 22 … … … …
AO5, 0·1% 30 … … … …
LLDPE (octene comonomer film; 100 mm thick)
Control … 21 … … …
AO4, 0·03% … 225 … … …
AO5, 0·03% … 400 … … …
PA6.6 (injection moulded at 285°C; 1 mm thick)
Control … … 13 4 …
AO6, 0·5% … … >80 15 …
AO6+AO16, 0·25%+0·25% … … 89 16 …
PBT (injection moulded at 255°C; 1 mm thick)
Control … … … … 3
AO5, 0·25% … … … … 12
AO6+AO16, 0·13%+0·13% … … … … 14
AO2, 0·25% … … … … 15
AO7, 0·25% … … … … 11
AO7+AO16, 0·13%+0·13% … … … … 20
* PP=polypropylene; LLDPE=linear low density polyethylene; PA =polyamide; PBT=polybutylene terephthalate.
† EMT=time to embrittlement; EBt50 =time to 50% retained elongation; TSt50 =time to 50% retained tensile strength.

International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3

Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers 179

Scheme 24 Simplified mechanism of stabilisation

of nickel dithiophosphate and
thiophosphoryl disulphide
Scheme 23 Chain breaking stabilising activity of
UV absorbers

ised in the conjugated system. These structural fea- MRX, respectively; see AO21–AO24, Table 3), which
tures give carbon black its radical scavenging ability are highly eVective catalytic peroxide decomposers
and CB function. Additionally, carbon black has a (PD-C) and excellent melt stabilisers, are generally
peroxidolytic activity (PD) because of its acidic eVective photoantioxidants.11,74,77,98 Their eVective-
nature. ness is attributed mainly to the much higher UV
stability of dithiolates compared to simple sulphides.
Peroxide decomposers and nickel complexes Both the nature of the metal ion in the dithiolate
The photostability of these antioxidants varies greatly complexes and their concentration play a crucial part
depending on the stability of their transformation in their overall eVectiveness as UV stabilisers.
products to UV light. Simple sulphides, such as the Transition metal complexes containing nickel, cobalt
thiodipropionate esters (e.g. AO19 or AO20, Table 3), and copper are more photostable than zinc- and iron-
which are good melt stabilisers (see ‘Phosphites and containing complexes, and hence are more eVective
sulphur compounds’ above) are unstable to light (see Table 6). Furthermore, the photoantioxidant
because of the facile dissociation of their primary activity of nickel dithiolates is greatly eVected by their
oxidation products to photo-initiating radicals (see solubility in the polymer99 as was shown earlier in
Scheme 14, reaction f ), and are not useful as photosta- their use as thermal stabilisers (see section on
bilisers. Similarly, conventional chain breaking anti- ‘Stabilisation in-service’ above). These peroxide
oxidants, such as hindered phenols which are excellent decomposers also synergise eVectively when used in
melt and long term stabilisers, have only very limited combination with UV absorbers (see Table 6 and also
photostabilising activity due to the photo-pro-oxidant ‘Synergism and antagonism’ below). The primary
eVects of some of their transformation products. oxidation product of metal thiolates, e.g. nickel dialkyl
Metal complexes of dithioic acids, e.g. dithiocarba- dithiophosphate, NiDRP (AO23, Table 3) is the
mates, dithiophosphates, xanthates (MDRC, MDRP, corresponding thiophosphoryl disulphide (DRDS)
which undergoes further oxidation to give diVerent
Table 6 Effect of different metal dithiolates on sulphur acids, the real catalysts for peroxide decom-
photostability (UV EMT*) of PP processed position74,99,100 (Scheme 24).
at 190°C (see Table 3 for structures) Processing history can have a profound eVect on
the photoantioxidant activity of sulphur compounds.
For example, the melt stabiliser, DRDS, formed as
Antioxidant ×10Õ 4 mol/100 g UV EMT, h
the primary oxidation product of NiDRP, is further
Unstabilised PP 0 90 converted to a more eVective photoantioxidant by
ZnDEC 2·5 175 oxidative processing101 (see Scheme 24 and Table 7).
NiDEC 0·25 140 Similar oxidative processing (in the presence of excess
NiDEC 2·5 740
oxygen or added hydroperoxide and with increasing
NiDEC 3 790
NiDEC 10 840
time) results in enhanced photoantioxidant activity
FeDMC 0·25 85 of other sulphur peroxidolytic antioxidants such as
FeDMC 2·5 150 the mercaptothiazolines, RMTZ102 (see Table 7),
FeDMC 5 336 through the intermediacy of the disulphide, DMTZ.
NiOctX 3 700 Further oxidation depletes DMTZ of its sulphur
CoOctX 3 1600 content through the loss of low molecular mass
Chimassorb 81 3 245 sulphur acids. The Žnal photoproducts absorb UV
NiDBP+Chimassorb 81 6 2650 light above 290 nm which, together with the slow
* UV EMT =ultraviolet embrittlement time. liberation of sulphur acids, is the reason for their

