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Level of Satisfaction of College Students enrolled at Innovative College of Science

&Technology A.Y. 2023-2024: Basis for Innovative program

An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of Criminology


Malitbog, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines

In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Bacay, John Renz

Inao, Ronnel King

Destor, Andy

Mejico, Jordan

Rivas, John Dick

Semilla, Robert

November 2023



The school is where first encounters happen, where students enhance their intellect. It is a

place where students learn new things and new learning is a development in our brains. A good

environment with best facilities will help students learn and develop more that will improve the

academic performances of the students. Satisfaction or contentment means the act of providing

what is needed and desired. Having surveys in regards with the satisfaction is one way to let

someone know that people are contented in a particular subject.

According to Herdlein, R., Zurner, E. (2015) students throughout the world find ways to

spend their time outside of class in activities that complement the formal academic curriculum as

well as the mission and goals. The service given to the students and the perceived quality of the

educational offering explained different amounts of the variance in satisfaction. One way of

improving the quality of the school is through the performance and services of the education-

oriented people like administrators, teachers, school staffs, and parents. There is a significant

mismatch between the building design and the realities of the surrounding community. This sort

of incongruity introduced important challenges to principals, teachers, and staff as they worked

to ensure the satisfaction of students who attend the school.

Samdal O. (2015) stated that students satisfaction with school are students feeling that

they are treated fairly, that they feel safe and that they believe that teachers are supportive.

Student satisfaction consists of factors related to confortable learning environment, where public

spaces and campus accessibility play vital roles. Factors related to the research have the greatest
impacts on the overall satisfaction. Measuring the satisfaction helps campus facilities’

management to prioritise satisfaction factors and identify the areas of the quality improvements.

The successes of students are also the success of the school. The school will benefit from

the achievements of the students. When school facilities are rated in terms of educational

functions, a connection to learning outcomes is apparent. The satisfaction of the students to the

school leads to opportunities to develop the personal knowledge and skill. It also sets important

factors to becoming global citizens and internationally competent professionals.

This research aims to measure the level of satisfaction of the college students in

enrolling at Innovative College of Science & Technology, explore the advantages of the

programs, quality of the facilities and equipment of the school, and recommend potential ideas

for school improvement. By doing so, we hope to contribute valuable insights to the broader

discourse on the satisfaction of students in enrolling in school.

Researchers conduct studies on the level of satisfaction of college students in enrolling

at Innovative College of Science &Technology to enhance the integrity of school, protect the

rights of individuals, build students trust, ensure quality education, and contribute to the overall

fairness and effectiveness of the education system of ICST. Such research is essential for the

continuous improvement of giving a quality and effective educational services for students.
Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of satisfaction of college students

enrolled at Innovative College of Science& Technology A.Y. 2023-2024: Basis for Innovative


Specifically, the research aims to address the following questions;

1. Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1 Age,

1.2 Sex,

1.3 Course,

1.4 Year Level?

2. What is the level of satisfaction of college students enrolled in Innovative College of

Science & Technology in terms of;

2.1 Services,

2.2 Facilities, equipment, laboratory

2.3 Programs

2.4 Teaching Performance?

3. Is there any significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents

and level of satisfaction of college students enrolled in Innovative College of Science &


4. What will be the possible programs that the Innovative College of Science & Technology

create/ implement for more innovative operation?

Statement of Hypothesis

This study is hypothesized that there is a significant relationship between the

demographic profile of respondent in terms of age, sex, course, and year level and the level of

satisfaction of college students enrolled in Innovative College of Science & Technology in terms

of services, facilities, equipment, laboratory, programs and teaching performance.

Significance of the study

The researcher believed that this study would benefit the following:

1. STUDENTS- From this study students would benefit by having an ideas that match their

learning preferences, boost their engagement and motivation, potentially leading to increased

understanding and higher academic achievement.

2. TEACHERS- This study would help teachers to gain insights into which services, facilities,

equipment, laboratory, programs and teaching performance work best for diverse student

populations, allowing them to refine their instructional methods to cater students’ needs more


3. RESEARCHERS- This study would beneficial to the present researchers. This study may be

one of the bases that new theory in learning will arise.

4. FUTURE RESEARCHERS AND ACADEMICS- The study can serve as a basis for further

research and academic discourse on the level of satisfaction of college students in enrolling in a

particular school and to provide background on the related field or study for more satisfying way

of research.
Scope and Limitation

The research focuses on level of satisfaction of college students enrolled at Innovative

College of Science & Technology: Basis for Innovative Program. The data collection will be

conducted at the school of Innovative College of Science and Technology with the college

students who have experienced the services offered by Innovative College of Science &

Technology and will become our respondents. This study will be conducted in year 2023-2024.


