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Digital Optical Networks Using

Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs)
Address the Challenges of
Reconfigurable Optical Networks
Mark Allen, Chris Liou, Serge Melle, and Vijay Vusirikala, Infinera Corp.

ABSTRACT extract individual wavelengths for local add/drop,

while allowing pass-through traffic to be
To reduce costs and simplify operations, car- expressed optically through a node.
riers are deploying flexible optical networks that However, most early OADM systems fixed
can be easily reconfigured and managed remote- which wavelengths could be added/dropped at a
ly. This article provides an overview of typical particular node-significantly restricting network
all-optical reconfigurable optical add/drop multi- reconfigurability in response to new service
plexer (ROADM) systems and their associated demands and traffic patterns. To overcome the
network issues. We describe a novel digital opti- limits of fixed OADM networks, the industry has
cal network architecture based on digital focused on dynamically reconfigurable WDM
ROADM systems, which use photonic integrated networks called ROADMs (reconfigurable opti-
circuits (PICs) to overcome many of these issues. cal add/drop multiplexers). Recent technology
Digital ROADM systems use monolithic PICs to developments have extended ROADM capabili-
integrate over 60 discrete optical components, ties from simple 2-way add/drop nodes on a ring
including lasers, modulators and detectors, into to multi-way photonic branching supporting 4
a single pair of optical components, allowing and 8 fiber directions. Reconfigurable optical
cost-effective optical-electrical-optical conversion networks provide a number of benefits to net-
at every node. This also allows key functions work operators. These include:
such as service reconfiguration, add/drop and • Remote service provisioning-provides the
protection to be implemented in the digital ability to remotely provision a service or
domain, and enables de-coupling of service pro- reconfigure a previously provisioned service
visioning from optical link engineering, termed without manual intervention at intermedi-
bandwidth virtualization. Finally, key deployment, ate sites, accelerating the speed of service
reliability and operational metrics for PIC-based provisioning compared to OADM systems.
digital ROADM systems are presented. • Simpler planning and engineering-reduces
the need for wavelength pre-planning,
INTRODUCTION allowing forecast-tolerant network designs,
and minimizing stranded capacity.
During the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, multi- • End-to-end OAMP-provides the ability to
wavelength optical transmission based on wave- monitor and troubleshoot services end-to-
length division multiplexing (WDM) enabled a end through integration of automated con-
rapid increase in capacity per fiber and drove trol plane technologies, such as Generalized
down network cost significantly. Early WDM Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS).
systems required frequent optical-to-electrical- Several technology approaches have been
to-optical (OEO) conversion for every wave- pursued to achieve these benefits, including the
length, regardless of whether customer traffic development of both all-optical ROADMs and,
was being dropped at that site or was passing more recently, digital ROADM systems. As
through. These OEO conversions were very extensively described elsewhere, many architec-
expensive and required significant power and tural and practical deployment issues limit the
space. Hence optical transport system evolution, ability of all-optical ROADMs to provide
focused on minimizing OEO conversions, has unconstrained reconfigurability in practical net-
been driving the quest to develop all-optical net- work applications [1]. This article highlights
works. This led to the development of optical those issues and describes an alternate
add/drop multiplexer (OADM) technology to approach to reconfigurability using digital

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40-λ 40-λ 40-λ

West Module East Module DWDM DWDM DWDM
Add/express unit
9x1 9x1 9x1
Drop/express unit WSS WSS WSS

40-λ 40-λ
λ1 to λN 9x1 9x1
Add/express unit WSS WSS
Drop/express unit
9x1 9x1 9x1

... ... WSS WSS WSS

or test
40-λ DWDM
Local add/drop
40-λ 40-λ 40-λ

(a) 2-way ROADM (b) Multi-=degree ROADM (8-way)

■ Figure 1. ROADM system architectures for (a) 2-way ROADMs using PLC-based optical add/drop filters, and (b) 8-way ROADM
using eight 1x9 WSS for multi-way fiber switching.

