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“University for Industry”

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs

Office of Director for Undergraduate Programs



July 2021

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Prepared by:

Department of Software Engineering

Approved by:

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University


Table of Contents
List of Table...................................................................................................................................... iii

List of Figure .................................................................................................................................... iv

Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................v

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the University..............................................................................................1

1.2 Vision and Mission of the University ..................................................................................3

1.3 Background of the Program .................................................................................................3

1.4 Rationale for the Program....................................................................................................5

2. Structure of Program .................................................................................................................. 6

2.1 Credit Hour Requirements and Semester Load ...................................................................6

2.2 Mission of the University ....................................................................................................8

2.3 Program Education Objectives (PEOs)................................................................................8

2.4 Mapping of PEO and University Mission ...........................................................................9

2.5 Program Outcome (PO) .......................................................................................................9

2.6 Mapping of PO and PEO ...................................................................................................11

2.7 Admission Requirement ....................................................................................................11

2.7.1 Admission requirement for undergraduate regular program ......................................11

2.7.2 Admission requirement for undergraduate continuing education program ...............12

2.8 Duration of Study...............................................................................................................12

2.9 Teaching and Learning Approach ......................................................................................12

2.10 Mode of Delivery ...........................................................................................................12

2.11 Assessment and Evaluation Mechanisms ......................................................................12

2.12 Grading system ..............................................................................................................13

2.13 Graduation Requirements...............................................................................................14

2.14 Degree Nomenclature ....................................................................................................14

2.15 Course Coding................................................................................................................14

2.16 List of Courses and Category .........................................................................................15

2.16.1 Course Category .........................................................................................................15

2.16.2 List of Courses ...........................................................................................................15

2.17 Course Breakdown in Semesters ....................................................................................18

2.18 Course Plan ....................................................................................................................22

2.19 PO and Course mapping summary...............................................................................275

3. Quality Management System (QMS) .......................................................................................278

4. Staff Profile and Resources ......................................................................................................280

4.1 Staff Profile ......................................................................................................................280

4.2 Resources .........................................................................................................................280

5. Appendix ..................................................................................................................................281

5.1 Washington Accord Attributes (for Engineering Program).............................................281

5.2 Structure of Continuing Education Program....................................................................282

5.3 Course Breakdown for Continuing Education Program ..................................................283

Reference ........................................................................................................................................288
List of Table
Table 1: Semester load for the Regular Program............................................................................. 7
Table 2: Program Education Objectives (PEO) ............................................................................... 8
Table 3: Mapping of PEO with University Mission.......................................................................... 9
Table 4: Program Outcome (PO)...................................................................................................... 9
Table 5: Mapping of PO with PEO................................................................................................. 11
Table 6: Grading system ................................................................................................................. 13
Table 7: Distribution of credit hours for all course categories ..................................................... 15
Table 8: List of core courses ........................................................................................................... 15
Table 9: List of elective courses ...................................................................................................... 17
Table 10: List of common courses and supportive courses ............................................................ 17
Table 11: Year I, Semester I ............................................................................................................ 18
Table 12: Year I, Semester II .......................................................................................................... 18
Table 13: Year II, Semester I .......................................................................................................... 19
Table 14: Year II, Semester II ......................................................................................................... 19
Table 15: Year III, Semester I ......................................................................................................... 19
Table 16: Year III, Semester II ........................................................................................................ 20
Table 17: Year IV, Semester I ......................................................................................................... 20
Table 18: Year IV, Semester II ........................................................................................................ 20
Table 19: Year IV, Semester Summer ............................................................................................. 21
Table 20: Year V, Semester I ........................................................................................................... 21
Table 21: Year V, Semester II ......................................................................................................... 21
Table 22: List of core courses ....................................................................................................... 275
Table 23: Sample Staff Profile ...................................................................................................... 280
Table 24: Washington Accord Attributes ...................................................................................... 281
Table 25: Structure of Continuing Education Program ............................................................... 282
Table 26: Course Breakdown for Continuing Education Program ............................................. 283
List of Figure
Figure 1: CLO to PO Mapping summary graph ............................................................................277
Figure 2: Quality Management System Components .....................................................................278
Figure 3: Overall OBE Implementation Strategies ........................................................................279
Figure 4: Continual Quality Improvement Cycle ...........................................................................279

AASTU Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

AAVP Academic Affairs Vice President
CAC College Academic Council
CGPA Cumulative Grade Points Average
CLO Course Learning Outcome
COC Center of Competency
CQI Continual Quality Improvement Credit hour
DC Department Council
DGC Department Graduate Committee
ECTS European Credit Transfer System
EHEE Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination
HOD Head of Department
ICT Information And Communication Technology
OBE Outcome Based Education
PEO Program Educational Objective
PO Program Outcome
SLT Student Learning Time
STU Science and Technology University
QMS Quality Management System

1.1 Background of the University

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU) is one of the new public universities
of the country established to play as a forefront changing actor in the technological
transformation of the country by creating strong linkage with industries. As it was stated in the
Five-Year Growth and Transformation Plan (2010-2015 G.C) plan, the establishment of well
institutionalized and strong science and technology universities and institutes of technology will
serve as a cornerstone to build an economically developed and industrialized state of Ethiopia.
As a result, AASTU was founded in 2011 under the Directive of the Council of Ministers No.
216/2011 as well as amended by regulation numbers 314/2014 by admitting the first batch (2000
students) in November 2011. Intentionally located in an industry zone, AASTU envisioned
becoming a recognized hub of science and technology – having a strong relationship with local
industries and businesses.

Over the recent few decades, Ethiopia has launched different academic and research institutions
targeting the transformation and industrialization of the existing agriculture-based economy.
Starting from 2015 till now, the Addis Ababa Science and Technology University follow
nationally harmonized undergraduate program curriculum. Given the importance of curriculum
development in higher education institutions, designing standardized curriculum has become a
dynamic process due to the rapidly increasing and changing demands of modern industries and
business systems in Ethiopia. Focused on the strategic direction of Ethiopian development, the 5
Colleges of the University are working aggressively to produce qualified, competent, and
socially responsible professionals in the fields of science and technology through promoting
research-oriented science and technology. To achieve this, the curricula of the undergraduate
programs is revised to meet the requirements of accreditation which relays on principles of
outcome-based education (OBE) and also emphasis on continuous quality improvements (CQI).
Enhancing the quality of our programs via curriculum accreditation helps to assure the structure
and content of a program to meet internationally recognized standards. Hence, it becomes a high
time to change the curriculum to meet the requirement of internationally recognized accreditation
which focuses of continuous quality improvement (CQI).

In January 2016, the Ministry of Education (Education Strategy Center) developed a concept
note to reform the education sector in accordance with the national vision and national

development goals. Hence, one of the strategic plans that proposed in the Ethiopian education
road map has included common courses a total of 40 credit hours as a national requirement that
led to the development of fundamental changes to the Ethiopian educational system. In line with
the given strategic direction of Ethiopian development, Addis Ababa Science and Technology
University strives to be:

 a problem solver of the industry by looking ahead,

 leading in the nation research,
 delivering world-class education.

The current 5 Colleges (the major academic units) at AASTU are College of Electrical and
Mechanical Engineering, College of Architectural and Civil Engineering, College of Biological
and Chemical Engineering, College of Social and Natural Sciences, and College of Applied
Sciences. Presently, the University has enrolled more than 8000 undergraduate (under regular
and continuing education program) and close to 700 postgraduate students under its 5 Colleges.
AASTU is a university in the making, and much of its short-term plans aim at establishing
academic infrastructures and facilities, staff recruitment and manpower development. So far, the
University has managed to recruit about 472 academic staff and 391 administrative staff. For the
sake of achieving high quality in education and excellence in its undergraduate programs,
AASTU has stared enrolling top scorers throughout the country, who passed a special
qualification examination in addition to the national entrance exam.

As indicated earlier, to meet the increasing national demand for qualified professional in science
and technology, the University has given special attention to improve and standardize its
academic programs starting with accreditations of all of undergraduate programs. To this end,
the University has launched the revision of the entire undergraduate program curriculum from
the point of view accreditation. The main goal of the accreditation is not only to improve of
academic quality and public accountability but to ensure the education provided by the
University are at an acceptable level of quality. This undergraduate curriculum for Software
Engineering is developed based on the requirement of the Washington accord and ABET for
engineering program and applied science program accreditation respectively.

1.2 Vision and Mission of the University

To be internationally recognized Ethiopian Hub of science and technology with strong
national commitment and significant continental impact by 2030.


Delivering world-class education and training in strategically prioritized science and

technology disciplines based on national economic demand, conducting problem-solving applied
research to support the productivity and competitiveness of industries, serving as a center for
knowledge and technological adaptation, innovation and transfer, building technical and
managerial capabilities of industries, and becoming a national hub of science and technology

1.3 Background of the Program

Software Engineering is essential for modern industries in the 21st century. Broadly, software
engineering can be defined as the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach
to the development, operation and maintenance of software. Software engineers are responsible
for the specification, design, and development of software programs that support computer and
computer-controlled systems or products. In other words, software engineering is an ideal field
for creative, detail–oriented individuals who enjoy solving-problems by using technology. This
undergraduate program in software engineering is aimed at equipping students with the major
principles and concepts in software production, management and design. The students will learn
how to develop, create, and troubleshoot computer software, programs, and applications,
mastering the skills needed to work in software development and other information technology

Although the field of Software Engineering was established more than 30 years ago, Bachelor
degree programs in Software Engineering in Ethiopia came into existence in the last few years.
According to the GTP (Growth and Transformation Plan) goals and strategies set by the Ministry
of Science and Technology (MoST, the ministry focuses on creating an enabling environment for
ICT professionals to be engaged in digital innovation, creativity, and research activities. The
Ministry had been supporting GTP reform to ensure sustainable development, poverty
eradication, human resource development and capacity building through the application of well-
designed information communication technology. Taking these facts into account, the
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology under the School of Electrical

Engineering and Computing had opened a new program in Software Engineering that was aimed
at producing well-qualified and skilled graduates in the field of Software Engineering to satisfy
the growing demand of manpower in the country.

To this end, the former Department of Computer Science and Information Technology (CS&IT)
established at AASTU in 2011 as undergraduate program within the School of Electrical
Engineering and Computing. Five years later, the undergraduate program in Software
Engineering is launched within Department of Computer Science and Information Technology.
In other words, the undergraduate program in Software Engineering had been launched during
the 2014-2015 academic year by admitting students in the regular program under the College of
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Though this undergraduate program was initially four-
year program, it becomes five-years program in September 2019 as a result of 15 new courses
are prearranged from MOSHE as a common course to be delivered in all higher institutions in

The Software Engineering program of the Department is structured in such a way that supports
the study of both theoretical and practical aspects of software design and development. The
program tries to find the balance between breadth and depth to provide a solid foundation in
principles of software development methodologies on one hand, and comprehensive exposure to
software applications, professionalism, and leadership skills on the other hand.

Students are guided to pursue their interest in software engineering by studying the fundamental
principles and application of software construction including basic concepts, techniques, and
methods of software development through the core required courses such as data structures,
discrete mathematics, algorithms, object-oriented programming, fundamental of software
engineering, etc. followed by tailored individual education through the selection of elective
courses. Moreover, every senior student is required to undertake a research project under the
guidance of a senior academic advisor. Students are encouraged to participate in
multidisciplinary research projects at the Excellence Centers of the University.

1.4 Rationale for the Program

The Department of Software Engineering is committed to inspire, nurture, and educate leaders in
tomorrow’s technology-centric environment while contributing to the solution of the most
challenging problems of local industries and businesses. Modern society depends upon systems
of increasing complexity to sustain our quality of life, and the engineered systems being
conceived and developed today have an increasing and significant percentage of their
functionality allocated to software. This requires our future engineers to be strongly rooted in the
fundamentals of engineering and science, while also being equipped with a strong capability to
develop and integrate software as a central feature in these systems. The software aspect of
engineered systems today is not just another component of the system. It also provides the
overarching integration framework, allowing systems to be both rich in functionality and
capabilities, while being adaptive to context and control.

Since modern industries and business systems are based on the application of digital
technologies, software systems are the driving force behind many exciting developments in a
service-oriented digital economy. The advent of Software Engineering is a natural result of the
continuous quest for software quality and reusability, and the maturing of the software
development industry. As software continues to transform society in dramatic and powerful
ways, we must improve our ability to reliably develop high-quality systems. From early
incarnations as just an idea or set of requirements to when software is actually built, deployed
and customized in the field, many challenges exist across the lifecycle that make creating
software still a non-trivial endeavor today. This undergraduate program in Software Engineering
focuses on the best practices, current methodologies, emerging technologies, and their
applications in various industries. It teaches the principles of modern software engineering,
together with the tools, methods and techniques that support their application. The program
emphasizes key skills in requirements analysis, architectural design, and construction that are
needed in successful software project development and management.

A preliminary observation conducted by the Department shows most of the existing industries in
Ethiopia are based on manual systems and services, with very limited automated or semi-
automated components. In order to automate and modernize these traditional industries, the
availability of well-qualified software engineers is crucial. Currently, there is an increasing
demand for software engineers who can operate under very dynamic and challenging
environments. To fill the gap in qualified software engineers and information system developers,

it becomes necessary to open an accredited BSc Degree program in Software Engineering at
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU). In line with the future strategic plan
of AASTU), the College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering has developed a proposal to
introduce the Software Engineering program at undergraduate level in order to meet the
increasing demand of industries and business institutions. In particular, the Department of
Software Engineering at the college has proposed and developed a curriculum for undergraduate
program, which aims at producing well-skilled engineers and professionals in the field of
Software Engineering. The curriculum encompasses all important aspects of software
engineering, including requirements engineering, software architecture and design, software
construction, software testing and quality assurance, software maintenance, and software project

Software engineers in Ethiopia can be engaged in professional works across a variety of

industries from tech startups and healthcare organizations to departments within the government
and more. Graduates of this program may pursue career opportunities in a variety of entry-level
positions, including Software Requirement Engineer, Software Architect or Designer, System
Analyst, software developer, software tester, web application developer, software applications
analyst, software project manager and web applications analyst As the minimum credential for
many positions in the field, earning a bachelor’s degree in software engineering can lead to
greater employment opportunities. A bachelor’s is also ideal for candidates who are considering
pursuing a master’s or a doctoral degree. Many specialized research and teaching positions
require advanced degrees, and earning a bachelor’s degree in software engineering online is the
first step toward graduate and postgraduate study.

Structure of Program

2.1 Credit Hour Requirements and Semester Load

Duration of study for the undergraduate Software Engineering degree regular program shall be
five-years. The total minimum and maximum credit hour requirements of the program is 180 Cr.
hrs. and 190 Cr. hrs. respectively (article 91 senate legislation July 2017).

The duration of study for undergraduate degrees in the continuing education program is six years
(sub-article 90.1.2. senate legislation July 2017). However, the total credit hour requirement for
the continuing education program is the same as the regular program.

The normal semester load for five years program is 17 Cr. hrs. to 19 Cr. hrs. However, a
curriculum may have 20 Cr. hrs. per semester twice except the final year.

The normal semester load in continuing education program shall be 8 to 12 credit hours.
However, the summer semester load shall be 6 to 8 cr. hrs.

Accordingly, under normal circumstances, the five years undergraduate regular programs shall
have the following structures. Similarly, the structure of continuing education program shall be
presented in Annex 5.2.

Table 1: Semester load for the Regular Program

Year Semester Five years program

Semester I A total of 17 to 19 Cr. hrs. course work

Year I to Year III:

Semester II A total of 17 to 19 Cr. hrs. course work

A total of 17 to 19 course work (including

Semester I
integrated engineering team project - group work)

Year IV:
Semester II A total of 17 to 19 course work

Summer A total of 6 internship program

 A total of 17 to 19 course work including

Semester I Final year thesis.
 Final year thesis (phase one) - proposal
Year IV: preparation and documentation

 A total of 17 to 19 course work (including

Semester I final year project: phase two )
 Final year thesis (phase one) - implementation

2.2 Mission of the University

M.1 Delivering world-class education and training in strategically prioritized science and
technology disciplines based on national economic demand,
M.2 Conducting problem-solving applied research to support the productivity and
competitiveness of industries,
M.3 Serving as a center for knowledge and technological adaptation, innovation and transfer,
M-4 Building technical and managerial capabilities of industries, and
M-5 Becoming a national hub of science and technology

2.3 Program Education Objectives (PEOs)

The program education objective of the Software Engineering program is shown in table 2.

Table 2: Program Education Objectives (PEO)

PEO Statement

To produce large scale software developers, project managers and leaders

who has an ability to address complex and large-scale problems.

PEO-2 To produce digital innovators and entrepreneurs.

To nurture professionally qualified software engineers with the potential to

PEO-3 become consultant, trainer, software requirement engineer, software architect,
system analyst, software quality assurance and tester.

To produce software engineers who incorporate standards and security in

PEO-4 software development with appropriate consideration of socio-cultural and
environmental safety.

To produce researchers and software engineers who will develop dynamic and
smart software solutions using emerging technologies to address complex
national and global challenges and demonstrate lifelong learning and
continuing professional development.

2.4 Mapping of PEO and University Mission

Table 3: Mapping of PEO with University Mission

M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5

PEO-1  

PEO-2  

PEO-3  

PE0-4 

PEO-5   

2.5 Program Outcome (PO)

Graduates of the Software Engineering program expected up on their graduation to demonstrate

the ability to:
Table 4: Program Outcome (PO)

PO Description

Apply knowledge of mathematics, computing science, engineering fundamentals and

software engineering specialization to address complex and large-scale problems.

Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex problems, reaching

PO-2 substantiated (justifiable, validated) conclusions using software development
principles, methodologies and tools.

Design integrated and efficient software solutions, component or processes to address

complex problems and implement them to meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal (local and international)
and environmental considerations.

Conduct investigation of complex problems using research-based knowledge and

research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of

data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.

Adopt, innovate, select and apply appropriate state of the art software design and
development tools, methodologies, resources and emerging technologies including
simulation, prediction and modeling for complex business process with
understanding of their potential capabilities, limitations and associated risks.

Apply logical reasoning and informed decision to assess societal, health, safety,
PO-6 privacy, security, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to software engineering application.

Understand the impact of software applications in societal and environmental context

and apply the principle of green computing for sustainable development.

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of software engineering practice.

Function effectively as an independent software engineer, as a member or as a leader

in a diverse team and multidisciplinary settings.

Communicate effectively on complex business and system activities with the

software engineering community and with a society at large; such as being able to
comprehend and write effective reports, articles and design documentations using
various tools, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.

Demonstrate knowledge and skill on software project management principles and

PO-11 apply these to manage software development processes and its resource requirements,
costs in multidisciplinary projects.

Recognize the need for and have the preparation as well as ability to engage in an
independent and lifelong learning in the information and knowledge economy

2.6 Mapping of PO and PEO

Table 5: Mapping of PO with PEO


PO-1 

PO-2 

PO-3 

PO-4 

PO-5 

PO-6 

PO-7 

PO-8 

PO-9 

PO-10 

PO-11 

PO-12 

2.7 Admission Requirement

2.7.1 Admission requirement for undergraduate regular program

The admission requirements for the undergraduate regular program are as stated in the Senate
legislation July 2017, Article 78. Hence, admission to the undergraduate programs of AASTU
shall be based on the completion of the preparatory and obtaining the necessary pass marks in the
Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEE) or equivalent academic
achievements from foreign countries as well as obtaining pass mark in the STU entrance

examination to be set by the Ministry and/ or AASTU. Moreover, the student may require to take
entrance exam set by the department and obtain pass mark.

2.7.2 Admission requirement for undergraduate continuing education program

The admission requirements for the undergraduate continuing education program are as stated in
the senate legislation July 2017, Article 79. However, admission to the undergraduate continuing
education program of AASTU shall be based on obtaining the necessary pass mark in the
AASTU entrance examination.

2.8 Duration of Study

The duration for study of the undergraduate programs shall be as stated in the university senate
legislation July 2017, Article 90. Accordingly, under normal circumstances, five and six years of
study are required to complete the program in regular and continuing education program delivery
respectively. However, if the program is not completed and extended for some reason; the
extension for completing the program does exceed twice the normal duration of study.

2.9 Teaching and Learning Approach

The basic teaching approach is a student centered supported by lecture, tutorial, group
discussion, supervised study, student presentations, demonstration and hands-on activities,
practical laboratory exercises, seminar, workshop, project work, problem based learning,
research design, simulation, invited speakers, independent studies, lectures by industry
professionals, a combination of these and others. E-learning and audio-visual supports are also
used to aid lectures and tutorials. Students are assigned to work on projects to enable them
enhance innovative and independent working ability. The industry internship is also an integral
part of the teaching/learning process.

2.10 Mode of Delivery

The program is delivered both in regular and continuing education program learning mode.

2.11 Assessment and Evaluation Mechanisms

The different abilities that graduates of this program must acquire are assessed as follows.

 Cognitive Abilities: Cognitive abilities are assessed by a combination of written

examinations and continuous assessment, including class tests, oral examination, oral

presentation, report about an internship, and summative assessment such as final exams,
computer programming problems

 Practical and transferable skills: Practical Abilities are assessed mostly by continuous
assessment. Some of practical abilities are assessed as part of individual/group project
module; whereas some skills, like the use of software tools and ability to communicate
orally and in written form are directly assessed, in assignments or projects, other skills
are not directly assessed but their effective use will enhance the students overall

 Affective skills: Even though not directly assessed, students’ behavior will be evaluated
considering school protocol, class room discipline, laboratory usage and equipment care
and safety etc.

Evaluation will be done based on the continuous assessment (written test, quiz, assignments,
laboratory sessions demonstrations, project work, and seminar) and final exam. Each course will
be evaluated out of 100% (50% continuous assessment and 50% final exam).

2.12 Grading system

Examinations are graded on letter grading system as stated in the university senate legislation
July 2017, Article 92. For any course having lecture, laboratory or practice and tutorial, raw
mark evaluation should contain continuous assessment and final exam.

Table 6: Grading system

Raw Mark Corresponding Corresponding fixed Status Class

interval (100%) Letter Grade number Grade Description Description
[90,100] A+ 4.0
First Class with
[85,90) A 4.0 Excellent
Great Distinction
[80,85) A- 3.75
[75,80) B+ 3.5 First Class with
Very Good
[70,75) B 3.0 Distinction
[65,70) B- 2.75 First Class
[60,65) C+ 2.5
Second Class
[50,60) C 2.0 Satisfactory
[45,50) C- 1.75 Unsatisfactory Lower Class

[40,45) D 1.0 Very Poor Lower Class
[0,40) F 0 Fail Lowest Class

2.13 Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirement for all undergraduate programs should satisfy the following minimum
requirements as stated in the university senate legislation July 2017, Article 109.

 All the required courses (a total of 185 credit hrs.) set in the program should be

 A cumulative grade point average CGPA of 2.00 must be obtained;

 A cumulative grade point average CGPA of 2.00 in major area courses;

 No ”F” grade in any course taken for undergraduate program;

 Successfully defended his/her senior project/senior essay

2.14 Degree Nomenclature

The name of the degree program should be written in both English and Amharic as follow;

In English:
“Bachelor of Science Degree in Software Engineering”

In Amharic:
“የሳይንስ ባችለር ዲግሪ በሶፍትዌር ምህንድስና”

2.15 Course Coding

Every course shall be identified by a four-digit code preceded by four letters “SWEG” without
any hyphen or space which has the form “SWEGabcd”.

 The first digit (a) represents the year (level) in which the course is given,

 The second digit (b) indicates the category number to which the course belongs,

 The last two digits (cd) indicate the semester in which the course is given. All courses
given in the first semester represent by odd number (01, 03, 05, 07 …etc.), whereas all
courses given in the second semester represent by even number (02, 04, 06, 08…etc.)

2.16 List of Courses and Category

2.16.1 Course Category

There are four course categories:

Category 0 = Common (National and University) and Supportive Course,

Category 1 = Core/Compulsory Course,

Category 2 = Core Elective Course,

Category 3 = Stream / Focus Area Courses

Table 7: Distribution of credit hours for all course categories

Category Total Cr. hr. Percentage (%)

1 Core course (Major and Supportive courses) 139 Cr. hrs. 75.54%
2 Core elective/focus areas/ course (if any) 6 Cr. hrs. 3.26%
3 University requirement (Core course) 3 Cr. hrs. 1.63%
4 National requirements 36 Cr. hrs. 19.56
Total 184 100%

2.16.2 List of Courses

Table 8: List of core courses

No Course Code Course Title hour Prerequisite
Introduction to Software Engineering and
1 SWEG2101 Computing 4 None
2 SWEG2103 Fundamentals of Programming I 3 None
3 SWEG2102 Fundamentals of Programming II 3 SWEG2103
4 SWEG2105 Discrete Mathematics for Software Engineering 3 Math1014
5 SWEG2106 Data Communication and Computer Networks 4 SWEG2101
6 SWEG2108 Database Systems 4 None
7 SWEG3101 Object Oriented Programming 3 SWEG2102
8 SWEG3103 Data Structure and Algorithms 4 SWEG2102
9 SWEG3105 Computer Organization and Architecture 4 EEng2004
10 SWEG3109 System Analysis and Modeling 4 SWEG2101
11 SWEG3104 Software Requirements Engineering 3 SWEG3109
12 SWEG3106 Operating Systems 4 SWEG3105

13 SWEG3107 Internet Programming I 3 SWEG2106
14 SWEG3102 Internet Programming II 3 SWEG3107
15 SWEG3108 Advanced Programming 4 SWEG3101
16 SWEG4102 Embedded Systems 3 SWEG3101, SWEG3106

17 SWEG3110 Formal Language and Automata Theory 3 SWEG2105, SWEG3103

18 SWEG4101 Principles of Compiler Design 3 SWEG3110, SWEG2102

19 SWEG4103 Mobile Computing and Programming 3 SWEG2106, SWEG3108

20 SWEG4105 Software Design and Architecture 3 SWEG3109

21 SWEG4106 Software Quality Assurance and Testing 3 SWEG3104, SWEG4105

22 SWEG4104 Software Project Management 3 SWEG3104
23 SWEG4109 Computer Graphics 3 SWEG2102, SWEG3103
24 SWEG4110 Human Computer Interaction 3 SWEG4109
25 SWEG4117 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 SWEG3103, SWEG2105
26 SWEG4108 Research Methods in Software Engineering 2 SWEG4105
27 SWEG4112 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 SWEG4103
28 SWEG4114 Industrial Internship 6 SWEG4112
29 SWEG5101 Senior Research Project Phase I 3 SWEG4114
30 SWEG5102 Senior Research Project Phase II 3 SWEG5101
31 SWEG5111 Distributed Systems 4 SWEG2106
32 SWEG5105 Computer System Security 3 SWEG2106
33 SWEG5106 Software Evolution and Maintenance 3 SWEG5103
34 SWEG5107 Software Component Design 3 SWEG4105
SWEG5108 Software Defined Systems 3
35 SWEG5107
36 SWEG5109 Open-Source Software Paradigms 3 SWEG4104
37 SWEG5103 Software Configuration Management 3 SWEG4104
38 EmTe1108 Emerging Technology for Engineers 3 None
39 Entr1106 Entrepreneurship for Engineers 2 None
All courses that given up
40 IETP4115 Integrated Engineering Team Project 3 to 3rd Year
All core courses
41 SWEG5110 Selected Topics in Software Engineering 3 (Excluding 5th Year 2nd
semester courses)
Total 133

Table 9: List of elective courses

Elective Courses 1
No Course Title Credit hour Prerequisite
1 SWEG5201 Introduction to Big Data Analytics 3 Stat2091, SWEG2108
2 SWEG5203 Data Mining and Data Warehousing 3 Stat2091, SWEG2108
SWEG5205 Simulation and Modeling 3 Stat2091, SWEG2105
Total 9

Elective Courses 2
N Course
o Course Title Credit hour Prerequisite
1 SWEG5202 Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 SWEG2106, SWEG5111
2 SWEG5204 High Performance Computing 3 SWEG5111
3 SWEG5206 Multimedia Systems 3 SWEG2106
Total 9

Table 10: List of common courses and supportive courses

Course Credit
No. Course Title Prerequisite
Code hour
1 Phil1009 Logic and Critical Thinking 3 None
2 Psyc1011 General Psychology 3 None
3 FLEn1003 Communicative English Language Skill – I 3 None
4 GeEs1005 Geography of Ethiopia and The Horn 3 None
5 Math1007 Mathematics (For Natural Science) 3 None
6 SpSc1013 Physical Fitness - None
7 Phys1001 General Physics 3(2+1) None
8 Anth1002 Social Anthropology 2 None
9 FLEn1004 Communicative English Language Skill-II 3 FLEn1003
10 Math1014 Applied Mathematics IB 4 None
11 MCiE1012 Moral and Civic Education 2 None
12 Incl1010 Inclusiveness 2 None
13 Econ2009 Economics 3 None
14 GLTr2011 Global Trend 2 None
15 Hist.2002 History of Ethiopia and the horn 3 None
Total 36

Supportive Courses
19 EEng2004 Digital Logic Design 3 Math1012
20 Stat2091 Probability and Statistics 3 None
Total 9

2.17 Course Breakdown in Semesters+

This section catalogs the list of courses sequence in each semester indicating the Credit Hour
( and European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) equivalent. The course breakdown in
semesters is presented as follow.

Table 11: Year I, Semester I

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Lect. Tut. Lab.

