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RELATIVE PRONOUNS-----------Adjective Clauses

Are used to describe or identify the subject we are

talking about
Adjective Clause.- Is a clause the identifies, describes
modifies or gives more information about the noun that it
Yu can use:
to talk about people idea/2016
That to talk only about things

- The man that/who is next to Jane is my brother in law

- I read the book that you recommended me last week
- The man who you talked me about was arrested by the
Connect the two sentences with a relative pronoun
1.- Tom is a student. He reported the car accident to the
police station
2.- Cindy is a very intelligent girl. She won the National
Spelling Bee Contest.
3.- Mike was found guilty for fraud. His passport was confis
cated by the police
WHO.- refers to the person being described. It refers
to the subject of the sentence and is necessary to be included
in the clause
- The man who is next to the door is our tutor idea/2016

WHICH.- refers to the things that are being described

- The books which/that Tom lent me were very interesting

WHEN.- refers to the times that are being referred to

- Christmas is a time when people remember the birth
Jesus Christ idea/2016
THAT .- refers to people or things being described
- The two boys who/that are playing videogames are my kids
- The book that you lent me was really scary

WHOM.- refers to the object person being described. It is generally used

with a preposition.
- The man with whom Mary went to the party is her cousin
- The man (whom) Mary went to the party with is her cousin

WHOSE.- refers to the possessor being described

- The person whose possessions were found in the park is still
WHERE.- refers to the place we are talking about
- The place where I was born, Chiclayo, is located in the northern coast
of Peru
*What is in red is the relative clause that describes or identifies

the subject

Is the relative pronoun necessary (defining) or can it be omitted


a.- If the relative pronoun refers to a subject it cannot be omitted:

-The man is my close friend

-The man came to the office this morning

- The man who came to the office this morning is my close friend

who = necessary

b.- If the relative pronoun refers to an object it can be omitted

- The man is my close friend

- We met the man at the mall

- The man (who / that/whom) we met at the mall is my close friend

*( who /that /whom) = optional / can be omitted

Complete the sentences with WHO – THAT – WHOSE – WHOM – WHICH - WHEN

1.- The professional who created the formula is my brother

2.- The letter---------------- you sent me was very tender.

3.- Luis is the man ---------------------- helped me open the car door

4.- The package that you sent yesterday was full of junk.

5.- Linda is the woman with whom I went to the movies

6.- Whose books are those over there next to the gate?

7.- October 29 is the day when I got engaged

8.- The book which/that you lent me was really interesting but the end is

missing. the final pages were torn

9.- Peter’s new laptop that/which was made in Korea has the most

sophisticated applications I’ve ever seen

10 Mister Smith’s wife is the person who won the school raffle. A

trip to Can Cun for two

11 Puerto Pizarro is the place where I met the woman of my


12 John, For whom did you buy those flowers? My birthday is

next week?

John Whit whom did you go to the movies yesterday?

13 “Who was the man with whom I saw you last night, Rossie? “Dad

asked me.

14 The bag that/which was on the desk belongs to Miss Carpenter

15 The boy’s car toy ----------------------- was found on the counter is a very

expensive one

16 Spring day is ----------------------- people in Peru celebrate Friendship and

youth idea/2016

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