ROADMs to address the main issues associated ARCHITECTURAL ISSUES

with all-optical ROADMs. This approach,
called digital optical networking, is based on Network capacity stranding: Absence of
cost-effective OEO at any node enabled by inherent optical wavelength conversion in all-
photonic integration. optical ROADMs leads to wavelength blocking,
In this article we describe the issues with cur- as new service requests provisioned on a wave-
rent all-optical ROADM systems. We describe length contend for wavelength connectivity
large-scale photonic integrated circuits (PICs) across the network. Thus, wavelength blocking
for cost-effective OEO, and how they enable will occur if a new end-end wavelength contends
digital optical networking. We highlight service with the same wavelength already lit on another
reconfigurability with digital optical networks by segment of the network. This leads to either of
enabling bandwidth virtualization- where any two outcomes. There can be faster WDM line
service can be supported using the WDM band- overbuilds, as new systems and fibers are used to
width pool. We also describe the field deploy- provide more wavelength connectivity while leav-
ment metrics of digital optical networks and ing stranded capacity in the remaining portions
highlights real-world deployment case studies of the network. Or, alternatively, wavelength
and the operational advantages enabled by these conversion using OEO conversions is required to
systems. make maximum use of available wavelength
slots, thereby incurring extra network cost and
calling for manual provisioning of OEO at inter-
LIMITATIONS OF mediate sites.
Sub-wavelength services: Since all-optical
ALL-OPTICAL ROADMS ROADMs can only switch at the optical layer,
In all-optical ROADMs, optical add/drop is per- the transport of sub-lambda demands is not opti-
formed using components that operate at the mal. Typically, networks must support many sub-
wavelength level only. Typical components are wavelength end-end demands like GbE or
filter- or liquid-crystal-based wavelength block- OC-48/STM-16 services, while operating at 10G
ers, planar lightwave circuit (PLC)-based per wavelength. To do this most ROADM sys-
mux/demux with switches, or spatial filters with tems utilize “muxponders” to aggregate eight 1G
switches to enable wavelength selective switches or four 2.5G per wavelength. In practice, this
(WSSs). Each of these offers trade-offs in cost, results in:
wavelength port assignment flexibility, and num- • Stranded capacity as new end-end demands
ber of ports/wavelengths supported [2]. In all are provisioned on a new wavelength hav-
cases, the system implementation is based on ing its own muxponders at each end, there-
manipulating wavelengths across different direc- by “under-filling” the muxponder capacity.
tions and, thus, is a truly all-optical ROADM. • Extra cost for multiple back-back optical
Figure 1 illustrates typical implementation of an connections at intermediate sites as new
all-optical ROADM for degree-2 and degree-8 end-end demands are provisioned across
nodal configurations. many point-point muxponder “segments” in
While all-optical ROADM-based systems order to efficiently utilize the deployed
alleviate the constraints of a fixed OADM net- capacity.
work by providing flexibility in network planning End-end service path engineering: In an all-
and remote provisioning, they have significant optical network, it is challenging to ensure all
limitations from an architectural perspective, as optical parameters are validated for the end-to-
well as from practical deployment considera- end optical paths, especially for longer protec-
tions, as follows. tion paths. Hence, ROADM-based optical

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transport systems require careful engineering of

the end-end analog wavelength path between the Discrete components for 10 x 10Gb/s 100 Gb/s photonic
service ingress and egress points of the network integrated circuits
to ensure the systems do not exceed specifica-
tions. Out of spec conditions can be caused by a
wide range of optical impairments and compo-
nent/system specifications, including dispersion
tolerance, Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD), Transmit
number of pass-through/OADM nodes, number
of times wavelength is added/dropped, etc. This Receive
limits the “all-optical” reach of a wavelength and
couples the service path to the transport path,
thereby adding complexity to service planning, Receive
provisioning and trouble-shooting. Mitigating
these issues involves “re-setting” the optical line
through an OEO conversion but negates the ■ Figure 2. Large-scale photonic integrated circuits monolithically integrate
benefits of ROADMs and all-optical transmis- multiple discrete optical components into a single device.

