Resultant Vectors PracticeHW

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Resultant Vectors Practice

1. Draw Vector diagrams to scale, and find the resultant for the following

a. A weight of 600N and air resistance of 80N

b. Thrust of 20000N and drag of 5000N
c. Velocity due West of 400km/h into a headwind of 60km/h
d. Velocity due south of 65km/h with a tailwind of 25km/h

2. Draw Vector diagrams to scale, and find the resultant for the following

a. A plane comes into land due East at a velocity of 240km/h , a

crosswind blows due South at 50km/h
b. An object is pulled by 2 forces: upwards with a force of 60N and to
the right with a force of 100N
c. A plane is coming into land. The lift force is 25,000N, the Weight is
40,000N, Thrust is 0N, Drag is 15000N. what is the single resultant
force, and what effect does it have on the plane’s motion.

3. Draw vector diagrams to scale, using a protractor to find the resultant of

the following:

a. 2 tug boats pull a barge. One acts at an angle of 50o to the horizontal,
pulling NE, the other acts at 20o to the horizontal, pulling SE.
b. 2 forces act at 70o to each other in a NW, and SW direction. They are
both 70N.

4. Resolving Vectors. Find the horizontal and vertical components of the

following forces:
a. A force acting at a bearing of 40o with a magnitude of 50N
b. A force acting at a bearing of 80o with a magnitude of 800N
c. A force acting at 30o to the horizontal acting South East with a
magnitude of 75N

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