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Table of Contents

GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR THE EMPIRICAL RESEARCH ........................................... 1

NOTE TO FILL OUT THE DOMESTIC WORKERS’ SURVEY FORM ................................ 1

SURVEY QUESTIONS DOMESTIC WORKERS.................................................................... 1

NOTE TO FILL THE STREET VENDOR SURVEY FORM ................................................... 7

GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF REPORT ................................................................... 17

GUIDELINES FOR PAPER PRESENTATION ...................................................................... 18


 Each team must conduct the survey with a minimum of:

 5 Organizations for Domestic Workers and,
 15 Street Vendors.
 Each team shall be allotted a Team Code by the Organizing Committee, which shall be
used throughout the competition.
 There are two different survey forms, one for Domestic Workers & and one for Street
Vendors. Each team needs to fill both the survey forms separately, for each domestic
worker and street vendor respectively surveyed.
 The survey shall be conducted as provided for by the Organizing Committee. Kindly note
that there are two different survey formats: One for the survey of Domestic Workers and
the other for the Street Vendors.
 The surveys shall be conducted physically utilizing the prescribed survey format. The
data collected must be submitted by way of a Google Form.
 Each team is required to conduct implementation programmes in the form of some
camps, nukkad natak or any other form in which they imparted the knowledge regarding
the schemes to the people who are unaware and the same should be displayed in their
report and presentation.
 Each team should submit their report before 20th March 2024.

(Specific guidelines as per questions)

Please select government organizations like Primary or Higher Secondary Schools,

Universities, City Dispensaries, etc. Note that in every organization, a minimum of 10
domestic workers need to be surveyed.

Q9. The participants can also identify whether the bonus was given for extra work done, and
if the amount given is as required by the law.

Q11-13. The question is basically to identify whether the sample population has knowledge
of the existence of trade unions, their benefits and their rights secured under them.

Q14-16. The participants may identify other essential ingredients with respect to working
conditions as per the law and central government guidelines. The same may be included in
their report to provide a wholistic view of the working conditions at various government

Q20. The participants can also include the amount of time that they have dedicated to
receiving formal training to be fit for the job, and, if they have not received any formal
training, participants may enquire whether any specific qualification or eligibility was
required while hiring.

Q21-22. This question is particularly to identify the reach of the central government schemes
and the number of people who derive benefits out of those schemes. There are various
schemes that have been introduced by the central government for social security which
covers domestic workers in addition to various state government schemes.

Q23-25. There are various aspects of ‘health and safety’ apart from what has been stated. The
participants can include that as well in their final report for the discussion.

Q26. This question is specifically to understand whether they are comfortable in taking their
grievances to their employers and whether there is a proper channel for addressing their
issues in the organization.
Q27-28. These questions are confined to female workers. The motive of these questions is to
understand and assess the ground reality.

Q29-32. These questions are to identify the impact of schemes made by the government.
There are a lot more schemes made by the central government to provide facilities and
benefits to the domestic workers, some of which are stated in the question and there are
various government schemes as well which can prevail in the particular State. The participant
can include all of them and analyze the impact of such schemes on the domestic servant.

Submission Link for Domestic Worker Survey- GALSF Domestic Worker Survey Form

Defining Domestic Work:

It is defined as:

(a) the term “domestic work” means work performed in or for a household or households;

(b) the term “domestic worker” means any person engaged in domestic work within an
employment relationship;

(c) a person who performs domestic work only occasionally or sporadically and not on an
occupational basis is not a domestic worker.

