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Test A

Task 1:

1. **Fencing** - A sport where people use thin swords to try and touch each other to score points.

2. **Arcade** - A place with many video games that people can play.

3. **Shuttlecock** - The object used in badminton that players hit over the net.

4. **To sprain** - To injure a joint (like an ankle or wrist) by twisting it.

5. **Pockmarked face** - A face with small, deep scars from acne or diseases like smallpox.

6. **Whiskers** - The hair on a person's face or the long, stiff hairs on an animal's face.

7. **Bootleg** - To make or sell something secretly and illegally.

8. **Vow** - A serious promise.

9. **Mousy** - Quiet and shy, or a dull brown color.

10. **Slender** - Thin and graceful.

11. **Drought** - A long time with very little or no rain.

12. **Collection** - A group of things kept together.

13. **Libel** - A written lie that hurts someone's reputation.

14. **Depleting resources** - Natural materials that are being used up.

15. **Arable** - Land that is good for farming.

16. **Quaint** - Unusually old-fashioned and charming.

17. **Pudding** - A creamy dessert, or in Britain, any kind of dessert.

18. **Bribery** - Giving money or gifts to influence someone in a dishonest way.

I see that the tasks in this image are:

**Task 2:**

Put the following actions in the correct order regarding the crime process:

1. **Suspected**

2. **Accused**

3. **Interrogated**

4. **Tried**

5. **Sent to prison**

**Task 3:**

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the given options:

1. **to pull** a muscle

2. **to have a stiff** neck

3. **to have an** infection

4. **to bruise** an ankle

5. **to sprain** a wrist

6. **to have a heart** attack

7. **to have collapsed**

8. **to tear** a tendon

9. **to have** kidney stones

10. **to have a bad** back

**Task 4:**

Correct the mistakes in the text. Here is the corrected text:

"Most scientists **believe** that global warming **will** increase since people **have** caused a lot of **damage**
to nature and their environment. Carbon dioxide emissions are contributing to the greenhouse effect, and population
growth **exerts** severe pressure on finite resources and the ecological balance. This is why many countries have
recently adopted a policy of sustainable development."

**Task 5:**

Circle the correct word in the sentences:

1. People eat apple **sauce** with pork.

2. Would you like me to **pour** the tea?

3. I'm very fond of eating onions with cold beef **preserved**.

4. Can you pass me the salad **dressing** please?

5. Have a **bite** of something if you are hungry, the meal is not ready yet.

6. The monastery is on the **outskirts** of the town.

7. In Britain, the **postage** on a letter is now about 40 pence.

8. If you send the letter here, my mother will **forward** it to my new address.

9. "What time does the next post ...?"

**b) go** ("What time does the next post go?")

10. "Don't be so ... ! I really can't help you with this!"

**a) pushy** ("Don't be so pushy! I really can't help you with this!")

11. "You should talk to Michael. I'm sure he will understand, he is very ..."

**b) conscientious** ("You should talk to Michael. I'm sure he will understand, he is very conscientious.")

**Task 6:**
Complete the idioms with appropriate parts of the body:

1. **sweet tooth** (a liking for sweet foods)

2. **an eye** (A keen eye for news means a talent for identifying newsworthy information)

3. **blood** (Blood is thicker than water means family relationships are stronger than others)

4. **arm and a leg** (something very expensive)

**Task 7:**

Write a short paragraph about the difference between living in a city and the countryside.

Living in a city offers the convenience of having everything within easy reach, from shops and restaurants to schools and
hospitals. The fast-paced lifestyle provides a variety of entertainment and career opportunities but often comes with
noise and pollution. In contrast, the countryside provides a peaceful atmosphere surrounded by nature. With less
pollution and a slower pace of life, it's ideal for those seeking tranquility. However, it might lack some conveniences like
easy access to healthcare and education. Despite the differences, both environments have unique advantages and
disadvantages, offering different lifestyles based on individual preferences.


Task 1:

1. **Fencing** - A sport where people try to touch each other with thin swords.

2. **Arcade** - A place where you can play different games like video games.

3. **Shuttlecock** - The object used in badminton, which players hit back and forth.

