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Roméo and Juliet

Act I, scene i
• Where are you this morning? What are you doing?

• How would you react to these puns, insults, and sexual references? 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
• How the events in the square affect you? Where did you fit in the action? Do you take
• Do you know Romeo? Have you noticed a difference in his behaviour lately?
Act I, scene ii
• What do you know about how the feud between the two families began?
• The invitation list to the Capulet feast is very long. Is your name on it? Why or why not? Act I, scene iii
• Are you in favour of a marriage between Paris and Juliet? Why or why not?
• Assume that you know one of the three women in this scene. How do you know her and
what is your opinion of her? Act I, scene v did
• Are you in favour of a marriage between Romeo and Juliet? Why or why not?
• Suppose you overheard the conversation between Tybalt and Capulet at the party.
Whose side would you be on? Why?
• If you worked at the party, how has your evening gone? If you have been a guest, record
your observations about the food, entertainment, guests, and the hosts. Also, share any gossip that
you’ve heard.
Act II, scene ii
• Tell about your first true love. Compare and contrast your experience with that of Romeo and Juliet.
• What would you do or say if you knew that Romeo and Juliet were planning a secret wedding?
Act II, scene iii
• Like everyone else in Verona, you know Friar Lawrence. Describe him.
• What kind of relationship do you have with the Friar? Do you confide in him as well? Act II, scene iv
• You’ve seen the Nurse and Peter around the town. Describe them. Act III, scene i
• Which of the four young men – Tybalt, Mercutio, Benvolio, Romeo – do you admire most? Explain.
• Assume that you witnessed these two deaths. Record your reactions.

• How do these two deaths, Mercutio’s and Tybalt’s, affect you (emotionally, physically, financially,
• From your point of view, do you think the Prince’s verdict was fair? Why or why not? Act III, scene v
• If you had overheard Lord Capulet’s remarks to Juliet, would you agree with his position? Why or why
Act IV, scene i
• Since you know both young men, who, do you think would make a better husband – Romeo or Paris?
Act IV, scene ii
• Assume your character is involved with the wedding. How has this change of date affected you?
Act IV, scene v
• How do you take the news of Juliet’s death? How did you find out?
Act V, scene i
• From what you know of Romeo, would you say that his quick decision to kill himself was in character?
• Describe the apothecary shop you go to in Verona. What do you buy there? Act V, scene iii
• What do you think the Capulets will do about the Nurse’s involvement in these events?
• Do you believe that the feud is really over?
• How do you think Verona will change because of these events?

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