Demographic Information:

1. Gender
a) Male
b) Female
c) Other
2. Age group
a) 18-25
b) 26-35
c) 36-45
d) 46-55
e) 56 and above
3. Educational level
a) Primary school
b) Secondary school
c) High school
d) Diploma
e) Degree and above

Employment Details:

1. How many years of experience do you have as a domestic worker?

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a) Less than one year
b) 1-3 years
c) 4-6 years
d) 7-10 years
e) More than ten years
2. How many hours do you work?
a) 6- 8 hrs./day
b) 8-10 hrs./day
c) 10-12 hrs./day
d) 12- 15 hrs./day
3. What kind of work do you undertake?
a) A housemaid (household)
b) Caretaker
c) Gardening
d) Cooking
e) Others: Please specify:
4. How many hours do you typically (ordinarily) work weekly?
a) Less than 20 hours
b) 20-30 hours
c) 31-40 hours
d) More than 40 hours
5. Name of the organization you work in.
6. Are you employed full-time or part-time?
a) Full-time
b) Part-time
7. Are you given a bonus?
a) Yes
b) No
c) On festivals
8. How many paid leaves can you take in a month?

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9. Are you part of any Trade or Workers’ Union?
a) Yes
b) No
10. If Not, why: -------------------------------
11. If Yes, has it helped them in any way? Please specify: ----------------------------------

Working Conditions:

12. Do you have a written employment contract?

a) Yes
b) No
13. Do you work overtime?
a) Yes
b) No
14. If yes, are you paid for overtime?
a) Yes
b) No
c) N/A
15. Are you allowed paid leaves in case of health and other emergencies?
a) Yes
b) No

Wages and Payments:

16. How are you paid?

a) Monthly salary
b) Hourly wage
c) Weekly wage
d) Other (specify)
e) Any other comment: ---------------------------
17. Are you satisfied with your current wage?
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied

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c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
f) Any other Comment: ----------------------------
18. Are basic minimum wages being given to you?
a) Yes
b) No

Job Satisfaction:

19. How satisfied are you with your overall job as a domestic worker?
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied

Training and Skills:

20. Have you received any formal training for your job?
a) Yes
b) No

Social Security:

21. Are you aware of any social security schemes for domestic workers in your area?
a) Yes
b) No
22. If yes, have you availed of any social security benefits?
a) Yes
b) No

Health and Safety:

23. Do you have access to health insurance provided by your employer?

a) Yes

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b) No
24. Are there separate washrooms for the women workers at your workplace?
a) Yes
b) No
25. How satisfied are you with your working environment? Is there safe and healthy
a) Yes
b) No
26. Have you ever faced any harassment (physical/ sexual) at the workplace?
a) Yes
b) No

Communication with Employers:

27. How would you describe your communication with your employers?
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Fair
d) Poor

Job Environment

28. Are you receiving any maternity benefits? (Optional)

29. Does your organization support Menstrual Hygiene? (Optional)
a) Yes
b) No

Schemes know-how

30. Are you aware of any of the following schemes of the Central Government? If yes, do you
avail the benefits?
a) Ayushmaan Bharat
b) Garib Kalyan Yojayna
c) PM Jeevan Jyoti Yojana

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d) PM Shram Yogi Yojna
e) Man – Dan Yojana
31. If not, why? Please specify: ------------------------
32. Do you face any difficulty in availing these benefits? Please specify: ------------------
33. Has the scheme improved your working/economic condition?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say

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(Specific guidelines as per questions)

Note- It will be beneficial for the participating team to get the basic knowledge of the PM
SVANidhi Scheme and the other prevailing schemes for proper research and discussion.

Q9. The organizing committee through this question wants to know the number of Street
Vendors that have ever registered themselves with the Municipal Corporation.

Q10-13. These questions are only for the Street Vendors who have registered themselves.

Q14-15. For these questions, even if they answer negatively, the participating team can
enquire about surveys conducted by anyone, especially government officials with special
emphasis on the details prescribed in the Act/Policy/any other relevant guidelines.

Q20. Even if the answer is positive, but it is stated that the quality of water is such that it is
not fit for drinking purposes, then consider the same as not having access.

Q21-24. The purpose of these questions is to understand whether the street vendors have
basic amenities that are needed to protect their goods and carry on their respective business
activities. This will help the participating teams to better gauge the living conditions of the
Street Vendors for the purposes of the report and presentation.

