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Theories of Personality

Fakultas Psikologi Uhamka

Siapakah saya?
Kepribadian di
era kini.
tergambar dari kata
yang diposting di
media sosial (Twenge
& Campbell, 2017).
Menurut Anda,
seperti apa
pemilik kamar

Gosling et al (2002). A room

with a cue: Personality
judgments based on offices
and bedrooms. Journal of
personality and social
psychology, 82(3), 3379-398.

Lihat juga Gladwell, M

(2009). Blink. Gramedia
Big Five Traits - OCEAN
1. Openness to experiences – Apakah Anda imaginatif atau praktis? Mandiri
atau terikat peraturan?
2. Conscientiousness – Apakah Anda orang tertib atau urakan? Punya
disiplin diri atau berkemauan lemah?
3. Extraversion – Apakah Anda senang bergaul atau lebih suka menyendiri?
Senang menarik perhatian atau lebih suka diam?
4. Agreebleness – Apakah Anda mudah percaya atau mudah curiga?
Senang membantu atau enggan bekerja sama?
5. Neuroticism – apakah Anda mudah cemas atau tenang? Merasa tidak
aman atau percaya diri?
(Gladwell, 2009)
Personality in the History of Psychology
• For more than half of psychology’s history as a science, however,
psychologists paid relatively little attention to personality.

• The Study of Consciousness

• Wilhelm Wundt (1879)
• The Study of Behavior
• John B. Watson (early decades of the 20th)
• The Study of the Unconscious
• Sigmund Freud (1890s)
• The Scientific Study of Personality
• Gordon Allport (1930s)
(Schultz & Schultz, 2009)
What is Personality?
What is Personality?
• How others see us
• Stable and predictable traits and
• Unique traits and characteristics

(Schultz & Schultz, 2009)

What is Personality?

A pattern of relatively permanent traits and

unique characteristics that give both consistency
and individuality to a person’s behavior.

(Feist & Feist, 2008)

What Is a Theory?

A set of related assumptions that allows scientists

to use logical deductive reasoning to formulate
testable hypotheses.

(Feist & Feist, 2008)

Assumptions about Humanity
1. Determinism versus free choice
2. Pessimism versus optimism
3. Causality versus teleology
4. Conscious versus unconscious determinants
5. Biological versus social factors, and
6. Uniqueness versus similarities in people

(Feist & Feist, 2008)

• Feist, J. & Feist, G.J. (2008). Theories of Personality, Seventh Edition. The
McGraw−Hill Companies, Inc.
• Schultz, D.P. & Schultz, S.E. (2009). Theories of Personality, Ninth Edition.
Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
• Twenge, J.M. & Campbell, W.K. (2017). Personality Psychology:
Understanding Yourself and Others. Pearson.
• Gosling et al (2002). A room with a cue: Personality judgments based on
offices and bedrooms. Journal of personality and social psychology, 82(3),
• Gladwell, M. (2009). Blink: Kemampuan Berpikir Tanpa Berpikir. Gramedia

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