1. Phil1009 Logic and Critical Thinking 3 3 0 0
2. Psyc1011 General Psychology 3 3 0 0
3. FLEn1003 Communicative English Language Skill – I 3 2 3 0
4. GeEs1005 Geography of Ethiopia and The Horn 3 3 0 0
5. Math1007 Mathematics (For Natural Science) 3 2 3 0
6. SpSc1013 Physical Fitness (P/F) 1 3 0
7. Phys1001 General Physics 3(2+3) 2 3 0
Total 18

Table 12: Year I, Semester II

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Lect. Tut. Lab.

1. EmTe1008 Emerging Technology for Engineers 3 2 0 3
2. Entr1106 Entrepreneurship for Engineers 3 3 0 0
3. Anth1002 Social Anthropology 2 2 0 0
4. FLEn1004 Communicative English Language Skill-II 3 2 3 0
5. Math1014 Applied Mathematics IB 4 3 3 0
6. MCiE1012 Moral and Civic Education 2 2 0 0
7. Incl1010 Inclusiveness 2 2 0 0
Total 18

Table 13: Year II, Semester I

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Lect. Tut. Lab.

1. SWEG2101 Introduction to Software Engineering and 4 4 0 0
2. SWEG2103 Fundamentals of Programming I 3 2 0 3
3. SWEG2105 Discrete Mathematics for Software Engineering 3 2 3 0
4. Hist.2002 History of Ethiopia and the horn 3 3 0 0
5. Econ2009 Economics 3 2 3 0
6. GLTr2011 Global Trend 2 2 0 0
Total 18

Table 14: Year II, Semester II

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Lect. Tut. Lab.

1. SWEG2102 Fundamentals of Programming II 3 2 0 3
2. EEng2004 Digital Logic Design 3 2 0 3
3. SWEG2106 Data Communication and Computer 4 3 0 3
4. SWEG2108 Database Systems 4 3 0 3
5. Stat2091 Probability and Statistics 3 2 3 0
Total 17

Table 15: Year III, Semester I

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Lect. Tut. Lab.

1. SWEG3101 Object Oriented Programming 3 2 0 3
2. SWEG3103 Data Structure and Algorithms 4 3 0 3
3. SWEG3105 Computer Organization and 4 3 0 3
4. SWEG3107 Internet Programming I 3 2 0 3
5. SWEG3109 System Analysis and Modeling 4 4 0 0
Total 18

Table 16: Year III, Semester II

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Lect. Tut. Lab.

1. SWEG3102 Internet Programming II 3 2 0 3
2. SWEG3104 Software Requirements Engineering 3 3 0 0
3. SWEG3106 Operating Systems 4 3 0 3
4. SWEG3108 Advanced Programming 4 3 0 3
5. SWEG3110 Formal Language and Automata Theory 3 2 0 3
Total 17

Table 17: Year IV, Semester I

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Lect. Tut. Lab.

1. SWEG4101 Principles of Compiler Design 3 2 0 3
2. SWEG4103 Mobile Computing and Programming 3 2 0 3
3. SWEG4105 Software Design and Architecture 3 2 0 3
4. SWEG4117 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 3 0 0
5. SWEG4109 Computer Graphics 3 2 0 3
6. IETP4115 Integrated Engineering team project 3 0 0 3
Total 18

Table 18: Year IV, Semester II

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Lect. Tut. Lab.

1. SWEG4102 Embedded Systems 3 2 0 3
2. SWEG4104 Software Project Management 3 3 0 0
3. SWEG4106 Software Quality Assurance and Testing 3 3 0 0
4. SWEG4108 Research Methods in Software Engineering 2 2 0 0
05. SWEG4110 Human Computer Interaction 3 3 0 0
6. SWEG4112 Introduction to Machine learning 3 3 0 0
Total 1


Table 19: Year IV, Semester Summer

No Course Course Title Cr. Hr. Lect. Tut. Lab.

1 SWEG4114 Industrial Internship 6 0 0 6
Total 6 0 0 6

Table 20: Year V, Semester I

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Lect. Tut. Lab.

1. SWEG5101 Senior Research Project Phase I P/F 4 0 4
2. SWEG5103 Software Configuration Management 3 2 0 3
3. SWEG52XX Elective I 3 2 0 3
4. SWEG5105 Computer System Security 3 2 0 3
6. SWEG5109 Open Source Software Paradigms 3 2 0 3
7. SWEG5111 Distributed Systems 4 3 0 3
Total 19

Table 21: Year V, Semester II

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr. Lect. Tut. Lab.

1. SWEG5102 Senior Research Project II P/F 4 0 4
2. SWEG52XX Elective II 3 2 0 3
3. SWEG5106 Software Evolution and Maintenance 3 2 0 3
4. SWEG5108 Software Defined Systems 3 2 0 3
5. SWEG5110 Selected Topics in Software Engineering 3 2 3 0
Total 18

2.18 Course Plan

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

2 Name of Course: Introduction to Software Engineering and Computing

Course Code: SWEG2101

Software engineering is a discipline that allows us to apply engineering and computer science concepts
in the development and maintenance of reliable, usable, and dependable software. The purpose of this
course is to present a general introduction to software engineering and computing. The course is
designed to equip students with theoretical and practical aspects of fundamentals of computing and
software engineering by furnishing them with a broad oversight of software engineering concepts and
principles in parallel with the software development life cycle.

The course begin with an introduction to computing, giving definition, characteristics, types,

Synopsis: application of computer system, components of computing system. The students then will able to make
use of computer system, learn data representation in computer system followed by numbering system,
binary arithmetic, and digital logic gate and computer system architecture. The students will go on to
learn about software engineering evolution, principles, applications, impact of software on economic,
societal and environmental safety and Software Engineering Professional Practice. The students will
also learn about Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), methodologies of software engineering,
software development paradigms, trends and CASE tools. Moreover, the students will learn about data
communication and computer networks followed by computer system security to introduce students
with potential security threats to computer system and methods to safeguard it.

4 Name(s) of Academic Name: Chere Lemma (M. Tech)

Staff: Email:

5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 2

6 Credit Hour: 4

7 Prerequisite None

Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course, students will be able to:
Identify computer system components, and discuss the organization of computer system, data representation and
coding standards.
CLO2 Demonstrate installation and configuration of system software, and make use of software engineering tools.
Describe the concepts, principles and practice of software engineering, and also software development process and
Explain fundamental concept of data communication, computer networks, and computer system security as well as
setup and configure small-area network.
CLO5 Recognize the professional, ethical, and norm of software engineering practice.

23 | P a g e
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Course Learning Outcomes


Final Exam












CLO1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO2 √ √ √ √ √

CLO3 √ √ √ √ √

CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO5 √ √ √ √

**Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

Transferable Skills
10 (Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings))

1 Develop the habit of time management by organizing, planning, prioritizing their course works as well as on time in class
availability and submission of course works (assignment, project work etc.)

2 Able to acquire team spirit and leadership skills through effective management of groups and delegation of various
responsibilities, planning and coordination of a variety of tasks related to compute programming

3 Develop communication skills while presenting their programming concepts by articulating and organizing ideas in a
logical ways and communicating clearly and concisely both verbally and in written with the course stake holders

4 Develop work ethics skills by being showing up on time in class/laboratory, having good attendance, demonstrate
positive approach to learn and committed to master the course core competence of the course

24 | P a g e
Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
11 Teaching and Learning Activities

Course Content
Guided Independent Total
Guided learning

(F2F) hours Learning Learning (SLT)
(NF2F) (NF2F)
L T P O hours hours

Chapter 1: An Overview of Computer System

1.1 Definition, Characteristics, Generation and Types of

Computer 6 - 18 4 4 8 40
1.2 Applications of modern computers and future
computing trends
1.3 Components of computing system
 Computing hardware trends
 Software Vs. program
 Software Applications
 Characteristics of good Software
 Types and Classes of Software
1.4 Practice the use of computer
 Identify computer hardware components
 Install and configure system and application
 Software Virtualization
 Use word processing application

Chapter 2: Data Representation and Basics of Computer architecture

2.1 Numbering system concepts

1 6 - - - 4 8 18
2.2 Unit of computer data representation
2.3 Number systems conversion
2.4 Binary Arithmetic
2.5 Character coding standards (BCD4, EBCDIC, ASCII7 & 8,
2.6 Number representation (Negative & floating number)
2.7 Basics of digital logic gates and Boolean algebra
2.8 An overview of computer architecture
 Basics of Computer organization and architecture
 Types of computer organization and architecture

25 | P a g e
Chapter 3: Introduction to Software Engineering

3.1 Software Engineering Overview

 Definition of software Engineering 3 4 - - 4 2 6 16
 Evolution software Engineering
 Software Engineering vs. computer science 5
3.2 The need for and the impact of software on economic,
societal and environmental safety.
3.3 Software Engineering Professional Practice
 Professionalism, accreditation, certification, and
 Codes of ethics and professional conduct
 Social, legal, historical, and professional issues and
 The nature and role of professional societies and
software engineering standards

Chapter 4: Software Development Methodologies and Paradigms

4.1 Software Engineering principles and practice

4.2 Software Development process (SDLC) 2 8 - 6 6 10 30
4.3 Software Engineering Methodologies 3
 Heuristic Methods, Formal Methods,
Prototyping Methods and the Agile Methods
4.4 Software development paradigms and trends
4.5 Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
 An overview of CASE tools
 Demonstration of CASE tools

Chapter 5: Fundamentals of Data communication and to Computer Networks

5.1 Basics of data communication, Data transmission and

4 6 - 6 4 8 24
Communication modes
5.2 Computer networks and its application
5.3 Types of computer networks
5.4 Components of Computer network
 Hardware and software
 Network models and topologies
 Transmission media
5.5 The internet and web concepts
5.6 Web browsing and searching techniques

26 | P a g e
Chapter 6: Introduction to Computer system security

6.1 Basics of Data privacy

4 4 - - - 2 6 12
6.2 An overview of computer system security
6.3 Types of security threats
6.4 Computer security policies, and
6.5 Security threats detection and prevention mechanism

Total 34 - 30 8 22 46 140
Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15% 1 2 3
2 Quize 5% ½ - ½
3 Lab-report 10% 1½ 3 4½
4 Assignments 20% 1 2 3
Total 11
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 6 9
Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face

12 1 Software
Special requirements
and resources to
2 Computer Lab
deliver the course
1 Course Hand-book and lab manual
Text books and
Ian Sommerville (2018) Software Engineering, 10th Edition; Pearson Education Limited.
3 Rod Stephens (2015), Beginning Software Engineering, Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
4 Behrouz A. Forouzan (2013); Data Communications and Networking, 5th edition, New York, NY :
McGraw-Hill, c2013

27 | P a g e
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

2 Name of Course: Fundamentals of Programming I

Course Code: SWEG2103

Computer programming involves various activities such as understanding and analysis of problems,
algorithm design, verification of requirements of algorithms including their correctness and resources
consumption, and coding of algorithms. This course is designed to allow students to acquire the three
basic skills of programming: problem solving skill (understand how they solve problems), algorithmic
skill (knowing how to write the steps of their proposed solutions to specific problems), language skill
(learning how to put the solutions in to code and communicate it to the machine).
3 More specifically as an introduction, this course designed to introduce students to an overview of the
different concepts of programming and problem solving strategies. Moreover, the learners will be able
to identify and demonstrate the basic programming constructors like Variables, Reserved words,
Syntax diagram, Constant declarations, Data types, and also the concepts of various programming
techniques such as, Conditional statements, Loops, array, strings, pointers (static and dynamic memory
management), Error types and error debugging techniques. For each topic, some coding guidelines will
be discussed.
4 Name(s) of Academic Prepared by: Eleni Teshome
Staff: Reviewed by: Biruk Mulatu and Chere Lemma

5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 2

6 Credit Hour: 3

7 Prerequisite None

Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course, students will be able to:
CLO1 Identify the basic concepts of programming and program development process

Demonstrate problem solving skills by analyzing a variety of real-world problems using program solving techniques
(flow chart and pseudo code).

Identify and apply the basic programming constructors’ and the various programming techniques such as control
statements, loops, arrays and pointers in solving problems.

CLO4 Develop, debug and test small scale applications

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)















CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

Transferable Skills
10 (Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings))
1 Develop the habit of time management by organizing, planning, prioritizing their course works as well as on time in class
availability and submission of course works (assignment, project work etc.)
2 Able to acquire team spirit and leadership skills through effective management of groups and delegation of various
responsibilities, planning and coordination of a variety of tasks related to compute programming
3 Develop communication skills while presenting their programming concepts by articulating and organizing ideas in a
logical ways and communicating clearly and concisely both verbally and in written with the course stake holders
Acquire problem solving and critical thinking skills

Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities
Course Content

Guided Independent Total

Guided learning

(F2F) hours Learning Learning (SLT)
(NF2F) (NF2F)
L T P O hours hours

Chapter 1: Basic Concepts of programming

1.1 Basics of Program Development 1 4 2 4 10
o Computer programming and programming language
o Reasons to study programming
1.2 An overview of Program Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 2
1.3 Fundamentals of problem solving techniques (Algorithm
design using flow chart and pseudo code)
1.4 Programming Languages generation
1.5 Programming Languages Paradigms

Chapter 2: Basic Programming constructor
2.1 Structure (Anatomy) of a program 2 4 6 2 4 16
2.2 Compilation process
2.3 Preprocessor and Library functions
2.4 Basic Elements, Syntax and Semantics of a high-level
o Basic Input/output stream
o Variables, Data types, reserved words, constants
o Operators and expression
2.6 Formatted Input-Output
2.7 Programming Errors and Debugging

Chapter 3: Program Flow of Control

3.1 An overview of program flow 2 8 12 6 10 36
3.2 Basics of Logic expression
3.3 Selection Statements 3
o if selection statements (if, if...else, if…else if…else)
o Switch statement 4
3.2 loops
o Loop Basics
o Loop Statements: for Loop, While loop, do…while loop
o Other flow controls: continue, break, go to and jump
o Program termination statements

Chapter 4: Arrays and Strings

4.1 Array Basics 3 6 9 4 8 27
o Definition of Arrays
o Types of Array: One Dimensional Arrays and Multi-
dimensional Arrays 4
o Declaration and initialization of Arrays
o Accessing and processing Arrays
4.2 Basics of Strings
o Definition of String
o Declaration and initialization of strings
o String manipulation and operation
 String function basics
 More on String Functions

Chapter 5: Pointers
5.1 Introduction to memory management 3 4 6 2 6 18
5.2 Pointer definition
5.3 Pointer implementation
5.4 Pointers arithmetic and Arrays
5.5 Dynamic memory allocation

Total 26 33 16 32 107

Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15% 1 - 1
2 Quize 5% ½ - ½
3 Lab-report 15% 2 - 2
4 Project 15% 3½ - 3½
Total 7
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face

12 1 Software
Special requirements
and resources to
2 Computer Lab
deliver the course

1 A. B. Chaudhuri (2020), Flowchart and Algorithm Basics: The Art of Programming: The Art of
Text books Programming; Mercury Learningand InforMation LLC., 2020
2 P. Deitel , H. Deitel; C++ how to program, 10th edition, Global Edition (2017)

13 3
Walter Savitch; Problem Solving With C++ (10th edition), University of California, San Diego, 2018
References 4
Diane Zak; An Introduction to Programming with C++ (8th Edition), 2016 Cengage Learning
5 Gary J. Bronson; C++ For Engineers and Scientists [3rd edition], Course Technology, Cengage
Learning, 2010

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Department: Software Engineering


2 Name of Course: Discrete Mathematics for Software Engineering

Course Code: SWENG2105

3 Synopsis: This course covers the basic concepts of discrete mathematics used in computer science and other
disciplines that involve formal reasoning. The topics include logic, proof, counting, discrete
probability, relations, graphs, trees, and Boolean algebra.

4 Name(s) of Name: Befkadu Belete

Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Semester: I Year: 2
Year offered:

6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ co- None

8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CLO1 Analyze logical propositions via truth tables and Prove mathematical theorems using mathematical

CLO2 Evaluate combinations and permutations on sets.

CLO3 Illustrate sets and perform operations and algebra on sets.

CLO4 Determine properties of relations, identify equivalence and partial order relations, sketch relations

CLO5 Identify functions and determine their properties.

1 CLO6 Define graphs, digraphs and trees, and identify their main properties.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)
















CLO1 √ √ √ √ √

CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO5 √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO6 √

10 Transferable Skills

1 Team work

2 Communication skills

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

CLO Teaching and Learning Activities Total


Guided learning Guided Independent

Course Content Outline

(F2F) Learning Learning



Chapter 1: The Foundations: Logic and CLO1 3 2 8 13

1.1 Propositional Logic
1.2 Propositional Equivalences
1.3 Predicates and Quantifiers
1.4 Nested Quantifiers
1.5 Rules of Inference
1.6 Introduction to Proofs
1.7 Proof Methods and Strategy

Chapter 2: Basic Structures: Sets, Functions, CLO3 3 1 0 6 10

Sequences and Sums
1.1. Sets
1.2. Set Operations (subsets, unions,
intersections, differences, complements,
cross (Cartesian) products, and power

1.3. Functions
1.4. Sequences and Summations.
Chapter 3. The Fundamentals: Algorithms, CLO4 3 3 0 7 13
the Integers, and Matrices
3.1. Algorithms
3.2. The Growth of Functions
3.3. Complexity of Algorithms
3.4. The Integers and Division
3.5. Primes and Greatest Common Divisors
3.6. Integers and Algorithms
3.7. Applications of Number Theory
3.8. Matrices
Chapter 4: Induction and Recursion CLO3 2 2 0 8 12
4.1. Mathematical Induction
4.2. Strong Induction and Well-Ordering
4.3. Recursive Definitions and Structural
4.4. Recursive Algorithms
4.5. Program Correctness
Chapter 5: Counting and Discrete CLO2, 4 3 0 7 14
5.1. Counting
5.1.1. The Basics of Counting CLO1
5.1.2. The Pigeonhole Principle
5.1.3. Permutations and Combinations
5.1.4. Binomial Coefficients
5.1.5. Generalized Permutations and
5.1.6. Advanced Counting Techniques Recurrence Relations Solving Linear Recurrence
Relations Divide-and-Conquer
Algorithms and Recurrence
Relations Generating Functions Inclusion-Exclusion Applications of Inclusion-
5.2. Discrete Probability
5.2.1 Introduction to Discrete Probability
5.2.2 Probability Theory
5.2.3 Bayes Theorem
5.2.4 Expected Value and Variance
5.3. Apply the Pigeonhole Principle.
5.4. Use the basic ideas of discrete
Chapter 5: Relations CLO5 2 1 0 0 6 9
5.1 Relations and Their Properties
5.2 n-ary Relations and Their Applications
5.3 Representing Relations
5.4 Closures of Relations
5.5 Equivalence Relations
5.6 Partial Orderings

Chapter 6: Graphs and Three CLO5, 4 3 9 16
6.1 Graphs
6.1.1 Graphs and Graph Models
6.1.2 Graph Terminology and Special Types
of Graphs
6.1.3 Representing Graphs and Graph
6.1.4 Connectivity
6.1.5 Euler and Hamilton Paths
6.1.6 Shortest-Path Problems
6.1.7 Planar Graphs
6.1.8 Graph Coloring
6.2 Trees
6.2.1 Introduction to Trees
6.2.2 Applications of Trees
6.2.3 Tree Traversal
6.2.4 Spanning Trees
6.2.5 Minimum Spanning Trees
Chapter 7: Boolean algebra CLO5 2 1 0 0 6 9
7.1 Boolean Functions
7.2 Representing Boolean Functions
7.3 Logic Gates
7.4 Minimization of Circuits

CLO1, 2 2 0 0 9 13
Chapter 8: Modeling Computation
8.1 Languages and Grammars CLO2,
8.2 Finite-State Machines with Output
8.3 Finite-State Machines with No Output
Total 25 18 0 66 109

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 10% 1 1

2 Quiz 5% ½ ½

3 Tests 10% 1 1

4 Assignments 20% 8 8

5 Quiz 5% ½ ½

Total 11

Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT

Final Exam 3 3 6

Grand Total SLT 126

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face

Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 None

and resources

13 Text book and 1 Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen (Seventh Edition).
2 Hand Book

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Electrical Engineering
2 Module Category Core Module Module Code: EEEg-14
Module Name Digital Logic Design
Course Code: EEng2004
3 Synopsis: Digital Logic Design is a comprehensive study of the principles and techniques of modern digital
system. It provides an overview of the principles underlying number systems, arithmetic operations,
decimal & alphanumerical codes, Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential circuits. Furthermore,
analysis and design of combinational sequential logic system is discussed
4 Name(s) of None (Supportive course)
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 3
6 Credit Hour: 4
7 Prerequisite Math1012
8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Identify fundamental concepts of digital logic design.

CLO2 Apply techniques related to the design & analysis of digital circuits.

CLO3 Analyze small-scale combinational and sequential digital circuits.

CLO4 Design small-scale combinational and synchronous sequential circuits.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning













CLO1 √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities
Course Content Outline CLO GL (F2F) GL IL Total
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F) (SLT)

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1 √ 6
1.1 Digital and Analogue Quantitates
1.2 Binary Digits, Logical Level
1.3 Digital Waveforms

Chapter 2: Number System 1 √ √ √ 12
2.1 Operations of Codes
2.2 Decimal and Binary Numbers
2.3 Decimal to/from Binary Conversion
2.4 1’s and 2’s Compliment
2.5 Signed Numbers
2.6 Hexadecimal and Octal Number
2.7 Binary Coded Decimal Number
Chapter 3: LOGIC GATES 1 √ √ √ 6
3.1 The Inverter
3.2 AND & OR Gates
3.3 NAND & NOR Gates
3.4 Exclusive OR & NOR Gates
4.1 Boolean Operations and Expression
4.2 Laws and Rules of Boolean Algebra
4.3 DE Morgan Theorems
4.4 Boolean Analysis of Logic Circuit
4.5 The K-Map

Chapter 5: COMBINATIONAL LOGIC 3 √ √ √ 12

5.1 Function of Combinational Logic 4
5.2 Basic Combinational Logic Circuits
5.3 Implementing Combinational Logic
5.5 Adders
5.6 Decoders and Encoders
5.7 Multiplexers and De-multiplexers

Chapter 6: SEUQNTIAL LOGICS 3 √ √ √ 12

6.1 Flip-flops 4
6.2 Latches
6.3 Edge Triggered Flip-Flops
6.4 Master Slave Flip-Flops
6.5 Application

Chapter 7: COUNTERS 4 √ √ 6
7.1 Synchronous Counters
7.2 Asynchronous Counters
7.3 Up/Down Counters
7.4 Design of Synchronous Counters

Chapter 8: SHIFT REGISTERS 4 √ √ 6
8.1 Basic of Shift Registers
8.2 Serial In Serial Out (SISO) Registers
8.3 Serial In Parallel Out (SIPO)
8.4 Parallel In Serial Out (PISO)
8.5 Parallel In Parallel Out (PIPO)
Total 72
Continuous Assessment Percentage Total-50(%) F2F NF2F SLT
1 Test-I 10 √ 24
2 Test-II 10 √ 24
3 Quiz 5 √ 12
4 Assignment-I 10 √ 24
5 Project 15 √ 24
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 √ 72
Grand Total SLT 72
12 Resource required 1 Software-Multisim
2 Computer Lab
13 Text book 1 Digital Fundamental, 9 edition, Prentice Hall, T.L. Floyd

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Name of Course: Fundamentals of Programming II

Course Code: SWEG2102

This course is a continuation of “Fundamentals of Programming I”: It mainly covers the concepts of
modular programming, user-defined data types (structure, union, and enumeration). In addition,
further application of programming techniques including file manipulation (processing of text files and
binary files) and other advanced techniques like templates and vectors will also be discussed. This
Synopsis: could help the students to enhance the three basic skills of programming: problem solving skill
(understand how they solve problems), algorithmic skill (knowing how to write the steps of their
proposed solutions to specific problems), language skill (learning how to put the solutions in to code
and communicate it to the machine). More specifically, it empower the learners in performing projects
and solving different real world problems using the target programming language.

Name(s) of Academic Prepared by: Eleni Teshome

Staff: Reviewed by: Biruk Mulatu and Chere Lemma

5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 2

6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite SWEG2103

Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course, students will be able to:
Demonstrate the understanding of modular programming, user defined data type, file stream handling and vectors by
solving variety programming problems.
CLO2 Develop, debug and test medium scale applications by analyzing a variety of real-world problems
CLO3 Develop the ability of self-education and life-long learning needed by computer programming
Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)














CLO1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

Transferable Skills
10 (Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings))
1 Develop the habit of time management by organizing, planning, prioritizing their course works as well as on time in class
availability and submission of course works (assignment, project work etc.)
2 Able to acquire team spirit and leadership skills through effective management of groups and delegation of various
responsibilities, planning and coordination of a variety of tasks related to compute programming
3 Develop communication skills while presenting their programming concepts by articulating and organizing ideas in a
logical ways and communicating clearly and concisely both verbally and in written with the course stake holders
Acquire problem solving and critical thinking skills

Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

11 Teaching and Learning Activities
Course Content

CLO Guided learning Guided Independent

Learning Learning (SLT)

(F2F) hours
(NF2F) (NF2F)
L T P O hours hours

Chapter 1: Modular programming

1.1 Introduction to modular programming 1 8 12 4 6 10 40
1.2 Function declaration and definition
1.3 Function calling and Return types
1.4 Function parameters (Value Vs. Reference)
1.5 Parameter Passing
 by value,
 by reference,
 by address (pointers)
1.6 Default arguments
1.7 Function Overloading
1.8 Revision on Scope of variables
1.9 Special functions (recursive functions, inline functions)
1.10 Function with arrays and strings

Chapter 2: User defined Data types

2.1 Introduction to User defined Data type 2 6 9 2 4 8 29
2.2 Defining structure (with tag and without tag)
2.3 Declaring structure variable
2.4 Initializing structure elements
2.5 Accessing structure elements
2.6 Nested structure
 Defining structure within structure
 Structure variable within other structure definition
2.7 Array of structure
2.8 Structure pointer
2.9 Structure with function

 Structure variable as parameters
 Structure return type
2.10 Other User defined Data types
 Type definition (typedef)
 Enumerated types (enum)
 Anonymous unions (union)
2.11 Class and Object as user defined data type

Chapter 3: File Management

3.1 An overview of File Management 2 4 6 2 2 6 20
3.2 Types of file – text file and binary file
3.3 Working with file stream object 3
3.4 File manipulation process
 Opening and closing files 4
 Reading from and Writing to files
3.5 File modes and offset
3.6 File operation functions
3.7 Files access methods (Sequential Vs. Random access)

Chapter 4: Template and Vectors

4.1 Introduction to generic programming 3 4 6 2 6 18
4.2 Basics of template
4.3 Function template 4
4.4 Standard library template
4.5 Vector concepts
4.5 Vector vs. Array
4.6 Vector manipulation functions

Total 22 33 6 14 32 107
Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15% 1 - 1
2 Quize 5% ½ - ½
3 Lab-report 15% 2 - 2
4 Project 15% 3½ - 3½
Total 7
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face

12 1 Software
Special requirements

and resources to 2 Computer Lab
deliver the course
1 P. Deitel , H. Deitel; C++ how to program, 10th edition, Global Edition (2017)
Text books
2 Walter Savitch; Problem Solving With C++ (10th edition), University of California, San Diego, 2018
13 3
Diane Zak; An Introduction to Programming with C++ (8th Edition), 2016 Cengage Learning
4 Gary J. Bronson; C++ For Engineers and Scientists [3rd edition], Course Technology, Cengage
Learning, 2010

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

2 Course Name Data Communication and Computer Networks

Course Code: SWEG2106

Synopsis: This Course covers a foundation in the study of data communications and computer networking. Topics
covered will include fundamentals of data communications, layered model, and TCP/IP and OSI
Reference models including common protocol and services.

4 Name(s) of Academic Name: Getnet Girma

Staff: Email:

5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 2


6 Credit Hour: 4

7 Prerequisite/ Co-
requisite: (if any)
Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:
CLO1 Discuss the way networks affect our lives, the fundamentals of data communications, computer
Networking, their topology and models.

CLO2 Internalize your clear understanding of encoding, signaling, modulation, multiplexing and cabling.