Q27-28. These questions can also include any additional national or state level schemes such
as PM Matru Vandana Yojana (PMVY), Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), and others.

Q30-31. The Organizing Committee suggests that the participating teams research the
various national and state level schemes related to wages such as PM SVANidhi, DAY-
NULM, PM-SYM & others for fruitful fact finding.

Q32-33. This question aims to assess the general practice of government officials of that
particular vicinity and their treatment of street vendors.

Submission Link for Domestic Worker Survey- GALSF Street Vendors Survey Form

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As per the International Labour Organisation, street vendors are defined as

“Street vendors and related workers sell food and other goods in streets and public places, or
from door to door, or by telephone.

Tasks performed usually include: preparing and selling, or selling previously prepared,
foodstuffs, drinks or other goods, 'in streets and other public places; selling goods for
establishments by going from door to door, or by telephone.

Supervision of other workers may be included.

Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:
A. Street food vendors
B. Street vendors, non-food products
C. Door-to-door and telephone salespersons”


1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Location (City):
4. Gender:
5. Education level:
6. How many days a week do you set up your shop? __________
7. What are your working hours? __________
8. How often do you take holidays? ____________
9. What is the nature of activity that the vendor undertakes?

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10. Have you registered with the Municipal Corporation to sell goods as a street vendor?
a. Yes, I have registered myself with the Municipal Corporation to sell goods as a
street vendor.
b. No, I have not registered myself with the Municipal Corporation to sell goods as a
street vendor.

Issuance of Certificate

(This section is only for those vendors who have registered themselves as street vendors with the
Municipal Corporation)

11. What category does the vendor fall into?

(Ask questions in order to deduce which category the vendor falls into as per the Street
Vendors Act, 2014).
a. Stationary Vendor
b. Mobile Vendor
c. Other categories
12. Do you have an up-to-date/valid certificate of vending?
a. Yes, I have a certificate and it is up-to-date.
b. Yes, I have a certificate but it is not up-to-date.
c. No, I have not registered myself as a street vendor.
13. Do you adhere to the time of operation and location of vending prescribed in the
a. Yes, I adhere to the time and location prescribed in the certificate.
b. No, I do not adhere to the time and location prescribed in the certificate.
c. I have not registered myself as a street vendor.
14. Have you been issued an identity card after being issued the certificate and does it
contain the details as prescribed by the Act/Policy/Other schemes such as Vendor Code,
Vendor Name and other relevant details?
a. Yes, I have been issued an identity card and it has all the relevant details.
b. Yes, I have been issued an identity card but it does not have all the relevant

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c. No, I have not been issued an identity card.
d. I have not registered myself as a street vendor.
(Note: Please conduct your own research and make a list of the relevant details that
street vendors in your area must have on their identity cards, which can be treated as a
checklist when interacting with the vendors. Kindly refrain from simply asking the
vendors if their identity card has the relevant details – instead, verify the same with your


15. Are you aware of the Town Vending Committee in your area?
a. Yes, I am aware of the Town Vending Committee in my area.
b. No, I am not aware of the Town Vending Committee in my area.
c. I am aware that there is no Town Vending Committee in my area.
16. Are surveys conducted by the Town Vending Committee?
a. Yes, surveys are conducted by the Town Vending Committee.
b. No, surveys are not conducted by the Town Vending Committee.
c. I am unaware.

(Note: Please conduct your own research about what details should be asked by the
Town Vending Committee in their surveys. Even if they are not aware of Town Vending
Committees, ask if surveys have been conducted and/or if anyone has asked them the
same details)

Collection of revenue

17. Do you pay monthly maintenance charges for the civic amenities and facilities in the
vending areas?
a. Yes, I pay Rs. _______________ as monthly maintenance charges.
b. No, I do not pay monthly maintenance charges, but I am aware that I am required
to pay them.
c. I am unaware of any requirement to pay monthly maintenance charges.
18. Have you ever been charged extra maintenance charges without any reasonable

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a. Yes, I have been charged extra maintenance charges without any reasonable
b. No, I have not been charged extra maintenance charges without any reasonable
c. I have never been charged extra maintenance charges.
d. I am unaware about payment of any maintenance charges.


