Annotated-Module 205

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Jayden Romo

Module 5.1 Assignment: Leveraging Technology for Visual Learning

In the book, “Integrating Technology in the Classroom: Tools to Meet the Needs
of Every Student” by Boni Hamiltion it discussed using technology to meet the needs of
the students' senses. Since the idea that we only learn visually, or aurally, or
kinesthetically, has been debunked, we can now be more aware that the learning
process is actually through our senses. One way I would plan on getting my students to
learn with their senses through technology is the use of visual representaitions.

The tool I would use discussed in chapter 5 is the visual representation aspect. It would
be a whole class assignment/activity and I would have a smart board in my classroom.
The smart board would have all their vocab words for that week. Right next to the word
would be an open space. I would call students up to come and draw a visual
representation of the words that we are pracrticing this week. One by one they can
come up and create a picture. Then after we finish as a class, they would go back to
their desk. They would have a paper to go and draw their own pictures to represent their
vocab words. At the end of the week there is an assessment on vocab.

We as teachers know how important visual representation is. One of the senses is sight.
Seeing something can help a student relate it to what they are learning and retain the
information. Hamilton writes, “Combining words and pictures increases students’
retention of concepts. For in- stance, when students are learning vocabulary, retention
rates increase when they not only use definitions but also have pictures that illustrate
the words. Students can create vocabulary books with each word defined, illustrated,
and used in a sentence that relates to the picture”(Hamiltion pg. 134). By the students
visualizing their vocan on the smart board they are able to make these connections.
When the test comes at the end of the week they can go back and remember those
pictures they drew together, which allows them to recall the information better. The
objective is to get them to make connections from words to pictures while the desired
outcome is positive reflection on the end of the week test to show the objective was
met. I think a misunderstanding with this could be students just drawing whatever
comes to their head first. They need to truly think about what connection will help them
remember the best. It cannot just be random, it has to help their memory. This ties into
the ISTE student standards of, 1.6.c Models and Visualizations which expresses:
Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a
variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations. This assignment
will allow students to create those models and visualizations. The object is the
smartboard and together they can form connections.

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