SERVICES- in the study it is focussing on the student success and growth, ensuring the best

equipped to thrive in the learning environment; it includes campus safety, alumni programs, on-

campus housing and student media given by the school.

FACILITIES- it is the buildings and grounds, parking lots, playing fields and fixed equipment

under the control of the school management.

EQUIPMENT- in this paper it is a durable school-owned machine, equipment or tool used by a

student as part of a secondary activity, course, or program, including the computers and 3d


LABORATORY- for this study it is a place providing opportunity for experimentation,

observation, or practice in a field of study.

PROGRAMS- in the study it is referred to the traditional programs that are celebrating in the

school to entertain students and give students a quick academic break specifically sports festival,

school foundation and likes.

TEACHING PERFORMANCE- it refers to the set of actions, attitudes, and behaviours in the

teaching-learning environment those results in achieving educational goals for the students.

LEVEL OF SATISFACTION- it is one of the variables in the study and referring to the

attitude resulting from an assessment of students’ educational experience, services and facilities

provided by the institution.


ORIENTAL MINDORO - it is the location of the study


respondents of the study.

Theoretical Framework

Consumer satisfaction theory

According to Churchchill & Suprennant (2016) based on the consumer satisfaction

theory, considers satisfaction as a function of the extent to which students’ expectations about

university are met with positive confirmations of expectations leading to higher levels of

satisfaction. According to this, student satisfaction depended on both internal as well as external

factors. Thus, while student’s own preparations and efforts put in during the academic sessions

were responsible for providing internal input to the satisfaction, external factors such as safety,

educational quality, social and cultural support, image and prestige, and the economic

considerations also accounted for the student’s satisfaction. Clearly, as per this model, student

satisfaction resulted from both internal satisfaction derived from student’s own efforts as well as

the institution’s culture safety social environment and etc.

This theory is relevant to our study because it seeks to identify the variables that affect

student’s level of satisfaction and fulfilment. By doing so, it can offer the college insightful

information about how to make better its programs and the overall college experience. In the

end, the study can lead to creative programs that better fulfil the requirements and expectation of

the students by pointing up areas for development in both internal and external variables.

Self-determinant Theory

The theory was proposed by the psychologist Edward Deci and Richard Ryan (2000), and

it is based on the foundation n that three basic need needs of autonomy, competence, and

relatedness must be taken into consideration to better understand motivation. Here, autonomy is

the need to feel free of external constraints on behaviour, and competence reflects the need to

feel capable, while relatedness refers to the need to be connected with others around us.

In the context of education, the key idea of self-determination theory is that when

students feel that these basic needs are reasonably well met, they tend to perceive their actions

and choices to be intrinsically motivated or “self-determined”. In such scenario, it was likely that

the students will turn their attention to a variety of activities that they will find attractive or


Thus, while some of the students might read books that their faculty has recommended

and others might listen attentively when a key concept was being explained. The theory states

that if one or more basic needs are not met properly, then it was likely that the students might

tend to feel coerced by outside pressures or external incentives. Thus, in that case, it was likely

that they become preoccupied, in fact, with satisfying whatever need has not been met and thus

not exclude or avoid activities that might otherwise be interesting, educational, or important.

Thus, in that case not only the learning was likely to suffer, but equally adverse effect was likely
on their overall satisfaction as well. Overall, the theory can be applied to understand the

students’ satisfaction.

This theory matters to our research because it seeks to comprehend the elements that lead

to student’s satisfaction and happiness, which is in line with the theory’s essential requirements

of relatedness, competence, and autonomy. Through creative activities that improve the overall

college experience, the study can assist the college in better meeting the needs and expectations

of the students.
Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

1. Demographic profile of
the respondents in terms 1. Data Gathering Level of Satisfaction of
of; Collection College students in
enrolling at Innovative
1.1 Age, 2. Distribution of
College of Science &
1.2 Sex, Technology A.Y. 2023-
1.3 Course, 3. Retrieval of 2024: Basis for Innovative
Questionnaire Program was measured.
1.4 Year Level?
4. Statistical Treatment of
2. What is the level of
satisfaction of college Data
students in enrolling at
Innovative College of
Science & Technology in
terms of;
2.1 Services,
2.2 Facilities, equipment,
2.3 Programs
2.4 Teaching

Figure 1. Illustrate the conceptual framework of the hypothesized relationship between the 3

variables using IPO model (INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT model.) The input which pertains to the

demographic profile of respondent in terms of age, sex, course, and year level and the level of

satisfaction of college students enrolled in Innovative College of Science & Technology in terms

of services, facilities, equipment, laboratory, programs and teaching performance. The following

stage is the process which consist to answer or to seek our solution by means of data gathering

collection, distribution of questionnaire, retrieval of questionnaire and statistical treatment of

data. And finally the output depicts the Level of Satisfaction of College students enrolled at

Innovative College of Science & Technology A.Y. 2023-2024: Basis for Innovative Program that

will be measured.


