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Middle School

Melissa Kinman

1. Calm Moment
2. What is anxiety, and what does it do for us?
3. 5 min. Activity
4. What are some common causes? (Game)
5. Strategies for Coping
6. Coping Exercise
7. What if my anxiety is bigger than this? (1 min. video)
EvErYoNe experiences it…

● Feels unpleasant

● Isn’t harmful

● Can be beneficial
Anxiety - body’s response
to threats (actual or
How does it work?
Turn and
talk to the
sitting next
to you.
Cohort Feud:
Common Causes
● Technology/Social Media (23) ● Not getting enough sleep (6)

● Meeting new people/attending social ● Too much caffeine (5)

gatherings (18)

● Pressure from school/ work/caring

responsibilities (16) ● Not practicing enough self-care (3)

● Conflict (14) ● To-do list feels neverending (2)

● Stressful Event (12) ● Cluttered environment (1)


● S = Stop

● T = Take a few deep breaths

● O = Observe your experience

● P = Proceed with something that will support you in

the moment
So what should I do?
● Emotions don’t last forever

● Move (Inside/Outside): Walk, Stretch, Dance

● Create: Art, Music

● Journal: Paper, Device, Video

● Tech Break: At least 20 minutes

● Say “no” to extra sTuFf

So what should I do?

● “Embrace the suck.” Try it anyway. It WILL get


● Talk to someone

● Breathe

● VR Relaxation Room, Video, or App

Breathe, Go Outside, Dance

Talk to a Friend

Take Care of Yourself

Reach out for Help

CREDITS: This presentation template was

created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon,
and infographics & images by Freepik.
Slide Divider - Additional
slides included after this one
for modifications.
Gremlin Girl - Episode 102 (Dots)

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