CLO3 Describe the different networking layers

CLO4 Analyze and apply the services and features of networking protocols

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning














CLO1 √ √ √ √

CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

Transferable Skills
10 (Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings))

Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities
Course Content

Guided learning Guided Total


CLO Independent
(F2F) hours Learning (SLT)
(NF2F) hours
L T P O hours

Chapter 1 : Network fundamentals

1.1 Globally Connected
1.2 Fundamentals of data communications
1.3 OSI Reference Model 1 3 2 4 9

1.4 TCP/IP Model

Chapter 2: Physical Layer

2.1 Encoding and Signaling
3 5 3 6 6 20
2.2 Modulation and Multiplexing
2.3 Cabling

Chapter 3: Data Link Layer

3.1 Data Link Sublayers
3,1 6 4 6 7 23
3.2 Access Control Methods
3.3 Error detection
3.4 Frame Forwarding Methods
Chapter 4: Network Layer
4.1 Network Layer Characteristics
4.2 IPv4 addressing
4.3 IPv6 addressing 3,4 11 8 12 18 49

4.4 Subnetting
4.5 Routing Protocols
Chapter 5: Transport Layer
5.1 TCP
3,4 4 4 6 6 20
5.2 UDP
5.3 Reliability and Flow Control

Chapter6: Session and Presentation Layer
6.1 Dialog control
3,4 2 1 2 2 7
6.2 Data format & encryption

Chapter7 : Application Layer

, 7.1 Common Protocols
7.1.1 Web protocols

7.1.2 Email protocols 3,4 4 4 4 6 18

7.2 Common Services

7.2.1 Domain Name Service

7.2.2 DHCP Service

7.2.3 File sharing services

Total 35 26 36 97 0 49 146

Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT

1 Tests 20 2 2

2 Quiz 10 2 2

3 Assignments 10 2 2

4 Lab Report 10 2 4 6

Total 12
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 160

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face

12 1 Software
Special requirements and
resources to deliver the Computer Lab
course 2 Simulation Room

Text books and 1 Forouzen Behrouz A., "Data Communications And Networking", Tata Mcgraw-Hill, 5th Ed.
2 Stalling William. "Data And Computer Communications", PHI, 7th Ed.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Category Core Course Category Code:1
Course Name Database Systems
Course Code: SWEG2108
3 Synopsis: This course is intended enable students to implement different concepts from the very basic to
advance SQL on a variety of DBMS. It starts by dealing with introduction to SQL like SQL Data
Definition, SQL Data Manipulation, Basic Structure of SQL Queries, Nested Subqueries and Additional
Basic Operations. Then it goes to working with Intermediate SQL like Join Expressions, Views,
Integrity Constraints, Transactions, Authorization. Lastly, the advanced SQL like Trigger, Concurrency
Control Techniques, Database Recovery Techniques, Database Security and Authorization Enhanced
Data Models for Advanced Applications will be covered. Finally, besides to the concept of SQL
Systems, the NoSQL systems will be briefly introduced.
4 Name(s) of Yaynshet Medhin Assefa
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Semester: II Year: 2
Year offered:
6 Credit Hour: 4
7 Prerequisite/ None
Co-requisite: (if
8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to

CLO1 Explain fundamentals of database system concepts, technology and practice and apply to groom into well-
informed database application developers
CLO2 Analyze and identify a model of conceptual, logical and physical design
for a given database
CLO3 Design a given database and demonstrate it for applications using a popular DBMS
CLO4 Apply Database Design (DBD) and Data Manipulation Language (DML) Tasks for a give DBMS.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning













CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√” on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1. Learn how to Organize and structurally store large data in different database related systems.

2. Learn how to manage Databases in different web-based applications

3. Learn database design approaches in system analysis and modeling.

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction to Database Systems

1.1 History of database system 1
2.1 The approaches of data management
3.1 Database Management System 17
1.4 Database development life cycle
1.5 Roles in Database Design and use 8.5 - 4.5 - 2 2
1.6 DBMS Environment

Chapter 2: Data Models

2.1 Over view of the different data models 2
2.2 Building block of relational data Model
2.3 Properties of relational data model 7 - 11 - 8 11 37
2.4 SQL components
2.5 Entity, Attribute, Entity set
2.6 Types of attributes
2.7 Degree of relationship
2.8 Cardinality of relationship

Chapter 3: Database Designs

3.1 Relational and non-relational data base design

3.2 Relational constraint/integrity rule 3 12.5 34
- 8 - 1.5 12
3.3 Key constraint
3.4 Relational view
3.5 Instance, schema
3.6 ER Model and diagram
3.7 Mapping ER into Relational Tables
3.8 Relational algebra and calculus concepts
3.9 Relational algebra operators

Chapter 4: Database Normalization

4.1 Database Normalization 3,4 2.5 6 -

4.2 Purpose of Normalization - - 5 13.5
4.3 Data redundancy and anomalies examples
4.4 Functional dependency
4.5 Formal definition of the normal forms with
Chapter 5: SQL and NoSQL Systems
5.1 Introduction to SQL/NoSQL
5.2 Creating and connecting a data base 11.5 - 12.5 - 4.5 12 40.5
5.3 Creating tables 3,4
5.4 Insert data into tables
5.5Updating/deleting/alter/drop/wild cards...
5.6 Joining tables
5.7 Functions in SQL
5.8 Math in SQL
5.9 Group by and order by
5.10 Transactions and Views, Integrity
Constraints, Authorization and Triggers
5.11 NoSQL Systems
5.12 Key-value database
5.13 Columnar Databases
5.14 Document databases with MongoDB

Total 42 - 42 - 16 42 142
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15 % 1.5 1 2.5
2 Tests 10 % 1.5 1 2.5
3 Project 20 % 1 7 8
4 Quiz 5% 1 1
Total 15
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 2 1 3
Grand Total SLT 160

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non-Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special 1 Software
requirements and 2 Computer Lab
resources to
deliver the course
13 Reference Books: 1 R. Elmasri and S. B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of. Database Systems,”
7th Edition, Addison Wesley
2 Silberschatz, Korth, and Sudarshan. "Database System concepts – 7th
Edition", McGraw Hill, 2002.
3 Date C.J. “An Introduction to Database Systems – 8th
Edition” Addison-Wesley
4 Connolly T. & Begg C. “Database Systems – 6nd Edition” Addison

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

2 Course Name Object Oriented Programming

Course Code: SWEG3101
3 Synopsis: The goal of the course is to introduces object-oriented programming (OOP)
using the Java programming language. Students will learn how to program in
Java and using OOP principles:- classes and objects, encapsulation,
polymorphism, inheritance; exception handling; introduction to GUI design
concepts, introduction to Event handling; Special importance will be given to
the object-oriented nature with Hands-on labs and exercises.
4 Name(s) of Merid Nigussie
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester I Year: 3
offered: :
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- Fundamental Programming II
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 State object-oriented programming principles versus Procedural programming

CLO2 Create, compile, and Run a Java Programming Basics and Classes and Objects
CLO3 Use and practice inheritance, polymorphism and exception handling as implemented in Java
CLO4 Create event-driven GUI containers and components using java to design and illustrate

Object Oriented Programming.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning










CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √
CLO4 √ √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)


11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
Course Content Outline
Guided learning Guid Independent
(F2F) ed Learning
Lear (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction to Object

Oriented Programming CLO1
1.1. Features of Object-Oriented

1.2. Object-Oriented Programming vs. CLO2

Procedural programming

1.3. Object-Oriented Programming CLO1


1.4. Introduction to Java Programming

4 3 6 12
Chapter 2: Basics of Java and CLO2
control structures
2.1. Basics of Java Programming

2.2. Conditional statements CLO2

2.3. Arrays and array lists CLO2

2.4. Core Classes of Java CLO3

4 9 8 21

Chapter 3: Classes and Objects

3.1. Defining Classes CLO3

3.2. Access Control (Private, protected, CLO4


3.3. Working with Objects CLO3

3.4. Constructors CLO3

6 6 8 20

Chapter 4: Inheritance CLO2

4.1. Types of inheritance

4.2. Derived Classes and Abstract Classes CLO4

4.3 Nesting Classes CLO3

4 6 8 18
Chapter 5: Polymorphism
5.1 Methods and Properties
5.2 Interfaces CLO3

5.3. Method overloading and Overriding CLO3

5.4. Static and Dynamic binding CLO4

4 6 8 18
Chapter 6: Exception Handling CLO2

6.1. Introduction to Exceptions

6.2 Types of Exception CLO3

6.3 Try-catch clause CLO4

6.4. Exception handling Examples

4 6 8 18
Chapter 7: Introduction to CLO2
Graphical user interface in java
7.1. Java application CLO3

7.2. GUI-components CLO4

7.3. Layout management CLO2

7.4. Event Handling in java CLO4

2 3 4 9

Total 2 39 50 117
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15% √ 2
2 Quize 5% √ 1
3 Project 20% √ 4
4 Assignments 10 √ 1
Total 8

Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT

Final Exam
Grand Total SLT 128
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
Special requirements and resources to deliver the Software
course Computer Lab
12 Text book and Computer Lab
reference: Choose an item.
(note: ensure the Choose an item.
latest edition Choose an item.
/publication) Absolute Java 6th Edition Walter Savitch

13 Java How to program (9 th or advanced edition) by H.M Deitel & Deitel


E.Balagurusamy, “Object oriented programming with C++”, Tata Mc.

Graw Hill

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
Course Name Data Structures and Algorithms
Course Code: SWEG3103
This course focuses on the study of data structures, algorithms and program efficiency. Topics
include: analysis of time and space requirements of algorithms; program efficiency improving
techniques, abstract data types such as linked lists, stacks, queues, trees (traversal,
3 Synopsis:
implementations); simple searching algorithms (linear search, binary search, … ), simple sorting
algorithms (bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, … ), advanced sorting algorithms (merge
sort, quick sort, heap sort … )
4 Name(s) of Prepared by Meride N.
Academic Staff: Reviewed by Aderaw S.
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 3
6 Credit Hour: 4
7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG2102
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 State how data is organized in a computer, how it can be retrieved, and how it can be used
CLO2 Explain the basic techniques for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms
CLO3 Determine complexity, efficiency of searching and sorting algorithms using Empirical and Theoretical analysis
Determine when and how to use various data structures including linked lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, search
trees and graphs
Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)













CLO1 √ √
CLO2 √ √
CLO3 √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Develop skills to work on best algorithms related to Data Base, Operating System, Multimedia systems etc..

2 Gain skills through Improving the algorithmic thinking and the data structure efficient utilization of resources

Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities
CLO Total
Course Content Outline Guided learning Guided Independent
(F2F) (SLT)
Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithm 1 4 3 6 13

Analysis 2
1.1. Introduction 4
1.2. Abstract Data Type

1.3. Properties of Algorithm

1.4. Analysis of Algorithms

Chapter 2: Simple Sorting & Searching Algorithms Sorting 2 4 6 9 19
2.1. Selection sort
2.2. Bubble sort 4
2.3. Insertion sort

2.4. Linear/sequential searching

2.5. Binary searching

Chapter 3: Linked Lists 2 6 9 10 25

3.1 Review on pointer 3

3.2 Dynamic memory allocation and de-allocation 4

3.3Singly linked lists

3.4. Doubly linked lists

3.5 Implementation of linked lists

Chapter 4: Stacks & Queues 2 4 6 10 20

4.1 Basic stack operations 3
4.2 Basic queue operations

4.3 Implementation of stacks and queues

Chapter 5: Tree Structures 2 6 9 8 23

5.1 Binary Trees and Binary search trees 3
5.2 Basic tree operations

5.3. Traversing in a binary tree

5.4. General trees and their implementations

Chapter 6: Graphs 2 4 6 7 17
6.1 Introduction & describing graphs 3
6.2 Directed Graphs

6.3 Traversing Graphs

Chapter 7: Advanced Sorting & Searching Sorting 2 4 6 10 20
7.1. Heap sort 3
7.2. Quick sort
7.3. Merge sort

7.4. Shell sort

7.5. Advanced searching Hashing

Total 32 45 60 137

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15% √ 1.5
2 Quiz 5% √ 0.5
3 Project 20% √ 10
4 Assignments 10 √ 4
5 Others √ 1
Total 17
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 160
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements and 1 Software

resources to deliver the 2 Computer Lab
course (e.g. software,
computer lab, simulation
room …etc.)
13 Text book and reference: Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia and David M. Mount; Data Structures and
(note: ensure the latest Algorithms in C++ , 2nd ed. (2011), Wiley.
edition /publication) Essential Algorithms: A Practical Approach to Computer Algorithms. Published by. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10475 Cross point Boulevard. Indianapolis, IN 46256.

CLIFFORD, SHAFFER AA. "Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm

Analysis." (2004).

E. Horowitz, S.Sahni and Dinesh Mehta. Fundamentals of data structures in C++, W.H
Freeman and Company.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Department: Software Engineering

Course Name Computer Organization and Architecture

Course Code: SWEG3105

3 Synopsis: Computer Organization and Architecture, Computer function and

Structure, Computer Evolution and Performance, Top level view of
Computer function and interconnection, Cache Memory, Internal and
External Memory, CPU instruction sets and Assembly programming
language will be discussed.

4 Name(s) of Tameru H.
Academic Staff:

5 Semester and Semester: I Year: 3

Year offered:

6 Credit Hour: 4

7 Prerequisite/ Digital Logic Design (EEng2004)

Co-requisite: (if

8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Explain the basics of computer hardware and how software interacts with
computer hardware

CLO2 Perform elementary quantitative performance evaluation of computer systems

CLO3 Design hierarchical memory using register files, caches and RAM modules

CLO4 Analyze MIPS microprocessor design and MIPS Instruction set architecture.
CLO5 Distinguish the organization of various parts of a system memory hierarchy

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching
Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)











CLO1 √ √
CLO2 √ √

CLO3 √ √
CLO4 √ √

CLO5 √ √ √ √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)

(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles,
and computer science theory to the modeling and design of computer
based systems.

2 An ability to design, implement, and evaluate assembly programming language.


11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction to 1 6 5 11
Computer architecture and
1.1 Organization and

1.2 Function and Structure

Chapter 2: Computer 2 4 6 10 20
Evolution and Performance

2.1 History of Computers

2.2 Design for performance

2.3 Introduction to Assembly
Programming language

2.4 Representation of
Numbers and Characters in

Chapter 3: Top Level View 1 4 6 10 20

of Computer Function and

3.1 Computer Components

3.2 Computer Function

3.3 Interconnection

3.4 Bus Interconnection

3.5 Basic Arithmetic and
Loop Instructions in

Chapter 4: Cache Memory 3 4 9 10 23

4.1 Computer Memory

System Overview

4.2 Cache Memory Principles

4.3 Elements of Cache

4.4 Procedures, the Stack

and Conditional Processing

Chapter 5: Internal and 4 5 6 10 21

External Memory

5.1 Semiconductor Main


5.2 Error Correction

5.3 Magnetic Disk

5.4 RAID

5.5 Solid State Drives

5.6 Boolean Instructions and
Implementing Control
Structures in Assembly

Chapter 6: CPU instruction 5 5 9 5 19


6.1 Characteristics and


6.2 Addressing Modes and


6.3 Processor Structure and


6.4 String Instructions,

String Representations and
Array Representations and

Total 28 36 50 114

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT

1 Tests 10% X 4

2 Lab-report 20% X 20

3 Quize 5% X 2

4 Project 15% X 20

Total 46

Final Exam Percentage 50 F2F NF2F SLT


Final Exam 50% X

Grand Total SLT 160

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non
Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special 1 Software
requirements and
2 Computer Lab
resources to deliver
the course (e.g.
software, computer
lab, simulation
room …etc.)

13 Text book and 1 Computer Organization and Architecture by William Stallings 11th
reference: edition

2 A. Tannenbaum, “Structured Computer Organization”, Pearson

Education, 4th Edition

3 Patterson & Hennessy, “Computer Organization and Design”,

Morgan Kaufmann, 5th Edition

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
Name of Course: Internet programming I
Course Code: SWEG3107
Overview of Internet and World Wide Web Technology: Client-Server architecture, HTTP Protocol, Web
3 Synopsis: page design and development, static pages, client-side programming using hypertext and scripting
languages (HTML, JavaScript) also applying different styles will be discussed in this course.
Name: Aster Alemu
4 Name(s) of Email:
Academic Staff:

5 Semester and Semester: I Year: 3

Year offered:
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 co-requisite: (if SWEG2106
Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Interpret web protocol, design and development of web-based application

CLO2 Use modern tools and techniques for developing web-based applications.
8 Create web pages by defining structure of documents that have content styles and interactive elements with
the help of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Construct web based solutions and engage in independent and lifelong learning with the broad scope
Internet programming.
Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)











Final Exam




CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings))

Working assignment and projects in group as well as solving problems and provide solutions with group
discussion, students will be able to build team work ability
2 Students have critical thinking and creativity skill by designing usable and easily understandable website

Students will be able to solve problems by understanding real world problems and they will have problem
3 solving skill

Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities
Course Content

Guided Independent Total

Guided learning
CLO Learning Learning (SLT)
(NF2F) (NF2F)


Chapter1: Fundamentals
1.1 A brief introduction to the internet
1.2 World Wide Web
1.3 Web browser
1.4 Web servers 1
3 3 2 4 12
1.5 Uniform resource locators
1.6 Multipurpose internet mail extension

11 1.7 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

1.8 Security
1.9 Web programmer’s toolbox
Chapter 2: Web development using HTML

2.1 Origin and evolution of HTML and XHTML

2.2 Basic Syntax
2.3 Standard XHTML document structure
2.4 Basic text markup 2

2.5 Image 3 4 6 3 5 18

2.6 Hypertext Link 4

2.7 Lists (ordered and unordered) and

Definition Lists
2.6. Fonts, Colors, and Colorful and Textured

Chapter 3: Working with Tables and Forms

3.1. Working With tables 2

3.2. Forms 3 4 6 3 5 18

3.3. Syntactic difference between 4

3.4. HTML and XHTML

Chapter 4: Cascading style sheets (CSS)

4.4.CSS Basics
4.5.Style Sheet Rules 2

4.6.CSS Selectors 3 6 9 4 8 27

4.7.Types of CSS Style 4

4.8.Style Properties
4.9.CSS Responsive
4.10. Responsive web design frameworks
Chapter 5: Client-side scripting language

5.3. Clint-side scripting Basics

5.4. Variables, Expression, Control, Array, 2

Functions 3 5 8 4 6 23

5.5. Handling Events 4

5.6. User Inputs, Form Processing

5.7. Document Object Model
Total 22 32 16 28 98
Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15% 1 4 5
2 Quize 5% 0.5 2 2.5
3 Lab-report 10% 1 8 9
4 Project 20% 1.5 4 5.5
Total 22
Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam
50(%) 2 6 8
Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

Special requirements 1 Software

12 and resources to
2 Computer Lab
deliver the course
P. Deitel, H. Deitel and A Deitel,” Internet and World Wide Web: How to Program”, USA
:Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, 9th Edition.

Chuck Musciano and Bill Kennedy(2006), “HTML & XHTML The Definitive Guide “, USA :
Text books and 2
O’Reilly Media, 6th Edition
13 References:
Terry Ann Felke-Morris; “Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5”, USA
:Pearson Education, AddisonWesley, 7th Edition.


Education, Addison-Wesley, 6th Edition.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
Course category Core Course Category Code:1
2 Course Name System Analysis and Modeling
Course Code: SWEG3109
3 Synopsis: This course provides concepts on how to capture software requirements and Handle difficult situations in
gathering data to build systems. Special emphasis is given to working with clients and to learning about
the needs of users who Interact with a system. The course addresses elicitation, specification, and
Management of software system requirements.

The primary function of an analyst in the requirements capture process is to analyze and organize informal
requirement statements into a form that can be Verified by a user and used as input to design.
Requirement’s specifications must also provide the sole criteria for the validation of the end software
product. In achieving these goals an effective analyst must bring to a project the ability to listen to users’
needs and create a complete, correct, consistent and unambiguous Requirement specification. Analysis
models describing functional and time dependent behavior and data relationships are therefore an
essential component of the analyst's tool box. Useful models also act as an aid to understanding complex
systems, representing the essence of a system in graphical form and Downplaying excessive detail.

4 Name(s) of Owned by Yodit G/Alif (Reviewed by Ashenafi.C and Yaynshet.M)

Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Semester: I Year: 3
Year offered:
6 Credit Hour: 4
7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG2101
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:
CLO1 Applying a Structural and Object-oriented approaches for modeling software system.
CLO2 Analyze and apply behavioral and structural UML modeling to model data and behavior requirements.
CLO3 Demonstrate the ability to use Modern (State of the Art) modeling tools to show the system structural and
behavioral modeling
CLO4 Experienced with using UML use case, class, and sequence and Collaboration diagrams to model data and behavior
CLO5 Evaluating state of the Art Modeling tools and exercise using it.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Teaching Assessment
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning













CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√” on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Gain technical knowledge for analyzing and designing an application, system, or business by applying object-oriented
2 Learn how to apply visual modeling throughout the software development process to guide stakeholder communication
and product quality.
3 Learn how to apply software architecture to design the global organization of a software system.

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities

Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independe
Course Content Outline CLO Learning nt Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction to system Analysis and Modeling 1 3 3 6 12

 Defining a system
 Characteristics of a system
 Elements of a system
 Types of systems
 Types of system analysis and modeling System, Roles
 Development methodologies (RAD, Agile)
 Systems models

Chapter 2: System Development Life cycle 1,2 4 4 0 8 16

 Project selection
 Feasibility study
 Analysis
 Design
 Implementation
Chapter 3: System requirement specifications and Analysis 1,2, 4 4 8 16
 What is requirement determination? 3
 Requirement finding techniques
 Requirement Analysis
 Structural analysis Vs. Object oriented system
Chapter 4 : Structured Analysis 2 6 4 12 22
 Software design Methodologies
 Data Flow Diagram
 Data Dictionary
 Decision Trees
 Data Requirements
 Decision Tables

Chapter 5: Structured Design 3 4 6 8 18
 Tackling design problem
 Architectural design
 Abstract specification
 Interface design
 Component design
 Data structure design
 Algorithm design
Chapter 6: Object Oriented analysis 1,5 8 8 16 32
 What is object orientation?
 What is object oriented software engineering
 Model
 Principles of Modeling
 Object Oriented Modeling
 Object-oriented perspective
 An Overview of UML
 Things in the UML
 requirement
 Diagrams in the UML
 Use case Diagram
Chapter 7 : Object Oriented Structural modeling 2,4 4 4 8 16
(Static UML Design)
 Class Diagram, Entity class
 modeling
 Collaboration diagram
 Architectural Design
Chapter 8: Object Oriented Behavioral Modeling (Dynamic 2,4, 4 4 8 16
UML Design) 5
 Interaction diagrams
 Create an interaction diagram
 oriented approaches
 Sequence diagrams
 Communication diagrams
 State diagrams
 Activity diagrams
 Difficulties and risks in modeling
Total 37 37 74 148

Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15 % 1 0.5 1.5
2 Tests 10 % 1 0.5 1.5
3 Assignments 5% 0.5 0.5 1
4 Project 20 % 1 3.5 4.5
Total 6
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 160
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Software

and resources to 2 Computer Lab
deliver the course
13 Text books and 1 System Analysis and Design UML 5 th Edition; Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, Roberta M.
References: Roth, January 18, 2012
2 The Unified Process of Development of Software. James Rumbaugh, Grady Booch, Ivar
Jacobson. Addison Wesley, © 2000 regarding the first edition in Spanish for PEARSON
3 Wendy Boggs, Michael Boggs. Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002. SYBEX, 2002
4 Jim Conallen, “Building Web Applications with UML”, Addison Wesley Professional; 2nd edi-
tion, 2003

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Name of Course: Internet programming II
Course Code: SWEG3102
3 Synopsis: This course is a continuation of Internet Programming one. It deals with web application development
using an enterprise application framework focusing on server-side scripting. Topics offered include
Server-Side Scripting Basics, HTML Forms and Server-Side Scripting, Files handling and directories,
Connecting and working with the databases, Session and Cookie tracking, Introduction to content
management system and framework will be discussed in this course.
4 Name(s) of Name: Aster Alemu
Academic Staff: Email:

5 Semester and Semester: II Year: 3

Year offered:
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ co- SWEG3107
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Interpret and analyze server-side scripting

CLO2 Use modern tools and techniques for developing dynamic web-based applications.
CLO3 Create dynamic and interactive web pages as well as ability to connect to a wide range of databases in order
to access and manage the different kind of data that are important for the specified organization
CLO4 Construct web-based solution and engage in an independent and lifelong learning in the broad scope of
Internet programming as well as web application.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)




Final Exam










CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)

(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings))

1 Working assignment and projects in group as well as solving problems and provide solutions with group
discussion students will be able to build team work ability

2 Students have critical thinking and creativity skill by designing usable and easily understandable dynamic

3 Students will be able to solve problems by understanding real world problems

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities

Course Content

Guided Independent Total

Guided learning
CLO Learning Learning (SLT)
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Server-Side Scripting Basics 1 4 4 2 6 16
1.1. Introduction to server-side scripting
1.2. Server-side scripting languages
1.3. Use Basic Syntax
1.4. Send Data to the Web Browser
1.5. Utilize Variables
1.6. Manipulate Strings
1.7. Manipulate Numbers
1.8. Work with constants

Chapter 2: HTML Forms and Server-Side 1 6 9 3 9 27

2.1. Use Conditionals and Operators
2.2. Validate Form Data 4
2.3. Send Values to a Script Manually
2.4. Work with Forms and arrays of data
2.5. Use For and While Loops

2.6. Create a Simple Form

2.7. Use Get or Post
2.8. Receive Data from a Form
2.9. Introduction to regular expressions

Chapter 3: Files and Directories 2 3 5 2 4 14
3.1. Write to Files
3.2. Read from Files
3.3. Create Directories
3.4. Upload Files
3.5. Rename and Delete Files and Directories

Chapter 4: Connecting to Databases 2 4 6 2 6 18

4.1. Connect to an existing Database
4.2. Send Data to a Database
4.3. Retrieve Data from a Database 4
4.4. Modify Existing Data
4.5. Remove Existing Data
4.6. Data base security using server-side

Chapter 5: Cookies and Sessions 1 2 3 1 3 9

5.1. Describe the stateless model 3
5.2. Explain the concepts of maintaining state
with sessions
5.3. Create and Read data from sessions
5.4. Putting session IDs in pages
5.5. Create and Read data from Cookies
5.6. Destroy a session
5.7. Maintain session data using Cookies
5.8. Add Parameters to a Cookie
5.9. Delete a Cookie

Chapter 6: Introduction to CMS and 2 3 5 2 4 14

Frameworks 4
6.1. Overview of Content Management
Systems (CMS)
6.2. Overview of Web Application Frameworks
Total 22 32 12 32 98


Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT

1 Tests 15% 1 4 5

2 Quize 5% 0.5 2 2.5

3 Lab-report 10% 1 8 9

4 Project 20% 1.5 4 5.5

Total 22

Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT

Final Exam 50(%) 2 6 8

Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face

Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Software

and resources to
2 Computer Lab
deliver the course

13 Text books and 1 P. Deitel, H. Deitel and A Deitel,” Internet and World Wide Web: How to Program”, USA
References: :Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, 9th Edition.

2 Chuck Musciano and Bill Kennedy(2006), “HTML & XHTML The Definitive Guide “, USA :
O’Reilly Media, 6th Edition

3 Danny Goodman and Michael Morrison, JavaScript Bible, 7thedition


Education, Addison-Wesley, 6th Edition.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Code SWEG3104
Course Name Software Requirements Engineering
3 Synopsis: Software requirement engineering is the process of determining what is to be produced in a
software system. It provides concepts on how to capture software requirements and handle
difficult situations in gathering data to build systems. Special emphasis is given to working
with clients and to learning about the needs of users who interact with a system. The course
addresses elicitation, analysis, specification, validation and management of software system
The primary function of an analyst in the requirements capture process is to analyze and
organize informal requirement statements into a form that can be verified by a user and
used as input to design. Requirements specifications must also provide the sole criteria for
the validation of the end software product. In achieving these goals an effective analyst must
bring to a project the ability to listen to users’ needs and create a complete, correct,
consistent and unambiguous requirement specification. Ultimately the techniques
presented reduce project risk, improve product quality, and allow for effective control of
requirements volatility – all measures for increasing the likelihood of a successful software
4 Name(s) of Lalise Daniel
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester II Year: 3
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- System Analysis and Modeling
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CLO1 Develop effective functional and non-functional requirements that are complete, concise, correct,
consistent, testable and unambiguous.
CLO2 Use the appropriate requirements elicitation techniques to identify requirements.
CLO3 Analyze requirements effectively and prioritize accordingly.
CLO4 Create requirements specification to communicate requirements to broad set of stakeholders.
CLO5 Utilize various requirements validation techniques to critically evaluate their requirements to
identify defects.
CLO6 Perform requirements engineering in the context of the most common software development life
cycles and manage change to requirements.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)





Final Exam

CLO1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO6 √ √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)


11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION TO CLO1 3 6 9

1.1 Overview of Requirements
1.2 Types of Requirements CLO1
Chapter 2: REQUIREMENTS CLO2 6 1 12 19
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Components of Requirements CLO2
2.3 Requirements elicitation CLO2
2.4 Requirements elicitation CLO2
techniques CLO6
Chapter 3: REQUIREMENTS CLO3 4 8 12
3.1 Requirements analysis goals
3.2 Requirements interaction CLO3

analysis CLO6
3.3 Requirements negotiation CLO3
Chapter 4: REQUIREMENTS CLO4 6 3 12 21
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Requirements document CLO4
4.3 Requirements document CLO4
4.4 Writing Requirements CLO4
Specification CLO6
4.5 Writing Requirements CLO4
specification guidelines CLO6
Chapter 5: REQUIREMENTS CLO5 5 10 15
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Validation Techniques CL05
- Requirements reviews CLO6
- Prototyping
- Model Validation
- Test-case generation
Chapter 6: REQUIREMENTS CLO6 6 5 12 23
6.1 Tool support
6.2 Stable and volatile CLO6
6.3 Requirement change factors CLO6
6.4 Requirements identification CLO6

6.5 A change management CLO6

6.6 Traceability CLO6

Total 30 9 60 99
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Quiz 5% 0.5 0.5 1
2 Test 10% 1 1 2

3 Assignment-1 5% 6 6
4 Assignment-2 10% 8 8
5 Project 20% 1 3 4
Total 21
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 126
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Software

and resources to 2 Choose an item.
deliver the course 3 Choose an item.
(e.g. software, 4 Choose an item.
computer lab, 5 Choose an item.
simulation room
13 Text book and 1 Richard H. Thayer, Software Requirements Engineering, 2nd Edition, February
reference: 1997, Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 978-0-8186-7738-0
2 Requirements Engineering - A Good Practice Guide, I. Sommerville and P. Sawyer,
(note: ensure the
latest edition 3 Requirements Engineering: From System Goals to UML Models to Software
/publication) Specifications, Axel van Lamsweerde, John Wiley Sons

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Name Operating Systems
Course Code: SWEG3106
3 Synopsis: This course is a general introduction to the design and implementation of modern operating
systems. Historical development of operating systems, synchronization, scheduling,
deadlocks, paging, virtual memory, input/output devices, and files will be discussed.
4 Name(s) of
Abdi Mulatu
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year
Semester: II Year: 3
6 Credit Hour: 4
7 Prerequisite/ Co-
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Demonstrate structure and functionality of modern Operating Systems.