DEPLOYMENT AND OPERATIONAL ISSUES benefits of Moore’s Law. Leveraging the bene-
Complex network planning: Coupling fits of monolithic semiconductor integration
between service routing and wavelength engi- allows future optical component costs to fol-
neering in all-optical ROADM systems intro- low a cost- reduction curve defined by volume
duces significant planning complexity as the manufacturing efficiencies, greater functional
network scales. It often results in sub-optimal integration and increased device density. PIC
network designs, which increases the CapEx technology provides a very capable platform
spending. with demonstrated ability to scale to higher
Network growth with new nodes: Adding a capacity (both with more wavelengths per chip
node in the network or upgrading an ILA to an and higher line rate) and increased functional-
OADM disrupts the entire network design due ity such as integrated optical amplification.
to interconnected span rules and optical design. Scaling of PIC performance across other oper-
Detailed fiber characterization: All-optical ational metrics has been demonstrated. These
ROADMs rely on complex analog optical engi- include scaling channel data rate from 10 Gb/s
neering rules and, hence, require precise and to 40Gb/s [4]; scaling the number of channels
validated fiber characterization data. This neces- per PIC from 10 to 40 [5]; and integrating
sitates a mandatory, and expensive, fiber charac- additional optical functions to include light
terization exercise to measure parameters such amplification [6] The high reliability of the
as PMD, chromatic dispersion, loss, etc. PIC has also been shown. Data from deployed
Difficulty with long protection paths: Protec- PICs collected from an extensive installed base
tion paths in all-optical networks go through has shown failure-free operation over 21.7 mil-
more nodes and longer distances than the work- lion cumulative field-hours [7].
ing path, which could result in reduced OSNR These developments fundamentally change
and filter narrowing effects, and inadequate the economics for implementing OEO conver-
optical performance to close the link. sion and the manipulation of optical bandwidth
across a network. This enables the concept of an
PHOTONIC ICS AND optical transport layer that combines the func-
DIGITAL OPTICAL NETWORKS tionality and benefits of a “digital” network with
the cost-effective bandwidth scalability of an
The recent commercialization of large-scale analog WDM network. This new architecture,
monolithic photonic integrated circuit (PIC) termed a digital optical network, [8] redefines
technology [3] has enabled a “WDM system on optical transport by providing the capacity of
a chip” with a capacity of 100 Gb/s. PIC tech- WDM with the traffic management flexibility
nology integrates the functionality of more and engineering simplicity of digital transport
than 60 discrete optical components onto a systems, and the cost savings of large-scale pho-
pair of photonic chips, as illustrated in Fig 2. tonic integration.
Specific optical functions are monolithically At the heart of a digital optical network is a
integrated on the PICs. The transmit PIC digital ROADM (Fig. 3). Digital ROADM sys-
includes 10 DFB lasers and associated monitor tems fundamentally differ from “all-optical”
photodiodes frequency stabilized to the ITU ROADM implementations by performing digital
WDM wavelength grid, 10 Gb/s modulators add/drop and switching after undergoing an opti-
implementing NRZ optical signal modulation, cal-electrical-optical (OEO) conversion of all
10 variable optical attenuators (VOAs) to WDM line wavelengths at each node. This
adjust the power levels of the transmitters, and enables access and manipulation of all WDM
a 10:1 WDM multiplexer. The receive PIC has bandwidth using a sub-wavelength electronic
a 1:10 WDM demultiplexer, and 10 PIN detec- switch in a manner similar to SONET ADMs,
tors operating at 10 Gb/s. but applied to the WDM layer.
This level of optical component integration PIC-based OEO conversion in digital
and package consolidation brings to the opti- ROADM systems separates/isolates WDM
cal networking what has long eluded it-afford- line-side operation from client-side add/drop
able OEO conversion and the economic and reconfiguration. Silicon logic is used to

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Integrated WDM transport and digital band-

width management: Such management across
Digital electronics the WDM line capacity enables remotely recon-
and software
figurable add/drop, multiplexing and switching at

• Signal regeneration
• PM and error every node, without requiring truck rolls for cir-
correction cuit interconnection, wavelength blocking, etc.
• Sub-λ add/drop Decoupling of services from transmission
• Protection layer: In this architecture, the service layer is
• Grooming and
switching abstracted from the optical transmission layer
and is freed from physical constraints, such as
optical reach, number of pass-through
(R)OADM nodes, PMD, chromatic dispersion,
Embedded software intelligence: An integrat-
ed intelligent GMPLS control plane enables
automated, remote and rapid implementation of
many historically manual tasks. These include
real-time topology auto-discovery, management,
service provisioning and reconfiguration, and
service protection and restoration. This opera-
tional efficiency is in contrast to other approach-
es where back-to-back transponders, muxponders
or external OEO switches introduce control
plane discontinuities, which hinder end-to-end

