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REPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOR: Internal Fertilization

Golden Retriever Scientific Classification

Scientific Name
Canis Lupus
Golden Retriever Facts
Common Name
Golden Retriever
Trusting, kind and gentle!
Gun Dog

Golden Retriever Physical Characteristics

Skin Type
10-12 years

 A sweet breed!
Let’s face it, Golden Retrievers are just generally a sweet breed of dogs! They’re
just generally good natured and worked well with families! This playful mate
Goldens aren’t a breed that’s content to lay around an apartment all day! They
require daily exercise, and if you’re lacking, they can get restless and begin
causing havoc to small spaces!
 Easy to train
Some dogs can be challenge to train. However, the intelligence of Goldens makes
them one of the easier breeds to train. The breed can adapt to fairly complex
tricks, so don’t be afraid to push the envelope!
 Shed, shed, shed
Like many retrievers, Goldens will shed… But they tend to shed, a lot. The biggest
shedding seasons come in spring and fall, but be prepared for hair… everywhere!
 A playful mate!
Goldens are a playful breed! They need a lot of physical activity and can be
especially energetic in their first four (or so) years of life!
 Some health concerns
Goldens are very active, especially while young. This comes with some health
conditions, especially a propensity for hip dysplasia. In addition, Goldens are
prone to many health ailments.

Golden Retriever Size

The pure breed golden retriever, as opposed to a mix, is a medium-to large-sized

dog with a strong and muscular frame. The typical member of this breed stands
up to 2 feet high and weighs between 55 and 75 pounds. Males are slightly larger
than females, but otherwise they are similar in appearance. Due to the exact
breeding standards, the golden retriever adheres to a very narrow range of sizes.
Here are the basic facts:

Height (Male) 23 to 24 inches

Height (Female) 21.5 to 22.5 inches

Weight (Male) 65 to 75 pounds

Weight (Female) 55 to 65 pounds

Golden Retriever Common Health Issues

Due to various genetic factors, the golden retriever, unfortunately, comes with a
number of health problems, the most significant of which is cancer. As perhaps
the most cancer-prone dog breed in the world, more than 60% of golden
retrievers may eventually die from it.

The breed is also susceptible to eye disease, skin diseases, ear infections,
hypothyroidism (low levels of thyroid hormones), heart disease, and hip and
elbow dysplasia (a genetic developmental abnormality in which parts of the joint
grow somewhat out of alignment with each other, potentially hobbling the dog).
If you intend to purchase a golden retriever, then you should be aware of the
common signs of distress or illness. For instance, infections and skin allergies,
which can be caused by pollens, food, and fleas, generally appear as red skin and
excessive itching. For dysplasia, you may notice a limp.

How to Take Care of a Golden Retriever

Because of their frequent need for exercise and grooming, golden retrievers
require a large amount of work and effort to maintain. It is a good idea to ensure
that there’s a constant human presence in the house to keep the dog company
and take care of its needs. If the dog begins to show early signs of health
problems such as dysplasia, then you should take it to a veterinarian as soon as

The average Golden Retriever lifespan is 10 to 12 years, sadly studies show their
lifespan has been trending down. The oldest Golden on record was named
Augie and lived 20 years and 11 months.
The Best Dog Food for Golden Retrievers

Golden retrievers require high-quality food for medium or large dogs to support
an active lifestyle. You can also feed the dog treats judiciously from time to time,
but don’t overdo it. Because of the tendency to overeat, golden retrievers are
sometimes prone to obesity. Hypothyroidism is a particularly worrying
accelerator of weight gain. This can lead to long-term health problems, including
heart disease and arthritis.

A general rule is that you should limit adults to no more than 5 cups of food per
day. You should feed a puppy no more than 3 cups per day. You should also
avoid feeding the dog too many scraps from human food. If you notice that the
dog is gaining weight, then you should immediately reduce the amount of food
you are giving it. We compiled a complete list of the best foods for your Golden
Retriever, here.

Luckily, there’s a quality dog food specifically formulated with Golden Retrievers’
skin, hearts, and weight in mind. Royal Canin makes breed-specific dog food for
Golden Retrievers.

It has Vitamin B1 and thiamine for the metabolism, Vitamin A and zinc to support
skin and coat health with DHA, Taurine, and EPA for a heart that functions like
clockwork. The calories and fat is balanced particularly to help Golden Retrievers
maintain an optimum weight.