4. **To sprain** - To hurt a joint, like an ankle, by twisting it.

5. **Pockmarked face** - A face with small scars, usually from acne or disease.

6. **Whiskers** - Hair that grows on a man's face or stiff hairs on an animal's face.

7. **Bootleg** - Making or selling something illegally.

8. **Vow** - A serious promise to do something.

9. **Mousy** - Shy and quiet, or a dull brown color.

10. **Slender** - Thin and gracefully shaped.

11. **Shin** - The front part of your lower leg between the knee and the ankle.

12. **Venison** - Meat from a deer.

13. **Mugging** - A violent attack to steal someone's belongings.

14. **Icing** - A sweet topping for cakes and cookies.

15. **Cramped** - A small space that feels too tight.

16. **Burglar** - A person who breaks into buildings to steal things.

17. **Venison** - Repeated from above: meat from a deer.

18. **Poste restante** - A postal service where mail is held for the recipient to collect at a post office.

Let me know if you need further help!

**Task 2 (Idioms):**

1. "I helped him once again. I should have let him **stew in his own juice**."

- Meaning: To let someone suffer the consequences of their actions.

2. "When I asked him for **a recipe** for happiness, he gave me a simple answer: work and love."

- Here, "recipe" means a method or formula.

3. "My grandma is young **at heart**."

- Meaning: Someone who feels or behaves in a youthful manner.

**Task 3 (Idioms with body parts):**

1. a) "He's fourteen and has grown up very fast recently? He's all **legs**."

- Meaning: Describes someone tall and thin.

2. b) "He would never fight with anyone. He doesn't have a **stomach** for it."

- Meaning: Lacks the courage or desire to do something.

3. d) "That didn't help him at all! He just opened his mouth and put his **foot** in it!"

- Meaning: Said something embarrassing or offensive without intending to.

4. e) "It's not as bad as it looks like. Keep your **chin** up, it will get better soon!"

- Meaning: Remain hopeful and optimistic.

**Task 4:**

Choose two faces and describe them using appropriate nouns and adjectives.

**Face 1:**

- Eyes: Big, round

- Nose: Long, straight

- Hair: Short, curly

**Face 2:**

- Eyes: Small, narrow

- Nose: Small, flat

- Hair: Short, wavy

Task 5:

1. **Volleyball**:

- **Ball**: The primary equipment used to play the game.

- **Knee Pads**: For protection during dives.

- **Net**: The dividing barrier that the ball is played over.

2. **Ice Hockey**:

- **Stick**: For shooting and passing the puck.

- **Puck**: The rubber disc used in the game.

- **Skates**: To move on the ice.

- **Helmet and Pads**: Protective gear for safety.

3. **Skiing**:

- **Poles**: For balance and propulsion.

- **Skis**: To glide on snow.

- **Boots**: Special footwear that attaches to the skis.

- **Goggles**: For eye protection.

4. **Table Tennis**:

- **Paddle/Bat**: To hit the ball.

- **Ball**: The lightweight plastic ball used.

- **Table**: The surface on which the game is played.

- **Net**: Divides the table in half.

5. **Archery**:

- **Bow**: To shoot arrows.

- **Arrows**: The projectiles shot from the bow.

- **Quiver**: A container to hold arrows.

- **Arm Guard**: To protect the arm from the bowstring.

Task 6

 Salad: A dish made of various mixtures of raw or cooked vegetables, usually served cold.

 Lettuce: A leafy green vegetable, often used as a base ingredient in salads.

 Murder: Deliberately killing someone with the intention to do so.

 Manslaughter: Unintentionally killing someone, often due to sudden emotion or carelessness.

 Kidnapping: Taking someone against their will and holding them captive, often for ransom.

 Hijacking: Taking control of a vehicle (like a plane or ship) by force, usually for ransom or to change its

 Shoplifting: The act of stealing goods from a retail store.