■ Figure 3. Nodal view of digital ROADM shows network functionality imple-

mented in the digital domain. SERVICE RECONFIGURABILITY WITH
implement the service and hardware reconfig- Bandwidth virtualization decouples service deliv-
urability at each node, including sub-wave- ery from wavelength engineering. This allows a
length multiplexing, add/drop and switching, variety of services, ranging from sub-lambda data
point-to-multipoint service distribution, digital rates to super-lambda data rates, to be transport-
performance monitoring of service overhead, ed over a common WDM network operating at a
fast digital protection, and digital diagnostics data rate optimized for lowest network cost.
such as loop-backs, trace messaging, hair-pin- Here sub-lambda service refers to service data
ning and integration of bit error rate test rates that are a fraction of the nominal data rate
(BERT) measurement tools. This is typically of a wavelength in the WDM line, whereas a
combined with embedded software intelligence super-lambda service has a data rate higher than
to automate network and topology discovery the wavelength data rate on the WDM line.
and service provisioning, and allows operators Electrical processing is used to either multiplex
realize a new networking paradigm character- multiple sub-lambda services onto a common
ized by a simple “plug-and-play” approach to wavelength, or “bond” bandwidth from multiple
optical networking. wavelengths to support end-end transmission of
In a typical digital ROADM, WDM line cards a super-lambda service.
using PICs provide 100 Gb/s of WDM line-side Figure 4 illustrates how bandwidth virtualiza-
capacity in a circuit card, significantly reducing tion in digital optical networks enables services
the number of intra/inter-chassis fiber connec- to be delivered using an available pool of WDM
tions, number of circuit packs, and associated line-side bandwidth, rather than being coupled
set-up, deployment and maintenance. Client-side to a specific wavelength and line rate of a con-
services are connected to the digital ROADM ventional WDM network.
using separate multi-service tributary modules, Table 1 outlines the limitations of transpon-
allowing a wide range of OTN, SONET/SDH, der-based conventional networks and indicates
Ethernet or SAN services to be mapped to the how bandwidth virtualization addresses those
WDM line-side capacity. The OEO architecture limitations.
of a digital ROADM allows all client interfaces Bandwidth virtualization is enabled by the
and PIC-based WDM line modules to be inter- following elements in a digital optical network.
connected via a digital backplane allowing sub- • WDM line capacity between nodes is cost-
wavelength digital bandwidth management optimized, scalable, pre-tested and ready
(typically at an ODU1 granularity) across all for service. Large-scale photonic integration
client and line-side capacity and across 2-way provides the ideal platform for cost-effec-
add/drop or 4-way fiber junctions. Finally, multi- tive WDM capacity scaling.
ple PIC-based 100 Gb/s line-side WDM modules • Pluggable service interface cards with soft-
are typically multiplexed and optically amplified ware configurability support multiple ser-
and support WDM line capacities of 400 Gb/s, vice types and protocols.
800 Gb/s or more in the future. • Digital virtual concatenation map services
The salient features of a digital optical net- (sub-lambda, lambda or super-lambda ser-
working architecture using digital ROADMs vices) to the pool of available bandwidth
include: and manage the service delivery end-to-end.

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Network operators are facing the challenges of
optimizing the “inventory” of capacity in their Service coupled to wave
core networks to quickly provision customers
with the right amount of capacity, wherever and
whenever it’s required. The never-ending task of
maintaining sufficient optical capacity in the
right areas of the network is further complicated
by the changing traffic patterns and demands of Wave
next-generation services. All this is compounded
by the need to optimize CapEx while minimizing
operational complexity and associated OpEx. 40G
Bandwidth virtualization helps solve these chal-
lenges by abstracting the creation and delivery of
optical transport services from the engineering 100G
of the optical layer itself, enabling operators to
Service decoupled from waves
deliver any service, at any rate, anywhere in the
network. The key benefits of bandwidth virtual-
ization are detailed below.