CLO2 Use knowledge of process management and synchronization for software development
CLO3 Explain memory management, I/O, mass storage and file management issues
CLO4 Compare and Contrast the algorithms on which the core functions of the Operating Systems are
built on
CLO5 Describe security and protection measures used in operating systems
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)











CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Be able to convey technical information to individuals of different levels of technical understanding.
2 Acquire problem solving skills

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total (SLT)
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction to
Operating Systems
1.1 What is an Operating
1.2 History of Operating Systems 1 3 2 0.5 4.5 10

1.3 Operating System Services

1.4 Types of Operating Systems

1.5 Operating System Structure

Chapter 2: Processes and
2.1 The Process Concept
2 4.5 0.5 5 1 10 21
2.2 Process States

2.3 Process Control

2.4 Threads
Chapter 3: Process
3.1 Concurrency
3.2 The Critical-Section Problem
3.3 Mutual Exclusion with Busy
2 4.5 1 4.5 1 9 20
3.4 Sleep and Wakeup

3.5 Semaphores

3.6 Monitors

3.7 Classic Problems of

Chapter 4: Scheduling
4.1 Basic concepts
4.2 Scheduling Criteria 3, 4 4 1 5 1 10 21
4.3 Scheduling Algorithms
4.4 Algorithm Evaluation

Chapter 5: Deadlocks
5.1 Introduction to Deadlocks 2 2 0.5 3 5.5 11
5.2 Deadlock Characterization

5.3 Deadlock Detection and
5.4 Deadlock Avoidance
5.5 Deadlock Prevention
Chapter 6: Memory
6.1 Basic Memory Management
6.2 Swapping
6.3 Virtual Memory 3 4 1 5 0.5 9.5 20
6.4 Page Replacement

6.5 Algorithms

6.6 Segmentation

Chapter 7: File Systems

7.1 Files
3 3 1 4 1 8 17
7.2 Directories

7.3 File system Implementation

Chapter 8: Input/output
8.1 Principles of I/O Hardware
3 2 0.5 2 0.5 3 8
8.2 Principles of I/O Software

Chapter 9: Storage
9.1 Disk structure
3 2 0.5 2 0.5 3 8
9.2 Disk scheduling

9.3 Disk management

Chapter 10: Security

10.1 The security Environment
10.2 Operating System Security
5 1.5 1.5 0.5 2.5 6
10.3 Controlling Access to

Total 30.5 6 34 6.5 65 142

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 20A` 1.5 2 3.5
2 Quiz 5 0.5 0.5
3 Assignments 15 3 3
4 Lab-report 10 1 2 3
Total 10
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 3 5 8
Grand Total SLT 160
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Computer Lab

and resources to 2 Software
deliver the course
13 Text book Abraham Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin and G. Gagne, Operating Systems Concepts, 9th
Edition, John Wiley &Sons, 2013
References 1 Andrew Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2015

2 William Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 8th Edition,
Prentice-Hall, 2015

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Name of Course: Advanced Programming
Course Code: SWEG3108
3 Synopsis This course enfolds popular higher-level programming concepts that are beyond the scope of the
introductory Programming courses. Topics like multithreading, socket programming, object serialization,
and Event objects are crucial components of this course. Including the above-mentioned advanced
programming concepts other important feature of the technologies like socket and web programming
are also discussed.

Basics of high-level programming concepts and threads will be given priority to pave the way for
developing advanced programming skills. The course then advances to some of the most popular APIs in
the language: Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Database connection and GUI, a specification for
developing a software component.
4 Name(s) of Academic Eyob Samuel
5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 3

6 Credit Hour: 4
7 Prerequisite/ co- SWEG3101

8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:
CLO1 Analyze how the programming language works
CLO2 Explore the basic concepts of object-oriented programming
CLO3 Develop Graphical User Interface.
CLO4 Demonstrate the concepts of Network Fundamentals and Socket Programming, Remote Method, Thread and HTTP

CLO5 Explain database connectivity techniques and demonstrate the ability to write applications that solves a real-world
programming problem.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Teaching Methods Assessment
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)










Final Exam



CLO1 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills
1 Handling lab equipment properly
2 Team work
3 Communication skills
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities
Course Content Outline Guided learning Guided Independent Total
(F2F) Learning Learning (SLT)
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: Functional Programming 1 4 2 3 4 13
1.1. Packages
1.2. Collections
1.3. Lambda Expressions
1.4. Object Serialization
1.5. Declarative Programming
Chapter 2: Systems Programming 4 6 3 6 8 23
2.1. File Descriptors
2.2. Reading and Writing Files
2.3. Files and Directories
2.4. File Locking
2.5. Memory Mapped I/O
2.6. Creating Processes
2.7. Process Management
2.8. Pipes and Signals
Chapter 3: Persistence and Databases 5 4 3 6 4 17
3.1. Overview of the database connectivity
3.2. Connection, Cursor, Row Objects
3.3. Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations
3.4. Query Results and Metadata
Chapter 4: Network Programming 5 4 3 6 4 17
4.1. Over view of sockets
4.2. Establishing Connections
4.3. TCP Clients and Servers
4.4. UDP Clients and Servers
4.5. Secure Sockets Layer
Chapter 5: Remote Procedure Call & Remote Method 4 3 2 3 3 11
5.1. Overview of RPC & RMI
5.2. Stub and skeleton
5.3. The RMI Registry
5.4. The Remote Interface
5.5. Implementing RMI

Chapter 6: Threads 4 4 2 3 4 13
6.1. Introductions to threads
6.2. Creating a Thread
6.3. Thread Scheduling
6.4. Daemon threads
6.5. Synchronization
Chapter 7: GUI 3 2 2 6 2 12
7.1. GUI components
7.2. Layout Management
7.3. Event handling
7.4. Deployment
Chapter 8: Web Programming 4 3 3 3 3 12
8.1. The Life Cycle of a HTTP server
8.2. Handling HTTP Requests and Responses
8.3. HTML Choices
8.4. Client/Server Communication
Total 30 20 36 32 117

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT

1 Tests 15% √ 3
2 Quiz 5% √ 2
3 Lab-report 10% √ 8
4 Project 20% √ 30
Total 43
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam √
Grand Total SLT 160
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special requirements 1 Software
and resources to
2 Computer Lab
deliver the course
13 Text book and 1 Herbert Schildt (2018), "Java: The complete Reference", Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 11th Ed.
reference: 2 Jan Graba (2013), “An Introduction to Network Programming with Java: Java 7 Compatible”,
Springer, 3rd edition.
3 R. Harold (2013), “Java Network Programming”, O'Reilly, 4th Edition
4 Mark Lutz (2013), David Ascher, “Learning Python”, O'Reilly, 5th Edition

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Name Formal Language and Automata Theory
Course Code: SWEG3101
3 Synopsis: Formal languages and automata theory is based on mathematical computations. These computations are used to
represent various mathematical models. Automata theory is a theory of models. The working of every process can
be represented by means of models. The model can be a theoretical or mathematical model. The model helps in
representing the concept of every activity. In this Basics of all fundamental concepts of automata theory and those
are strings, languages, operations on the languages will be discussed. Formal languages including grammar, finite
automaton, regular expression, pushdown automaton, Context-free Grammar, Context-free Languages, Backus-
Naur, Chomsky Normal Form, and the Turing machine also will be discussed. Not only do they form basic models
of computation, but they are also the foundation of many branches of computer science, e.g. compilers, software
engineering, and concurrent systems.
4 Name(s) of Befkadu Belete
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Semester: I Year: 4
Year offered:
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co-
SWEG2105, SWEG3103
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Acquire a fundamental understanding of the core concepts in automata theory and formal languages

CLO2 An ability to design grammars and automata (recognizers) for different language classes. And an ability to identify formal
language classes and prove language membership properties
CLO3 An ability to prove and disprove theorems establishing key properties of formal languages and automata

CLO4 Acquire a fundamental understanding of core concepts relating to the theory of computation and
computational models including (but not limited to) decidability and intractability.

Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Outcomes (CLO)

Teaching Methods
Course Learning














CLO1 √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Team work

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities
Course Content Outline Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independent
CLO Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F)
Chapter 1: Mathematical Preliminaries and Notation
1.1 Set
1.2 Function and Relations
1.3 Graphs and Trees
1.4 Proof Techniques
1 8 2 4 14
1.5 Basic Concepts Automata
• Automata Machine
• Symbols. String and Language
• Introduction to Grammars
Chapter 2: Finite Automata
2.1 Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)
2, 3 10
2.2 Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA)
2.3 Equivalence of NFA and DFA 2 6 18
2.4 Conversion NFA-DFA
2.5 Reduction of the Number of States of Finite Automata
2.6 Two way Finite Automata

Chapter 3: Regular Expressions, Regular Languages and

Regular Grammars
3.1 Formal Definition of a Regular Expression
3.2 Languages Associated with Regular Expressions
3.3 Regular Expressions to Finite Automata,
3.4 Finite Automata to Regular Expressions
3.5 Applications of Regular Expressions
3.6 Right- and Left-Linear Grammars
 Right-Linear Grammars Generate Regular
Languages 3 12 8 6 25
 Left-Linear Grammars for Regular Languages
 Conversion of Left-Linear Grammars into Right-
Linear Grammars
3.7 Right-Linear Grammars and NFAs
3.8 Regular Language Equivalence and DFA Minimization
Chapter 4: Context free Languages and Context free
4.1 Context free languages
4.2 Context free Grammars
4.3 Derivation tree or Parse tree
 Definition, Relationship between parse trees
and derivations.
 Sentential forms
 Partial Derivation Tree
 Left-Linear| Right-Linear| Mixed Derivation 3 9 7 5 21
 Parsing and ambiguity

4.4 Context-Free Grammars and
Programming Language
4.5 Simplification of context free grammar
 Methods for Transforming
 Chomsky’s hierarchy of grammars
 Chomsky Normal Form
 Greibach Normal Form

Chapter 5: Pushdown automata

5.1 Non deterministic Pushdown Automata 3 3 11
5.2 Pushdown Automata for Context Free Languages
4 7 1
5.3 Context-Free Languages for Pushdown Automata
Chapter 6: Turing Machine
6.1 The standard Turing machine
3 5 2 7
6.2 Turing machine as machine accepters
6.3 Turing machine as Transducers 4
6.4 Universal Turing Machines
Chapter 7: Complexity Theory
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Polynomial- Time Algorithm
7.3 Non- Deterministic Polynomial Time Algorithm 5 7 1 3 11
7.4 NP Problems
Total 58 21 29 108
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 20% 1 1 2
2 Quize 10% 1 1
3 Assignments 20% 1 4 5
Total 8
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 2 2 4
Grand Total SLT 120hours
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements and 1 Software

resources to deliver the
course (e.g. software,
computer lab, simulation
room …etc.)
13 Text book and reference: 1 Introduction To Formal Languages And Automata, 6Th Edn by Peter Linz, Jones & Bartlett, 2016,
Paperback, 9789384323219
2 Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation: Global Edition, 3rd edition
John E. Hopcroft , Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman

Integrated Engineering Team Project Course
This course is offered to the 4th year engineering students of AASTU. The course is aimed at ensuring
that students need to acquire the knowledge in conducting research and development project by
working as team. This includes conducting literature research, preparing project proposal, performing
preliminary design concepts, simulation, and evaluation for the best concept and designing the selected
concept and finally manufacturing a working prototype. The innovation on the product and the
potential to develop marketable product is the key to succeed in the course. Students are also expected
to perform economic analysis and developing strategy to penetrate to the market. Students will be
grouped with maximum number of five students from different programs.

2. Objectives of the Course

The objectives of the course are to indoctrinate teamwork spirit, develop leadership skills as well as
technical competency such as delegation of various tasks, analyzing engineering problems, performing
engineering design, enhancing software related skills, enhancing innovation and entrepreneurship. It
also helps to enhance the knowledge on commercially available equipment as well as industrial
equipment, develop knowledge in integrating components into a comprehensive working system,
provide a platform for advanced design courses, and nurture creativity, innovativeness, and business
acumen as well as provide exposure on project management skills.
Note: Guideline will be developed to manage and implement the course.

The detail of the course planning is presented hereunder.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Course Owner: Mechanical Engineering
2 Course Category University Requirement
Course Name Integrated Engineering Team Project
Course Code: IETP4115
3 Synopsis: This is a multidisciplinary team integrated engineering project in connection with a special
engineering problem and under the guidance of a faculty member. The project synopsis consists of
literature review, design, project management, business acumen, multidisciplinary team work,
4 Name(s) of To be assigned
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 4
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- -
requisite: (if any)

8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to :

CLO1 Apply engineering knowledge and solve engineering design problem.
CLO2 Work in a multi-disciplinary team-based engineering project work.
CLO3 Apply the principle of project management.
CLO4 Apply proper design process to produce creative and innovative solution.
CLO5 Demonstrate effective communication, report writing, presentation and entrepreneur skills.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Teaching Assessment
Outcomes (CLO)

Course Learning













CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 To develop team spirit and leadership skills as well as technical competency in delegation of various tasks,
analyzing engineering problems, performing engineering design and enhancing software related skills
2 Develop skills of integrating components into a comprehensive working system.
3 Gain Project management skills.
11 Subject Planning
Project Activity
Lect. Tut. Lab (Practical)
1. Introduction
 Entrepreneurship, Business Plan, Cash Flow, Contracting
works, marketing strategy 10
 Project Management, project evolution and review
techniques (PERT) etc.

2. Project proposal 20
3. Project planning and Design
 Design
 Project costing
 Resource scheduling
 Project cash flow
 Development
 Economic analysis
 Assembly/Production Drawings

4. Project Report 8
5. Project presentation 2

Total Hours 120

Project proposal
Project Fabrication
Project report
oral presentation
Poster evaluation
13 Reference: 1 Faculty Members

2 Journal on appropriate topics

3 Related books
4 Internet sources
IETP Guidelines

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

2 Course Name Principles of Compiler Design

Course Code: SWEG4101

3 Synopsis: This course is intended to teach the basic principles involved in compiler design. These
include lectures and experiments on compiler design, implementation techniques and tools.
The course will provide deeper insights into the fundamental aspects of lexical analysis,
syntax analysis, semantic analysis, optimization, code generation, symbol table handling,
and error handling. Finally students will design and implement a mini language compiler.

4 Name(s) of Biruk Gebru

Academic Staff:

5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 4


6 Credit Hour: 3

7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG3110, SWEG2102

requisite: (if any)

8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CLO1 Demonstrate phases and working principles of compiler, especially the lexical analysis, syntax
analysis, semantic analysis, code generation, code optimization, and error handling.

CLO2 Create lexical and grammatical rules for a typical high level programming language.

CLO3 Use compiler construction tools like Lex/Flex to create a lexical analyzer and Yacc/Bison to create a

CLO4 Modify a parser by adding semantic rules to associate meaningful attributes along with grammars
while parsing.

CLO5 Design and implement Lexical analyzer and syntax analyzer without using scanner/parser generation

CLO6 Prioritize and apply better techniques and algorithms for code generation, optimization and
intermediate compilation process.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Course Learning Outcomes










CLO1 √ √ √ √ √

CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO5 √ √ √ √ √

CLO6 √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)

(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)

1 A skill of teamwork and group communication. Throughout this course students will do assignments,
presentations, and also develop a mini compiler as a project that need strong group communication and
teamwork. This will enhance their effective teamwork and group communication skill which is essential in
their professional and personal career.

2 A skill of data analysis and creative thinking. The course discusses error detecting/handling techniques and
working with recursive problems. These techniques can be applied in several other fields that need analysis
and creativity.

3 A skill of representing data and objects, their relationship and hierarchal structure using graphs and trees.
Graphs and trees have a lot of application in different fields of area. In this course students get exposure to
how Trees and Graphs are represented internally in a compiler.

4 A skill of solving complex computing problems. While discussing principles of compiler design, students will
see complex algorithms in different phases designed to solve compiling problems. These can be used as a
guide to solve similar problems in other fields.

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total

Course Content Outline Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independent
Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction 1 2 0.5 1 3 6.5

1.1 Compiler and its various phases
1.2 Cousins of Compiler
1.3 The Grouping of Phases
1.4 Compiler Construction Tools

Chapter 2: Lexical Analysis 1, 2, 4 6.5 0.5 1 2 14

2.1 Functions of Lexical Analysis 3,
2.2 Role of the Lexical Analyzer and 5
2.3 Input Buffering
2.4 Specification of tokens
2.5 Recognition of tokens

Chapter 3: Syntax Analysis 1 4 10 0.5 2 2 18.5

3.1 The Role of the Parser 2, 3,
3.2 Context Free Grammars 5
3.3 Regular Expressions Vs. Context
Free Grammars
3.4 Predictive Parsing
3.5 Operator Precedence Parsing
3.6 LR Parsers

Chapter 4: Syntax Directed 1, 3 6 0.5 2 2 13.5

Translation 2,
4.1 Syntax directed definitions 4
4.2 Construction of syntax trees
4.3 Bottom-up evaluation of
S-attributed definitions
4.4 L-attributed definitions

Chapter 5: Symbol Tables & Type 1, 3 4 0.5 2 2 11.5
Checking 2,
5.1 Symbol Tables 4,
5.2 Type Systems 6
5.3 Specification of a simple type

Chapter 6: Intermediate Code 1, 3 3 2 2 10

Generation 6
6.1 Intermediate Languages
6.2 Declarations

Chapter 7: Run Time Environments 1, 3 3 6

7. 1 Source Language Issues 6
7.2 Storage organization
7.3 Storage allocation strategies
7.4 Parameter Passing

Chapter 8: Code Generation 1, 3 9 1 2 15

8.1 Issues in the design of a code 6
8.2 The Target Machine
8.3 Run-Time Storage Management
8.4 Basic blocks and Flow graphs
8.5 Code generation algorithm

Chapter 9: Code Optimization 1, 3 3 3 9

9.1 Principle sources of optimization 6
9.2 Function preserving
9.3 Common Sub expressions
9.4 Copy propagation

Total 28 42 3 10 21 104


Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT

1 Quiz 5 0.5 0.5

2 Assignments 10 4 4

3 Tests 20 1 1

4 Project 10 1 6.5 7.5

5 Lab-report 5 0.5 2.5 3

Total 120

Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT

Final Exam 50 3 3

Grand Total SLT 123

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Software

and resources to
deliver the course 2 Computer Lab
(e.g. software,
computer lab,
simulation room

13 Text book and 1 Reinhard Wilhelm, Helmut Seidl, Sebastian Hack; Compiler Design: Syntactic and
reference: Semantic Analysis, (2013), Springer-Verlag Berlin , Heidelberg
(note: ensure the
latest edition 2 Helmut Seidl, Reinhard Wilhelm, Sebastian Hack; Compiler Design: Analysis and
/publication) Transformation, (2012), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

3 Torben Ægidius Mogensen; Introduction to Compiler Design, (2011), Springer-

Verlag London

4 Singh R., Sharma V., Varshney M.; Design and implementation of compiler, (2010),
New Age International

5 Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ull man. “Compilers Principles, Techniques and
Tools”. Pearson Education, 2008.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

Course Name Mobile Computing and Programming

Course Code: SWEG4103
3 Synopsis: This course will mainly introduce enrollees of the program to mobile network, mobile computing and
mobile application development. Mobile computing will be discussed from three perspectives: mobile
technology, application development, and user interaction. The course will priory sum-up various mobile
computing technologies and introduce to appropriate mobile application frameworks and development
environments to fortify concepts covered in lectures and use it to implements assignments, course
project and FYP as well.
In addition to this, each enrollee will have a seminar on the current mobile computing technologies so as
to deeply understand, internalize, explain and reveal different issues on the computing technologies
4 Name(s) of Name: Muleta T.
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 4
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG2106, SWEG3108
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:
CLO1 Define, Explain and state the key concepts in mobile computing, emerging and possible future technologies and
its application areas.
CLO2 Applying various scientific computing knowledge of mobile computing to antithetic application area
CLO3 Critically articulate, analyze and evaluate security concerns of the mobile computing technologies and mobile
CLO4 Perform/conduct simulation for studying and predicting challenge and behaviors of various mobile computing
CLO5 Choose, Practice legal and Ethical principles mobile application framework for designing, and constructing mobile
Software application
Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
9 Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Teaching Assessment
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning




Final Exam









CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 To inflate the ability of presenting and responding issues in the respective application domain
2 Building capacity to work collaboratively with experts in other discipline
3 Intensify the skill of finding the technological gap through self-teaching in the respective area so as to resolve the
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities
Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independent
CLO Learning Learning
Course Content Outline L T P O
(NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Mobile Computing
1.1. Mobile Computing 1,2 7 7 14
1.2. Mobility
1.3. Mobile Computing Architecture.
1.4. Infrastructure in Mobile Computing
1.5. Application of Mobile Computing

Chapter 2: Mobile Computing Technologies

2.1. Overview on Mobile Technologies 1,4 6 6 2 8 22
2.2. Current Mobile technologies
2.3. Mobile Clouding Computing
2.4. Recent related Technologies

Chapter 3: Mobile Programming

3.1. Overviews on Mobile Apps and Mobile Agents 1, 7 41
3.2. Practicing Software Methodologies in Mobile 2,3,5 5 2 27
3.3. Architectural Patterns in Mobile Applications
3.4. UML based development cycle for Mobile
3.5. Ethical practices and Concerns in Application
Chapter 4: Security in Mobile Computing
4.1. Overview on Security in mobile and Wireless 8 21
Networks 13, 6 2 3 2
4.2. Security and Ad Hoc Networking Technologies
4.3. Location Information, Security, and Privacy
4.4. Distinguishing Privacy and Security.
4.5. Modeling Security with UML
Total 24 4 36 4 30 98

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15 1 1 2
2 Assignments 10 1 1
1 1
3 Quiz 5
2 2

4 Project 15 1 6 7
1 1
5 Others 5 1 2 3
2 2

Total 14
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 3 5 8
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements and 1 Software

resources to deliver the 2 Computer Lab
13 Text book and reference: 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF MOBILE COMPUTING latest Edition, Kindle Edition

2 Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing: Frank adelstein, Sandeep K.S Gupta,
Golden G. Richard
2 Mobile Computing Principles” by ,Reza B’Far
3 Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing,, Koushik Sinha, Sasthi C. Ghosh, Bhabani P. Sinha
4 Mobile computing principles: Designing, Developing and Mobile Application with UML and

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Code SWEG4105
Course Name Software Design and Architecture
3 Synopsis: Software design is a foundational layout for a software system. This course covers the fundamental
design principles and strategies for software architecture and design, including the structural view of
software components, and their characteristics and interrelationships, at a high level of abstraction.
Topics included are design concepts, architectural structures and views, software architectural design
process, architectural styles and patterns, software design quality attributes, middleware
architectures, design patterns, design principles and architectural documentation and evaluation. The
course uses software design tools to reinforce design processes and representations.
4 Name(s) of Ashenafi Chalchissa
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 4
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG3109
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Explain the importance and role of software architecture in large-scale software systems.
CLO2 Produce a software architecture documents using various documentation approaches and architectural
description languages.
CLO3 Evaluate various architectural styles and solutions based on quality attributes.
CLO4 Use major software architectural styles, design patterns, and frameworks.
CLO5 Design a large-scale software system that reflects and balances the different needs of its stakeholders using
design concepts and principles.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)

Final Exam

Case Study









CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√” on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Problem solving skill
2 Critical thinking and creativity
3 Documentation and reporting
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

1,2,5 3 6 9
Chapter 1: Basics of Software Design and
1.1 Software Design Overview
1.2 Design Concepts
1.3 Design Principles
1.4 What is Software Architecture?
1.5 Importance of Software Architecture

1,2,3, 6 3 6 15
Chapter 2: Developing Software Architecture
2.1 Software Architectural Design
2.2 The Role of the Architect
2.3 Architectural Structures and Views
2.4 The Process of Developing Software
2.5 Software Design and Quality Attributes

3,4,5 6 12 18
Chapter 3: Software Architectural Styles and
3.1 Overview of Architectural Styles and Patterns
3.2 Properties of Architectural Styles
3.3 Common Architectural Styles
3.4 Selection of Architectural Style
3.5 Middleware Architectures

1,4,5 6 5 17 28
Chapter 4: Design Patterns
4.1 Overview of Design Patterns
4.2 Pattern Description, Pattern Schema and
Pattern Template
4.3 Classification of Design Patterns

4,5 6 6 12
Chapter 5: SOLID Design Principles
5.1 Single Responsibility Principle
5.2 Open-closed Principle
5.3 Liskov Substitution Principle
5.4 Interface Segregation Principle
5.5 Dependency Inversion Principle
2,3 4 8 12
Chapter 6: Documenting Software
Architecture and Architecture Evaluation
6.1 Stakeholders, Views, Viewsets, View-based
6.2 Architecture Evaluation

Total 34 5 3 61 96
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 10 1 1 2
2 Quize 5 0.5 0.5 1
3 Assignments 10 7 7
4 Project 15 1 3 4
5 Case Study 10 3 4
Total 18
Total (Lecture, Continuous Assessment and Preparation Time) 120
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 126
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non-Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Software

and resources to 2 Computer Lab
deliver the course
Text book 1 L. Bass, P. Clements and R. Kazman, Software Architecture in Practice, 4th Edition, Addison-
Wesley Professional, 2021.
13 Reference 1 I. Gorton, Essential Software Architecture, Second Edition, Springer, 2011.

2 R. C. Martin, Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design, Addison-
Wesley, 2018.
3 M. Richards and N. Ford, Fundamentals of Software Architecture: An Engineering Approach,
O’Reilly Media, 2020
4 E. Freeman, E. Robson, Head First Design Patterns: Building Extensible and Maintainable
Object-Oriented Software, Second Edition, O’Reilly Media, 2020.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

2 Course Name Computer Graphics

Course Code: SWEG4109
3 Synopsis: Basics of Computer Graphics: Overview of Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics Application and
Software, Video display devices :(Color CRT Monitors, Raster scan & Random Scan Display Systems,
DVST), Flat Panel Display: (LCD, LED, Plasma display) 3D Viewing devices, Input & Output Devices.
Graphics Primitives: Scan Conversion, Rasterization, Line drawing algorithms, Circle drawing algorithms,
Ellipse drawing algorithms, Character generation, Color Models & color application, Filled area
algorithms, Aliasing & anti-aliasing. 2D Transformation & Views: Basic transformations: Translation,
Rotation, Scaling, Matrix representation and Homogeneous Coordinates, Composite transformations,
Other Transformations: Reflection & Shear, Line Clipping algorithm, Viewing transformation, Polygon. 3D
Concepts and Object Representation: 3D Display Methods, Polygon Surfaces, Polygon Table, Plane
Equation, Polygon Meshes, Spline Representation, Cubic Spline Interpolation Methods, Bazier Curves
and Surfaces. 3D Transformation & Views: 3D Translation, 3D Rotation, 3D Scaling, Matrix
representation and Homogeneous Coordinates, Composite transformations, Other Transformations:
Reflection & Shear, View Pipeline, Viewing Co-ordinates, Projection, View Volume and General
Transformation Projection. Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics: Classification of Visible-Surface
Detection Algorithms, Back-Face Detection, Depth Buffer Method/ Z Buffer Method, Light Source, Basic
Illumination Models, Ambient Light, Diffuse Reflection, Properties of Light and Color Model semester.
Hence, they will be advised to repeat the semester with the next batch of students.

4 Name(s) of Aderaw Semma

Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 4
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG2102, SWEG3103
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Apply computer programming to computer graphics for applications and problem solutions with different
graphics functions and designed GUI Platforms
CLO2 Apply computer graphics functions to create animations.

CLO3 Use graphics software to work in virtual reality environment

CLO4 Apply different algorithms to create graphical application and match graphics objects with real world application.