Provision of civic facilities (in the Vending Zones/Markets/Areas)

If the answers to any of these questions is that they do not utilize the said services, ask the vendor
about the accessibility of these services if they did have to utilize them.

19. Do you have access to public restrooms? If yes, then how much do you pay per day to
access them?
a. Yes, I have access. I pay Rs. ___________ per day to access public restrooms
while working.
b. Yes, I have access and they are free to use.
c. No, I do not have access.

(Note: If the answer is yes but the public restrooms are so unclean that they are unusable
or are non-functional, then that would be categorized as not having access.)

20. Who are these toilets provided and maintained by?

a. Central Government/State Government/Municipal Authority
b. NGO
c. Unions
d. Other parties (please mention the same) ______________________________
e. I am unaware.
21. Do you have access to drinking water facilities? If yes, is the water free?
a. Yes, I have access and the access is free.

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b. Yes, I have access but the access is not free. I pay Rs.___________ per day to
access water facilities while working.
c. No, I do not have access.


If the answer is yes but the water is undrinkable due to sanitation reasons etc., then that
would be categorized as not having access.

If they bring their own water, please ask them what they would have done if they did not
did not bring their own water or would run out before their work gets over)

22. Do you have access to electricity? If yes, how much do you pay per month on electricity?
a. Yes, I have access to electricity and I pay Rs.______________ per month on
electricity used while working.
b. Yes, I have access to electricity and the access is free.
c. No, I do not have access.
23. Do you have access to protective covers to protect your goods from heat, rain and dust
(that are provided by the Municipal Authority)?
a. Yes, I have access and it is free.
b. Yes, I have access and I pay Rs. ______________ per month for access.
c. No, I do not have access.
24. Do you have access to parking areas?
a. Yes, I have access and I spend Rs. ______________ per month to utilize parking
b. Yes, I have access and the access is free.
c. No, I do have access.
25. Do you have access to creches?
a. Yes, I have access to creches and I pay Rs. ___________ on a monthly basis for
this service.
b. Yes, I have access and it is free.
c. No, I do not have access.

Health and sanitation

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26. Do you keep a waste collection bin in your area to maintain general hygiene?
a. Yes
b. No

(Take a general view of the premises and answer this question)

27. If yes, how often do you dump your waste in an appropriate location for waste disposal
per week? ______________

Maternity Benefits

This can include national or state schemes such as PM Matru Vandana Yojana (PMVY), Janani
Suraksha Yojana (JSY) etc.

28. Are you or your family the beneficiary of any maternity scheme? If yes, please mention
the name of the scheme as well as any benefits you receive.
a. Yes, I/my family am/is the beneficiary of a maternity scheme
b. No, I/my family am/is not a beneficiary of any welfare scheme for street vendors
but I am aware of schemes such as __________________________________.
c. No, I/my family am/is not a beneficiary of any welfare scheme for street vendors
and I am unaware of such schemes.

Harassment by police and/or government authorities

29. Has the police and/or any other government authority ever harassed you in the following
(Select all that apply)
a. Asked for bribes. If yes, please mention why.

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b. Imposed unnecessary/unreasonable/undeserving penalties or fines. If yes, please
mention why.
c. Evicted or forced the vendor to relocate. If yes, please mention why.
d. For any other reason apart from the ones mention above.
e. No, I have never been harassed by the police or any other government authority
while working as a street vendor.


This includes national and state schemes such as PM SVANidhi, DAY-NULM, PM-SYM etc.