Future-proofing — Bandwidth virtualization

enables carriers to offer a fully flexible mix of
transport service types using a single converged
network infrastructure. With bandwidth virtual-
ization, a carrier can deliver a 155-Mb/s trans- ■ Figure 4. Bandwidth virtualization in digital optical networks.
port service as easily as a 40-Gb/s or,
ultimately, a 100GbE service. Each service is
individually mapped over the existing deployed length at the node can be switched, via the cross-
optical layer capacity and does not depend on point switch, to any other wavelength at a sub-
the availability of any specific optical wave- wavelength granularity. In contrast, in all-optical
length running at a specific bit rate (Fig. 5). networks, optimal wavelength routing and assign-
With conventional transponder-based architec- ment (WRA) becomes critical in reducing
ture, higher bit rate wavelengths must be stranded capacity and minimizing the deployed
deployed to support the higher bit-rate ser- equipment. Optimizing WRA schemes in all-
vices. This imposes the need to engineer the optical networks is particularly complicated as
WDM line system to support the highest bit the logical problem is coupled with physical path
rate, which often involves expensive optical validation. A number of WRA schemes have
technologies that burden the cost of delivering been proposed in the literature [9].
lower bit-rate services. The complication of the field can be partly
attributed to the number of variables that must
Improved Bandwidth Efficiency — Band- be considered when developing such algorithms,
width virtualization enables carriers to more including network topology, traffic demands,
cost-effectively utilize the capacity they deploy, computational complexity, extent of wavelength
and eliminate stranded bandwidth. It also conversion, etc. WRA algorithms also depend
enables any service to be flexibly mapped onto on whether the demands are routed in batch
the underlying pool of DWDM capacity, utiliz- mode (assuming all demands are known a pri-
ing whatever capacity may be available across ori, as in a green-field scenario) or in a sequen-
the collection of wavelengths. Through digital tial fashion (brown-field scenario) without
virtual concatenation, any unused optical capac- re-assigning the previously provisioned services.
ity can be used by any digital service, while In many real-world scenarios, it is not practical
ensuring full standards compliance and service to re-provision the services on a regular basis.
transparency. This would disrupt service, and, hence, the
Moreover, with future Ethernet services such algorithms used must be oriented towards
as 100GbE, bandwidth virtualization will offer sequential provisioning, leading to sub-optimal
an unmatched level of efficiency with respect to network designs.
delivering fractional 100GbE services. Conven-
tional solutions require full allocation of the New Transport Services — Digital Multi-
100G wavelengths to support 100GbE interfaces, cast, Protection and Restoration — Band-
even if the utilization on those interfaces is, for width virtualization enables the network to
instance, 60 Gb/s, effectively stranding the support new service delivery mechanisms beyond
remaining 40 Gb/s. With bandwidth virtualiza- point-to-point circuits, resulting in higher net-
tion, a 100GbE optical interface can be config- work efficiency and availability while minimizing
ured to deliver fractional services by right-sizing capital expense. The decoupling of services from
the capacity on the DWDM side instead of wavelengths and the integrated bandwidth man-
devoting the entire 100-Gb/s capacity. agement enables new services such as:
In addition, bandwidth virtualization elimi- • Digital multicasting, where any circuit at
nates stranded capacity due to wavelength block- any bit-rate can be multicast at any digital
ing by providing inherent wavelength conversion. node, without analog engineering or optical
This is possible because the signal on any wave- reach constraints.

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Conventional transponder-based WDM Digital optical network with bandwidth virtualization

Service data-rate change requires

Service reconfigurability No WDM line re-engineering needed
re-engineering WDM line or new line system

WDM line system eco- Line system tied to highest service rate is
WDM capacity cost-optimized independent of service mix
nomics expensive for high data- rate services

Service activation closely tied to link Service activation decoupled from link engineering is rapid,
Service activation
engineering is slow and cumbersome just-in-time model

BW stranding for muxponders; Fractional No stranded BW; services can tap available BW pool;
Bandwidth efficiency
services have line BW stranded Fractional services right-size the WDM pipe

■ Table 1. Advantages of digital optical networks.Advantages of digital optical networks.