Table 7 Effect of oxidative processing on photoantioxidant activity of dibutyl thiophosphoryl disulphide

(DBDS) in PP101,102
UV embrittlement time, h
Processing conditions
in internal mixer, DBDS RMTZ Unstabilised
time at 190°C DBDS +TBH* (R=Eth) PP
Closed mixer, 5 min … 700 … …
Closed mixer, 10 min 250 … 670 90
Open mixer, 10 min 280 … 750 55
Open mixer, 15 min … … 850 …
* Oxidative conditions; TBH is tertiary butyl hydroperoxide.

International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3

180 Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers

Scheme 25 Regenerative chain breaking

mechanism of hindered amine

improved photostabilising activity with increasing

processing severity.
Hindered amine
SigniŽcant commercial development has been based
on hindered piperidines, known as hindered amine
stabilisers, HAS (see AO25 and AO26, Table 3), which
have been used extensively as photostabilisers in
commercial polymers. The hindered amine stabilisers
are a unique class of photostabilisers that do not
function as UV screens, singlet oxygen or triplet
carbonyl quenchers, or peroxide decomposers. Their
eVectiveness is attributed to their primary transform-
ation product, the corresponding nitroxyl radicals
(>NO· ), which is capable of scavenging alkyl radicals
in competition with oxygen, i.e. an eVective CB-A
antioxidant. Its photostabilising mechanism involves
also the regeneration of the nitroxyl radical from both
the corresponding hydroxylamine (>NOH an eVec-
tive CB-D) and alkylhydroxylamine32,68,72,73,81 (see HAS=hindered amine stabiliser (Tinuvin 770, AO25/
Scheme 25). Overall, the photoantioxidant activity of Tinuvin 765, AO26a); PD =peroxide decomposer (Irgafos
HAS can be ascribed to a regenerative donor-acceptor 168, AO16)
(CB-A/CB-D) antioxidant mechanism involving 5 Effect of molar composition of mixture of
>NO · and >NOH (see Table 8 for AO28 and its HAS and PD (total [AO]= 7× 10Õ 3 mol kgÕ 1 ,
derivatives). in each case) on a extent of synergism and
antagonism during photoxidation of PP104 and
b thermoxidative stability of PP in air oven 106
Synergism and antagonism
The cooperative interaction between two or more e.g. two hindered phenols, or from two diVerent
antioxidants (or antioxidant functions) that enhances antioxidant functions present in the same stabiliser
the stabilisation of a polymer by more than the sum molecule (autosynergism), e.g. Irganox 1081 (AO9,
of their individual eVects is referred to as synergism. Table 3), or when separate stabiliser molecules that
Synergism can result from the combined action of carry diVerent antioxidant functions are physically
two chemically similar antioxidants ( homosynergism), blended in a stabiliser formulation (heterosynergism).
In contrast, two antioxidants may interact antagon-
Table 8 UV stabilising effect of HAS* based istically to cause a decrease in the sum of their
antioxidants in PP, concentration of each individual contributions.85,39
6× 10Õ 4 mol/100 g Highly eVective UV stabilising systems can be
achieved by the use of synergistic mixtures of com-
Antioxidant UV EMT, h
pounds acting by diVerent mechanisms. Table 9 illus-
AO28, >N–H 750 trates the synergism obtained from combinations of
diVerent metal dithiolates with the UV absorber
Chimassorb 81 (AO28, Table 3) in LDPE. Hindered
920 phenol antioxidants combined with sulphur contain-
ing compounds exhibit synergism during thermal
stabilisation of polyoleŽns. In contrast, similar combi-
nations of Irganox 1076 (AO4, Table 3) with diVerent
1040 metal dithiolates lead to antagonism during photosta-
bilisation (see Table 9).77,103 This antagonistic behav-
iour has been attributed to sensitisation leading to
Control, no HAS 90 photolytic destruction of the dithiolates by oxidation
* HAS =hindered amine stabiliser. products of phenols, particularly stilbenequinones.
International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3
Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers 181

