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As I contemplating our 3 days CET WEEK celebration, I realized that creating a

happy memories will truly mark on you. I may not engaged in any activities
perform in a span of 3 days, but watching it was enough for me because I
enjoy it. Everybody has their own businesses and doings. It was a chance to
see all the cool stuff happening in our school. It helped us make friends, learn
new things, and maybe even find some career opportunities. It's good to look
back and think about what we liked and what we could do better next time.
The opening parade for our CET WEEK was a blast! It was so exciting to see
everyone coming together, waving flags, and cheering. The spirit of unity and
energy was catching, and it set a positive tone for the entire event. Looking
back, I'm grateful for the sense of community it brought and the memories we
created together.But the one that I truly enjoy the most, is the closing part, the
live band. Watching a live band competition at school was awesome! The
energy was electric, and it was cool to see talented musicians from our
school perform. It was a fun way to support our peers and appreciate their
musical skills. Reflecting on it, I feel grateful for the opportunity to experience
live music and be part of such a vibrant atmosphere.

Thinking back on the social night, I might find that spending time with others
brought laughter, new conversations, and a sense of belonging. Whether it
was sharing stories, or simply enjoying each other's company, these
interactions likely added joy and warmth to my evening. I can see how
chatting with others helps us grow. Talking to people improves how we speak,
understand others, and see the world. It also helps me make more friends.
These experiences make me a better and more confident person overall.

I realized that when we plant mangroves, we have a chance to think deeply. We see
how everything in nature is connected, and it makes us think about how we fit into it
all. Digging and planting these trees makes us realize our duty to take care of the
Earth. It's a moment to look inside ourselves and think about how our actions affect
the world around us. Planting mangroves helps us feel thankful for the beauty of
nature and reminds us to be humble. So, it's not just about planting trees; it's about
understanding ourselves and our role in nature. When we plant mangroves, it's like
looking in a mirror for our actions. We see how important it is to take care of nature.
It's a time to think about what we're doing and how it affects the world. As we plant,
we remember to be grateful for the wonders of nature. It's not just about planting
trees; it's about learning about ourselves and our connection to nature.

Quiño, Regina Marielle F.


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