• Digital protection with a single service to system reliability, and finally provides a case
interface, cost-optimized to provide net- study example of operational savings possible
work protection by digitally dual-casting the with such systems.
received signal along work and protect
• Dynamic mesh restoration, which offers the At the end of the third quarter of 2007, over
ability to provide network resiliency against 2451 PIC-based digital ROADM network ele-
multiple failures using any available capaci- ments, plus 2171 associated optical line-amplifier
ty from the bandwidth pool. nodes, were deployed in service-provider net-
With these benefits of bandwidth virtualiza- works. These deployments span an estimated
tion, network operators can truly focus on the 400 000 route-km (250 000 route-miles), with
business of selling and delivering transport ser- fiber capacity cross-sections ranging from 100
vices to end-customers, rather than on the engi- Gb/s to 800 Gb/s. To date, the only PIC-based
neering complexities of the optical network. This digital ROADM deployments have been those
will lead to faster service delivery times and manufactured by Infinera Corp., and our num-
innovative new services. bers reflect deployment data for these systems.
As of 29 September 2007, Infinera had
deployed digital ROADM systems with 38 ser-
OPERATIONAL ADVANTAGES AND vice providers. These include bandwidth whole-
salers, cable multi-system operators (MSOs),
DEPLOYMENT CASE STUDIES alternative carriers, Internet service providers
Digital ROADM systems using PIC technology (ISPs), government agencies and research and
described in this article have been commercially education (R&E) networks). Deployments span
available since mid-2004, [10] and deployed in long-haul, regional and metro networks. Some of
live network operation since early 2005 [11]. our publicly announced deployments and their
This section highlights how such PIC-based digi- network operators include:
tal ROADM systems have been deployed across • 360networks-Regional network in the west-
a broad range of service provider networks, ern United States extended VoIP and other
describes some representative customer deploy- IP services to smaller markets.
ments, outlines key operational metrics related • Cox Communications-Leading U.S. cable

Bandwidth virtualization Conventional WDM


SONET 10G 10G ?

OTN 100Gb/s
10G 40G 100GbE
Service - wave
Future decoupling etc.

■ Figure 5. Illustration of future-proofing service interfaces with bandwidth virtualization

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Long-haul WDM capacity deployed 100G PIC reliability metrics

250000 35 100000
100G PIC Field hours (millions)
40G FIT (60% CL)
Quarterly capacity deployed (Gb/s)

10G 30 PIC element FIT 10000

200000 2.5G

Field hours of operation


150000 20


50000 5 1

0 0
3Q05 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 1Q07 2Q07 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 /07
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q


■ Figure 6. a) Total LH WDM network capacity deployed as a function of WDM interface type, and b) reliability data of 100G PICs
deployed in network operation.

MSO operator installed nationwide 20 000- over 450 Terabits/s of network capacity, had
km network in addition to metro deploy- been shipped into live network applications in
ments. long-haul WDM networks. Based on published
• FLAG Telecom-Metro back-haul of industry data, 100G PIC-based WDM systems
FLAG’s submarine systems in North Amer- represented approximately 48 percent of total
ica, Europe and Asia long-haul WDM network capacity shipped in the
• Global Crossing-Overbuild of nationwide second quarter, as shown in Fig. 6a.
North American WDM network. At the end of the second quarter of 2007, the
• Internet2-21 000-km nationwide U.S. WDM total PIC pairs (Tx and Rx) deployed in the field
backbone and metro networks for next-gen- had accumulated over 30.7 million hours of actu-
eration Internet services. al operation with zero failures, as shown in Fig.
• Interoute-Overbuild of pan-European 6b. The corresponding estimated failure rate to
WDM 35 000-fiber-km network. date using the failures-in-time (FIT) definition
• Level 3 Communications-Overbuild of glob- of “failures per billion hours” of the Tx-Rx PIC
al 36 000-km network in U.S. and Europe. pair based on field hours of operation is approx-
• OnFiber (now part of Qwest Communica- imately 75 FIT at a 90 percent confidence level
tions)-Metro WDM networks in key U.S. (CL) and approximately 30 FIT at a 60 percent
metro areas. CL (Fig. 6b). These reliability figures show that
• XO Communications-Overbuild of 29 000- indium phosphide-based PICs demonstrate high
km nationwide North American network. reliability in real-world, in-service network appli-
cations. These results provide quantitative rein-
PIC RELIABILITY forcement of the well-established paradigm in
At the end of the second quarter of 2007 over electronic silicon ICs that a higher level of device
4500×100G PICs pairs (Tx and Rx), representing integration improves reliability.

80 x 10Gb/s 80 x 10Gb/s

40 x 10Gb/s 40 x 10Gb/s

10 x 10Gb/s 10 x 10Gb/s

1 x 10Gb/s Digital optical network 1 x 10Gb/s Digital optical network

Traditional WDM Traditional WDM
20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
Number of circuit packs Number of intra-system fiber connections

■ Figure 7. Comparison of the number of circuit packs and intra-system fiber connections between a digital optical network node and a
conventional WDM node.