Stabilisers that contain two diVerent antioxidant func- to address both questions of safety and eYciency.
tions (e.g. PD and CB activities) in the same molecule, One of the earliest approaches to address the problem
such as phenolic sulphides, show much higher molar of physical loss of antioxidants was to develop oligom-
intrinsic activity as thermal antioxidants (due to auto- eric and macromolecular antioxidants (both thermal-
synergism) than conventional hindered phenols with and photoantioxidants, e.g. AO5, AO26, Table 3)
only CB activity.85 which have been shown to oVer superior retention in
Hindered amine stabilisers exhibit a complex polymers, and hence excellent performance under
behaviour when present in combination with other demanding service conditions, e.g. at elevated temper-
antioxidants and stabilisers. As discussed above (see atures in the presence of oils and other solvents.107
‘Hindered amines’) these have to be oxidised Žrst to Another approach aimed at reducing migration of
the corresponding nitroxyl radical before becoming antioxidants into hostile contact media is based on
eVective. Consequently, both CB-D and PD-C anti- grafting reactive antioxidants onto preformed com-
oxidants that remove alkyl peroxyl radicals and mercial polymers via any one of various routes: during
hydroperoxides, respectively, antagonise the UV vulcanisation, by decomposition of free radical
stabilising action of this class of compounds, (see initiators (peroxides, hydroperoxides, AIBN), by UV-
Fig. 5a).104,105 However, since the hindered piperi- or c-irradiation of polymer surfaces, by mechanical
dines themselves are neither melt nor thermal stabil- scission and during melt processing in the presence
isers for polymers, they have to be used with of added initiators. A reactive antioxidant contains
conventional antioxidants and stabilisers. EVective one or more antioxidant functions (the antioxidant
synergism in both melt and thermal stabilisation has component ) and one or more chemical functions
been achieved when secondary and tertiary HAS were capable of reacting with polymers (the reactive com-
used in combination with both aromatic and aliphatic ponent). The antioxidant moiety can be based on any
phosphites; the synergistic optimum depends on the of the conventional antioxidant functions discussed
structure of the phosphite (see Fig. 5b).106 Hindered above, while the reactive group can be chosen from
amine stabilisers also synergise the action of UV a variety of polymerisable or non-polymerisable func-
absorbers, e.g. benzotriazoles, in diVerent polymers tions, e.g. vinyl, allyl, a–b unsaturated acyl or amide
such as PP, PS and ABS.48 groups (e.g. acryloyl, acrylamide, methacryloyl or
methacrylamide), styrene, isopropenyl, epoxy and
mercaptan.108 The main prerequisite here is that the
Other developments in polymer reaction leading to chemical attachment of the anti-
stabilisation oxidant should be achieved without detriment to the
The problems of antioxidant loss from polymers in overall polymer properties or the basic processes
contact media, especially in human contact appli- involved, e.g. vulcanisation in case of rubbers or melt
cations, have generally been associated with the use processing/fabrication in plastics.
of traditional low molecular mass antioxidants. The use of reactive antioxidants during melt pro-
Alternative types of antioxidants have been developed cessing of polymers can give rise to high levels of