 Golden Retriever Maintenance and Grooming

With its rich fur coat, the golden retriever is notorious for its semi-frequent
shedding. You should therefore endeavor to groom the dog at least once per
week, maybe more. In addition, when the dog is heavily shedding its double coat
about once or twice a year, it may require almost daily brushes to stay clean and

 Golden Retriever Training

One of the breed’s most appealing traits is the ease with which these dogs can be
trained to perform tricks or tasks. Golden retrievers will want to do what they’re
told, but the dog also needs a focused training regime or it could become
distracted easily. If socialized and trained from an early age, meaning up to
around four months, then they can be seamlessly integrated into the family with
much less of a tendency to nibble or bark. But even adult dogs are trusting and
friendly toward almost anyone it encounters and therefore might take easily to
training. Since this breed is so loyal and eager to place, training often comes
naturally and effortlessly.

The golden retriever is a good athlete and working dog, so it excels when given
an objective to complete. The breed is especially proficient at sports and agility

 Golden Retriever Exercise

The golden retriever is an active breed of dog that requires an outlet for all of
that pent-up energy. It is therefore a good idea to give your dog as much as 45
minutes of exercise throughout the day, plus additional mental and physical
You should also try to keep the dog frequently entertained by toys and chewing
items. If it does not receive an adequate level of activity, then it might engage in
destructive behavior around the home. Before buying this breed, make sure you
have plenty of indoor and outdoor space for activity. You can also take this breed
with you on your walk, run, or bicycling.

 Golden Retriever Puppies

A golden retriever puppy is very eager to work and play but lack a lot of
discipline. If you obtain the dog from its time as a puppy, then you should
immediately put it through training to form a strong bond with your dog and
teach it the basics. Exposing the dog to many different people and situations
early may make it better adjusted as an adult. It is also a good idea to take the
dog to a vet and have it examined for possible joint problems, which can develop
early in life.

Besides some health problems and a bit of rambunctiousness, golden retrievers

don’t necessarily have bad qualities, but they do require quite a lot of care and
maintenance, as well as open space and attention. If you foresee a problem with
meeting this dog’s needs, then you might want to consider another breed with
less daily effort.

Golden Retriever FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Are golden retrievers good family dogs?

Golden retrievers are born to be excellent family dogs. Because of the amount of
attention they need, it is a good idea to have a family member around to look
after them and care for them at most times of the day. If you’re the only member
of a household, then you should think carefully about whether you have the time
and inclination to take care of the dog.

How do you groom a golden retriever?

For most of the year, you will only need to brush the dog once or twice a week.
During times of heavy shedding, however, you should brush more often,
preferably once a day. Consider giving the dog a bath beforehand to loosen up
some of the fur.

How much do golden retrievers cost?

The golden retriever is quite popular and in demand, but you can still obtain a
dog at a good cost. At the lower end of the price spectrum, it may be possible to
adopt one for $500 or less. From a specialty breeder, the cost can range from
$500 to $1,000. For a dog with a good pedigree, it can easily exceed $1,000 or
even $2,000. Due to the number of potential health issues, however, the golden
retriever may be more expensive to maintain and care for than the typical breed,
so you should factor that into your potential budget.

How long does the golden retriever live?

The typical golden retriever has a lifespan of around 10 to 12 years. With a bit of
luck and a genetic propensity for good health, some dogs may live a few years
longer. The temperament of the Golden Retriever is a hallmark of the breed and
is described in the standard as kindly, friendly and confident. They are not one
man dogs and are generally equally amiable with both strangers and those
familiar to them. Their trusting, gentle disposition therefore makes them a poor
guard dog. Any form of unprovoked aggression or hostility towards either
people, dogs or other animals, whether in the show ring or community, is
completely unacceptable in a Golden Retriever and is not in keeping with the
character of the breed and as such is considered a serious fault. Nor should a
Golden Retriever be unduly timid or nervous. The typical Golden Retriever is calm,
naturally intelligent and biddable, with an exceptional eagerness to please. They
love pleasing their owners as well as getting along with strangers.

Are Golden Retrievers herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?

Golden Retrievers are Omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other

What Kingdom do Golden Retrievers belong to?

Golden Retrievers belong to the Kingdom Animalia.

What class do Golden Retrievers belong to?

Golden Retrievers belong to the class Mammalia.

What phylum to Golden Retrievers belong to?

Golden Retrievers belong to the phylum Chordata.

What family do Golden Retrievers belong to?

Golden Retrievers belong to the family Canidae.

What order do Golden Retrievers belong to?

Golden Retrievers belong to the order Carnivora.

What type of covering do Golden Retrievers have?

Golden Retrievers are covered in Hair.

What genus do Golden Retrievers belong to?

Golden Retrievers belong to the genus Canis.

What is an interesting fact about Golden Retrievers?

Golden Retrievers are trusting, kind, and gentle!

What is the scientific name for the Golden Retriever?

The scientific name for the Golden Retriever is Canis Lupus.

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