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next-gen ROADM-based systems resulting from

Normalized deployment cost the key factors described above.
100% In addition to the ease of installation and system
Digital optical network turn-up, digital optical networks offer additional
Next gen optical ROADM
Traditional DWDM operational advantages, such as simplified trouble
80% shooting and fault isolation. The networks provide
detailed PM parameters such as BIP errors, AIS
signals, corrected FEC bytes, etc. for all service
60% types and at all nodes. This enables more accurate
and faster fault isolation and fault correlation, and
results in shorter repair times compared to all-opti-
40% cal networks, which typically support comprehen-
sive PMs only at the service end-points.
Digital optical networks combine high-capacity
WDM transport enabled by photonic integration
Initial turn-up (10 C) 10 Ch add with integrated sub-wavelength bandwidth man-
agement and GMPLS software intelligence. This
■ Figure 8. Comparison of deployment costs for initial turn-up and a 10-chan- architecture enables unconstrained service recon-
nel capacity addition, among digital optical network, next-gen ROADM and figurability and addresses the key limitations in
traditional WDM networks. all-optical ROADM based reconfigurable net-
works. In addition to a future-proof service deliv-
ery architecture, digital optical networking also
CASE STUDY OF A NATIONWIDE DIGITAL enables new transport service offerings such as
OPTICAL NETWORK digital multicast and dynamic mesh restoration.
This architecture also provides significant OpEx
The OpEx savings resulting from the simplified savings in several areas starting with efficient net-
installation and turn-up of digital optical net- work planning and deployment and continuing
works are highlighted in a case study of a major through streamlined network operation, mainte-
U.S. carrier’s nationwide WDM deployment. nance and trouble-shooting. A nationwide long-
The build-out consisted of 200 sites across 27 haul network deployment case study is described
long-haul routes, spanning a total of 13 800 to highlight the OpEx benefits of digital optical
miles. The entire build-out was installed, tested network compared to traditional WDM networks.
and accepted in five months-at average of 0.73
days/site. The network deployment was done by REFERENCES:
a team totaling 12 members, with only 2 to 3 [1] S. Melle et al., “Network Planning and Architecture
team members working on a given route at a Analysis of Wavelength Blocking in Optical and Digital
particular time. These deployment metrics for a ROADM Networks,” Technical Digest, OFC 2007, Ana-
digital optical network compare favorably to tra- heim, CA.
[2] L. Eldada, “Advances in ROADM Technologies and Sub-
ditional optical network deployment metrics, systems,” Proc. SPIE, 2005.
where installation typically takes four installation [3] R. Nagarajan et al., “Large Scale Photonic Integrated
personnel per site/route and 1 to 2 days per site. Circuits,” IEEE JSTQE, vol. 11, no. 1, Jan./Feb. 2005, pp.
Key factors that enable faster deployment of dig- 50–65.
[4] R. Nagarajan et al., “400-Gb/s (10-channel x 40 Gb/s)
ital optical networks include: DWDM Photonic Integrated Circuits,” Electron. Lett.,
• Fewer fiber terminations: PIC technology vol. 41, 2005, pp. 347–49.
enables on-chip multiplexing/demultiplexing [5] R. Nagarajan et al., “ Single-Chip 40-Channel InP Trans-
of 10 wavelengths, significantly reducing the mitter Photonic Integrated Circuit Capable of Aggre-
gate Data Rate of 1.6 Tb/s,” Electron. Lett., vol. 42,
number of fiber terminations. 2006, pp. 771–73.
• Capacity added in 100G increments: Results [6] R. Nagarajan et al., “Monolithic, 10- and 40-Channel
in fewer line cards to install and provision. InP Receiver Photonic Integrated Circuits with On-Chip
• Full auto discovery and system tuning: Amplification,” Proc. OFC/NFOEC, PD paper, 2007.
[7] C. Joyner et al., “InP-Based Monolithic Integration Tech-
GMPLS-based control plane enables auto- nology,” Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics
discovery of network connectivity and per- Research and Applications Conf., IWE1, 2007.
forms system balancing automatically. [8] S. Melle et al., “Network Planning and Economic Analy-
• Constant PRBS BER testing on non-service sis of an Innovative New Optical Transport Architecture:
The Digital Optical Network,” Technical Digest, OFC
bearing wavelengths: Allows new services 2005, Anaheim, CA.
to be activated rapidly because the WDM [9] A. Mokhtar and M. Azizoglu, “Adaptive Wavelength
line is pre-deployed, tested and ready for Routing in All-Optical Networks,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Net.,
carrying service. vol. 6, no. 2, Apr. 1998.
[10] Infinera Corp. Press Release, “Infinera Announces
Figure 7 shows a comparison of the number Breakthrough in Photonic Integration and the Infinera
of circuit packs and intra-system fiber connec- DTN Digital Optical Networking System,” 3 May 2004.
tions for a digital optical networking node and a [11] Infinera Corp. Press Release, “Freenet Deploys Infinera
conventional WDM node. The reference node DTN for Nationwide Optical Network,” 31 Jan. 2005.
used is for a long-haul network terminal, with
half the line cards in transponder and the other BIOGRAPHIES
half in muxponder configuration. Figure 8 shows MARK E. ALLEN (MARK.ALLEN@INFINERA.COM) IS THE DIRECTOR OF
the relative OpEx savings of a digital optical net- Systems Engineering at Infinera where he provides cus-
work compared to traditional WDM systems and tomers with architecture and applications engineering sup-