CLO5 Develop advanced application in image processing, scientific, research & various fields.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)


Final exam












CLO1 √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Developing graphics oriented real world applications
2 Engaged in researches that takes graphics elements as an input and test the outputs
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

CH1. Basics of Computer Graphics 1 4 10 14

1.1 What is Computer Graphics?
1.2 Advantages of Computer Graphics
1.3 Application of Computer Graphics
1.4 Basics of Computer Graphics
1.5 Various Display Devices
1.6 Raster Graphics System
1.7 Random Graphics System
1.8 Input Devices
1.9 Graphics Software and Standard
CH2. Graphics Primitives 4 6 9 10 25
2.1 Points
2.2 Line, Circle and Ellipse Drawing Algorithms
2.3 Scan-Line Polygon Filling Algorithm
2.4 Inside-Outside Test
2.5 Boundary Fill and Flood Fill Algorithm
2.6 Character Generation
2.7 Line Attributes
2.8 Color and Gray Scale Levels
2.9 Area Fill and Character Attributes

CH3_ 2D Transformation & Views 2,4 6 9 10 25
3.1 Transformation
3.2 Basic Transformation
3.3 Matrix Representation and Homogeneous
3.4 Composite and Other Transformation
3.5 The Viewing Pipeline
3.6 Viewing Coordinate Reference Frame
3.7 Window-to-Viewport Coordinate Transformation
3.8 Point, Line and Polygon Clipping
CH4_ 3D Concepts and Object Representation 3 4 6 10 20
4.1 3D Display Methods
4.2 Polygon Surface
4.3 Polygon Table
4.4 Plane Equation
4.5 Polygon Meshes
4.6 Spline Representation
4.7 Cubic Spline Interpolation Methods
4.8 Bazier Curves and Surfaces
4.9 B-spline Curves and Surfaces
CH5_ 3D Transformation & Views 2,3 6 1 10 30
5.1 3D Translation, Rotation and Scaling &4 4

5.2 Other Transformation

5.3 Viewing Pipeline
5.4 Viewing Co-ordinates
5.5 Projections
5.6 View Volume and General Projection Transformation
CH6_ Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics 5 7 6 10 23
6.1 Classification of Visible-Surface Detection Algorithms
6.2 Back-Face Detection
6.3 Depth Buffer Method/ Z Buffer Method
6.4 Light Source
6.5 Basic Illumination Models/ Shading Model/ Lighting
6.6 Ambient Light
6.7 Diffuse and Specular Reflection
6.8 Properties of Light
6.9 Color Model
Total 33 4 60 97

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15 2 2
2 Project 1 & 2 15 18 18
3 Lab-report 20 3 3
4 Others/Final Exam 50 4 4
Total 124
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special requirements 1 More computing on Computer Graphics like Math for Computer Graphics
and resources to
deliver the course

13 Text book and 1 Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Barker, 2nd Edition Computer Graphics, C Version.
reference: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics by Peter Shirley
(note: ensure the latest
edition /publication)

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Name of Course: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Course Code: SWEG4117
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is concerned with the design and analysis of autonomous agents. These are
software systems and/or physical machines, with sensors and actuators, embodied for example within a
robot or an autonomous spacecraft. An intelligent system has to perceive its environment, to act rationally
towards its assigned tasks, to interact with other agents and with human beings. It rely on a broad set of
3 Synopsis
general and specialized knowledge representations and reasoning mechanisms, on problem solving and
search algorithms, and on machine learning techniques. Hence, the focus of this course is to deal with
Fundamental issues in intelligent systems; Search and constraint satisfaction; Knowledge representation
and reasoning.
Name(s) of Academic
Prepared by: Zeleke Abebaw

5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 4

6 Credit Hour 3
7 Prerequisite SWEG3103, SWEG2105
Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course, students will be able to:
8 CLO1 Explain fundamental concepts of artificial intelligent agents.
CLO2 Compare the basic search strategies used in an intelligent agent.
CLO3 Apply the law of logic to represent knowledge for an expert system.
CLO4 Engage in independent and lifelong learning with the broad application area of Artificial Intelligence.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Teaching Methods
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning

Final Exam













CLO1 √ √ √ √

CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

Transferable Skills
10 (Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings))
1 Group work and mutual understanding
2 Communication skill
3 Effective time management skill
Acquire problem solving and critical thinking skills

Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities
Guided learning Guided Independent Total
(F2F) Learning Learning (SLT)
(NF2F) (NF2F)
Course Content Outline CLO L T P O

Chapter 1: Introduction to AI 1 3 - - - 3 3 9
- Definitions of AI, Goals of AI, AI approaches, AI Techniques,
Branches of AI, Application of AI

Chapter 2: Solving Problem by Searching 12 3 - - 6 12 33

2.1 Problem solving definitions: problem space, problem 1
solving, state space, state change, structure of state space, 2
problem solution, problem description, examples of
problem definition.
2.2 Uninformed Search Strategies
- Depth-first search Algorithm
- Breadth-first search Algorithm
2.3 Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies
- Characteristics of heuristic search
- Heuristic search compared with other search
- Example of heuristic search
- Types of heuristic search algorithms
2.4 Local Search Algorithms and Optimization Problems
- Local Search in Continuous Spaces
- Searching with Nondeterministic Actions
- Searching with Partial Observations
- Online Search Agents and Unknown Environments
2.5 Adversarial Search
- Games, Optimal Decisions in Games , Alpha–Beta Pruning,
Imperfect Real-Time Decisions, Stochastic Games, Partially
Observable Games, Genetic Algorithm
Chapter 3: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 3 10 8 12 - 7 8 45
3.1 Knowledge-Based Agents
- Logic, Propositional Logic , Agents Based on Propositional
3.2 First-Order Logic
- Syntax and Semantics of First-Order Logic
- Using First-Order Logic
- Knowledge Engineering in First Order Logic

3.3 Inference in First-Order Logic
- Propositional vs. First-Order
- Inference Unification and Lifting
- Forward Chaining Backward
- Chaining Resolution
3.4 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Ontological Engineering
Chapter 4: Expert Systems 4 3 3 8 - 4 3 22
4.1 Knowledge acquisition, knowledge base, working memory,
inference engine, Expert system shells
4.2 Development and application of expert systems

Total 28 14 20 - 20 26 108

Continuous Assessment Percentage (%) F2F NF2F SLT
1 Indv.Assignment1 10 - 2 2
2 Test1 15 1 - 1
3 Test2 15 1 - 1
4 Group Project 10 - 5 5
5 Final Exam 50 3 - 3
Assessment Time Total
Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face

1 Computer Lab
Special requirements
and resources to deliver
the course

Text books and 1 Russell, S. and P. Norvig (1995) Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Prentice-Hall.
reference: 2 Luger, G. (2002) Artificial Intelligence, 4th ed. Addison-Wesley.
3 Diane Zak; An Introduction to Programming with C++ (8th Edition), 2016 Cengage Learning
4 Bratko, Ivan (1990) PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence, 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley,

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Department: Software Engineering

Course Name Embedded System

Course Code: SWEG4102

3 Synopsis: The aim of this course is to enable students develop theoretical and practical knowledge about
embedded systems hardware as well as acquire skills in programming embedded processors.

4 Name(s) of Tameru Hailesilassie

Academic Staff:

5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 4


6 Credit Hour: 3

7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG3101, SWEG3106

requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Understand, analyze and explain the basic building blocks of embedded systems hardware

CLO2 Describe the hardware and software architecture of processors used in embedded systems

CLO3 Perform measurements and trouble shootings in digital systems

CLO4 Use embedded system development platforms and environments

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning










L T P O Project

CLO1 √ √
CLO2 √ √
CLO3 √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)

(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)

1 Ability to evaluate different embedded system architectures

2 Ability to identify relevant components and building blocks for embedded solutions

3 Ability to design to identify energy effective and sustainable embedded system solutions

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities

Course Content Outline Guided learning Total
(F2F) Guided Independent (SLT)
CLO Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction to digital logic 1 4 3 5 12

1.1 Logic algebra
1.2 Logic circuits
1.3 Logic devices such as counters, timers and finite state
Chapter 2: Introduction to microcomputers and embedded 2 4 6 10 20

2.1 Processor architectures, microcontrollers used in

embedded systems

2.2 The CPU, memory and input output units

2.3 Interrupts

Chapter 3: Hardware level programming of embedded 1 4 3 10 17


3.1 Programming in C

3.2 Development platforms for embedded software

3.3 Introduction to Arduino

Chapter 4: Introduction to microcomputer interfaces 3 4 9 10 25

4.1 Digital IO
4.2 Serial IO
4.3 Timers
4.5 Analog-to-digital conversion
4.6 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Total 28 36 50 114


Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT

1 Tests 10% X 4

2 Lab-report 20% X 20

3 Quize 5% X 2

4 Project 15% X 20

Total 46

Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT

Final Exam 50% X

Grand Total SLT 160

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements and resources 1 Software

to deliver the course (e.g. software, 2 Computer Lab
computer lab, simulation room …etc.)
13 Text book and reference: 1 Marilyn Wolf, Computers as Components, Forth Edition: Principles of
Embedded Computing
System Design, 4th ed. Morgan Kaufmann, 2016

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Code SWEG4104
Course Name Software Project Management
3 Synopsis: This course discusses about the fundamental concepts, roles and purpose of software project
management in software engineering. The course covers software project management
fundamentals, software project planning, software project scheduling, software project estimation,
project estimation approaches, risk management, configuration and change management, software
quality management, and staffing and team management skill.
4 Name(s) of Amsalu Thomas
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester II Year: 4
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG3104
8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CLO1 Explain software project management tasks.

CLO2 Develop work breakdown structure, schedule and cost for software projects.

CLO3 Use project management tools, techniques, and skills

CLO4 Prepare plan documents for software project management, risk management, software quality management
and assurance
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)



Final Exam










CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)

(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)

1 Be able to convey technical information to individuals of different levels of technical understanding.

2 Be able to acquire team sprit

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities
Guided learning Guided Independent Total
Course Content Outline (F2F)
CLO Learning Learning (SLT)
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)
4 8 12
Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Project
1.1 Project management fundamentals
1.2 Software project management tasks 1

1.3 Characteristics of a project: product, budget,

schedule trade-off
1.4 Major problems in software projects
4 8 12
Chapter 2: Step-wise Project Planning
2.1 Software Project Planning
2, 3
2.2 Software Project Management Plan Steps
2.3 Software project management tools
6 6 12 24
Chapter 3: Work Break down Structure (WBS)
and Schedule
3.1 Overview of WBS and Schedule 2

3.2 Designing Work Breakdown Structure

3.3: Software Project Scheduling
6 4 12 22
Chapter 4: Software Project Estimation
4.1 Software project estimation overview 2, 4

4.2 Estimation approaches

4 8 12
Chapter 5: Risk Management
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Risk management Planning Process
4.2.1 Risk Identification 4

4.3.2 Risk Assessment

4.3.3 Risk Strategies
4.4.4 Risk Monitoring and Controlling

3 4 7
Chapter 6: Software Quality Management
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Quality assurance and standards
5.5 Software Quality Plan
5.5.1 Quality Philosophies and Principles 4
5.5.2 Quality Standards and Metrics
5.5.3 Verification and Validation
5.5.4 Change Control and Configuration Management
5.5.5 Monitor and Control
3 6 9
Chapter 7: Team Management
6.1 Organization and Project Planning
6.2 The Project Team
6.3 Motivating people
Total 30 10 58 98
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Test 20 1.5 1.5 3
2 Project 15 1 3 4
3 Quiz 5 0.5 0.5 1
4 Assignments 10 8 8
Total 16
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non-Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Software

and resources to
deliver the course
13 Text book 1 Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell and Rajib Mall, Software Project Management, 5th Edition,
McGraw-Hill, 2011
References: 1 A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 5th edition, 2013

2 Meri Williams, “The Principles of Project Management”, SitePoint Pvt., ISBN 978-0-9802858-
6-4, 2008.
3 Futrell and Shafer, “Quality Software Project Management”, Wiley, 2010.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Department: Software Engineering

Course Name Embedded System

Course Code: SWEG4102

3 Synopsis: The aim of this course is to enable students develop theoretical and practical knowledge about
embedded systems hardware as well as acquire skills in programming embedded processors.

4 Name(s) of Tameru Hailesilassie

Academic Staff:

5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 4


6 Credit Hour: 3

7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG3101, SWEG3106

requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Understand, analyze and explain the basic building blocks of embedded systems hardware

CLO2 Describe the hardware and software architecture of processors used in embedded systems

CLO3 Perform measurements and trouble shootings in digital systems

CLO4 Use embedded system development platforms and environments

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning










L T P O Project

CLO1 √ √
CLO2 √ √
CLO3 √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)

(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)

1 Ability to evaluate different embedded system architectures

2 Ability to identify relevant components and building blocks for embedded solutions

3 Ability to design to identify energy effective and sustainable embedded system solutions

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities

Course Content Outline Guided learning Total
(F2F) Guided Independent (SLT)
CLO Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction to digital logic 1 4 3 5 12

1.1 Logic algebra
1.2 Logic circuits
1.3 Logic devices such as counters, timers and finite state
Chapter 2: Introduction to microcomputers and embedded 2 4 6 10 20

2.1 Processor architectures, microcontrollers used in

embedded systems

2.2 The CPU, memory and input output units

2.3 Interrupts

Chapter 3: Hardware level programming of embedded 1 4 3 10 17


3.1 Programming in C

3.2 Development platforms for embedded software

3.3 Introduction to Arduino

Chapter 4: Introduction to microcomputer interfaces 3 4 9 10 25

4.1 Digital IO
4.2 Serial IO
4.3 Timers
4.5 Analog-to-digital conversion
4.6 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Total 28 36 50 114


Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT

1 Tests 10% X 4

2 Lab-report 20% X 20

3 Quize 5% X 2

4 Project 15% X 20

Total 46

Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT

Final Exam 50% X

Grand Total SLT 160

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements and resources 1 Software

to deliver the course (e.g. software, 2 Computer Lab
computer lab, simulation room …etc.)
13 Text book and reference: 1 Marilyn Wolf, Computers as Components, Forth Edition: Principles of
Embedded Computing
System Design, 4th ed. Morgan Kaufmann, 2016

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Code SWEG4104
Course Name Software Project Management
3 Synopsis: This course discusses about the fundamental concepts, roles and purpose of software project
management in software engineering. The course covers software project management
fundamentals, software project planning, software project scheduling, software project estimation,
project estimation approaches, risk management, configuration and change management, software
quality management, and staffing and team management skill.
4 Name(s) of Amsalu Thomas
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester II Year: 4
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG3104
8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CLO1 Explain software project management tasks.

CLO2 Develop work breakdown structure, schedule and cost for software projects.

CLO3 Use project management tools, techniques, and skills

CLO4 Prepare plan documents for software project management, risk management, software quality management
and assurance
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)



Final Exam










CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)

(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)

1 Be able to convey technical information to individuals of different levels of technical understanding.

2 Be able to acquire team sprit

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities
Guided learning Guided Independent Total
Course Content Outline (F2F)
CLO Learning Learning (SLT)
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)
4 8 12
Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Project
1.1 Project management fundamentals
1.2 Software project management tasks 1

1.3 Characteristics of a project: product, budget,

schedule trade-off
1.4 Major problems in software projects
4 8 12
Chapter 2: Step-wise Project Planning
2.1 Software Project Planning
2, 3
2.2 Software Project Management Plan Steps
2.3 Software project management tools
6 6 12 24
Chapter 3: Work Break down Structure (WBS)
and Schedule
3.1 Overview of WBS and Schedule 2

3.2 Designing Work Breakdown Structure

3.3: Software Project Scheduling
6 4 12 22
Chapter 4: Software Project Estimation
4.1 Software project estimation overview 2, 4

4.2 Estimation approaches

4 8 12
Chapter 5: Risk Management
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Risk management Planning Process
4.2.1 Risk Identification 4

4.3.2 Risk Assessment

4.3.3 Risk Strategies
4.4.4 Risk Monitoring and Controlling

3 4 7
Chapter 6: Software Quality Management
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Quality assurance and standards
5.5 Software Quality Plan
5.5.1 Quality Philosophies and Principles 4
5.5.2 Quality Standards and Metrics
5.5.3 Verification and Validation
5.5.4 Change Control and Configuration Management
5.5.5 Monitor and Control
3 6 9
Chapter 7: Team Management
6.1 Organization and Project Planning
6.2 The Project Team
6.3 Motivating people
Total 30 10 58 98
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Test 20 1.5 1.5 3
2 Project 15 1 3 4
3 Quiz 5 0.5 0.5 1
4 Assignments 10 8 8
Total 16
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non-Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Software

and resources to
deliver the course
13 Text book 1 Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell and Rajib Mall, Software Project Management, 5th Edition,
McGraw-Hill, 2011
References: 1 A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 5th edition, 2013

2 Meri Williams, “The Principles of Project Management”, SitePoint Pvt., ISBN 978-0-9802858-
6-4, 2008.
3 Futrell and Shafer, “Quality Software Project Management”, Wiley, 2010.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Name Software Quality Assurance and Testing

Course Code: SWEG4106

This course focuses on techniques for ensuring software quality. Here, quality assurance is viewed
as an activity that runs through the entire development process: understanding the needs of
clients and users; analyzing and documenting requirements; verifying and Validating solutions
3 Synopsis: through testing.
It encompasses activities and related techniques to ensure the implementation of appropriate
functionality that satisfy the requirements/needs of its targeted client/users for the intended software
system, product, or service as the case may be, both correctly and efficiently.

4 Name(s) of Academic Staff: Felix Edesa

5 Semester and Year offered: Semester: II Year: 4
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co-requisite: SWEG3104, SWEG4105
(if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Apply modern software testing processes in relation to software development and project management
CLO2 Create test strategies and plans, design test cases, prioritize and execute them.
CLO3 Manage incidents and risks within a project
Contribute to efficient delivery of software solutions and implement improvements in the Software development
CLO5 To gain expertise in designing, implementation and development of Quality software systems and IT processes
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning















CLO1 √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √

CLO4 √ √ √ √

CLO5 √ √ √ √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Problem Solving
2 Teamwork
3 Data Analytics

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities
CLO Guided learning Total
Guided Independent
(F2F) (SLT)
Course Content Outline Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Testing 1,4 2 1 4 7
 Software Testing
 Definition of Bug
 Software Development Models
Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Software Testing 1,5 2 1 4 7
 Testing Strategies and Techniques
 Structural VS Functional Testing
 Static VS Dynamic Testing
 Manual VS Automated Testing
 Role of a Software Tester
 Tasks of a Software Tester
 Qualities of a Software Tester
o Software Testing Axioms
o Software Testing Terms and Definition
Chapter 3: Black Box Testing 1,2,5 2 1 4 7
 Black Box Testing basics
 Structural and Functional Testing
 Static Black Box Testing and Dynamic Black
Box Testing
 Testing Techniques
o Test to Pass and Test to Fail
o Equivalence Partitioning
o Data Testing
o State Testing
o Random Testing and Mutation Testing

Chapter 4: White Box Testing 1,2,5 2 1 4 7

 Static White Box Testing
 Dynamic White Box Testing
Chapter 5 : Special Type of Testing 1,2,5
 Configuration Testing
 GUI Testing
Chapter 6 : Compatibility Testing 1,2,5 2 1 4 7
 Backward and Forward Compatibility
 Testing Multiple Versions
 Standards and Guideline
 Data Sharing Compatibility
Chapter 7: Documentation and Security Testing 1,2,5 2 1 4 7
 Documentation Testing
 Security Testing
Chapter 8: Website Testing 1,2, 6 3 12 21
 Webpage Fundamentals 4,5
 Black Box, White Box and Gray Box Testing
 Configuration and Compatibility Testing

Chapter 9 : Automation Testing 1,2, 2 1 4 7
 Benefits of Automation Testing 3,4,5
 Random Testing
 Bug Bashes and Beta Testing
Chapter 10: Test Planning Fundamentals 2,3 4 2 8 14
 Test Planning
 Test Phases
 Resource requirement
 Testing schedule
 Test cased and bug reporting
Chapter 11: Software Quality Assurance and Quality 1,2,5 4 2 8 14
Management in Organization
 Definition of quality Testing and Quality
Assurance at workplace
 Quality Management in IT
 Test Management and Organizational Structure
 Software Quality Assurance Metrics
 CMM (Capability Maturity Model)
 ISO 9000
 Software Engineering Standards
Total 28 14 56 98
Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT
1 Quize 5% 1 1
2 Tests 15% 1 1
3 Assignments 10% 4 4
4 Lab-report 10% 2 2
5 Project 10% 11 11
Total 19
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 3
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special requirements and 1 Computer Lab
resources to deliver the course
(e.g. software, computer lab, 2 Software
simulation room …etc.)
13 Text book and reference: 1 Takanen, A., Demott, J., Miller, C. and Kettunen, A., 2018. Fuzzing for Software Security
(note: ensure the latest edition Testing and Quality Assurance. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Artech House.
/publication) 2 Z. Long, "Research on the Quality Assurance Method of Spacecraft Software Based on
Software Testing", Science Discovery, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 52, 2018. Available:

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Category Core Course Module Code:
Course Name Research Methods in Software Engineering
Course Code: SWEG4108
3 Synopsis: Basic reviews of the nature of research and the methods which are used to undertake a
variety of investigations relevant to a wide range of subjects, specifically Software
Engineering, prepare to carry out independent research endeavor, in the form of projects or
theses. Research methods are a range of tools that are used for different types of enquiry, just
as a variety of tools are used for doing different practical jobs. Hence, it is necessary to
understand what the correct tools are for doing the job, and how to use them to best effect.
The course provides students with the basic notions and the tools used in research, the
situations in which they are applied and indicates briefly how they are used.
4 Name(s) of Lemma Negussie
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: IV
6 Credit Hour: 2
7 Prerequisite/ Co- None
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:
CLO1 Explain the basic notions and practices of research, structure and plan a research project
CLO2 Analyze the different types of collected data, how they are measured, based on design techniques
CLO3 Review ethical issues involved in research
CLO4 Compose a comprehensive literature review report and write a research proposal
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)











CLO1    
CLO2    
CLO3   
CLO4    
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Be capable of preparing a research proposal in the field of Software Engineering
2 Be prepared to be participated in conferences and /or research endeavors.

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: Introduction to Research Methods 1 1 2 3
1.1 Research basics
1.2 What we can do with research 1 1 2 3
Chapter 2: Data Collection Methods 2 1 1 4 6
2.1 The nature and type of data
2.2 Data collection methods 2 1 1 4 4
2.3 Measurement of data 2 1 2 3
Chapter 3: Data Analysis Methods 2 2 1 4 7
3.1 Analysis of data
3.2 Qualitative data analysis 2 1 2 3
3.3 Quantitative data analysis 2 1 2 3
Chapter 4: Research Theory and Design
2 1 3 4
4.1 Research theory
4.2 Research design techniques 2 1 2 3
4.3 Choosing the right research design 2 1 2 3
Chapter 5: Reviewing the Literature and
Ethical Issues 3 2 1 2 5
5.1 Literature review
5.2 Organizing research 3 1 2 3
5.3 Ethics in research 3 1 1 2 4
Chapter 6: Writing up research proposals
4 1 1 2
6.1 Common formats of research
6.2 Ingredients of a research proposal 4 1 2 3
6.3 Writing the proposal 4 1 1 6 8
Total 67
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15% 2 2
2 Quizzes 10% 1 1
3 Assignments 10% 3 3
4 Project 15% 4 4
Total 10
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 3
Grand Total SLT 80
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face

Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special requirements and resources to 1 Software: Tools useful to support the preparation of research
deliver the course (e.g. software, proposals such as planning tools (E.g. Ms Project …)
computer lab, simulation room …etc.)
13 Text book and reference: 1 Nicholas Walliman, Research Methods – The Basics, Oxford
(note: ensure the latest edition Brookes University (2011).
/publication) 2 Cooper, D. R. and Schindler, P. S. (2009) Business Research
Methods (tenth edition). New York: McGraw-Hill.
3 Holliday, A. (2007) Doing and Writing Qualitative Research
(second edition). London: Sage.
4 Hoy, W. (2009) Quantitative Research in Education: A Primer.
5 Leedy, P. D. and Ormrod, J. (2009) Practical Research: Planning and
Design (ninth edition). Harlow: Pearson.
6 Mauthner, M. (ed.) (2002) Ethics in Qualitative Research. London.
7 Ridley, D. (2008) The Literature Review: A Step-by-Step Guide for
Students. London: Sage.
8 Warburton, N. (2004) Philosophy: The Basics (fourth edition).
London: Routledge

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Name Human Computer Interaction
Course Code: SWEG4110
3 Synopsis: HCI is an interdisciplinary field that integrates theories and methodologies from computer science,
cognitive psychology, design, and many other areas. The course will span current theory and practice in
interface specification, design, implementation and evaluation of a user interface. The students will be
incrementally led through the phases of ethnographic study and requirements analysis, scenario-based
design, paper prototyping, computer prototyping, and several methods of usability analysis and
evaluation. The course involves also an introduction to software architectures used in modern graphical
user interfaces, including the implementation of a few simple interfaces using different toolkit.
4 Name(s) of Academic Abdurehman D.
5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 4
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG4109
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:
CLO1 Utilize cognitive principles and their application to interfaces and products design
CLO2 Explain the conceptual terms for analyzing human interaction with products such as affordance, conceptual model,
and feedback
CLO3 Analyze different user populations with regard to their abilities and characteristics for using both software and
hardware products
CLO4 Apply user’s knowledge of an application domain in the development of user interfaces
CLO5 Classify Several of the emerging alternative I/O devices for computers
CLO6 Apply contemporary techniques to evaluate computer interfaces
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning




Final -Exam











CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √
CLO6 √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Team work Ability
2 Communication Skill
3 Critical thinking and Creativity
4 Documentation and Reporting
5 Leadership and Management
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities

Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline CLO (F2F) Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Definition 2 2 4 6
1.2 Historical Backgrounds

Chapter 2: Human in HCI

2.1 Information Input/output
2.2 Memory
1 4 2 8 14
2.3 Reasoning, problem solving, skill and error
2.4 Emotion
2.5 Individual difference

Chapter 3: Computer in HCI

3.1 Input device
3.2 Output device
3.3 Virtual reality
1,5 3 2 6 11
3.4 Physical Interaction
3.5 Paper
3.6 Memory
3.7 Processing
Chapter 4: Interaction
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Models of Interaction
4.3 Ergonomics 2,4 4 2 8 14
4.4 Interaction styles
4.5 The context of Interaction
4.6 Paradigms
Chapter 5: Interaction Design and HCI in the Software Process
5.1 Interaction Design
4,6 4 4 8 16
5.2 HCI in the Software Process
5.3 Design rationale

Chapter 6: Design Rule and Implementation Support
6.1 Design Rules 2,3,
6 4 12 22
6.2 Implementation Support 4,6
6.3 User interface management
Chapter 7: Evaluation Techniques and Universal Design
7.1 Evaluation Techniques 3,4,
2 3 4 9
7.2 Universal Design 6
7.3 Designing for diversity
Chapter 8: User Support
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Requirement of User support 3,4 3 3 6 12
8.4 Adaptive help systems
8.5 Designing user support

Total 1 5 4 56 104
Continuous Assessment Percentage Total-50(%) F2F NF2F SLT
1 Quiz 5% 1 1

2 Tests 20% 1 1

3 Assignments 10% 1 3 4

4 Project 15% 1 3 4

Total 10
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 3 6

Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements and 1 Software

resources to deliver the course 2 Computer Lab
(e.g. software, computer lab,
simulation room …etc.)
13 Text book and reference: 1 Dix.A.,Finlay, J., Abowd, G. and Beale.R. , Human-computer interaction, Third Edition,
(note: ensure the latest edition 2004
/publication) 2 Ben Shneidermann,etal: Designing the user interface: Strategies for Effective Human-
Computer Interaction, 6th Edition, Pearson Education. 2016
3 Sharp, H. Preece, J., and Rogers, Y. Interaction design: Beyond human-computer
interaction (5th edition) John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2019.
4 Jonathan Lazar, Jinjuan Heidi Feng, Harry Hochheiser, Morgan Kaufmann,
Research Method in human Computer – interaction, Second Edition (2017)

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

2 Name of Course: Introduction to Machine Learning

Course Code: SWEG4112
Synopsis Machine learning is an exciting and fast-moving field of Software Engineering with many recent consumer
3 applications (e.g., Microsoft Kinect, Google Translate, Iphone's Siri, digital camera face detection, Netflix
recommendations, Google news) and applications within the sciences and medicine (e.g., predicting protein-
protein interactions, species modeling, detecting tumors, personalized medicine). This course introduces
undergraduate Software Engineering students to the field of machine learning. Students learn about the
theoretical foundations of machine learning and how to apply machine learning to solve new problems. Assuming
no prior knowledge in machine learning, the course focuses on two major paradigms in machine learning which
are supervised and unsupervised learning. In supervised learning, we learn various methods for classification and
regression. Dimensionality reduction and clustering are discussed in the case of unsupervised learning
4 Name(s) of Prepared by: Zeleke Abebaw
Academic Staff

5 Semester and Semester: I Year: 4

Year offered
6 Credit Hour 3

7 Prerequisite SWEG4117

Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course, students will be able to:
8 CLO1 Understand the distinction between supervised and unsupervised learning, as well the interests and difficulties of both
CLO2 Understand and use the major algorithms from supervised learning such as linear regression and classification as well as
their extension to nonlinear problems through Kernel methods.
CLO3 Program machine learning algorithms in python using libraries such as Scikit-learn, NumPy, Panda
CLO4 Conduct research on a personal project related to machine learning and implement an innovative new approach at solving
question related to this problem
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning

Teaching Methods
Final Exam













CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

Transferable Skills
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings))
1 Group work and mutual understanding
2 Communication skill
3 Effective time management skill
4 Acquire problem solving and critical thinking skills

Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities
Guided Learning F2F Guided Independent
Course Content Outline CLO
Learning Learning (SLT)

Chapter 1: Introduction to ML 1 3 - - - 3 3 9
- Introduction to Probability, Inference and decision theory
- Over view of the difference between Supervised and
Unsupervised machine learning
Chapter 2: Supervised Learning 1 12 3 - - 6 12 33
2.1 Linear and Logistic Regression, regularization Compressed
sensing, Linear Classification, K-Nearest Neighbors
2.2 Lab 1 : Introduction to Python, Jupyter notebooks, Numpy,
Scipy and Pandas for numerical computation, Matplotlib and
Seaborn, Scikit Learn libraries, Tensor flow, and Kera
2.3 Lab 2: linear Classification and Linear Regression
2.4 Lab 3: Nonlinear classification, Kernel methods SVMs
2.5 Neural Networks Optimization, Stochastic Optimization
2.6 Deep Learning
2.7 Lab 4: Non Linear Regression and Classification + Deep
2.8 Logistic Regression and Classification Error Metrics:
2.9 Neural Networks & Back Propagation Algorithm:
Chapter 3: Supervised Learning Module 3 10 8 12 - 7 8 45

3.1 Naïve Bayes

3.2 SVM and Kernels

3.3 Decision Trees:

3.4 Bagging

3.5 Random Forest Algorithm

Chapter 4: Unsupervised Learning and Clustering Methods: 4 3 3 8 - 4 3 22

4.1 K-Means Clustering

4.2 Hierarchical K-Means Clustering,

4.3 Building a K-Means Clustering Model,

4.4 Introduction to Markov Chains,

4.5 coding unsupervised algorithm using scikit package.