Table 9 Synertistic and antagonistic effects on photostability of LDPE processed at 150°C

Photoembrittlement time, h
Concentration, Calculated Ref.
Stabiliser system ×10Õ 4 mol/100 g Observed effect*† no.
Control PP (no AO) … 1000 … 77
ZnDEC 3 1400 … 77
NiDEC 3 1800 … 77
Tinuvin 770 3 2400 … 77
Irganox 1076 3 1750 … 77
NiDBP 2·5 2800 … 103
NiBX 2·5 2500 … 103
CuDIP 2·5 2300 … 103
Chimassorb 81 3 1650 …
Synergistic systems
NiDEC +Chimassorb 81 3+3 … … 77
ZnDEC +Chimassorb 81 3+3 4000 3000 77
NiDBP+Chimassorb 81 2·5+2·5 5500 4500 103
NiBX+Chimassorb 81 2·5+2·5 4900 4200 103
CuDIP+Chimassorb 81 2·5+2·5 5350 4000 103
Antagonistic systems
NiDEC +Irganox 1076 3+3 1580 3550 77
ZnDEC +Irganox 1076 3+3 1250 3150 77
NiDEC +Tinuvin 770 3+3 1850 4200 77
NiDBP+Irganox 1076 2·5+5 … … 103
* Concentration of HOBP in this case was 5×10Õ 4 mol/100 g.
† Per cent synergism ={[(Es ­Ec )­(E1 ­Ec )+(E2 ­Ec )]/(E1 ­Ec +E2 ­Ec )}×100, where Es , Ec , E1 , and E2 are embrittlement time
of synergist, control, antioxidant 1, and antioxidant 2 respectively.

International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3

182 Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers

grafting of the functional antioxidants on the polymer for blending with, and dilution in, polymers in the
backbone by manipulating chemical factors and pro- same way as conventional antioxidants.
cessing parameters.108–113 Table 10, for example, illus- A more recent development to address safety issues,
trates the advantages, especially under extractive has been based on a stabilisation strategy that exploits
conditions, of using reactive photoantioxidants which the use of a fat soluble biological antioxidant (vitamin
are highly grafted on PP, compared to traditional E). The most bioactive form of vitamin E, a-tocoph-
non-reactive (non-graftable) analogues.111,114–117 The erol (AO10, Table 3), is a highly eYcient biological
grafted HAS photoantioxidant AOTP, for example, chain breaking antioxidant which is known to be
shows superior performance under extractive con- involved in the natural defence mechanisms of living
ditions compared to the commercial HAS, Tinuvin organisms.118 Studies on vitamin E in polymers have
770 (AO25, Table 3), as it is less readily lost from the demonstrated its high antioxidancy in diVerent poly-
polymer during processing and service. Furthermore, mers, especially as a melt processing stabiliser in
both grafted HAS antioxidants, e.g. AOTP (mono- polyoleŽns.86,119–125 Figure 6 shows the superior per-
functional ) and AATP (bifunctional ) structures in formance of vitamin E when compared to Irganox
Table 10, synergise eVectively when used in combi- 1010 during melt extrusion of PP, in particular at
nation with other classes of photostabilisers, e.g. UVA very low concentrations. Vitamin E can, therefore, be
such as Chimassorb 81 (AO28, Table 3). A graftable employed cost eVectively to stabilise polyoleŽns using
UVA based on a hydroxybenzophenone structure, only a small fraction of the concentration needed of
HAEB, is also shown to give eVective synergism in typical synthetic hindered phenols. Its eVectiveness is
combination with a highly grafted hindered phenol, attributed to its eYcient deactivation of macroradicals
DBBA, when the grafting of the latter was conducted and to its oxidative transformation products which
in the presence of a reactive non-antioxidant are themselves highly eVective melt stabilisers.86
comonomer, Tris (see Table 10 for structure). The In general, sterically hindered phenols contribute
cografting of this polyfunctional comonomer (Tris) to some discolouration (yellowing) of polyoleŽns
with monovinyl antioxidants (and other monofunc- mainly through the formation of coloured oxidation
tional additives) in extruders or internal mixers has products, e.g. quinonoid structures, and interactions
been shown109 to lead to the production of highly with catalyst residues.126 The use of a small concen-
grafted antioxidants in non-cross-linked polymer tration of the phosphite Ultranox U626 (AO18,
products without detriment to the physical and mor- Table 3) with vitamin E results in drastic reduction
phological characteristics (e.g. crystallinity) of the in discolouration, as well as an increase in the level
polymer. Highly grafted and ‘permanently Žxed’ anti- of retention of the parent vitamin (see Fig. 7).86 The
oxidant concentrates (masterbatches) can be produced reduction in consumption of other synthetic hindered

