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BOOK REVIEWS been the standard in the field for three cialties but many others are relatively

cialties but many others are relatively un-

decades. ASSESSMENT: The team of dis- known. However, nearly all of the chapter
tinguished authors, led by Senior Editor authors hold terminal degrees and are as-
Mitchell H. Whaley, PhD, has continued sociated with highly respected institutions.
ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise the huge success of ACSM’s Guidelines for FEATURES: The bulk of the book focuses
Testing and Prescription, 7th Exercise Testing and Prescription. This on assessments/exercise testing, exercise
Edition edition has been updated to include the training, and expected physiological adap-
most current information and several new tations with exercise training for both
Editor: Whaley, Mitchell H., PhD, sections. This is a must-have resource for healthy and diseased populations. Addi-
FACSM Bibliographic Data: (ISBN: anyone in fields related to exercise testing tional content includes behavioral modifi-
0-7817-4506-3, Lippincott Williams & and prescription. SCORE: Weighted Nu- cation and administration of exercise pro-
Wilkins, 2006, $32.95) 366 pages, spi- merical Score: 93 grams. The greatest asset of this book may
ral bound cover. Subjects: Sports Reviewed by: Edward H. Heath, Ph.D. be its comprehensiveness as nearly every
Medicine. (Utah State University College of Education) topic imaginable relative to exercise testing
DESCRIPTION:This is the seventh edi- and programming for both healthy and dis-
tion of a resource for professionals who eased populations is addressed. A unique
advocate physical activity and contains the ACSM’s Resource Manual for and useful feature is the cross referencing
current recommendations on health ap- Guidelines for Exercise Testing and to the seventh edition of the ACSM Guide-
praisals, exercise testing, and exercise pre- Prescription, 5th Edition lines. The tables and boxed information are
scription. The previous edition was pub- also good summary features. Photographs
Editor: Kaminsky, Leonard A., PhD,
lished in 2000. PURPOSE: This book is would have helped readers. For example,
FACSM. Bibliographic Data: (ISBN:
intended to provide the most current infor- when describing equipment that everyone
0-7817-4591-8, Lippincott Williams &
mation in a usable form for professionals might not be familiar with or have access to
Wilkins, 2006, $51.95) 749 pages, soft
who are involved in the assessment of (e.g., accelerometer, DEXA, etc.), a photo-
physical fitness and the promotion of phys- graph would be useful. Also, appendix B
ical activity. This is certainly a worthy ob- DESCRIPTION: Although this resource (ACSM certifications & KSAs) in this Re-
jective because of the varied training re- manual complements the seventh edition of source Manual is identical to appendix F in
ceived by those involved in the clinical the ACSM Guidelines for Exercise Testing the ACSM Guidelines. This redundancy
aspects of fitness and the fitness industry. and Prescription and serves as a study could be eliminated. ASSESSMENT: This
Much of this information is covered in guide for ACSM certifications, it should is more than just a study guide for those
many other sources, but this is the one also be considered a stand-alone reference seeking ACSM certifications; it is a com-
definitive source of information on exercise for health and fitness professionals. This prehensive reference for clinicians and fit-
testing and prescription. AUDIENCE: The fifth edition updates the 2001 text. PUR- ness professionals. There are other books
book is targeted at health/fitness and clin- POSE: The book may not be “necessary” that are better at explaining how to perform
ical exercise professionals, physicians, to pass ACSM certification exams, but it various exercise/fitness assessments (better
nurses, physician assistants, physical and does add depth to the ACSM Guidelines explanations, photographs, and figures):
occupational therapists, dietitians, and and is a useful resource. AUDIENCE: This Heyward, Advanced Fitness Assessment
healthcare administrators. All of the con- book is rather in-depth and comprehensive and Exercise Prescription, 4th edition (Hu-
tributing authors are well known experts in for just a study guide; it is a reference text. man Kinetics, 2002), and Howley and
their fields and a number of them were The language, terminology, and level of Franks, Health Fitness Instructor’s Hand-
involved in the previous edition. FEA- understanding in some of the chapters that book, 4th edition (Human Kinetics, 2003).
TURES: This is the most comprehensive might be most useful for clinicians and However, the scope and comprehensive-
and authoritative guide to exercise testing practitioners might be a bit too advanced ness of the ACSM Resource Manual is un-
and prescription. The most important con- for some students seeking only one of the matched. SCORE: Weighted Numerical
tribution of this book is to have all this introductory health/fitness certifications. Score: 91
information, selected by experts, in one Of the numerous chapter authors, some are Reviewed by: Dale R. Wagner, Ph.D.
book that is easy to reference. This has well-known leaders in their respective spe- (Utah State University College of Education)

Doody Enterprises, Inc. owns the copy- The ratings are divided into five groups, and each group is assigned one to five stars.
right to all book and software reviews
appearing MSSE®. Full access to ACSM 夹夹夹夹夹 97–100 Exceptional book with nearly flawless execution
InfoSearch is a free benefit ACSM offers 夹夹夹夹 90 –96 Outstanding book, with minor problems in execution
to all of its members, providing full 夹夹夹 69 – 89 Very good book, but usually with one or more fairly significant flaws
access to Doody’s comprehensive, 夹夹 47– 68 Average book, usually with several flaws (or one major flaw) or significant
proprietary database of information about weakness versus its competition
inprint book and software titles and a 夹 below 46 Substandard book
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