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### An Islamic Perspective of Teaching Philosophy: Integrating Faith and Rationality in Education

#### Introduction to Islamic Educational Philosophy

Dr. Qais Faryadi discusses the broad and nuanced approach of Islamic education which extends beyond
religious instruction to include secular sciences. He emphasizes that Islamic education, rooted in the
Quran and Sunnah, is not limited to religious studies but encompasses a wide range of knowledge,
including modern sciences like medicine and genetics.

> "Islamic education is often erroneously perceived as education on religious matters, whereas in fact,
Islamic education...provides a rich reservoir of knowledge in the modern sciences." (Faryadi)

#### The Dual Sources of Knowledge: Naqli and Aqli

Faryadi elaborates on the two foundational types of knowledge in Islamic tradition: Naqli (revealed
knowledge from the Quran and Sunnah) and Aqli (rational and logical knowledge). He emphasizes the
balance and integration between these sources, promoting a holistic educational approach.

> "According to traditional Islam, there are two types of knowledge, namely Naqli (revealed knowledge)
and Aqli (rational knowledge)." (Faryadi)

#### The Role and Purpose of Man in Islamic Education

The paper underscores the significant role of humans as Allah’s vicegerents on Earth, tasked with the
responsibility of leading others to salvation and utilizing their rational abilities to fulfill their earthly
duties responsibly.

> "Man has been given the privilege and is blessed by Allah as a Khalifah (vicegerent) so that he can lead
others to salvation." (Faryadi)

#### Educational Methodologies in Islam

Dr. Faryadi discusses various educational methodologies within the Islamic framework, including critical
thinking, problem-solving, and moral development. He stresses the importance of educators being
attentive to students' needs, helping them develop both intellectually and spiritually.
> "As educators, we are duty bound to be attentive to the needs of students and to help develop their
critical thinking and problem-solving skills." (Faryadi)

#### Vision and Mission of an Islamic Educator

Faryadi outlines his vision and mission as an educator, aiming to create an engaging, respectful, and
intellectually stimulating learning environment that inspires a lifelong passion for learning among

> "My students will learn new skills and obtain new knowledge in a comfortable classroom environment
where they can express themselves without fear." (Faryadi)

#### Objectives and Assessment Techniques

The paper lists specific objectives for writing an Islamic teaching philosophy and details various
techniques for assessing student understanding and engagement, such as the One Minute Paper,
Muddiest Point, and Student-generated Test Questions.

> "My task is to enable my students to have the necessary skills and knowledge so that they can make
informed decisions and take the necessary action in real life situations." (Faryadi)

#### Conclusion: The Impact of a Thoughtful Teaching Philosophy

In conclusion, Faryadi emphasizes the individualistic nature of teaching philosophy statements and the
importance of tailoring teaching to reflect personal values, the learning environment, and student
needs. He calls on educators to critically engage with their teaching practices to enhance the
educational experience.

> "Teaching philosophy statements are solely individualistic as they reflect personal values and artistic
preferences... It is always useful to design our own evaluation method so that we can include feedback
from our learners for self-improvement." (Faryadi)

This comprehensive overview encapsulates Dr. Faryadi's personal justification for an Islamic teaching
philosophy that integrates revealed and rational knowledge, focusing on the holistic development of
students as knowledgeable and virtuous individuals.
### Summary of "An Islamic Perspective of Teaching Philosophy: A Personal Justification" by Dr. Qais

#### Introduction to Islamic Teaching Philosophy

Dr. Qais Faryadi discusses the foundations of an Islamic teaching philosophy, emphasizing that Islamic
education extends beyond religious studies to include a wide spectrum of knowledge, including
sciences. He stresses the balance of Naqli (revealed) and Aqli (rational) knowledge in education, aiming
to develop a comprehensive approach that nurtures both spiritual and intellectual growth in students.

#### The Role of Naqli and Aqli in Islamic Education

Dr. Faryadi explains the sources and significance of Naqli (revealed knowledge) and Aqli (rational
knowledge). Naqli knowledge is derived from the Quran and Sunnah and is essential for understanding
divine will, while Aqli knowledge involves reasoning and intellect, aiding in interpreting and
understanding the world. Both are crucial for a balanced educational approach in Islam.

> "Naqli or revealed knowledge...refers to the transition of knowledge from authentic textual sources
such as Al-Quran and the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad...Aqli (rational knowledge) intellectual, or in
Arabic, aqli." (Dr. Qais Faryadi)

#### Educational Goals in Islam

The paper outlines the duties of Muslims as learners and educators, emphasizing the responsibility to
pursue knowledge and foster environments conducive to learning. The Islamic educational ethos is
based on moral development and the nurturing of a well-rounded character, integrating both academic
and ethical instruction.

#### The Importance of the Educator's Role

Dr. Faryadi highlights the pivotal role of instructors in guiding and motivating students, underlining the
need for educators to possess deep understanding of Islamic teachings alongside their academic
subjects. This dual knowledge base ensures that they are equipped to fulfill their roles effectively.

> "As educators, we are duty-bound to be attentive to the needs of students and to help develop their
critical thinking and problem-solving skills so that they can shape their future meaningfully." (Dr. Qais
#### Implementation of Islamic Teaching Philosophy

The practical application of Dr. Faryadi's teaching philosophy is detailed through his vision and mission
for his classes. He aims to create an engaging, respectful, and thoughtful learning environment where
students are encouraged to explore and understand the material deeply, reflecting the integration of
Islamic principles with academic learning.

#### Conclusion and Reflection on Teaching Philosophy

In the conclusion, Dr. Faryadi reflects on the personal and philosophical motivations behind his teaching
approach, advocating for an education system that respects and incorporates Islamic values while
promoting critical thinking and innovation. He calls on fellow educators to adopt similar philosophies to
enhance the effectiveness and impact of their teaching.

> "The Islamic philosophy of education stresses that both the teacher and student are equally
responsible for the teaching-learning process." (Dr. Qais Faryadi)

#### Educational Assessment and Continuous Improvement

The article ends with a discussion on assessing student success and the effectiveness of teaching
strategies. Dr. Faryadi uses a variety of assessment methods to ensure that learning objectives are met
and that both teacher and students grow in their roles.

### Citations

1. Dr. Qais Faryadi, "An Islamic Perspective of Teaching Philosophy: A Personal Justification", IOSR
Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME), Volume 5, Issue 6 Ver. III (Nov. - Dec. 2015),
DOI: 10.9790/7388-05634960.

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