Total 28 14 20 - 20 26 108

Continuous Assessment Percentage (%) F2F NF2F SLT
1 Indv.Assignment1 10 - 2 2
2 Test1 15 1 - 1
3 Test2 15 1 - 1
4 Group Project 10 - 5 5
5 Final Exam 50 3 - 3
Assessment Time Total 12
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face

12 Special requirements and resources to deliver the course

Special requirements 2 Computer Lab
and resources to
deliver the course 1 C. M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer 2006.
Text books and
reference: 2 Suvrit Sra, Sebastian Nowozin, Stephen J. Wright, Optimization for Machine Learning, MIT Press, 2012

13 Text books and 3 M. J. Kearns, M. Vazirani, An introduction to Computational Learning Theory, MIT press, 1994
4 M. Vidyasagar, Learning and Generalization, with applications to Neural Networks, Springer, 2003

5 K. P . Murphy, Machine Learning, A probabilistic perspective, MIT Press 2012.

6 T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J Friedman, The elements of statistical Learning, Springer Series in Statistics,

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

2 Course Name Industrial Internship

Course Code: SWEG4114

3 Synopsis: This course focuses on providing students with an understanding of various operations and activities
within the industry. Moreover, the course intended to create exposure to various engineering activities
within the industry including operation and handling of different equipment, process and production
methods, design and quality control & maintenance etc. The course will also equip students with hands
-on-experience in handling various instruments

4 Name(s) of Academic Staff: Felix Edesa

5 Semester and Year offered: Semester: Summer Year: 4

6 Credit Hour: 6
7 Prerequisite/ Co-requisite: All core courses (Excluding 5th Year courses)

8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Demonstrate knowledge and skills in identifying industry problems and provide an innovative solution.
CLO2 Work cooperatively and ethically in a professional environment.
CLO3 Prepare a comprehensive report on internship which includes summary of activities, improvement recommended
and initiatives to address industrial problems.
CLO4 Place their experience in the context of their education and career path.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning
















CLO1 √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1. Deep discipline knowledge
2. Actual practice in solving industry-related problems.
3. Critical thinking and problem solving
4. Teamwork and communication skills
5. Career and leadership readiness

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities

Guided learning Guided Independent Total

Course Content Outline CLO (F2F) Learning Learning (SLT)
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)
Internship Orientation 3 1 1

Reporting to Internship Company and Organizational 3 7 7

Industrial Internship Activities and Logbook Preparation 1 10 200 210

Self, Company and University Supervisor Evaluations 2 4 4

Report Preparation 10 10

Total 5 20 232

Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT
1 Industrial Internship performance 2
25% 2
2 Logbook Evaluation 3
35% 3
3 Industrial Internship Report 10 10
Total 15
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam - - -
Grand Total SLT 280
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special requirements and
resources to deliver the course Students are expected to secure placement at the industry to achieve the object ivies of the course
(e.g. software, computer lab,
simulation room …etc.)
13 Text book and reference: 1 J. Scott, J. Boylan and C. Jungers, Practicum and internship. Routledge.: New York, NY, 2015.
(note: ensure the latest
2 Brian N.Baird, Debra Mollen , Internship, Practicum, and Field Placement Handbook: A Guide
edition /publication) for the Helping Professions, Routledge, 2018

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Name: Senior Research project I
Course Code: SWEG5101
3 Synopsis: The student will practice to define a research problem and define a research to solve problem.
The student will also explore the existing systems and literatures to find the gaps and the
connections to his/her defined research problem. The student also will present his/her research
idea for a research community and make sound defense for any academic critics.

4 Name(s) of Husein Sied (PhD) and Biruk Mulatu

Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Semester: I Year: 5
Year offered:
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG4114
requisite: (if any)
Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:
CLO1 Formulate a research problem in Software Engineering and its allied scientific domains and dimensions

CLO2 Produce sound proposal to solve the defined research problem

CLO3 Defend the proposal to communicate the defined research problem

CLO4 Compose preliminary literature review on the defined problem

CLO5 Produce the problem domain model after conducting a thorough problem analysis

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Course Learning Outcomes

Proposal writing














CLO1 � � �
CLO2 � � �
CLO3 � � �
CLO4 � � �
CLO5 � � �
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

1 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Able to achieve documentation and reporting skill that can help them to communicate easily to the scientific
community and organizations.
2 Develop and enhance their verbal communication skills while working in a team and presenting results to
each other as well as to the course stake holders.
3 Able to acquire team spirit and leadership skills through effective management of groups and delegation of
various responsibilities to complete their given project.
1 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction 1 - 5 29 34
1.1. Statement of the problem 2
1.2. Objectives 3
1.3. Scope
1.4. Methodology
1.5. Plan of activities
1.6. Budget required
1.7. Significance of the study

Chapter 2: Literature Review 4 - 4 22 26

2.1 study related works
2.2 Identifying milestones of the related
literatures and finding the gaps
2.3 lessons learned from literatures
Chapter 3: Problem Analysis and 5 2 8 35 45
3.1 Existing system and its problems
3.2 Specifying the Requirements of the
proposed solution
3.3 System modeling
Total 2 17 86 105
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Proposal Writing 15% 1 2 3
2 Project Documentation 25% - 3 3
3 Individual Presentation 10% 2 - 2
Total 8
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Project 50% 3 4 7
Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

1 Special requirements and 1 Computer Lab

2 resources to deliver the
2 Software
course (e.g. software,
3 Simulation Room
computer lab, simulation
room …etc.)
1 Text book : 1 None
3 (note: ensure the latest
edition /publication)
1 Recommended Readings: 1 Introductory material:
4 (note: ensure the latest -Senior Research Project Guideline, Software Engineering Department manual,
edition /publication) AASTU, 2019
-Shona McCombes, How to write a research proposal,2021
2 Team work: Charles Duhigg, What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build
the Perfect Team, New York Times Magazine, February 25, 2016.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Name Senior Research Project II
Course Code: SWEG5102
3 Synopsis: The student will practice to design model for a problem and implement a designed solution model.
The student will successfully complete a major project working in a team with demonstrated ability
to partition a project among multiple people
The student also will evaluate the solution implemented and present his/her research solution for a
research community and make sound defence for any academic critics.
4 Name(s) of Husein Sied (PhD) and Biruk Mulatu
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Semester: II Year: 5
Year offered:
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ SWEG5101
Co-requisite: (if
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Design the solution domain of the defined research problem

CLO2 Implement the solution domain

CLO3 Evaluate the developed solution or model

CLO4 Compose sound conclusion based on the conducted experiment

CLO5 Defend to communicate research findings by compiling a thesis document, presentation, and publishing
scientific articles
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)











L T P O Lab-report


CLO1 � � � � � �
CLO2 � � �
CLO3 � � �
CLO4 � � �
CLO5 � � � �
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Develop and enhance their communication skills, team spirit and time management while working in a team
and presenting results to each other as well as to the course stake holders.
2 Able to demonstrate that they can adapt to the changes which shows that they’re able to go with the flow while
maintaining a positive attitude and getting the work done.
3 Develop a creativity skill that helps them to know how they can approach tasks and see them differently to
solve problems in new ways.
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: System Deign 1 - 3 31 34
1.1 Specifying the design goals
1.2 designing the solution
1.3 verifying the requirements in the design

Chapter 2: System Implementation 2 - 2 40 42

2.1 reviewing the design solution
2.2 deciding on the development tools
2.3 developing the solution

Chapter 3: System Evaluation 3 - 3 20 23

3.1. Preparing sample test plans 4
3.2 evaluating the proposed design and
3.3 discussing the results
Chapter 4: Conclusions and 5 - 1 6 7
4.1 Conclusion of the study
4.2 Recommendations of the study

Total 9 97 106
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Project Deliverables 25% 2 3 5
2 Thesis/Project doc. 25% - 3 3
Total 8
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Project 50% 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special 1 Computer Lab
requirements and
2 Software
resources to
3 Simulation Room
deliver the course
(e.g. software,
computer lab,
simulation room
13 Text book :(note: 1 None
ensure the latest
14 Recommended 1 Engineering Design process:
Readings :(note: -A history of Agile with diagrams describing Waterfall and Agile is, Carlone Mimbs
ensure the latest Nyce, The Winter Getaway That Turned the Software World Upside Down, The
Atlantic, December 8, 2017

2 Senior Research Project Guideline, Software Engineering Department manual, AASTU, 2019
3 Team work: Charles Duhigg, What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect
Team, New York Times Magazine, February 25, 2016.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

Name of Course: Software Configuration Management

Course Code: SWEG5103

In Software Engineering, Software development is not a straightforward process and often requires multiple
iterations between the development phases. To cope with this dynamic nature of software development,
software engineers need to control the changes in the development process. Software Configuration
Management (SCM) is the activity that helps us control the evolution of a software project. Software
Configuration Management (SCM) is a process to systematically manage, organize, and control the changes in
3 Synopsis: the documents, codes, and other entities during the Software Development Life Cycle. The primary goal is to
increase productivity with minimal mistakes. SCM is part of cross-disciplinary field of configuration management
and it can accurately determine who made which revision.
This course is a comprehensive review of SCM as a software-engineering discipline supporting all life-cycle
phases by relying on tools and techniques to manage changes in software, including documentation, code,
interfaces, and databases.
Name(s) of
4 Name: Befkadu Belete
Academic Staff:

5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 3

6 Credit Hour: 3

7 Prerequisite/ co- SWEG4104


Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

Effectively Plan and Run an SCM Process considering specific organizational aspects in terms of people, product, project,
cross-organizational, process, and tools

Effectively identify and organize configuration items to be controlled with SCM, including labeling and version control.
And Perform effective surveillance of SCM activities including software configuration auditing to evaluate the
conformance of software products and processes to applicable regulations, standards, guidelines, plans, and
Effectively manage changes during the software life cycle including deviations and waivers in software configuration

Record and report information needed for effective management of the software configuration. Effectively manage
software releases and deliveries including versioning control.

CLO5 Manage software baselines and Select and apply SCM Tools.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Teaching Assessment
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning


Final Exam












CLO1 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √
10 Transferable Skills
1 Handling lab equipment properly
2 Team work
3 Communication skills
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities
Course Content Outline Guided Independen
CLO Guided learning (F2F) l
Learning t Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: Foundations of Software Configuration 1,2 6 4 0 0 12 22
Management (SCM)
1.1 Definition of Configuration Management
1.2 Why do we need Configuration Management?
1.3 SCM Process
1.3.1 Identification of objects in the software configuration
1.3.2 Version Control
1.3.3 Change Control
1.3.4 Configuration Audit
1.3.5 Status Reporting
1.4 Tasks in SCM process
1.4.1 Configuration Identification
1.4.2 Baselines
1.4.3 Change Control
1.4.4 Configuration Status Accounting
1.4.5 Configuration Audits and Reviews
1.5 Organizational Context for SCM
1.6 Constraints and Guidance for the SCM Process
1.7 Planning for SCM
1.8 SCM Plan
1.9 Surveillance of Software Configuration Management
1.10Principles of Configuration Change Management
1.11Software Configuration Management Plan
1.12Software Configuration Management Tools

Chapter 2: Software Configuration Identification 2 5 4 0 0 10 19
2.1 Identifying Items to Be Controlled
2.2 Software Library
2.3 Software Configuration Control
2.4 Requesting, Evaluating, and Approving Software Changes
2.5 Implementing Software Changes
2.6 Deviations and Waivers
Chapter 3: Software Configuration Status Accounting 2,3 4 4 0 0 8 16
3.1 Software Configuration Status Information
3.2 Software Configuration Status Reporting
Chapter 4: Software Configuration Control 3 5 4 0 0 10 19
4.1 Requesting, Evaluating, and Approving Software Changes
4.2 Implementing Software Changes
4.3 Deviations and Waivers

Chapter 5: Software Configuration Auditing 4 4 4 0 0 8 16

5.1 Software Functional Configuration Audit
5.2 Software Physical Configuration Audit
5.3 In-Process Audits of a Software Baseline

Chapter 6: Software Release Management and Delivery 5 3 3 0 0 6 12

6.1 Software Building
6.2 Software Release Management
6.3 Software Configuration Management Tools
Total 27 23 0 0 54 104

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT

1 Tests 10% 1 0 1
2 Quiz 10% 2 0 2
4 Tests 10% 1 0 1
5 Project 20% 6 6
Total 10
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special requirements 1 Software
and resources to deliver
2 Workshop
the course
13 Text book and 1 Software Configuration Management By Jessica Keyes, 1st Edition, ISBN 9780367394523
reference: Published September 16, 2019 by Auerbach Publications
2 Software Engineering Body Of Knowledge Publisher: IEEE-Computer Society Press Editors: R
Champagne and A April

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

2 Course Name Distributed Systems

Course Code: SWEG5111

3 Synopsis: This course studies the key design principles of distributed systems, which are collections of
independent networked computers that function as single Coherent systems. Covered topics
include communication protocols, processes and threads, naming, synchronization, consistency
and replication, fault tolerance and security.
We also examine some specific real-world distributed systems case studies, ranging from the
Internet to file systems. Class discussions based on readings from the textbook and research papers.
The goals of this course are to understand how large-scale, distributed computational systems are built,
and to provide you with the tools necessary to evaluate new technologies after the course end

4 Name(s) of Academic Staff: Felix Edesa

5 Semester and Year offered: Semester: I Year: 3

6 Credit Hour: 4
7 Prerequisite/ Co-requisite: SWEG2106, SWEG3101

8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Apply knowledge of distributed systems techniques and methodologies

CLO2 Explain the design and development of distributed systems and distributed systems applications
CLO3 Use the application of fundamental Software Engineering methods and algorithms in the development of
distributed systems and distributed systems applications.
CLO4 Discuss the design and testing of a large software system, and to be able to communicate that design to others
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning
















CLO1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO3 √ √ √ √ √

CLO4 √ √ √ √ √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Problem solving
2 Team Work Ability

3 Work Ethics
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities

Guided learning Guided Independent Total

Course Content Outline CLO (F2F) Learning Learning (SLT)
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: Introduction to Distributed Systems 1 3 3 6 12
● Types of Distributed Systems
● Advantages of Distributed Systems
● Disadvantages of Distributed Systems
● Application Areas

Chapter 2: Distributed System Architecture 1,2 6 4 12 22

● Middleware as an infrastructure for distributed system
● Centralized System vs. Distributed System
● Client-Server Architecture

Chapter 3: Inter-Process Communication 1,4 4 4 8 16

● Pipes
● Semaphores
● Shared Memory
● Signals

Chapter 4: Naming 2,4 4 4 8 16

● Names, Identifiers, and Addresses
● Flat Naming
● Structured Naming
● Attribute-Based Naming

Chapter 5: Synchronization 1,3 4 6 8 18

● External clock synchronization
● Internal clock synchronization
o Centralized synchronization
o Distributed synchronization
Chapter 6: Consistency & Replication 3,4 4 4 8 16
● Replication
● Consistency models
● Distribution protocols
● Consistency protocol

Chapter 7: Fault Tolerance 1,2, 3 3 6 12
● Introduction 3,4
● Failure Model
● Process resilience
Chapter 8: Distributed File System 1,2, 4 4 8 16
● Introduction 4
● DFS Issues
● Desirable features of a distributed file system
o Transparency, Use mobility, Performance,
Chapter 9: Security 1,2, 3 4 6 13
● Introduction 3,4
● Classes of Distributed Systems and vulnerabilities
o Classes of Distributed Systems
o Classes of Vulnerabilities & Threat
Total 35 36 70 141
Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT
1 Quiz 5% 0.5 0.5
2 Tests 15% 1 1
3 Assignments 10% 1 1
4 Lab-report 10% 7.5 7.5
5 Project 10% 6 6
Total 16
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 3
Grand Total SLT 160
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special requirements and 1 Computer Lab
resources to deliver the course
(e.g. software, computer lab, 2 Software
simulation room …etc.)
13 Text book and reference: 1 Coulouris, G., 2012. Distributed systems. 5th ed. Boston: Addison-Wesley.
(note: ensure the latest 2 W. Zhao, Building dependable distributed systems. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons,
edition /publication) 2014.
D.Galli, Distributed operating systems. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000.
Dr. Paul Sivilotti, Introduction to Distributed Systems, Dept. of Computer Science and
Engineering The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 43210-1277, Spring 2007

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
Name of Course: Computer System Security
Course Code: SWEG5105
Synopsis: Learn the goals of computer security and explore the threats and vulnerabilities which might compromise the
goals. Examine security architectures and cryptographic systems. Study security protocols and standards to
take countermeasures.
Name(s) of Academic Wegderes Beyene
Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 5
Credit Hour: 3
Prerequisite/ co- SWEG2106
requisite: (if any)
Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Generalize the goals of security and the risk involved in having or not having security measures. (C6)

CLO2 Internalize the fundamental notions of threat, vulnerability, attack and countermeasures. (A5)

CLO3 Assess cryptography and cryptanalysis mainly cryptographic concepts and technologies available today, including
symmetric and asymmetric encryption, hashing, and digital signatures. (C5)

CLO4 Break down malicious code functions, what the vulnerabilities that make propagation possible, and what methods and
practices are available for mitigation. (C4)
CLO5 Develop mechanisms for authentication and access control in a domain. (P6)

Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Teaching Assessment
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning















CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings))
1 Problem-Solving Skills to find creative ways to take on and address complex information security challenges across a variety of
existing and emerging technologies and digital environments

2 Be highly vigilant and detail-oriented, in order to effectively detect vulnerabilities and risks posed by the organization
3 Communicate clearly and concisely on cyber security strategy and policy, as well as to be able to convey technical information
to individuals of different levels of technical understanding.

4 Desire to learn and need to be committed to keeping current with best practices and emerging industry trends, and will always
need to self-educate.
Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities

Course Content Outline CLO Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independent
Learning Learning (SLT)
(NF2F) (NF2F)
1 3.5 6 3 3 15.5
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 What does secure mean?

1.2 The risks involved in computing

1.3 Security Goals

1.4 Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

1.5 Contradictory Goals.

Chapter 2: Threats and Responses. 2 4 6 3 4 17

2.1 Threats and Attacks
2.2 Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures

Chapter 3: Introduction to Cryptography and Cryptanalysis 3 3.25 6 3 3 15.25

3.1 Basic Concepts
3.2 Cryptanalysis
3.3 Early Substitution and Transposition Ciphers
3.4 Modern Cryptography

3 4 6 2 3 15
Chapter 4: Symmetric Encryption
4.1 Shared Key Cryptography
4.2 The Data Encryption Standard (DES)
4.3 The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
4.4 Encrypting Long Messages

Chapter 5: Asymmetric Encryption 3 4 6 3 3 15

5.1 Public Key Cryptography
5.2 The RSA Algorithm
5.3 Hash functions
5.4Digital Signatures
5.5 Public Key Infrastructures

Chapter 6: Authentication & Access Control 5 3.25 6 2 2 12.25
6.1 Basic concepts of Identification and Authentication
6.2 Password Authentication
6.3 Authentication Protocols

Chapter 7: Firewalls and Intrusion Detection 4 4 6 2 3 15

7.1 Firewalls: Design and Types of Firewalls along with their
7.2 Intrusion Detection Systems: Types, Goals, Strengths and
Total 26 42 18 21 107
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Quize 5% √ 30

2 Tests 10% √ 45

3 Tests 10% √ 45

4 Assignments 10% √ 2

5 Project 15% √ 6

Total 10
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% √ 3

Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

Special requirements and 1 Software

resources to deliver the
course (e.g. software,
2 Computer Lab
computer lab, simulation
room …etc.)
Text book and reference: 1 William Stallings & Lawrie Brown, “Computer Security: Principles and Practice”, 4th Edition.
(note: ensure the latest Pearson, 2018
edition /publication) 2 Helfrich, James N., “Security for software engineers”, CRC Press, 2019

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Name Software Component Design
Course Code SWEG5107
3 Synopsis: The course focuses on an approach to software component design based on extensive use of
pre-existing standard (or customizable) components. It describes the principles and
practices of systematically engineering software systems from components. It also
illustrates how a repository of reusable candidate components can be integrated into a
typical evolutionary process model. The course will introduce various models that can be
used to describe an object-oriented analysis and design models suitable for specifying
Components-Based Software using Unified Modeling Language (UML).
4 Name(s) of Mekuria Sinke
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester I Year: 5
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- Software Design and Architecture
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CLO1 Explain and analyze component-based software engineering.

CLO2 Evaluate current component models in terms of their design, management and related issues.
CLO3 Apply basic principles in CBSE and show the advantages and limitations in using component-based
software engineering.
CLO4 Design candidate components; qualify each component interface, and adapting components.
CLO5 Demonstrate the role of component-level design in defining data structures, algorithms, interface
characteristics, and communication mechanisms for each software component identified in the
architectural design.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)











Final Exam


CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)


11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction and CLO1 3 6 9

Basic Concepts in Software
Component design
1.1 Basic concepts and
1.2 Benefits of CBSE
1.3 Application area
1.4 Processes involved
during component design
1.5 Difference with other
Chapter 2: Specification of CLO1 4 8 12
Components and Component CLO2
2.1 Basic concept of component
2.2 Basic concept of repositories
2.3 Attributes of components
2.4 Constructs of repositories
Chapter 3: Component CLO2 3 6 9
Interface, Qualification and CLO3
Adaptation CLO4
3.1 Characteristics of Interface
3.2 Selection criteria of
3.3 Adaptation strategy
Chapter 4: Component Models, CLO3 4 10 1 8 23
Composition and Integration CLO4
4.1 Model type analysis

4.2 Composition scheme
4.3 Integration techniques
Chapter 5: Component-Based CLO3 4 10 1 8 23
Development: Design CLO4
Guidelines and Component CLO5
5.1 Apply design guideline for
5.2 Apply design guideline for
Chapter 6: Component Design CLO4 6 10 1 12 29
for Various Domains and CLO5
utilization of Existing
Component Techniques
6.1 Apply components in different
6.2 Components and embedded
6.3 Components and web services
Total 24 30 3 48 105
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Quiz 5% 0.5 0.5 1
2 Test 15% 1 1 2
3 Assignment 10% 8 8
5 Project 20% 1 3 4
Total 15
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 126
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Software

and resources to 2 Computer Lab
deliver the course 3 Choose an item.
(e.g. software, 4 Choose an item.
computer lab, 5 Choose an item.

simulation room
13 Text book and 1 Building Reliable Component Based Software Systems, Ivica Crnkovic and Magnus
Larsson, Artech House, 2012
2 Component Based software engineering, putting the pieces together, Heineman &
(note: ensure the Councill, 1st Ed., pearson, 2011.
latest edition

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
`1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

2 Name of Course: Open Source Software Paradigms

Course Code: SWEG5109
This course introducing the principles and practices of open source software development & communities of
practice: history, intellectual property rights, economics & business models, development models, and
community standards. The course begins with a historical study of the emergence and maturity of open source
software from a variety of influences: the computer industry, thought leaders, and cultural movements. From
there the course then covers copyright/patents, /trademarks/licensing and basic concepts of contracts. The
3 Synopsis: impact of open source development and adoption on economics & various business models, in particular
clarifying the apparent contradiction between free flow of information and the funding & compensation of
participants, will be explored. The operational and organizational aspects of open source communities are
covered to help understand the motivations that drive authentic participation: community, collaboration,
contribution and co-creation. Throughout the course, hands-on activities using open source technologies are
performed in order to develop skills on the practices of participation
4 Name(s) of Name: Befkadu Belete
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Semester: I Year: 5
Year offered:

6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ co-
requisite: SWEG4104

8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:
CLO1 Understand concepts, strategies, and methodologies related to open source Software development.
CLO2 Understand the business, economy, societal and intellectual property issues of Open source software.
CLO3 Be familiar with open source software products and development tools currently available on the market

CLO4 Be able to utilize open source software for developing a variety of software applications, particularly Web applications.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning

Teaching Assessment















CLO1 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √

10 Transferable Skills
1 Handling lab equipment properly

2 Team work

3 Communication skills

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities
Course Content Outline Guided
CLO Guided learning (F2F) Independent
Learning Total
L T P O (NF2F) (SLT)

Chapter1: An Introduction to Open Source 5 4 0 0 14 23

Software Engineering
1.1 Introduction to Open Source
1.2 Open source paradigm
1.3 Open Source Software in Practice
1.4 Economics of Open Source
1.5 Open Source Business Models
1.6 Benefits of Open Source
1.7 Open-Source Software Criteria
Chapter 2: Comparisons with other software 4 4 3 0 8 19
licensing/development models
2.1 Closed source / proprietary software
2.2 Free software
2.3 Open-source versus source-available
2.4 Open-sourcing

Chapter 3: Types of open source software for small 3 4 4 3 0 12 23

businesses and enterprises
3.1 Operating systems
3.2 Web servers
3.3 Database systems
3.4 Mobile development frameworks
3.5 Big data analytics tools
3.6 Office software suites
3.7 Content management systems (CMSs)
3.8 Enterprise resource planning (ERP) tools
3.9 Customer relationship management (CRM) systems
3.10 How to select an open source software?

Chapter 4: Legal Matters: Licenses, Copyrights, Trademarks 2 4 4 0 0 8 16
and Patents
4.1 Terminology
4.2 Aspects of Licenses and Choosing a License
4.3 Contributor Agreements
4.4 Proprietary Relicensing
4.5 Trademarks, Patents and Copyright
4.6 Further Resources
4.7 Government Policy About Open Source
4.8 Regulability of Open Source/Open Source as a Global P
henomenon required Reading
4.9 Enforceability of Open Source Licenses
4.10 Proprietary versus Open source software

Chapter5: Important Selected Open software 4 4 4 3 0 6 19

5.1 Project Version Control (Git and GitHub)
5.2 Operating System(Lunix)
5.3 Advanced Database (PostgreSQL)
5.4 Data Processing(Hadoop)

Total 20 20 9 48 100

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 10% 1 0 1
2 Quiz 5% 1 0 1
3 Quiz 5% 1 0 1
4 Tests 10% 1 0 1
5 Project 20% 10 10
Total 14
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 2 4 6
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special requirements 1 Software
and resources to deliver
2 Computer Lab
the course
13 Text book and 1 Open Source Cloud Computing Systems: Practices and Paradigms 1st Edition, by Luis M.
reference: Vaquero , ISBN-13: 978-1466600980, ISBN-10: 1466600985

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Code SWEG5106
Course Name Software Evolution and Maintenance
3 Synopsis: Once a software product is delivered, it must evolve or change over time. Evolution and Maintenance of
software is concerned with continuously correcting, adapting, and perfecting the software. While the
Maintenance phase of the life cycle generally begins following a post-implementation period, actual
maintenance activities may occur earlier. It is covering the fundamental developments in software
evolution and common maintenance practices in the industry. This course begins with an examination
of the fundamentals, the nature and need for maintenance and maintenance and evolution models.
From there, maintenance proceeds through key issues; the maintenance process and techniques for
maintenance; reengineering, refactoring, reuse and finally deals with the cost of maintenance.
4 Name(s) of Ashenafi Chalchissa
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 5
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG4106, SWEG5103
8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Examine the major software defects, bugs and code smells.
CLO2 Estimate the maintenance cost, efforts, size and time for software maintenance.
CLO3 Apply the best practices and models in software maintenance process.
CLO4 Maintain a software based on the reengineering and refactoring methods and principles.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)




Final Exam

Case Study







CLO1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√” on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Problem solving skill
2 Critical thinking and creativity
3 Attention to details
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1 – Introduction 1,2 4 3 7
1.1 Overview of Software Evolution and Maintenance
1.2 Why Software Maintenance
1.3 Software Change
1.4 Types of Software Maintenance
1.5 Taxonomy of Software Evolution and Maintenance
Chapter 2 – Software Evolution and Maintenance Models 1,2, 8 4 6 18
2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Reuse-oriented Model
2.3 The Staged Model
2.4 Change Mini-Cycle Model
2.5 Maintenance Process
Chapter 3 – Software Reengineering 3,4 8 4 8 20
3.1 Concepts of Reengineering
3.2 Model of Reengineering
3.3 Reengineering Process
3.4 Reverse Engineering
3.5 Legacy Systems
3.6 Program Comprehension
Chapter 4 – Refactoring 1,3, 6 3 12 3 6 30
4.1 Definition 4
4.2 Reasons for Refactoring
4.3 Bad-smells in Code
4.4 Refactoring Methods
4.5 Activities in a Refactoring Process
Chapter 5 – Reuse and Domain Engineering 3,4 6 6 4 16
5.1 Benefits of Reuse
5.2 Reuse Models
5.3 Factors Influencing Reuse
5.4 Success Factors of Reuse

5.5 Domain Engineering
5.6 Reuse Capability
5.7 Maturity Models
Chapter 6 – Software Maintenance Metrics and Cost 2,3 4 3 3 5 15
6.1 Software Metrics
6.2 Why Software Metrics?
6.3 Software Maintenance Metrics
6.4 Software Maintenance Cost
6.5 Why Maintenance is Expensive?