42 IEEE Communications Magazine • January 2008

ALLEN LAYOUT 12/17/07 10:02 AM Page 43

port. Previously he was co-founder of Valiant Networks, a M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from
company providing network engineering, testing and net- Stanford University.
work operation services. Mark was also Director of Net-
work Architecture for WilTel where he was responsible for S ERGE M ELLE is vice president of technical marketing at
the design and technology planning of the nationwide Infinera Corp., Sunnyvale, Calif., responsible for market
DWDM transport and data backbone. Mark has been a fre- development, technical customer support and network
quent speaker at telecommunications industry conferences. architecture strategy. Prior to joining Infinera, he was vice-
He has served as an Adjunct Professor at Southern president of market development at Nortel Networks, sup-
Methodist University (SMU), Oklahoma State University, porting the deployment of major optical networks for
and San Jose State. Mark holds a PhD and MS in Electrical service providers in North America, Europe, the Middle-East
Engineering from Oklahoma State University and a BSEE and Africa. Before joining Nortel, he held business- devel-
from Kansas University. Mark is a Senior Member of IEEE opment and product-management positions at Pirelli Tele-
and a member of HKN and has served as an associate edi- com Systems, where he was involved in the implementation
tor of the OSA Journal of Optical Networking for 7 years. of the industry’s first WDM and optical-amplifier network
deployments. Before this, Melle held product management
CHRIS LIOU is the Vice President of Product Management at and engineering positions at EG&G Optoelectronics. He has
Infinera, where he oversees all product management activi- extensively published in the fields of optics and network-
ties, including product planning and definition, product ing, and holds a B.S. degree in physics from Concordia
line management, and technical marketing for the Infinera University, Montréal, and a M.A.Sc. degree in applied
DTN™, Infinera's IQ Network Operating System, and the physics from the University of Toronto.
Infinera Management Suite. Chris joined Infinera from
Ciena, where he served as the Senior Director of Product VIJAY VUSIRIKALA is currently Director, Technical Marketing at
Management and Marketing for the CoreDirector™ product Infinera where he is responsible for aligning Infinera’s
lines. While at Ciena, he was responsible for product defi- product strategy with leading global carriers as they deploy
nition, requirements specification, product marketing, and the next generation of optical networks. Prior to joining
product strategy for the CoreDirector optical switching Infinera, Vijay was at Motorola Access Networks as Direc-
product lines and LightWorks intelligent optical networking tor, Market Development for PON, DSL and IPTV products.
software. Chris joined Ciena through the Lightera Networks Prior to Motorola, he was with Sycamore Networks in
acquisition, where he was responsible for product defini- senior system architecture and product management roles,
tion and product management from inception. Chris has where he defined architecture for reconfigurable optical
previously held product management and marketing posi- networks and next-gen SONET/SDH systems. He has pub-
tions at StrataCom and Cisco, and systems architecture and lished extensively, spoken at numerous industry events and
engineering positions at Hewlett-Packard and Telcordia. holds seven patents in optical devices and systems. He
Chris received his B.S.E. with high honors in Electrical Engi- obtained a Ph.D from the University of Maryland, College
neering and a certificate in Operations Research and Finan- Park in the area of optoelectronic integration, and a BSEE
cial Engineering from Princeton University, and received his from IIT, Madras in India.

IEEE Communications Magazine • January 2008 43

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