Foreign literature

According to the article of Sarsale & Caday (2020) entitled “Factors Leading to

Student’s Satisfaction in the Higher Learning Institutions” higher education institutions is a

tertiary level of education recognized as one of the most critical tools in fostering a nation’s

economic growth and development. Higher education is increasingly viewed as a service sector,

emphasizing the significance of meeting client’s needs and expectations in order to attain the

intended position and share of the students market. Ensuring excellence service delivery to

increase efficiency, loyalty, student’s retention, and a conducive-learning environment is a

challenge to achieve a competitive advantage over other institutions.

This article is significant to the study about Level of Satisfaction of College students

enrolled in Innovative College of Science & Technology: Basis for innovative program because

it states that the higher education institutions are crucial for a nation’s economic growth and

development, serving as service sector; which means that meeting client needs and expectations

is essential for success, and ensuring excellence in service delivery is crucial for competitive


Additionally, Al-Sheeb, Hamouda, & Abdella (2018) entitled “Satisfaction of

Students and Academic Bernadir University” stated in his article that student’s satisfaction is

a bog concern for HEIs, as it is the major indicator of school and student’s performance and

effective and innovative strategies for attracting, retraining, and strengthening connections with

students. HEIs need to examine their services for future improvements on a regular basis, as they

acknowledge the importance of service quality in higher education. Student’s satisfaction had
varied definition which depends on what subject matter it represents. However the most

recognizable and acceptable definition was pertaining to students educational experience.

The article of Al-Sheeb, Hamouda, & Abdella on 2018 was related to the study since this

is arguing about how a particular student will be contented in service of school given to them. It

is also about how the school would strengthen their connections with the students.

Local Literature

Marzo N. et al (2018) concluded in his article entitled “Retaining and Satisfying

students” that student satisfaction is usually associated with academic experience evaluations

and teaching effectiveness perceptions. Student perceptions of the faculty, teaching techniques,

and course determination were the key elements to students’ satisfaction and college loyalty.

The literature of Marzo N. et al was associated to the study as it was stating about the key

elements on satisfying students such knowing about their perception on an effective academic

experience and teaching techniques given by the teachers and the school itself.

According to Elliot (2018) as he stated in his article entitled “Untangling the

satisfaction-performance relationship for college students” the aspects of student academic

experiences that were most likely to influence student satisfaction and found that “instructional

effectiveness” was a key determinant for overall student satisfaction.

This article was interconnected to the present study as it was about overall satisfaction of

students in their academic experience.

Foreign studies

According to the study of Anita Kanwar (2022) entitled “Student satisfaction survey:

a key for quality improvement in higher education institution” conducted in higher education

institutions in India, the student’s satisfaction and the whole exercise is an innovative method to

obtain students’ feedback on their academic experience, perceptions and expectations from the

higher education institution and finally assess their satisfaction level. It contributes in

understanding students’ perception, likes and dislikes and more importantly which educational

experience they think of as the most important and which facilities require improvement.

Anita Kanwar’s study is significant to this study because it also determining the level of

satisfaction of students in higher education institutions which is quite similar to the study entitled

Level of Satisfaction of college students enrolled in Innovative College of Science &

Technology: Basis for Innovative program.

In study of Mahad KD., (2016) entitled “ Satisfaction of students and Academic

Performance in Benadir University” conducted in Benadir University which focused on the three

main objectives including the role of satisfaction on students’ academic performance, the

relationship between satisfaction of students and academic performance and exploring the other

factors that contribute other academic performance. The research found that satisfaction

promotes both academic achievement and retention of the student.

This study is related to the present study entitled Level of Satisfaction of college students

enrolled in Innovative College of Science & Technology: Basis for Innovative program because

it is about satisfaction of students enrolled in Benadir University which is the same as the

focused of the present study.

Local studies

Cruz (2022) revealed in his master’s thesis entitled “Factors affecting the level of

satisfaction of college students with their academic programs” conducted at Ateneo de

Manila that the factors most likely to affect the level of satisfaction of college students with their

academic programs: the relevance of curriculum to the needs of the industry. Cruz found that

students who are satisfied with the relevance of the curriculum to their career goals are more

likely to be satisfied with their overall academic experience. Students who are satisfied with the

quality of teaching are more likely to be successful in their studies and to graduate on time. And

students who have opportunities for research and extracurricular activities are more likely to

engage in their studies and to have a positive learning experience. Cruz concluded that schools

can improve the level of satisfaction of their students by making sure that the curriculum is

relevant to the needs of the industry.

