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Who attended?

CPC Professionals:
Michael Liu, Madison Ilievska and Amanda Dennett

Marketing Communication professionals:

Jason Perelson, Bryden Campbell and Temple Uwalaka

Through this coffee event, I was able to learn more about the career paths available
to me in my major of Corporate and Public Communication. These professionals
shared with us in detail their employment experiences and work status. Through
their sharing, I learnt that there are still a lot of areas that I need to improve. For
example, each of them has excellent presentation skills. They possessed strong
organisational skills and were able to express their ideas clearly and fluently in simple
words. I also attended an event with marketing communications professionals. They
talked about how to have superb knowledge and competence in branding and
marketing expertise, which showed me what kind of role a marketing practitioner
can play in the workplace. I learnt that if I want to be a professional marketing
practitioner in the future, I first need to systematically learn marketing, consumer
behaviour and marketing expertise to build a good foundation. Then execution is
very important. Every good marketer needs to implement good marketing strategies,
coordinate resources and have the ability to organise and implement various
marketing activities. They also point out that communication skills are very
important. During their work, they need to communicate and co-ordinate frequently
with staff from various industries. For example, advertising companies, agencies,
suppliers, etc. In my opinion, as long as there is a positive and curious passion for
learning, and consistently strengthen my professional skills, I will be able to develop
my career in this industry very well in the future.
I asked about how they could make themselves very competitive in future job
I learned that having practical skills is important. Regardless of the job seeking
process in any industry, having internship experience will make you become more
competitive. In my opinion, I will find a suitable internship for myself through my
spare time of study. No matter how good your professional knowledge is, it's hard to
improve if you can't put it into practice.
This campaign has also made me realise that the offline practice of communication
theory is something I lack. When I have learnt enough basics in university, I should
apply them in practice. If I keep learning in paper, I will find that a lot of theories are
not well applied in real life. In the offline work, real work projects can be better to
make more progress in the areas where you are insufficient. After seeing the
professors' speeches, I think that self-confidence is also a very important ability.
Without a sense of confidence, it is difficult to attract the attention of students. In my
future study and work state, I hope I can gain this ability.

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