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Leadership and Organizational Culture in


HOS 4801 Hospitality

Strategy & Organizations
• Leadership and Organizational Culture in
Topic Content • Leadership Styles, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
• Impact of Culture on Strategy.
Why is so important?

Highly Labor-Intensive HR as Key differentiator Human Element Interaction

HR may act as key differentiator - Service Quality Interaction between guests &
to generate competitive - Customer Satisfaction employees highly important and
advantage between Comp. Set. can be viewed as part of the
- Loyalty product.
- Competitive Advantage
- Organizational Performance
– Large proportion of female & young employees
– Large number of part-time, & seasonal workers
– High staff turnover rates
– Recruitment difficulties
– Poor levels of training
– Relatively low pay
– Labor mobility between different employers & geographically
– Employees working remotely
– Working patterns involving work at nights & weekends

Each of the HR characteristics identified can raise challenges for Managers

Job design & empowerment
Design of jobs & roles through the following measures:

– Job enlargement – employees´ jobs are made more worthwhile and interesting in that
they are given a wider variety of tasks to carry out.
– Job rotation – employees rotate jobs so that teamwork is encouraged, knowledge and
skills are gained.
– Job enrichment – employees are given more discretion or empowerment to make
– Job sharing –employees jobs shared between two or more employees, sharing
responsibilities and covering for staff leave or sick days (Multitasking).
Service quality can be viewed as an important strategy in gaining competitive advantage.

- Services are intangible but are made tangible in the personality, appearance, attitudes, &
behaviour of employees.
- Employees become part of the product, represent the organization, & help to form the image of
the organization
- Customers are present or participating in the service, usually with interpersonal interaction
between customers and service providers.

“We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen.”


Business Service
Success Quality

& Loyalty

The “virtuous circle” linking human resources with business success.

How do you want your employees to view your organization? How do you want customers to view your organization? What
stories best represent what your organization stans for? Who are the legendary leaders of your organization and what do they

Because Culture is so important to successful adoption of Strategy and is difficult to define, understand and measure, it is
important to have a model that provides some understanding (Johnson, 1992)
Miles & Snow´s Culture Hofstede´s Cross-Cultural
Handy´s Cultural Types
Types Differences

Some cultures and leaderships styles help better strategic choices
Leaders set the tone, the tone becomes culture and culture drives strategic thinking
Topic • Leadership and Organizational Culture in
Overview • Leadership Styles, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
• Impact of Culture on Strategy.
• LO2 and LO4
• Rainey, D. L. (2010). Sustainable business development: Inventing the future through strategy,
innovation, and leadership. Cambridge University Press.

• Sabourin, V. (2021). Strategic management for the hospitality and tourism industry: Developing a
competitive advantage. Apple Academic Press.

• Evans, N. (2024). Strategic Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events (Forth Edition).
Routledge. Taylor and Francis Group.

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