Landholding Rules

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Extra Landholdings Rules

By Nic Jansma (

December 1995

I. Determine Size
1.) To determine the size of the land you own, consult the followin table,
or have your GM determine a size that he sees fit. The sizes listed below are only
average for an average world, so feel free to pick something much greater or

Title Level Average Holding Size (sq. km.) Knight

1 10
Baronet 2 500
Baron 3 1000
Viscount 4 5000
Count 5 15000
Marquess 6 100000 Duke 7

II. Build Home Palace

1.) In this step, you should build any buildings you want on your land (only
the ones you want to PERSONALLY own, not the ones your civilians build). These may
be a building/gun emplacement/storage facilities/ect., or any others you wish to
have. Use the rules outlined for building construction in the Battletech
Compendium for doing this and determining cost.
2.) To find out the time required to build your buildings, use the following

days to build = total cost buildings / 5,000

3.) To find out the cost of labor to build this, use the following

cost of labor = days to build * 5,000 C-Bills

4.) The number and cost of servants required in your palace depends on the
size of it and your title.

# of servants = 6 + 4^title level + (buildings * 2)

5.) The cost of these servants weekly is:

cost of servants a month = 500 * # of servants

III. Determin Surroundings
1.) Either choose which land you are in, or roll 1D6 against the following
Name Growth Rate
1 Clear 5
2 Jungle 2
3 Desert 3
4 Mountain 4
5 Swamp 3
6 Forest 4

2.) Determin if there is any civilization already settled by you by rolling

1D6 against the following table:

1,2,3 Yes
4,5,6 No
IV. Determine Population
1.) You may buy passage for any number of people to move to your land at a
price of 5000 C-Bills a person.
2.) If there was any civilization around as determined by the last step, some
of the people there will move to your new land. The # of people that will is:

# of people = 1D6 * 100

V. Population Increase
1.) The poplulation of your land will increase every month according to the
following table:
Extra Growth Rate% = Title Level% + Morale/100% + Land Growth Rate%

1-1000 15% + Extra Growth Rate% + 1D6%
1001-2500 12.5% + Extra Growth Rate% + 1D6%
2501-5000 10% + Extra Growth Rate% + 1D6%
5001-10000 8% + Extra Growth Rate% + 1D6%
10001-15000 6% + Extra Growth Rate% + 1D6%
15001-25000 4% + Extra Growth Rate% + 1D6%
25000+ 2% + Extra Growth Rate% + 1D6%

VI. Landholding Recources

1.) Every landholding has its own types of recources to make money off of.
To determine the ammount of recources it has, roll 1D6 against the following

Die Roll Ammount of recources

1 1
2,3 2
4,5 3
6 4

2.) Now for every recource it has, roll 1D6 against the following tabel to
determine the type of it.

Die Roll Type Income/Month/Person

1 Agricultural 10 C-Bills
2 Animal 20 C-Bills
3 Engineering/Mechanical 25 C-Bills
4 Military 30 C-Bills
5 Mineral 30 C-Bills
6 Scientific 30 C-Bills

VII. Landholding Income

1.) Standard Income 100 C-Bills/Month/Person
2.) Tax Income 10 C-Bills/Month/Person
Note: The tax level can be raised or lowerd as much as you wish, but if you do, you
may suffer penalties/bonuses as the citizens tend to get mad if you raise it, or
happy if you lower it. This will be outlined later in the section "Morale".
3.) Recource Income
For every citizen and recource you have, you get a certain ammount of
money a month. The ammount depends on your recource. If you have more than one,
consult the table in "Dominion Recources" for each one.
4.) 20% of all of your income goes to your liege (whomever that may be). If
you are independant, you do not have to pay this price.

VIII. Holidays
1.) You may declare any ammount of holidays/special events (example:
parades,carnivals,ect.) that you wish a year. This helps raise the morale fo your
citizens greatly. The cost of a holiday/special event is: 20 C-Bills a

IX. Morale Level

1.) The morale of your citizens is how happy or sad they are. It can change
greatly from time to time. The starting morale level is:

Morale level = (1D6 * 10) + 150

X. Landholding Events
1.) At the beginning of every new year, 1D6 events will happen to your
people. Roll 3D6, and consult the following graph to determine what they are. For
the morale modifier, this will be added at the END of the year.
Morale Modifier People Lost/Gained
1 Comet -5 2%
2 Earthquake -25 25%
3 Flood -15 15%
4 Tornado -25 15%
5 Volcano -25 25%
6 Storm -2 1%
7 Plague -20 25%
8 Fire, Major -20 10%
9 Fire, Minor -10 2%
10 Bandits -10 2%
11 Fanatic Cult -5 2%
12 Traitor -5 2%
13 Enemy Attack -25 25% + 2D6%
14 Enemy Raid -20 10%
15 Assasination -15 1
16 Rebellion -10 5%

XI. Morale Checks

1.) Every month, make a confidence check for your land.
Level Effects
400+ 10% more income
morale can't drop below 350 next check
+10 morale next check
350-399 10% more income
only 1D6 - 2 disasters next year
300-349 10% more income
only 1D6 - 1 disasters next year
250-299 10% more income
130-179 Roll 1D6, if 1, 10% morale drop next check
100-129 10% of people form militia
0 tax income
50% standard income
50% recource income
66-99 10% of people form militia
0 tax income
33% standard income
33% Recource income
-5 morale penalty for every month below 130
33-65 0 tax income
25% standard income
25% recource income
-10 morale penalty for every month below 130
all military moving within your land (even your
own) will be attacked by the militia.
0-33 0 tax income
0 standard income
0 recource income
-20 morale penalty for every month below 130
militia attacks
95% join militia
morale can't go above 65 unless ruler is removed.

XII. Morale Changers

1.) These things modify morale:

Holiday +5
Special Event +5
Tax increase -2
Tax decrease +2

XIII. Game Time

1.) At the beginnign of the year:
Check events
2.) At the end of every month:
Find population rise/drop
Get standard income
Get tax income
Get recource income
Pay 20% to leigh(if any)
Modify morale
Check morale and any effects
Find treasury
3.) At the end of the year:
Modify morale for events
Modify population fo events

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