Table 10 UV embrittlement times (UV EMT) of PP films containing different grafted (g) reactive
antioxidants when used alone and in combination with other stabilisers: extraction in
Composition without and Conc. in Before After
Antioxidant structure with grafted AO PPfilm,% extraction extraction

AOTP-g 0.4 … 1200

AOTP-g+Chimassorb 81 (AO28) 0.4+0.2 3000 …

AATP-g 0.4 1850 …

AOTP-g+Chimassorb 81 (AO28) 0.4+0.1 2050 …

HAEB 0.3 330 70

DBBA 0.2 205 80

(HAEB-g+DBBA-g)Tris 0.2+0.2 1160 1130

BPM-g 0.1 2850 1400

Irganox 1010+Chimassorb 81 AO5+AO28 0.2+0.2 1750 70

Chimassorb 81 AO28 0.4 330 110
Tinuvin 770 AO25 0.4 1500 130
(CH2 CHCOOCH2 )3 CCH2 CH3 Tris … … …

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Al–Malaika Oxidative degradation and stabilisation of polymers 183

6 Melt stabilising performance of vitamin E

(a-tocopherol) and Irganox 1010 (AO5) in PP

phenol antioxidants by phosphite co-stabilisers has

been reported though the mechanism is not fully
understood.127,128 In the case of the hindered aryl
phosphite Ultranox U626 used in combination with
tocopherol, the evidence86 points to the regeneration
of the parent tocopherol through a redox reaction Scheme 26 Cooperative interactions between
between products of the two stabilisers. Scheme 26 aromatic phosphite and tocopherol
illustrates this and shows that the phenoxyl radical (vitamin E) resulting in regeneration
produced through the CB activity of Ultranox U626 of vitamin
undergoes a C–C coupling reaction to produce a
hindered phenol dimer (A) which can react further radicals, e.g. alkyl and alkylperoxyl, formed (chain
with the tocopheroxyl radical in a redox process that
breaking antioxidants).
regenerates the parent hindered phenol.86
Stabilisers are chosen for target applications on the
basis of chemical, physical and toxicological, as well
Conclusion as economic factors. Stabilisation of polymers during
melt processing, heat aging and outdoor exposure is
Stabilisers and antioxidants are essential ingredients
normally achieved through the use of synergistic
in almost all plastics formulations. Hydroperoxides
combinations of well known commercial stabilisers
are key initiators of oxidative degradation resulting
with complementary antioxidant mechanisms. The
in free radical formation in polymers. Antioxidants
use of chain breaking hindered phenols in combi-
are used to prevent the formation of hydroperoxides
nation with peroxidolytic phosphite antioxidants is
and/or to convert them into harmless chemicals (per-
commonly used for melt stabilisation of polymers.
oxidolytic antioxidants), or to deactivate the free
Hindered amine stabilisers, in the presence or absence
of UV absorbers, oVer a general approach to photo-
stabilisation. The Žnal selection of an antioxidant
package must take into consideration the per-
formance requirements of the end-use polymer article
including appearance, colour, and toxicity. Issues of
eYciency and safety (including migration) of stabi-
lisers has been at the forefront of recent progress
made in the areas of macromolecular, reactive and
biological antioxidants. Further progress will almost
certainly involve optimisation and Žne tuning of the
physical and chemical performance of the wide range
of commercially available antioxidants and stabilisers.

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International Materials Reviews 2003 Vol. 48 No. 3

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