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English Transitions (adverbs)

“I think, therefore I am”.

«Я мыслю, следовательно, существую».
French philosopher, Rene Descartes

Грамматически, такие слова являются наречиями (места), употребляемые

только в формальном, официальном языке, чаще всего в юридической сфере.
Сложные наречия, в состав которых входит местоимение there равны по
значению сочетанию соответствующего предлога с местоимением that.
Сложные наречия, в состав которых входит наречие here, равны по
значению сочетанию соответствующего предлога с местоимением this.
Сложные наречия, в состав которых входит наречие where, равны по
значению сочетанию соответствующего предлога с местоимением which.

Hereafter – ниже, дальше, впредь

Hereby – этим, настоящим, при сём, таким образом
Herein – в этом документе
Hereof – отсюда, из этого, в отношении этого
Hereto – к этому (документу), на это
Hereunder – в силу настоящего соглашения, под этим, под сим
Herewith – посредством этого, при этом
Thereby – в силу этого, благодаря чему, из-за этого, тем самым
Therefore – по этой причине, следовательно
Therefrom – отсюда, на основании этого
Therein – в том месте, в таковом вышеупомянутом
Thereof – вследствие того, из такого вышеупомянутого
Thereon – после того, вслед за тем
Thereto – туда, к тому же, вдобавок
Thereunder – ниже, в силу этого договора/закона
Therewith – вместе с тем, с помощью этого
Whereof – из чего, из которого
Часто формальные деловые письма начинаются так:

Dear Sir,
Hereby/herewith I'm writing you to inform...

Как мы видим, hereby/herewith означает "by/with this letter", что мы на

русский переводим как "настоящим".

Задание 1. Выберите по смыслу наречия из числа предложенных.

1. Any controversies arising thereof / hereunder / hereafter or in relation to this

Agreement shall be settled in New York.
2. The Seller has agreed to sell said products to the Buyer upon and subject to
the terms and conditions hereto / thereof / hereof.
3. Amedments to such terms may be made by telex or telecopy exchanged
between the Seller and the Buyer, and the Buyer shall amend the letter of credit in
conformance therewith / herewith / hereunder.
4. The Seller warrants that all of the Purchased Goods delivered thereof /
hereafter / hereunder will strictly conform to the desciptions and specifications – set
forth in Schedule 2 thereof / hereof / hereto.
5. This warranty shall survive any inspection, delivery or acceptance of any
Purchased Goods, and payment hereunder / thereof / thereafter by the Buyer.
6. The Seller’s obligations under paragraph above shall not apply to any
Purchased Goods, or part hereof / hereby / thereof.
7. The foregoing is subject to the limitation of total liability set forth in Article
7 hereof / hereunder / thereof.
8. Any and all disputes which cannot be settled through correspondence and
mutual consultation of the Parties hereof / thereof / hereto, shall be finally settled by
9. The decision of the artbitrators shall deal with the question of costs of the
arbitration and all matters related hereto / thereto / hereunder.
10. Either Party herein / hereto / hereby may terminate this Agreement at any
time, should the other Party file a petition of any type as to its bankruptcy.
11. Whenever used in this Agreement, unless there is something in the subject
matter or context of their use inconsistent herewith / therewith / thereto, the
following words and terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them.
12. The Article and Section headings contained therein / herein / hereof are
included solely for convenience – and are not intended to be full or accurate
descriptions of the content hereof / hereto / thereof.
Задание 2. Подчеркнутые словосочетания замените подходящими по
смыслу английскими канцеляризмами.
Hereafter, hereby, herein, hereof, hereto, hereunder, herewith, thereby,
therefore, therefrom, therein, thereof, thereon, thereto, thereunder, therewith,

1. All Loan(s) now exisitng or extended by bank to Debtor after execution of

this Agreement shall be subject to this Agreement.
2. Debtor agrees to execute and deliver to Bank such note or notes in principal
amount equal to the proceeds of the Loan(s) advanced by this means.
3. Debtor agrees to execute and to deliver to Bank additional note or notes to
evidence any additional Loan(s) or money advanced by Bank under this
Agreement (such note or notes in this document are called the Note(s)).
4. By this document Debtor authorizes Bank to charge any deposit account
maintained by Debtor with bank for any interest and/or principal then due.
5. As security for the prompt payment under the Note (s) including any renewals,
extensions and/or modifications of the said Note(s) Debtor grants to Bank a loan and
security interest in and to all property of Debtor.
6. The Security Agreement(s), whether one or more and to the extent not
inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, are hereby incorporated in the
Agreement as though set forth in full as an integral part of it.
7. It is expressly understood that Loan(s) made under this Agreement are
payable in accordance with the terms of the Note(s), and nothing contained in this
Agreement shall in any way inhibit, modify or limit Bank’s right and ability to
require payment on the Note(s) in accordance with their terms.
8. Any termination by Bank or Debtor shall not affect the duties, covenants and
obligations of Debtor under this Agreement, and all the terms, conditions and
provisions of the Agreement relating to the said duties, covenants and obligations.
9. Debtor represents and warrants that except as detailed in a separate letter
attached to this Agreement no claim, litigation or governmental proceeding is
10. Debtor shall permit any officer of Bank to examine its books and records and
to make extracts from them.

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