Total 38 14 18 6 33 100
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 10 1 1 2
2 Quize 5 0.5 0.5 1
3 Assignments 10 4 4
4 Project 15 1 3 4
5 Case Study 10 3 3
Total 14
Total (Lecture, Continuous Assessment and Preparation Time) 120
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non-Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special requirements 1 Software
and resources to
2 Computer Lab
deliver the course
13 Text book 1 P. Tripathy and K. Naik, Software Evolution and Maintenance: A Practitioner's Approach, Wiley,
14 Reference 1 E. Varga, Unraveling Software Maintenance and Evolution: Thinking Outside the Box 1st Edition,
Springer, 2017.
2 J. Rech, and C. Bunse, Emerging Technologies for the Evolution and Maintenance of Software
Models, 1st Edition, Information Science REFERENCE, USA, 2012.
3 P. Grubb and A.A. Takang, Software Maintenance: Concepts and Practice, 2nd Edition, World
Scientific Publishing, 2003.
4 R. Martin, Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, 1st Edition, Prentice Hall,

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Name Software Defined Systems
Course Code: SWEG5108
3 Synopsis: The concept of software defined is all the rage these days when it comes to Information Technology
Infrastructure. This is true for systems also. You can have software defined systems that are virtual systems or
that are cloud based systems.
Software Defined Systems include Software Defined Networking (SDN), Software Defined Storage, Software
Defined Servers (Virtualization), Software Defined Datacenters (SDD), Software Defined Security (SDSec), and
ultimately Software Defined Clouds (SDCloud) to name a few possibilities. Individual solutions and seamless
integration of these abstractions remains in many respects a challenge
The main objective of this course is to understand Software defined Networks, Storage, Communication, and
Radios and Understand virtualization concepts like Hypervisor and how it helps in Software Defined Systems.
4 Name(s) of Befkadu Belete
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester II Year 5
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG2106, SWEG3101, SWEG5107
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:
CLO1 Identify and explain the key components of Software Defined Systems, Software Defined Networking (SDN), and Software
Defined Datacenters (SDD).
CLO2 Describing and differentiating Software defined Networks, Storage, and Communication.
CLO3 Explain virtualization concepts like Hypervisor and how it helps in Software Defined Systems
CLO4 Identify and explain cloud computing and Software Defined Clouds (SDCloud)
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning













CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Researching new and advanced topics

2 Writing and verbal presentation of research studies

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities
CLO Total
Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independent
Course Content Outline (SLT)
Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: Software Defined Architecture 1
1.1 Software defined System
1.2 What is a Software Defined Architecture?
1.3 How Does SDA Work?
1.4 Benefits of Software Defined Architecture
5 0 0 10 15
1.5 Software Defined Architecture for Applications in Digital
1.6 Software Defined Systems Scalability.
1.7 Software Defined Systems optimization.
1.8 Software tools and frameworks to support SDS
1.9 Software Defined Systems challenges and opportunities
Chapter 2: Software Defined data Centre (SDDC)
2.1 Description and core components
1,2,3 4 0 0 3 11 19
2.2 Compute Virtualization

Chapter 3: Software Defined Networking (SDN) 1,

3.1 SDN concepts, architecture, and APIs.
3.2 Network Virtualization
3.3 Benefits of SDN
3.4 SDN use cases
3.5 SDN and SD-WAN
3.6 SDN basics and OpenFlow protocol 6 0 6 4 12 28
3.7 Segment routing
3.8 Segment routing interworking with LDP
3.9 Controller: Floodlight

Chapter 4: Virtualization 1,
4.1 What is virtualization? 3
4.2 Software-defined everything (SDE)
4.3 Benefits of virtualization
4.4 Types of virtualization
4.5 Operating System Virtualization
6 0 3 0 12 21
4.6 Desktop Virtualization
4.7 Network Virtualization
4.8 Server Virtualization
4.9 How secure is virtualization and how are virtual
machines managed?
4.10 Categories of Virtualization
4.10.1 Hardware Virtualization
4.10.2 Client Virtualization
4.10.3 Storage Virtualization

Chapter 5: Cloud computing 1,
5.1 Introduction 2,
5.2 Cloud computing shares characteristics
5.3 Service models
5.3.1 Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) 4
5.3.2 Platform as a service (PaaS)
5.3.3 Software as a service (SaaS)
5.3.4 Mobile "backend" as a service (MBaaS) 5 0 3 8 10 26
5.3.5 Serverless computing
5.3.6 Function as a service (FaaS)
5.3.7 Software Defined Systems support for Cloud
5.4 Deployment models
5.4.1 Private cloud
5.4.2 Public cloud
5.4.3 Hybrid cloud
5.4.4 Community cloud
5.4.5 Distributed cloud
5.4.6 Multicloud

Total 0 25 0 12 0 8 64 109
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 10 1 1
2 Quize 5 0.5 0.5
3 Assignments 5 1 1
4 Tests 20 2 2
5 Quize 10 0.5 0.5
Total 5
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 3 3 6
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special requirements and 1 Software
resources to deliver the
2 Computer Lab
course (e.g. software,
computer lab, simulation
room …etc.)
13 Text book and reference: 1 Software Defined Systems: Sensing, Communication and Computation (SpringerBriefs in Computer
(note: ensure the latest Science) 1st ed. 2020 Edition by Deze Zeng, Lin Gu , Shengli Pan , Song Guo
edition /publication)

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
Course Name Selected Topics in Software Engineering
Course Code: SWEG5110
Selected Topics in Software Engineering studies the state of the art of and main research challenges of selected
topics in software engineering. It covers current research topics in software engineering such as major
challenges/issues, best practices and research directions in various phases of software development life cycle,
including requirements analysis and specification, software design, software implementation, software
3 Synopsis:
maintenance, and software process. It also covers emerging topics in software engineering. Students are
expected to review particular topics and present their findings. The course will also prepare students to course
will also prepare students to create motivation to conduct research in software engineering and to apply that
knowledge in their future research and practice.
Name(s) of
4 Girma N.
Academic Staff:
Semester and Year
5 Semester II Year 5
6 Credit Hour: 3
Prerequisite/ Co- All core courses (Excluding 5th Year 2nd semester courses)
requisite: (if any)
Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:
CLO1 Explain critically review and discuss research papers in areas of software engineering.
CLO2 Independently analyze research papers in areas of software engineering and write literature review papers.
CLO3 Discuss and argue about current topics in software engineering.
8 Demonstrate his/her ability to conduct a software engineering project as well as argue, justify and discuss the decisions
Create motivation to independently conduct research in software engineering and apply that knowledge in their future
research and practice.

CLO6 Effectively communicate course work in writing and oral presentation.

Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning

9 Methods


Final exam












CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √
CLO6 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Students are able to give value for soft skills to manage researches/projects both independently and in a software team.
2 Students are able to effectively communicate (both presentation and writing) to share ideas concisely and clearly.

3 Students are able to practice thinking critically and creatively for doing research and projects in software engineering.

Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities
Guided learning
Guided Independent
(F2F) Total
CLO Learning Learning
Course Content Outline SLT
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

Emerging Topics in Software Engineering

 New Opportunities in SE 2,
 New Challenges in SE 3,
10 15 8 66 99
 New Methods/Technologies/ Tools in SE 5,
 Literature review paper on a software engineering topics

Total 9 15 11 18 99
Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT
12 Total-50(%)
1 Tests 15% 1 1 2
2 Quize 5% 1 - 1
3 Assignments 30% 12 - 12
Total 15
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 3 6

Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
12 Special requirements and 1 Software
resources to deliver the
2 Computer Lab
Text books 1 P2014, SWEBOK V3.0: Guide to the software engineering body of knowledge, IEEE.
2 2019, Rogers, Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, McGraw-Hill Education
3 2012, Carlos E. Otero, Software engineering design: Theory and Practice, CRC Press
2003, Kruchten, Philippe, Rational Unified Process, An Introduction, Third Edition, Addison-
13 4
References Wesley Professional
In various stages of the course, any relevant peer-reviewed software engineering papers
5 from software engineering publications (such as IEEE TSE, ACM TOSEM) and international
conferences such as ICSE, ESEC/FSE published by ACM, IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Wiley can
also be used.
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

2 Module Category Core Elective/focused Area Module Module Code:

Course Name High Performance Computing

Course Code: SWEG5025

3 Synopsis: Introduction to HPC and scientific computing (review of computational complexity, performance:

metrics and measurements, basic methods for parallel programming), GPU computing and Cluster

analysis, Grid and cluster computing, High-performance parallel algorithms, Distributed and parallel

computing, memory hierarchies and network models, multi-core processors, shared-memory symmetric

multiprocessors, supercomputers and Peta scale systems, reconfigurable computing), Measuring HPC

performance (identifying performance bottlenecks, restructuring and partitioning applications for

heterogeneous resources).

4 Name(s) of Academic


5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 5


6 Credit Hour: 3

7 Prerequisite/ Co-

requisite: (if any)

8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

CLO1 Understand the concepts and terminology of high performance computing.

CLO2 Can write and analyze the behavior of high performance parallel programs for distributed memory architectures.

CLO3 Can write and analyze the behavior of high performance parallel programs for shared memory architectures.

CLO4 Can write simple programs for the GPU.

CLO5 Can independently study, learn about, and present some aspect of high performance computing.

Can independently study about Tools for High Performance Computing Environments and tradeoffs involved in the
design and evaluation of modern computers.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning Outcomes


















CLO1 √


CLO3 √


CLO5 √

CLO6 √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)

(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)


11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities
CLO Guided learning Total
Guided Independent
Course Content Outline (F2F) (SLT)
Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction to Parallel

hardware and software systems
1.1 Identify the various parallel systems. 1
1.2Define and Identify the various
Hardware and software systems.
1.3 Define the High performance systems
and Parallel Programming,
1.4 Define the SISD, SIMD, MISD,
1 6 6 8 18
MIMD models, Performance issues.

Chapter 2: Processors and Pthreads

2.1 Explain different Processors. 2

2.2 Explain about PThreads, 3
Thread Creation,
Passing arguments to Thread function.
2.3 Define and analyze simple matrix 2
multiplication using Pthreads, critical
2.4 Describe mutexes,semaphores, 3
barriers and conditional variables, locks,
2.5 Explain thread safety, simple 5
4 6 10 18
programming assignments
Chapter 3: Open MP Programming

3.1 Define Open MP Programming. 1

3.2 Explain different Reduction clause, 4
parallel for-loop scheduling, atomic
3.3 Design and Demonstrate Critical 4
sections and locks, private directive,
3.4 Design Programming assignments, n 4
5 9 8 23
body solvers using open MP
Chapter 4: Introduction to MPI and
4.1 Define the MPI programming and
GPU computing.
4.2 Explain different Parallel sorting
algorithms, Tree search solved using MPI
4.3 Explain different GPGPU, Data
Parallelism and CUDA C Programs.
4.4 Explain different CUDA Threads 6 9 8 23
Organization, Simple Matrix
multiplication using CUDA, CUDA
Chapter 5: Tools for High Performance
5.1 Explain different Bench Marking and 6
Tools for High Performance Computing
5.2 Explain different Bench Marking and 6
Tools for High Performance Computing
5.3 Explain different Numerical Linear 6 5 9 9 25

Algebra Routines BLAS for Parallel
Systems evaluation.
Total 26 39 43 108hours


Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT

1 Tests 20% 2hour

2 Quiz 10% 1hour

3 Assignments 10% 3hours

4 Lab-report 10% 3hours

5 Others

Total 9hours

Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT

Final Exam 50% 3hrs

Grand Total SLT 120hours

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face

Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

Special requirements and 1 Software

resources to deliver the 2 Computer Lab

12 course (e.g. software, 3 Workshop

computer lab, simulation 4 Choose an item.

room …etc.) 5 Choose an item.

1. An Introduction to Parallel Programming, Peter S Pacheco, Elsevier, 2011

13 Text book and reference:
2. Programming Massively Parallel Processors, Kirk & Hwu, Elsevier, 2012

1. CUDA by example: An introduction to General Purpose GPU Programming, Jason, Sanders,

Edward Kandrit, Perason, 2011

14 Learning Resources 2. CUDA Programming, Shame Cook, Elsevier

3. High Performance Heterogeneous Computing, Jack Dongarra, Alexey & Lastovetsky , Wiley

4. Parallel computing theory and practice, Michel J.Quinn, TMH

Course Name: Introduction to Big Data Analytics

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
Module Category Core Elective/focused Area Module Code: None
Course Name Introduction to Big Data Analytics
Course Code: SWEG5201
3 With rapid advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs), modern
computing and communication technologies have allowed us to capture, process, store and
Synopsis: communicate vast amounts of data. As a result, more and more organizations these days are
interested in using their data as decision supporting tool and to build data-intensive
products and services. This course provides an introduction to big data technologies and
business analytics, which include the use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis,
exploratory and predictive models, and evidence-based methods to inform business
decisions and actions. The main objective of this course is to enable students to grasp BDA
concepts, components and tools that are commonly used to address critical business
problems. The course begins with a basic introduction to BDA and explores what the
analysis of massive amounts of data entails, as well as associated technical, conceptual and
ethical challenges. The unprecedented opportunities and challenges presented by big data
are discussed in depth using real-world examples. Students will be then engaged in case
studies and team projects in which each group of students develop and present a
customized big data solution. The course focuses on practical exercises and hands-on
experience in analyzing large and complex datasets on Hadoop Eco-System. The course is
designed as an introductory for senior students who are interested in attaining a basic
understanding of Big Data and its applications.
4 Name(s) of
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 5
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- Introduction to Statistics and Probability
requisite, (if any)
Database Systems
8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Describe the Big Data Characteristics and how BDA can be used to improve the performance of local
businesses and industries.
CLO2 Identify open access datasets and select relevant features for Big Data applications.
CLO3 Design and implement Big Data architecture that can be used for analyzing huge amount of structured
and unstructured data.

CLO4 Demonstrate the ability to investigate and address practical problems of local industries by using BDA
tools and technologies such as Hadoop, MapReduce, Spark, Python, H2O and R-Studio.
CLO5 Work collaboratively on projects related to the development of BDA technologies and solutions.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)














CLO1 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√” on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Preprocessing and cleaning of datasets.

2 Team work.

3 Selection and application of OSS for data mining.

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Big 4.0 0 1 0 5 10

Data and Data Analytics
1.1 Overview of Big Data and Data CLO1 1hr 0.5hr 1.5hrs
1.2 Characteristics (5Vs) and CLO1 1hr 1.5hrs 2.5hrs
Dimensions of Big Data
1.3 Big Data Components and CLO1 1hr 1 2.5hrs 4.5hrs
1.4 The Role of Big Data in CLO1 1hr 0.5hr 1.5hrs
Industry Verticals
Chapter 2: Data Analytics 4.5 5 0 7.5 17
Lifecycle and methodology

2.1 Business and Data CLO2 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
2.2 Data Preparation and CLO2 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
2.3 Data Modeling Tools and CLO2 0.5 1 1.5hrs 3hrs
Evaluation Techniques hr
2.4 Analytics Techniques: Data CLO2 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Warehousing and Data Mining
2.5 Dimensionality Reduction and CLO2 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Chapter 3: Application of 4 0 1 3 6 14
Machine Learning in Big Data
3. Overview of Machine learning CLO1 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
3.2 Big Data Analytics Approach: CLO3 1hr 1hr 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Unsupervised Learning vs
Supervised Learning
3.3 Overview of Deep Learning CLO3 1hr 1hr 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Techniques and Tools
3.4 Machine Learning Tools: CLO3 1hr 1hr 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Spark & SparkM, H2O, Azure ML
Chapter 4: The Hadoop 4 0 4 3 6 17
4.1 Introduction to Hadoop CLO1 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Ecosystem and Architecture
4.2 Overview of Hadoop CLO4 1hr 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs
Components: HDFS, Pig, YARN,
MapReduce, Hive & HBase
4.3 Loading and Handling Data in CLO4 1hr 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs
Hadoop, Getting Data from
4.4 Querying Big Data with Hive; CLO4 1hr 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs
From SQL to HiveQL

Chapter 5: Setting Up Big Data 3.5 0 4 2 6 15.5

Lab and Working Environment
5.1 Running Programs on Linux
CO3 1

and Hadoop Platforms 1hr hr 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs

5.2 Getting Started with Hadoop

CO4 1
HDFS and MapReduce 1hr
1.5hrs 3.5hrs
5.3 Hands-on Experience with 0.5 1 1.5hrs 3hrs
CO4 hr hr
Spark Machine Learning
5.4 Hands-on Experience with 1hr 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs
CO5 hr
Business Data Analytics
Chapter 6: Summarizing and 4.5 0 5 3 8.5 21

Visualizing Data
6.1 Principles of Exploratory Data CLO4 1hr 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs
Analysis (EDA)
6.2 Data Summarization CLO4 1hr 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs
Techniques and Visualization
6.3 An introduction to R Studio, CLO4 0.5 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4hrs
Python and Tableau; hr
6.4 Data Analysis and CLO4 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Visualization with R
6.5 Operationalizing Data
Analytics Project CLO4 1hr
2.5hrs 4.5hrs

Chapter 7: Text Analytics and 2.0 0 5 0 5 12.0

Web Mining
7.1 Why Text Analytics and Web CLO1 0.5 1 1hr 2.5hrs
Mining? hr hr
7.2 Basic Steps Involved in Text CLO4 0.5 1 1hr 2.5hrs
Analytics and Web Mining hr hr
7.3 Knowledge Engineering and CLO4 0.5 1 1hr 2.5hrs
Natural Language Processing in hr hr
Big Data
7.4 Text Categorization and CLO4 0.5 1 1hr 2.5hrs
Document Clustering Techniques hr hr
7.5 Applied Projects Based CLO4 1 1hr 2.5hrs
Identified Business and Industry hr
Total 26. 2 11 44 106.5
5 5


Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Assignments 10% 3hrs 3hrs
2 Tests 10% 1.5hrs 1.5hrs
3 Quiz 5% 1hr 1hr
4 Project 15% 4hrs 4hrs
5 Lab Exercises and Lab- 10% 1hr 1hr
Assessment Total 10.5hrs
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3.0 hrs. 3.0hrs
Grand Total SLT 120hrs
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non-Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Software

and resources to 2 Computer Lab
deliver the course 3 Simulation Room
(e.g. software, 4 Choose an item.
computer lab, etc.) 5 Choose an item.

13 Text book and 1 Jure Leskovek, Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey Ullman. Mining of Massive Datasets.
reference: v2.1, Cambridge University Press. 2014. (free online).
(note: ensure the 2 Rob Kitchin. (2014). The Data Revolution: Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures
latest edition and Their Consequences. SAGE Publications.
/publication) 3 Karau, Konwinski, Learning Spark: Lightning‐Fast Big Data Analysis, O’Really, 2015.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
College of Electrical and Mechanical Eng.
Department of Software Engineering

Course Outline
SWEG5202 : Introduction to Cloud Computing
Course Code and Title

Program Level and Category B.Sc. Software Engineering Elective

Lecture: 2 units (2 hour X 14 weeks)

Contact Hours Tutorial: 0 unit (0 hour X 14 weeks)
Laboratory: 1 unit (3 hours X 14 weeks)
Pre-requisites ----------

Target Group Year: IV A.Y. Semester: I

Name: Beakal Gizachew Assefa
Instructor’s Contact
Office hour:
This course is both practical and theoretical course. It introduces cloud
computing architecture, service models, infrastructures, virtualization, software
defined networks and storage, cloud storage, and programming models. As an
Course Synopsis /Description introduction, we will discuss the motivating factors, benefits, and challenges of
the cloud, as well as service models, service level agreements (SLAs), security,
example cloud service providers and use cases. It also gives a hand on public
cloud platforms like but not limited to Amazon Web Service and IBM, Cloud.
Course Outcomes After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm: how and
why this paradigm shift came about, the characteristics, advantages and
challenges brought about by the various models and services in cloud
CO2: Apply fundamental concepts in cloud infrastructures to understand the
tradeoffs in power, efficiency and cost, and then study how to leverage and
manage single and multiple datacenters to build and deploy cloud applications
that are resilient, elastic and cost-efficient.
CO3: Discuss system, network and storage virtualization and outline their
role in enabling the cloud computing system model.|
CO4: Illustrate the fundamental concepts of cloud storage and demonstrate
their use in storage systems such as Amazon S3, IBM Cloud, and HDFS

SWEG 4xxx: Cloud Computing Page 1

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
College of Electrical and Mechanical Eng.
Department of Software Engineering

CO5: Analyze various cloud programming models and apply them to solve
problems on the cloud.
CO6: Can independently study about Tools for Cloud Computing and trade-
offs involved.

No specific text book for this course but readings will be given for each unit.
Text Books

1. Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture, Thomas Erl;

Zaigham Mahmood; Ricardo Puttini, Prentice Hall,2013
Learning Resources
2. Cloud Computing Design Paterms,Thomas Erl, Robert Cope, Amin
Naserpour, Prentice Hall,2015
Attendance and Submission: Attendance to lectures and laboratory sessions is
Participation: Lecture and students.
Course Policies
Cheating and Plagiarism: Plagiarizing one’s work on group assignments
disqualifies the result.
Grading: Fixed grading according to the university grading policy
Mapping of Program Outcomes (PO) with Course Outcomes (CO)

Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12







BTDL – Bloom’s Taxonomy Learning Domain and Levels (C - Cognitive, P - Psychomotor and A -Affective)

Assessment Methods

Learning Assessment Distribution

Domains CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6
Type Weight %

SWEG 4xxx: Cloud Computing Page 2

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
College of Electrical and Mechanical Eng.
Department of Software Engineering

Cognitive Ass. Type 1 25% X X


Ass. Type 2 15% X X


Ass. Type 3 10% X


Ass. Type 4 10% X X X

Case Study

Affective Ass. Type 5 40% X X


Total 100%

SWEG 4xxx: Cloud Computing Page 3

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
College of Electrical and Mechanical Eng.
Department of Software Engineering

Course Schedule


Total SLT





Level of
Week / Lesson Topics Topic Outcomes CO PO
Introduction to Cloud Computing: Define cloud computing, CO1 PO1 C1 Lectu Ass. 1 2 3
 Definition and evolution of Cloud differentiate cloud re Type
Computing model 1,2
 Enabling Technologies, Service and
1 Deployment Models
1 &2
 Popular Cloud Stacks and Use Cases Asses the risk, economic CO1 PO1 C2 Lectu Ass. 1 2 3
 Benefits, Risks, and Challenges of models, and challenges re Type
Cloud Computing of cloud computing 1,2
 Economic Models and SLAs
 Topics in Cloud Security
Cloud Infrastructure Understand the cloud CO1 PO1 C1 Lectu Ass. 1 2 3
 Historical Perspective of Data infrastructure, data re Type
Centers center IT Equipment’s 1,2
 Datacenter Components: IT
Equipment and Facilities
 Design Considerations: Evaluate power, CO2 PO5 C1 Lectu Ass. 1 2 3
3&4 2 Requirements, Power, Efficiency, & efficiency, and re Type
Redundancy redundancy 1,2,3
 Power Calculations, PUE and requirements of a data
Challenges in Cloud Data Centers center
 Cloud Management and Cloud
Software Deployment

SWEG 4xxx: Cloud Computing Page 4

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
College of Electrical and Mechanical Eng.
Department of Software Engineering

Virtualization Explain the hardware CO1 PO1 C1 Lecture 0.5 2.5 3

3  Virtualization (CPU, Memory, I/O) virtualization needed of CO3 PO3
 Virtualizations of Networks cloud computing 1,2
(Software Defined Networks and
Network Function Virtualization) Explain the network CO1 PO1 C1 Lecture 3 3 6
4,5 &  Case Study: Amazon EC2 virtualization used in Type
6 data centers 1,2

Use Amazon EC2 CO4 PO4 C3 Laborat 2 3 5

Use case SDN A ory

Cloud Storage Explain the cloud CO4 Lecture Ass.

PO4 C1 1 2 3
 Introduction to Storage Systems storage concepts Type 1
 Cloud Storage Concepts
Explain the various CO4 PO4 C1 Lecture Ass.
2 1.5 3.5
 Distributed File Systems (HDFS, Ceph Type
cloud storage
4 FS) 1,2
7,8,9 technologies
 Cloud Databases (HBase, MongoDB,
Cassandra, DynamoDB) CO4 PO2 C3,C5, Lecture Ass.
Evaluate the trade-offs 2 3 5
 Cloud Object Storage (Amazon S3, A Laborat Type
of cloud database, cloud
OpenStack Swift, Ceph) ory 1,4
object storage and
structured database
Explain the fundamental CO5 PO2 C4, A Lecture Ass.
2 3 5
10, aspects of parallel and CO1 PO1 Laborat Type 1
11, Programming Models: ory
distributed programming
5  Distributed Programming for the Cloud
12, models.
 Data-Parallel Analytics with Hadoop CO5 PO2 C2 Lecture Ass.
& Recall and contrast 2 1.5 3.5
MapReduce (YARN) Type
13 different cloud
programming models

SWEG 4xxx: Cloud Computing Page 5

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
College of Electrical and Mechanical Eng.
Department of Software Engineering

(MapReduce, Spark,
GraphLab and Spark
Explain the main CO5 PO2 C4,ዐ Lecture Ass.
2 3 5
execution flow, C06 PO12 Type
1, 4
scheduling, and fault
tolerance concepts in the
programming model
Case Study on CO5 PO2 C5,A Laborat Ass.
MapReduce ory Type 5
Advanced Topics in Cloud Computing CO6 PO12 C1 Lecture Ass.
2 3 5
Laborat Type
14 6  Edge Computing ory 1,2
 Mobile Edge Computing

Prepared By Checked BY Approved BY

Name:Beakal Gizachew Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

SWEG 4xxx: Cloud Computing Page 6

Course Name: Data Mining and Data Warehousing

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
Module Category Core Elective/focused Area Module Code: None
Course Name Data Mining and Data Warehousing
Course Code: SWEG5503
3 Synopsis: With rapid advances in information and communication technologies during the last few
decades, we have witnessed an explosive growth in digital contents. Modern computing and
communication technologies have allowed us to capture, process, disseminate and store
vast amounts of data. Most non-government and government organizations as well as
private industries and business institutions are generating massive amounts of data as a
byproduct of their daily activities and online transactions. However, automatically capturing
and analyzing these massively increasing heterogenous data and thereby uncovering the
hidden patterns and insights, which can be used for informed and effective decision making,
has been remained one of the grand challenges of the increasingly connected digital world.
Data Mining (DM) is the science of analyzing and discovering hidden patterns from large-
scale datasets. It tries to addresses the challenges posed by Big Data by providing efficient
techniques and automated tools that can be used for analysis and mining of complex
datasets. The overall aim of this course is, therefore, to introduce and equip students with
best practices and techniques of DM and Data Warehousing (DW) technologies and
4 Name(s) of
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 5
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- Introduction to Statistics and Probability
requisite, (if any)
Database Systems
8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Explain how Data Warehousing and DM techniques and technologies have been evolved and can be
used to improve business activities and services
CLO2 Identify and prepare datasets required for building Data Warehousing and DM applications.
CLO3 Design data warehousing models and use various DM techniques including classification, regression
and correlation analysis, clustering and outlier analysis.
CLO4 Demonstrate the ability to investigate and address practical problems of local industry by using open
source software and DM tools such as RapidMiner, R-Studio, and Weka.
CLO5 Work collaboratively on a team projects to develop and deliver DM solutions.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)














CLO1 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√” on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Preprocessing and cleaning of datasets.

2 Team work.

3 Selection and application of OSS for data mining.

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction to DM 4.5 0 1 0 5 10.5

and Data Warehousing (DW)
1.1 Definition of DM and DW CLO1 1.5 0.5hr 2hrs
1.2 Evolution and Applications of CLO1 1hr 1.5hrs 2.5hrs
DM and DW
1.3 Overview of DM Components CLO1 1hr 1 2.5hrs 4.5hrs
and Processes
1.4 Overview of DW Components CLO1 1hr 0.5hr 1.5hrs
and Processes
Chapter 2: Data Preparation 4.5 5 0 7.5 17
and Preprocessing
2.1 Data Collection and Preparation: CLO2 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
2.2 Data Preprocessing and CLO2 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs

2.3 Data Preprocessing Tools and CLO2 0.5 1 1.5hrs 3hrs
Techniques hr
2.4 Feature Selection and CLO2 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
2.5 Dimensionality Reduction and CLO2 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Chapter 3: Overview of Data 4 0 1 3 6 14
3.1 Database Management CLO1 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Systems vs. Data Warehouse
3.2 Architecture and Components CLO3 1hr 1hr 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
of Data Warehouse
3.3 Data Warehouse Models and CLO3 1hr 1hr 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
3.4 Data Warehouse Design and CLO3 1hr 1hr 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Usage; OLTP vs. OLAP
Chapter 4: Mining Frequent 4 0 4 3 6 17
Patterns and Associations
4.1 Basics of Frequent Pattern and CLO1 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Association Rules Mining
4.2 Generation Association Rules CLO4 1hr 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs
and Pattern Evaluation Methods
4.3 Algorithms for Frequent CLO4 1hr 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs
Itemset Mining
4.4 Apriori vs Enumeration-Tree CLO4 1hr 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs
Chapter 5: Data Classification 3.5 0 4 2 6 15.5

5.1 Why and How Classification;

Feature Selection: Gini index vs CO3 1hr 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs
5.2 Nearest Neighbor vs Support
Vector Machines vs Decision Tree- CO4 1hr
1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Based Classification
5.3 Probabilistic Classifiers: Naive 0.5 1 1.5hrs 3hrs
hr hr
Bayes and Logistic Regression CO4
5.4 Evaluation of Classification 1hr 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs
CO5 hr

Chapter 6: Cluster Analysis 4.5 0 5 3 8.5 21

6.1 Feature Selection for CLO4 1hr 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs

Clustering Using Filter Models
6.2 Representative-based CLO4 1hr 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4.5hrs
Algorithms: k-Means vs k-
6.3 Hierarchical Clustering: CLO4 0.5 1 1hr 1.5hrs 4hrs
Bottom-up Agglomerative vs Top- hr
down Divisive Methods
6.4 Probabilistic Model-based CLO4 1hr 1 1.5hrs 3.5hrs
Algorithms: Grid-based and
Density-based Algorithms
6.5 Outlier Detection and
Analysis: Probabilistic Models and CLO4 1hr
2.5hrs 4.5hrs
Distance-based Outlier Detection

Chapter 7: Text Analytics and 2.0 0 5 0 5 12.0

Text Mining
7.1 Why Text Analytics and Text CLO1 0.5 1 1hr 2.5hrs
Mining? hr hr
7.2 Basic steps involved in Text CLO4 0.5 1 1hr 2.5hrs
Analytics and Text Mining hr hr
7.3 Text Categorization and Text CLO4 0.5 1 1hr 2.5hrs
Clustering Techniques hr hr
7.4 Entity Extraction and CLO4 0.5 1 1hr 2.5hrs
Sentiment analysis, hr hr
7.5 Document Summarization CLO4 1 1hr 2.5hrs

Total 27 25 11 44 107.0
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Assignments 10% 3hrs 3hrs
2 Tests 10% 1.5hrs 1.5hrs
3 Quize 5% 1hr 1hr
4 Project 15% 4hrs 4hrs
5 Lab-report 10% 1hr 1hr
Assessment Total 10.5hrs
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 2.5 hrs. 2.5hrs
Grand Total SLT 120hrs

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Software

and resources to 2 Computer Lab
deliver the course 3 Simulation Room
(e.g. software, 4 Choose an item.
computer lab, etc.) 5 Choose an item.