Cruz’s study is related to this study entitled “Level of Satisfaction of college students

enrolled in Innovative College of Science & Technology: Basis for Innovative program” because

Cruz study focused on measuring the factors that affects the satisfaction of college students with

their academic performance which was also will be expected to be measured after the present

study was conducted.

According to Jennifer A. (2021), in her undergraduate thesis titled “Level of

satisfaction of college students with their programs” conducted at the University of the

Philippines Diliman, the students are generally satisfied with their academic programs, but there

is room for improvement in terms of the relevance of the curriculum to the needs of the industry

and the quality of teaching. Acosta found out that students were most satisfied with the following

aspects: the relevance of the curriculum to the needs of the industry. Acosta concluded that

schools can improve the level of satisfaction of their students by making sure that the curriculum
is relevant to the needs of the industry and providing more opportunities for students to learn

from experienced professionals offering more financial aid to students who need it.

The study of Jennifer A. conducted on 2021 is relevant to the study because from the title

of the study itself it was already obvious that it was measuring the level of satisfaction of the

college students with their academic programs which was also one of the focused in the present



This chapter presents the procedures adapted by the researchers about the details

on the researcher design, research locale, respondent of study, research instruments, scaling and

quantification, data gathering procedure and statistical tool applied in order to come up with this


Research Design

The researcher used descriptive research design since it dwells on tackling the level of

satisfaction of college students enrolled at Innovative College of Science & Technology: Basis

for Innovative Program.

The research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different

components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring you will effectively

address the research problem. It constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and

analysis of data.

Respondent of the study

The respondents of the given study were the selected college students of Innovative College

of Science & Technology in Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro A.Y. 2023-2024. Random sampling

technique was used in the study. Yamanes formula was used to determine the sample size.
Table A. The Total Population of College Students at Innovative College of Science



BEED 170

BSE 288


BSIT 161

BSHM 260

BSBA 437

TOTAL 2382

Table B. The Distribution of Respondents



BSE 57






To determine the sample size using the Yamanes Formula presented as follow;
Yamanes Formula

1+ Ne ²

Where: n= Sample Size

N= Population

e= Margin of Error (0.05)

N= 2382

e= 0.05

n= 2



Research Instrument
The researchers used non-standardized questionnaire consisting of two parts. Part one

focused on the demographic profile of respondent in terms of age, sex, course, and year level;

part two was on the level of satisfaction of college students enrolled in Innovative College of

Science & Technology in terms of services, facilities, equipment, laboratory, programs and

teaching performance for the A.Y. 2023. Since the questionnaire was non-standardized, it was

subjected to the face and content validity. It was presented to the adviser for approval and it was

distributed to the target respondents.

Scaling and Quantification

To measure the Level of Satisfaction of college students enrolled in Innovative College

of Science & Technology the following scalar will be used:

Table C. Scaling and Quantification or Scalar Quantity Used

Numerical Scale Statistical Limit Interpretation

5 4.49-5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.50-4.49 Agree

3 2.50-3.49 Neutral

2 1.50-2.49 Disagree

1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers personally administered the survey instrument to the respondents. First,

the researchers asked permission to the Innovative College of Science & Technology registrar’s

office in Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro to conduct a study. After securing the permission, the

researchers personally conducted the data gathering and explained to the respondents’ the

purpose of the study. Then, the researchers introduced themselves to the selected college

students that will answer the prepared questionnaire. They explained the procedures of

answering questionnaire and guaranteed then of confidentiality. The questionnaires were

collected right after they had answered them. The gathered data were tallied, tabulated, analyzed,

and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools were used to the gathered data:

1. Weighted mean was used to determine the level of satisfaction of college students enrolled in

Innovative College of Science & Technology.

2. Pearson r was used to determine if there is significant relationship between the input and

output of the study.

The formula for getting the mean is as follows:

X= € fd


X= is the given mean

f= is the number of occurrences

€fd= is the total sum of product

N= is the total number of occurrences.

The formula for the getting the Pearson’s r is as follows:

n ( ∑ xy )−( ∑ x )( ∑ y )
√ [ n∑ x − (∑ x ) ][ n∑ y −(∑ y ) ]
2 2 2 2


X = pertaining to the independent variable

Y = pertaining to the dependent variable

n = number of participants

∑ x = sum of all value of x

∑ y = sum of all value of y
∑ xy = sum of the product of x and y

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