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CLASSROOM: Advantages
and disadvantages
By: Jayden Romo
ADVANTAGE: #1: It makes learning more engaging for
- Can encourage students to want to learn
- Many different tools and websites to keep the students
- Paper can't recreate the fun that technology can bring
DISADVANTAGE: #1: Technology can be an easy
distraction for students

- Since it is so innovative and new students may get sidetracked much

more easily than with a piece of paper or pencil
- They might see another website or click off and play games
- It is difficult to monitor every single student so there is more risk for them
not learning because of being distracted
ADVANTAGE: #2: It can improve test scores and
learning for students
- Many students who use technology in the classroom as a large resource
score much better than students who may not have the access
- With all of the tools and platform on the internet there is many resources for a
student to improve their academics
- They can learn faster with technology at hand
DISADVANTAGE: #2: Technology can make students
feel more isolated alone
- When a classrooms main source of learning is a screen it can
make a student feel isolated from their peers.
- Constantly working behind a screen can make a child feel lonely
ADVANTAGE: #3: Technology creates the opportunity
for real out of the classroom opportunities
- Children can explore and go on virtual field trips to places they never
would have seen in person
- They can share work with people their age from all around the world
- Read more and get more news about current events in the world
- It allows them to connect more with the World outside the classroom
DISADVANTAGE: #3: Technology takes a lot of time
and is difficult to introduce
- Teachers already have very limited hours in a school day
- Trying to introduce a whole new system of learning, especially to get
the students to the level of mastery for it to become the normalcy in
the classroom, can take a lot of time
- Not only do the kids have to learn it but so does the teacher.

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