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Project 6(G6): ID card Replacement (Appointment) system for

AASTU students
- simplify the process of replacing lost or damaged ID cards for
- AASTU can streamline the process for students and reduce the
administrative burden associated with issuing replacement ID
cards. It improves efficiency, provides transparency, and
enhances the overall student experience.
A simplified design for the ID card replacement system:
Student Interface:
 Students can log in using their credentials.
 They can select the type of request: ID card renewal or ID card
 Depending on the type of request, they can upload the necessary
 For ID card renewal: Upload a picture of the damaged ID or the
ID with wrong info.
 For ID card replacement: Upload a document signed by different
departments and a document signed by a police station.
 In both cases, they also need to upload a banking receipt showing
that they have paid 250 to the school.
Finance Department Interface:
 The finance department can log in using their credentials.
 They can see a list of pending requests.
 They can view the banking info provided by the student.
 They can approve or deny the request based on the banking info.
ID Replacement Department Interface:
 The ID replacement department can log in using their credentials.
 They can see a list of approved requests from the finance
 They can check the ID request and the documents provided by the
 They can approve the request and set an appointment for the
student to take the ID, or they can deny the request.
Students Table:
 StudentID (Primary Key)
 Name
 Email
 Password (hashed and salted)
Requests Table:
 RequestID (Primary Key)
 StudentID (Foreign Key referencing Students Table)
 RequestType (Renewal or Replacement)
 RequestDate
 Status (Pending, Approved by Finance, Approved by ID Replacement,
 AppointmentDate (nullable)
Documents Table:
 DocumentID (Primary Key)
 RequestID (Foreign Key referencing Requests Table)
 DocumentType (Picture, Department Document, Police Document)
 DocumentPath (Path to the document stored in a secure location)
Finance Department Table:
 EmployeeID (Primary Key)
 Name
 Email
 Password (hashed and salted)
ID Replacement Department Table:
 EmployeeID (Primary Key)
 Name
 Email
 Password (hashed and salted)
A high-level overview of how the structure of our project
JavaFX for the User Interface:
 JavaFX is a Java library used for building rich client
applications. It provides a set of APIs for creating GUI
applications, including controls, layouts, and multimedia
Undertow for the Server:
 Undertow is a lightweight web server written in Java. It's
designed for high-performance web applications and supports both
blocking and non-blocking I/O.
MySQL for the Database:
 MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management
system (RDBMS) known for its reliability, scalability, and

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