30. Have you heard of any wage and/or credit schemes for street vendors? If yes, please
mention the name of all such schemes.
a. Yes, I had heard of wage and/or credit schemes such as
b. No, I have not heard of any wage or credit scheme for street vendors.
31. Are you the beneficiary of any wage or credit scheme? If yes, please mention the name of
the scheme as well as any benefits you receive.
a. Yes, I am the beneficiary of _______________________________________ and
receive benefits such as

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b. No, I am not the beneficiary of any wage or credit scheme for street vendors.


32. Have you ever been evicted or relocated by the police or any other government authority
before? If yes, were you given a notice prior to the eviction/relocation?
a. I have been evicted/relocated and I was given prior notice.
b. I have been evicted/relocated and I was not given prior notice
c. I have never been evicted/relocated.
33. Was a new, reasonable location provided for setting up your shop after relocation or
a. Yes, a new and reasonable location was allotted to me after eviction or relocation.
b. No, a new and reasonable location was not allotted to me after eviction or
c. I have never been evicted/relocated.


34. Have you ever had to resort to the Grievance Redressal Committee for the purposes of
dispute resolution? If yes, was the dispute resolved within a reasonable amount of time?
a. Yes, I have had to resort to the Grievance Redressal Committee in the past and the
dispute was resolved within a reasonable amount of time.
b. Yes, I have had to resort to the Grievance Redressal Committee in the past, but the
dispute was resolved within an unreasonable amount of time.
(Unreasonable can be for a variety of reasons – long time, the decision came after
the subject matter had already lapsed etc.)
c. Yes, I have had to resort to the Grievance Redressal Committee, but the dispute
was dismissed during the verification and enquiry stages.
d. Yes, I have had to resort to the Grievance Redressal Committee, but the authorities
refused to look into my issue.
e. No, I have never had to resort to the Grievance Redressal Committee.

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35. Was the decision of the Grievance Redressal Committee satisfactory? Please explain.
a. Yes, the decision of the Grievance Redressal Committee was satisfactory.
b. No, the decision of the Grievance Redressal Committee was not satisfactory.
c. The Grievance Redressal Committee refused to accept my dispute.
d. I have never had to resort to the Grievance Redressal Committee.


36. Do you have any suggestions for the government to improve the current legislative
framework to better suit your needs?

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Participants must adhere to certain specifications for their respective reports. The same are as
enumerated below:

I. Rubrics:-
1. Cover Page -
a. Name of Legal Aid Clinic.
b. Team Code of the University.
2. Table of Contents.
3. Introduction of Legal Aid Clinic -
a. Maximum 2 Pages.
4. Names of organization and number of individuals surveyed.
5. Data Collected during the field visit.
6. Programme Implemented by the respective LSA/LAC, which might include organizing
Camps, and distribution of Pamphlets.
7. Solutions/Suggestions -
a. Maximum 10 Pages.
b. Must address the problems the team noticed during their field visit.
c. Describe how such solutions can be implemented in a large scale.
8. Conclusion -
a. Maximum 2 Pages.
b. Must include Findings and solutions.
II. Formatting Specifications:
1. Maximum No. of Pages – 30.
2. Heading- 14; Center Justified,
3. Font & Font Size – Times New Roman, Size 12.
4. Alignment – Justified.
5. Title of the Report – Code allotted by the Organizing Committee. No alternate title may
be utilized by participants.

Link for Submission of Report- GALSF Report Submission

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Participants are requested to adhere to the following format for their Presentation:

1. Time Limit – 15 Minutes.

2. Themes & Design of the PowerPoint Presentation – Formal.
3. Ancillary Details –
a. Details about the Legal Aid Clinic
4. Pictorial Representations of data collected is permitted.
5. Other Mandatory Contents –
a. Findings during the field visit,
b. Problems Identified,
c. Programme Implemented and
d. Solutions and suggestions were made to address the same.
6. A small video depicting the survey would be preferred in the presentation.
7. Title of the Presentation – Code allotted by the Organizing Committee. No alternate title
may be utilized by the Participants.

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