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Unit 1: Introduction to Operating System

Session 1: Definition and functions of operating systems (OS)

- The Operating System as an Extended Machine
- The Operating System as a Resource Manager

Session 2: Review of computer hardware organization

- Processors
- Memory
- Disks 27
- I/O Devices
- Buses
- Booting the Computer

Session 3: History and Evolution of OS

- The First Generation (1945–55): Vacuum Tubes
- The Second Generation (1955–65): Transistors and Batch Systems
- The Third Generation (1965–1980): ICs and Multiprogramming
- The Fourth Generation (1980–Present): Personal Computers
- The Fifth Generation (1990–Present): Mobile Computers

Session 4: The kernel

- What the kernel is
- Where the kernel fits in an operating system
- Function/Objectives of the kernel

Session 5: Operating System Structure or Types of the kernel

- Monolithic Systems
- Layered Systems
- Microkernels
- Client-Server Model
- Virtual Machines
- Exokernels

Session 6: Types of OS
- Mainframe Operating Systems
- Server Operating Systems
- Multiprocessor Operating Systems
- Personal Computer Operating Systems
- Handheld Computer Operating Systems
- Embedded Operating Systems
- Sensor-Node Operating Systems
- Real-Time Operating Systems
- Smart Card Operating Systems
Questions and answers
Unit 2: Process Management
Session 1: Process
- The Process Model
- Process Creation
- Process Termination
- Process Hierarchies
- Process States
- Implementation of Processes
- Modeling Multiprogramming

Session 2: Threads
- The Classical Thread Model
- POSIX Threads
- Implementing Threads in User Space
- Implementing Threads in the Kernel
- Hybrid Implementations
- Scheduler Activations
- Pop-Up Threads
- Making Single-Threaded Code Multithreaded

Session 3: Inter-process communication

- Race Conditions
- Critical Regions
- Sleep and Wakeup
- Semaphores
- Monitors
- Message Passing
- Barriers

Session 4: Process synchronization and Scheduling

- What is Process synchronization
- Peterson’s Solution
- Disadvantages of Peterson’s Solution
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Process Synchronization
- What is scheduling
- Scheduling and Batch System
- Scheduling in Interactive System
- Scheduling in Real-Time System
- Thread Scheduling

Session 5: Deadlock management

- What is Deadlock
- Condition for Deadlock in operating system
- Deadlock Prevention and Avoidance
- Deadlock detection and recovery
- Deadlock Detection and Recovery
Session 6: Inter-Process Communication Problems
- The Dining Philosophers' Problem
- The readers and Writer's Problem

Questions and answers
Unit 3: Memory Management
Session 1: Memory abstraction
- The Notion of an Address Space
- Swapping
- Managing Free Memory

Session 2: Memory spaces

- Memory Hierarchy: Discuss different levels of memory in a computer system, including cache,
main memory (RAM), and secondary storage (hard drives, SSDs).

Session 3: Virtual memory

- Paging
- Page Tables
- Speeding Up Paging
- Page Tables for Large Memories

Session 4: Page replacement algorithms

- The Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm
- The First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Page Replacement Algorithm
- The Clock Page Replacement Algorithm
- The Least Recently Used (LRU) Page Replacement Algorithm
- The Working Set Page Replacement Algorithm

Session 5: Design issue for paging System

- Local versus Global Allocation Policies
- Load Control
- Page Size
- Separate Instruction and Data Spaces
- Shared Pages
- Shared Libraries
- Mapped Files
- Cleaning Policy
- Virtual Memory Interface

Session 6: Memory segmentation

- Implementation of Pure Segmentation
- Segmentation with Paging: MULTICS
- Segmentation with Paging: The Intel x86
Questions and answers
Unit 4: File System
Session 1: Files
- File Naming
- File Structure
- File Types
- File Access
- File Attributes
- File Operations
- Example Program using File-System Calls

Session 2: File system implementation

- File-System Layout
- Implementing Files
- Implementing Directories
- Shared Files
- Log-Structured File Systems
- Journaling File Systems
- Virtual File Systems

Session 3: Directories
- Directories
- Directory Implementation
- Single-Level Directory Systems
- Hierarchical Directory Systems
- Path Names
- Directory Operations

Session 4: File system management

- Disk-Space Management
- File-System Backups
- File-System Consistency
- File-System Performance
- Defragmenting Disks

Session 5: File System Examples

- The MS-DOS File System
- The UNIX V7 File System
- CD-ROM File Systems

Session 6:

Questions and answers
Unit 5: Input/Output Management
Session 1: I/O hardware
- I/O Devices
- Device Controllers
- Memory-Mapped I/O
- Direct Memory Access
- Interrupts Revisited

Session 2: I/O software

- Goals of I/O Software
- Programmed I/O
- Interrupt-Driven I/O
- I/O using DMA

Session 3: I/O layers

- Interrupt Handlers
- Device Drivers
- Device-Independent I/O Software
- User-Space I/O Software

Session 4: Disks
- Disk Hardware
- Disk Formatting
- Disk Arm Scheduling Algorithms
- Error Handling
- Stable Storage

Session 5: User interface

- Input Software
- Output Software

Session 6: Power management

- Hardware Issues
- Operating System Issues
- Application Program Issues

Questions and answers
Unit 6: Security
Session 1: Security environment
- Threats
- Attackers

Session 2: OS security
- How to build a secure system
- Trusted Computing base
Session 3: Access control
- Protection Domains
- Access Control Lists
- Capabilities
Session 4: Models of security system
- Multilevel Security
- Covert Channels
Session 5: Authentication
- Authentication Using a Physical Object
- Authentication Using Biometrics
Session 6: Malware & defences
- Trojan Horses
- Viruses
- Worms
- Spyware
- Firewalls Antivirus and Anti-Antivirus Techniques
- Code Signing
- Jailing
- Model-Based Intrusion Detection
Questions and answers

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