 Pickpocket: A person who steals money or valuables from the pockets or purses of others, usually in crowded

Task 7

**Complete the sentences (7 points)**

1. **There are several swimming styles, such as freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, and backstroke.**

2. **Judo or karate are examples of so-called martial arts.**

3. **There are two main types of skiing: downhill skiing and cross-country skiing.**

Task 8

**Correct the mistakes in the following text (16 points)**

"Carbon dioxide emissions are contributing to the greenhouse effect, and population growth exerts severe pressure on
finite resources and the ecological balance. Most scientists believe that global warming will increase since people have
caused a lot of damage to nature and their environment. This is why many countries have recently adopted a policy of
sustainable development."
**Circle the correct word:**

1. Have you got a toothache? Your face looks **swollen**.

2. He must be terribly strong! Look at his **muscles**.

3. The thumb is part of the **hand**.

4. A new restaurant has opened here which specializes in French **cuisine**.

5. Mr. Generous decided to leave the waiter a big **tip**.

6. He wants to slim, so he should avoid eating **starchy** foods such as bread or potatoes.

7. The postman usually comes at about 9 o'clock with the first **delivery**.

8. The football match resulted in a **draw**.

9. When I first met her, she was very **taciturn**. She hardly said a word.

Test C

Task 1

1. A lump in his throat: Feeling emotional, like when you're about to cry.

2. Pulling your leg: Joking or tricking someone in a playful way.

3. All ears: Fully listening and giving someone your complete attention.

Task 2: Match the idioms with body parts.

1. What’s the name of it? Oh, how frustrating, it's on the tip of my tongue.

2. Why don’t you tell me what the problem is? You’ll feel better if you get it off your chest.

3. Let’s try to solve the problem together. Two heads are better than one.

4. Although she is nearly 90, she is still young at heart.

Task 3: Choose two faces and describe them.

Face A: A man with a bald head and prominent cheeks, sharp eyes, and a stern expression. He seems to be in his 50s or
Face B: A young man with short, closely cropped hair and a slight stubble, with piercing eyes and a neutral expression.
He appears to be in his 20s or early 30s.

Task 4: Equipment associated with sports.

1. Baseball - bat

2. Rowing - oar

3. Skiing - ski poles

4. Tennis - racket

5. Archery - bow

Task 5: Places associated with sports.

1. Badminton - court

2. Football (soccer) - stadium

3. Boxing - ring

4. Ice-skating - rink

5. Baseball - field

Task 7: Identify the sports represented by the images (from left to right):

1. Fencing

2. Weightlifting

3. Swimming

Task 8: Complete the sentences: a) There are several swimming styles, such as freestyle, breaststroke, and butterfly.

b) Judo or karate are examples of so-called martial arts.

c) There are two main types of skiing: alpine skiing and cross-country skiing.

Task 9: Correct the mistakes in the passage:

Most scientists believe that global warming will increase since people have caused a lot of damage to nature and their
environment. Carbon dioxide emissions are contributing to the greenhouse effect, and population growth exerts severe
pressure on finite resources and the ecological balance. This is why many countries have recently adopted a policy of
attainable development.

Task 10: Circle the correct word:

1. In England, people eat apple sauce with pork.

2. Would you like me to pour the tea?

3. I'm very fond of eating pickled onions with cold beef.

4. Can you pass me the salad dressing, please?

5. Have a sip, it will make you feel better.

6. He wants to slim, so he should avoid eating fatty foods such as bread or potatoes.

7. In Britain, the postage on a letter is now about 40 pence.

8. I had to sign for this letter because it came in a registered envelope.

9. Can you deliver this letter by hand?

10. Don't be aloof. You're not the only one to get an A-grade.

11. She performs her work very well and in time. You can fully rely on her. She's very conscientious.

The task asks for a short paragraph of about 120 words on local services. Here's a response that fits the prompt:

Local services play a crucial role in our communities. They ensure that vital needs such as water supply, waste
management, and public safety are met efficiently. For example, our town's water treatment plant provides clean
drinking water, maintaining our health and hygiene. The waste collection service keeps neighborhoods clean, while the
local police ensure public safety. Healthcare facilities provide medical assistance, from routine check-ups to emergency
care. However, the quality of these services varies, with urban areas often having better resources compared to rural
villages. It's important that governments focus on providing an equitable range of services to all residents. Improving and
maintaining local services ensures a higher quality of life and a healthier, safer community for everyone.

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