13 Text book and 1 Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, and Jian Pei, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques,
reference: Latest edition, Morgan Kaufmann.
(note: ensure the 2 Charu C. Aggarwal, Data Mining, The Textbook, Springer 2015.
latest edition 3 Jure Leskovek, Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey Ullman. Mining of Massive Datasets.
/publication) v2.1, Cambridge University Press. 2014, (Aailable online).

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering
2 Course Name Simulation and Modeling
Course Code: SWEG5205
This simulation and modelling course provides the foundations to computer supported system
modelling and simulation approaches. It introduces basic concepts of system, model and simulation.
It also covers set of fundamental system modelling and analysis techniques and skills through Monte
3 Synopsis: Carlo Computations, Stochastic Simulation, and Design of Simulation Experiments. Students are also
introduced with different types of simulation languages. In addition to these, in-order to develop
students’ modeling, analytical-thinking and synthesis skills they will be provided with assignment,
projects and seminar throughout the course.
4 Name(s) of Academic
5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 5
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/Co- Stat2091,SWEG2105
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Apply scientific thinking to the analysis of complex systems and processes
CLO2 Comprehend important concepts in computer modeling and simulation
CLO3 Model uncertainty and randomness by means of statistical distributions
CLO4 Explain how computers generate (pseudo-) random numbers and variates
CLO5 Employ statistical techniques to construct scientific statements and conclusions
CLO6 Construct, verify and validate system and processes models
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)














CLO1   
CLO2      
CLO3       
CLO4       
CLO5      
CLO6       
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
Be able to analyze and plan in advance for problems, in situation of uncertainty and in presence of unreliable
Students can transfer knowledge to new problems and situations from already constructed simulation that have
extensible feature to other problems or contexts
3 Team work, documentation and reporting
Understand ‘how and why’ processes behave in a system and refine thoughts to support decision making in a
5 Critical thinking and Creativity
Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities
CLO Guided learning Total
Guided Independent
Course Content Outline (F2F) (SLT)
Learning Learning
L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: Basics in simulation and Modeling 2 6 1 6 13
1.1. Defining Simulation
1.2. System Environment
1.3. Types of Modelling
1.4. Steps in Simulation Study
1.5. Advantage, Disadvantage and Pitfalls of Simulation study

Chapter 2: System Simulation 2, 4 8 6 3 6 23

2.1. Techniques in System Simulation
2.2. Monte Carlo System Simulation
2,3, Continuous System Simulation
2.4. Discrete System Simulation
Chapter 3 Random Numbers 3 8 6 4 6 24
3.1. Introduction to RN
3.2. Generation of Random Numbers
3.3.1 Mid-Square RN generator
3.3.2 Linear Congenital Method
3.3.3 Other methods
3.3. Testing Random Number
3.4. Uniformity Test
Chapter 4: Input Modeling and Output analysis Methods 6 2 3 5 5 15
4.1. Input Modeling
4.1.1. Data Collection and Identify the distribution with Data
4.1.2. Parameters Estimation
4.1.3. Goodness of Fit Test
4.2. Output analysis Methods
4.2.1. Types of Simulation with
Respect to Output Analysis
4.2.2. Measure of Performance and
their Estimation
4.2.3. Output Analysis

Chapter 5: Simulation Languages 5 4 6 5 5 20
5.1. General purpose language
5.2. Simulation language
5.3. GPSS
5.3.1. Basics in GPSS
5.3.2. GPSS block diagrams
5.3.3. Characteristics of GPSS
Total 28 21 18 28 95
Continuous Assessment Percentage Total-50(%) F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 20% 2 2
2 Quiz 10% 1 1
3 Assignments 10% 4 4
4 Project 10% 2 6 8
5 Others
Total 15
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 7 10
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

Special requirements and 1 Computer Lab

resources to deliver the
12 course (e.g. software,
computer lab, simulation 2 Software
room …etc.)

1 Averill M. Law And W David Kelton, Simulation Modelling And Analysis, Tata McGraw- Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
Text book and reference:
2 Julian Reitman, “Computer Simulation Applications”, John Wiley and Sons, New York
13 (note: ensure the latest
edition /publication) 3 V.P. Singh. (2009). System Modeling and Simulation. New Age International (p) limited,
4 Christopher A. Chung. (2004). System Modeling Handbook: A Practical Approach. CRC Press

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department: Software Engineering

2 Course Category Core Course

Course Name Multimedia Systems

Course Code: SWEG5206

3 Synopsis: In this course, students will be introduced to principles and current technologies of multimedia
systems, digital video compression techniques, operating system support for digital audio and video, as
well as network and transport protocols for multimedia, multimedia standards, and gain hands-on
experience in this area. Issues in effectively representing, processing, and retrieving multimedia data
such as sound and music, graphics, image and video will be addressed.

4 Name(s) of Biruk Gebru

Academic Staff:

5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 5

6 Credit Hour: 3

7 Prerequisite/ Co- SWEG2106

requisite: (if any)

8 Course Learning Outcome (CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Explain fundamental principles of multimedia, core of multimedia data compression techniques as well as content-
based image and video retrieval and communication techniques.
CLO2 Analyze issues in representing, processing, transmitting multimedia data and network-based multimedia
CLO3 Use and apply tools for image processing, video, sound and animation which incorporates knowledge of multimedia
database system.
CLO4 Apply acquired knowledge in the field of multimedia in practice and independently continue to expand knowledge in
this field.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Outcomes (CLO)

Teaching Assessment
Course Learning

Lab- report










CLO1 √ √ √

CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√” on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)

1 Have a good analytical and problem-solving skills and an ability to use modern software tools, or develop their own
specialized multimedia systems.

2 Use a range of learning resources to support their work, produce structured written work in a variety of formats

Develop knowledge and understanding of the underlying hardware and software developments which enable multimedia
technology developments.

2 Engage in multimedia Roles such as producer, coder, interface designer, etc.

3 Apply multimedia scripting in different fields of science that need animated simulation such as physics, entertainment,
education and training etc.

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities

Course Content Outline Total
Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
(F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: introduction
1.1 What is Multimedia 1
2 4 1 2
1.2 Multimedia and Hypermedia
1.3 Multimedia Software tools

Chapter 2: Graphics and Image Data Representation

2.1 1- bit images 2 7 10 6 23

2.2 8-bit gray level images
2.3 Image data types
2.4 24- bit color images
2.5 8-bit color images
2.6 Color lookup tables
2.6 Popular file formats
Chapter 3 Multimedia Data Compression

3.1 Compression with Loss and Lossless 3 5 7 5 6 23

3.2 Huffman Coding
3.3 Entropy Coding
3.4 Adaptive Coding

Chapter 4: Multimedia Database Systems

4.1 Design and Architecture of a multimedia database 1, 4 6 4 3 17
4.2 Indexing and organizing multimedia data

Chapter 5: Multimedia Communication and Retrieval
5.1 Basics of computer and multimedia networks 1, 5 4 1 6 16
5.2 Multiplexing Technologies
5.3LANs and WANs
5.3 Access Networks

Chapter 6: Multimedia Network communication and applications

6.1 Quality of multimedia data transmission 2, 4 5 10 4 19
6.2 Multimedia over IP

6.3 Multimedia over ATM networks

Total 28 - 42 - 17 21 107
Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT

1 Tests 20% 2 2 4

2 Quiz 10% 1 - 1

3 Assignments 10% - 2 2

4 Lab-report 10% - 3 3

Total 9
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 2 2 4

Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non-Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

Special requirements and 1 Selected multimedia software and tools

resources to deliver the
course (e.g. software, 2 Computer lab
computer lab, simulation
room …etc.)
1 Introduction to Multimedia System: Basic concept of Multimedia – March 25, 2011; Author:
Text book and reference: Kaliyaperumal Karthikeyan; ISBN-10 : 9783844324013
(note: ensure the latest ISBN-13 : 978-3844324013
13 edition /publication)
2 Fundamentals of Multimedia, 1st ed. Ze-Nian Li and Mark S. Drew, ISBN: 0130618721, Prentice-
Hall, 2004

3 Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt, Multimedia Fundamentals: Media Coding and Content,
Processing; Prentice Hall, 0-13-031399-8.

Course Plan: Logic and Critical Thinking

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Social Science
2 Course Category Common Course
Course Name Logic and Critical Thinking
Course Code: Phil1009
3 Synopsis: Logic and Critical Thinking is an inquiry that takes arguments as its basic objects
of investigation and it is an exercise, a habit, a manner of perception and
reasoning that has principles of rationality as its fulcrum, and dynamically
involves various reasoning skills that ought to be human approach to issues and
events of life. Logic and Critical Thinking enables to construct one’s own sound
argument and to evaluate the arguments of other’s and evaluate arguments’
validity, strengths and weaknesses.
4 Name(s) of Biruk Shewadeg, Mohammod Zeinu, Shumye Getu (PhD), and Teshome Abera (PhD).
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 1
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- No
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Analyze the philosophy, logic, and language nexus.

CLO2 Describe basic logical concepts, arguments, deduction, and induction.
CLO3 Cultivate the habits of critical thinking.
CLO4 Evaluate the nature and types of fallacies.
CLO5 Identify the four types of categorical proposition.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)













CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √
CLO5…etc. √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Develop the habits of critical thinking.

2 Acquire the ability of writing and communicating persuasively.

3 Develop the techniques of constructing valid and sound argument.

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Logic and 1 6 3 5 14

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Meaning and Definition of 1

1.3 Core Branches of 1

1.4 Importance of Learning 1

Logic and Philosophy

Chapter 2: Basic Concepts of 2 10 8 8 26

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Basic Concepts of Logic 2

2.3 Techniques of recognizing 2

2.4 Types of Arguments 2

2.5 Evaluation of Arguments 2

Chapter 3: Logic and 3 6 3 3 12

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Logic and Meaning 3

3.3 Logic and Definition 3

3.4 Criteria for Lexical 3


Chapter 4: Basic Concepts of 2,3,4 5 6 7 18

Critical Thinking
4.1 Introduction

4.2 Meaning and Definition of 2,4

Critical Thinking
4.3 Principles of Critical 2,4

4.4 Criterion/Standard of 2,3,4

Argument Good Argument

4.5 Factors Affecting Critical 2,34

4.6 Relevance of Critical 2,4

Chapter 5: Logical Reasoning 2,5 9 7 6 22

and Fallacies
5.1 Introduction

5.2 Types of Fallacies: Formal 2,3,5

and Informal
5.3 Categories of Informal 2,5

Chapter 6: Categorical 5 7 8 20

6.1 Introduction 6

6.2 The Components of 6

Categorical Propositions
6.3 Attributes of Categorical 6

6.4 Venn Diagrams and 6

Square of Oppositions
6.5 Logical Operations: 6

Conversion, Obversion, and


Total 41 34 37 112
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Test I 20 % 1 1
2 Assignment I 15% 2 2
3 Test II 10% 1 1
4 Quiz 5% 1 1
5 Choose an item.
Total 5
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 3
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Choose an item.

and resources to 2 Choose an item.
deliver the course (e.g. 3 Choose an item.
software, computer 4 Choose an item.
lab, simulation room 5 Choose an item.
13 Text book 1. Hurley, Patrick J. (2014) A Concise Introduction to Logic, 12th Edition,
Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

1. Copi, Irving M.and Carl Cohen, (1990) Introduction to Logic, New York:
References Macmillan Publishing
2. Stephen, C. (2000) The Power of Logic. London and Toronto: Mayfield
Publishing company.

3. Fogelin, Robert, J, (1987) Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to

Informal Logic, New York: Harcourt Brace Jvanovich Publisher.
4. Damer, Edward. (2005). Attacking faulty reasoning. A practical guide to
fallacy free argument. Wadsworth Cengage learning, USA.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Social Science
2 Course Category Common Course
Course Name General Psychology
Course Code: Psyc1011
3 Synopsis: The course encompasses the fundamental concepts and principles of psychology and
psychological processes which have immense applications to human life and to develop
life skills based on the theories and principles of psychology.
4 Name(s) of Awoke Mihretu, Mihret Abraham, Geta Walelegn, Wondwossen Girma, and Gashaw
Academic Staff: Tesfa
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 1
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- None
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Differentiate the branches of Psychology, various research methods and types of Psychological
CLO2 Discuss the importance of life skills and the process of perception, memory and forgetting
CLO3 Apply the different learning theories, academic, social and intra-personal skills in various
CLO4 Analyze the major theories of personality, motivation and emotion.
CLO5 Evaluate major perspectives in psychology and treatment techniques of psychological disorder.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning Outcomes













CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)

1. Ability to define psychology, Differentiating Psychology from Common sense, Identifying the different
fields of Psychology and Identify the different approaches and research skills in Psychology.
2. Cognitive (e.g., creativity and information management). Communication (e.g., active listening and public
speaking). Personal (e.g., conscientiousness and integrity). Social (e.g., collaboration and leadership
3. Problem-Solving - learn to apply strategies & approaches for understanding problems as well as learn to
identify practical steps for implementing solutions.
4. Critical Evaluation - learn to assess whether evidence for a phenomenon is accurate or not and how to
identify the shortcomings and pitfalls of a particular line of action.
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning (F2F) Guide Indepe (SLT)
Course Content Outline d ndent
Learni Learnin
ng g
(NF2F (NF2F)
L T P O+

Chapter One: Essence of CLO1 5 1 6 12

Psychology &
1.1. Definition of Psychology and
Related Concepts
1.2. Goals of Psychology
1.3. Historical Background and
Major Perspectives in
1.4. Branches/Sub-fields of
1.5. Research Methods in Psychology

Chapter Two: Sensation and CLO2 3 1 3 7

2.1. The meanings of sensation and

2.2. sensory laws: Sensory

Thresholds and Sensory
2.3. Perception

Chapter Three: Learning and CLO3 6 1 2 6 15
Theories of Learning

3.1. Definition, Characteristics and

Principles of Learning

3.1. Factors Influencing Learning

3.2. Theories of Learning and their
Chapter 4: Memory and Forgetting CLO2 2 1 3 6
4.1. Memory
4.2. Forgetting
4.3. Improving Memory
Chapter 5: Motivation and CLO4 3 1 3 7
5.1. Motivation
5.2. Emotions
Chapter Six: Personality CLO4 4 2 4 10

6.1. Meaning of Personality

6.2. Measures of Personality
6.3. Theories of Personality
Chapter Seven: Psychological CLO1 5 1 1 5 12
Disorders and their Treatment &
Techniques CLO5
7.1. Nature of Psychological
7.2. Causes of Psychological
7.3. Types of Psychological Disorders

7.4. Treatment Techniques

Chapter Eight: Introduction to Life CLO2 1 1 1 3
8.1. Nature and Definition of Life
8.2. Components of Life Skills
8.3. Goals of Life Skills

Chapter Nine: Intra-Personal Skills CLO3 3 1 1 3 8

9.1. Self-Concept and Self-

9.2. Self-esteem and self-confidence
9.3. Self-Control
9.4. Anger Management
9.5. Emotional Intelligence and
Managing Emotion
9.6. Stress, Coping with Stress and
9.7. Critical and Creative Thinking
9.8. Problem Solving and Decision

Chapter Ten: Academic Skills CLO3 3 1 3 7

10.1. Time Management

10.2. Note-taking and Study Skills
10.3. Test-Taking Skill
10.4. Test Anxiety and Overcoming
Test Anxiety
10.5. Goal Setting
10.6. Career Development Skill

Chapter Eleven: Social Skills CLO3 3 1 1 3 8

11.1. Understanding cultural

11.2. Gender and Social Inclusion
11.3. Interpersonal Communication
11.4. Social Influences
11.5. Peer Pressure
11.6. Assertiveness
11.7. Conflict and Conflict Resolution
11.8. Team Work
11.9. Overcoming Risky Behavior

Total 38 4 13 40 95

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
Total - 50 (%)
1 Tests I 10 1 2 3
2 Individual Assignments 10 2 2
3 Test II 15 1 2 3
4 Group Assignment 10 3 4 7
5 Quiz 5 1 1
Total 16
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 3 6 9
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special 1 General Psychology Module

requirements and
resources to deliver
the course (e.g.
software, computer
lab, simulation room
13 Text Book Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) (2019). General Psychology
(Psyc1011) Module. Addis Ababa: Author.
Reference 1 Coon, D. & Mitterer, J.O. (2008). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind
and behavior (12th ed). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
2 Feldman, R.S. (2018). Essentials of understanding psychology (13th ed). New
York, NY: McGraw Hill.
3 Kalat, J.W. (2013). Introduction to psychology (13th ed). New York, NY: McGraw
4 Lahey, B.B. (2008). Psychology: An introduction (10th ed). New York, NY:

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Natural and Social Sciences Department: English
2 Course Category Common Course Module Code: FLEn1003
Course Name
Communicative English Language Skills I
Course Code: FLEn1003
3 Synopsis: This course will cover specific language aspects such as developing basic
functions of English language skills such as reading, listening, writing, speaking,
vocabulary and grammar.
4 Name(s) of
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Semester: 1st semester Year: 1st year
Year offered:
6 Credit Hour: 3

7 Prerequisite/ Co- Non

requisite: (if
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Speak with accuracy, fluency, and confidence using appropriate expressions in different
CLO2 Explain and infer various reading and listening materials.
CLO3 Write well-structured texts.
CLO4 Apply variety of grammatical skills in various communicative contexts
CLO5 Make use of contextual clues to acquire meanings of unfamiliar words from context.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods
and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Outcomes (CLO)

Course Learning






CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO3 √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Public speaking and individual presentation skills
2 Mastery of macro and micro skills
3 Cooperative learning
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: : Study Skills 1,2,3 1 2 2 5
1.1 Listening: What is a
1.2 Grammar focus: Modals 1,2,3 1 1 1 3
and infinitives for giving
1.3 Reading: Reading for 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
1.4 Grammar focus: Present 1,2,3 1 1 1 3
perfect tense ,4,5
1.5 Reflections 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
1.6 Self-assessment 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
1.7 Summary 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2.5
Chapter 2: Health and Fitness 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2.5
2.1 Listening: Zinedine
2.2 Conditionals 1,,3, 1 1 1 3

2.3 Reading: Health and 1,2,3 1 1 1 3
2.4 Vocabulary: Guessing 1,2,3 1 1 2 4
meaning from context
2.5 Reflections 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
2.6 Self-assessment 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
2.7 Summary 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
Chapter 3: Cultural Values 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5

3.1 Listening: Cultural 1,2,3 1 2 1 4


3.2 Grammar focus: The 1,3,4 1 2 2 5

present simple, past simple, ,5
present perfect and past
perfect in contrast
3.3 Strategies for improving 1,3,4 1 1 1 3
English grammar knowledge ,5
3.4 Reading: The Awramba 1,2,3 1 1 1 3
3.5 Reflections 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
3. 6 Self-assessment 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2.5
3.7 Summary 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
Chapter 4: Wildlife 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2.5

4.1 Listening: Human-wildlife 1,2,3 1 1 1 3

4.2 Reading: Africa„s wild 1,2,3 1 1 1 3

4.3 Vocabulary: Denotative 1,2,3 1 1 1 3
and connotative meanings
4.4 Grammar focus: 1,3,4 1 1 1 3
Conditionals revised 5
4.5 Reflections 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2.5
4.6 Self-assessment 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
4.7 Summary 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
Chapter 5: Population 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5

5.1 Listening: Population 1,2,3 1 1 1 3


5.2 Reading: Population 1,2,3 1 1 1 3

5.3 Vocabulary: Collocation 1,2,3 1 1 1 3

5.4 Grammar Focus: Voice 1,3,4 1 2 2 5

5.5 Reflections 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
5.6 Self-assessment 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
5.7 Summary 1,2,3 0.5 1 1 2 .5
Total 28 42 42 112
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Debate 10 % 0.5 0.5 1
2 Speech Delivery 10 % 0.5 0.5 1

3 Group Assignment 10 % 2 2
4 Reading and 10 % 1 2 3
5 Listening 10 % 1 1
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 % 3 5 8
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO‟s numbering in item 9.
12 Special 1 Listening: Language Lab
requirements and 2 Extra Reading materials
resources to
3 Supplementary grammar exercises
deliver the
4 Open speaking sessions
course (e.g.
software, 5 Choose an item.

computer lab,
simulation room
1 Alfassi, M. 2004. Reading to learn: Effects of combined strategy
instruction on high school students. Journal of Educational Research,
13 Text book and
reference: 2 Bade, M. 2008. Grammar and good language learners. In C. Griffiths

(note: ensure the (Eds.). Lessons from good language learners (pp. 174-184). Cambridge

latest edition University Press. https//

/publication) 3 Bouchard, M. 2005. Reading comprehension strategies for English

language learners: 30research-based reading strategies that held students
read, understand and really learn content from their textbooks and
other nonfiction materials. New York: Scholastic.
4 Murphy R. (?). Essentials of English grammar in use: A self-study
reference and practice book for intermediate students of English
(2nd Ed.). Cambridge University Press.
5 Department of Foreign Language and Literature. 1996. College English

(Volume I and Volume II). Addis Ababa University Press.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Natural and Social Sciences Department: English
2 Course Category Common Course
Course Name Communicative English Language Skills II
Course Code: FLEn1004
3 Synopsis: Communicative English Language Skills II Module is a continuation of
Communicative English Language skills I Module, and it mainly aims to provide
first year University students proficiency with speaking, listening, reading and
writing skills.
4 Name(s) of
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Semester: 2nd semester Year: 1st year
Year offered:
6 Credit Hour: 3

7 Prerequisite/ Co- Communicative English Language Skills I

requisite: (if
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Speak with accuracy, fluency, and confidence using appropriate expressions in different
CLO2 Distinguish various reading and listening materials.
CLO3 Write well-structured texts.
CLO4 Apply variety of grammatical skills in various communicative contexts
CLO5… Make use of contextual clues to acquire meanings of unfamiliar words from context.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods
and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Outcomes (CLO)

Course Learning






CLO1 √ √ √ √

CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO3 √ √ √ √ √

CLO4 √ √ √ √ √

CLO5 √ √ √ √ √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Public speaking
2 Independent learning and individual writing
3 Cooperative learning
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: Life Skills 1,2,3 2 3 2 7
1.1 Reading passage: The
concept of life skills
1.2 II Grammar: Active and 1,2,3 1 2 2 5
passive voices
1.3 Reading: Reading for 1,2,3 1 2 2 5
1.4 Speaking 1,2,3 1 2 2 5
Chapter 2: Speculations about 1,2,3 2 2 2 6
the future of Science
2.1 Speculations about the
future of Science
2.2 Grammar: Future Tense 1,,3, 1 2 2 5
2.3 Speaking 1,2,3 2 2 2 6

2.4 Writing 1,2,3 1 2 2 5

Chapter 3: Environmental 1,2,3 1 2 2 5
3.1 Reading: Environmental
Challenges: A river run
through it
3.2 Grammar: Modal verbs 1,3,4 2 2 2 6
3.3 Speaking 1,3,4 2 2 2 6
3.4 Writing 1,2,3 1 2 2 5

Chapter 4: Indigenous 1,2,3 1 2 2 5

4.1 Reading: A local Pathway
to Global Development
4.2 Grammar: Reported 1,2,3 2 2 2 6
4.3 Speaking 1,2,3 1 2 2 5

4.4 Writing 1,3,4 2 2 2 6

Chapter 5: Cultural Heritage 1,2,3 1 2 2 5

5.1 I Reading: Cultural 1,2,3

Heritage What is it? Why is it
5.2 Grammar: Relative 1,2,3 1 2 2 5
5.3 Speaking 1,2,3 1 2 2 5

5.4 Writing 1,3,4 2 3 2 7

Total 28 42 40 110
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT


1 Debate 10 % 0.5 0.5 1

2 Speech Delivery 10 % 0.5 0.5 1

3 Group Assignment 10 % 0.5 0.5 1

4 Reading and 10 % 0.5 0.5 1

5 Paragraph writing 10 % 0.5 0.5 1

Total 5
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 % 3 2 5
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.
12 Special 1 Extra writing books
requirements and 2 Extra Reading materials
resources to deliver 3 Supplementary grammar exercises
the course (e.g. 4 Open speaking sessions
software, computer 5 Choose an item.
lab, simulation
room …etc.)
1 Azar, B. S. (2003). Fundamentals of English grammar. Longman.
2 Eggenschwiler, J.,& Biggs, E.D. (2001). Writing:Grammar, Usage,
13 Text book and and Style. New York.Hungry Minds. Inc
reference: 3 Lucy, J. A., & Lucy, L. A. (Eds.). (1993). Reflexive Language:
(note: ensure the Reported Speech andMeta pragmatics. Cambridge University Press.
latest edition 4 Murphy, R. (2012). English Grammar in Use. Ernst Klett Sprachen.
/publication) 5 Naylor, H., & Murphy, R. (2007). Essential Grammar in Use.
Supplementary Exrcises. With Answers. Ernst Klett Sprachen

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Social Science
2 Course Category Common Course
Course Name Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn

Course Code: GeES 1002

3 Synopsis: This course covers a brief description on the location, shape and size of Ethiopia as well as
basic skills of reading map, the physical background and natural resource endowment of
Ethiopia and the Horn which includes its geology and mineral resources, topography,
climate, drainage and water resources, soil, fauna and flora. It also deals with the
demographic characteristics of the country and its implications on economic development.

4 Name(s) of Dagmawie Tesfaye (PhD)

Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 1
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- None
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Demonstrate basic knowledge on the geographic attributes of Ethiopia and Horn.
CLO2 Acquire general understanding of physical geographic processes, and
human-environment relationships.
CLO3 Develop ethical aptitudes and dispositions necessary to live in harmony with the natural
CLO4 Develop an understanding of national population distributional patterns and dynamics
CLO5. Describe the comparative advantages of economic regimes; and understand the impacts of
1 CLO 6 Identify their country’s overall geographic conditions and opportunities;
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)













CLO1 √ √
CLO2 √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √
CLO5…. √ √ √ √
CLO 6 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Develop a map reading skill

2 Locate a place on a map using longitude and latitude

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction 1 3 2 5 10
1.1. Geography: Definition,
scope, themes and approaches

1.2 . Location, Shape and Size of

Ethiopia and the Horn
1.2.1. Location and its effects
1.2.2. The shape of Ethiopia and
its implication
1.2.3. The size of Ethiopia and
its implications
1.3. Basic Skills of Map Reading
Chapter 2: The geology of 2 3 3 6 12
Ethiopia and the horn
2.2 The Geologic Processes:
Endogenic and Exogenic Forces
2.3. The Geological Time scale and
Age Dating Techniques

2.4. Geological Processes and the

Resulting Landforms
2.4.1. The Precambrian Era
geologic processes and resultant
2.4.2. The Paleozoic Era geologic
processes and resultant features
2.4.3. The Mesozoic Era geologic
processes and resultant features
2.4.4. The Cenozoic Era geologic
processes and resultant features

2.5. Rock and Mineral Resources

of Ethiopia
Chapter 3: The Topography of 3 2 3 5 10
Ethiopia and the Horn
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Physiographic Divisions

3.2.1 The Western Highlands

and Lowlands .

3.2.2 The Southeastern

Highlands and Lowlands

3.2.3 The Rift Valley
3..3. The Impacts of Relief on
Biophysical and Socioeconomic
Chapter 4: Drainage systems 3 3 3 6 12
and water resources of Ethiopia
and the horn
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Major Drainage Systems of
4.3. Water Resources: Rivers,
Lakes, and Subsurface Water
4.4. General Characteristics of
Ethiopian Rivers
4.5. Water Resources Potentials
and Development in Ethiopia
Chapter 5: The climate of 5 4 3 7 14
Ethiopia and the horn
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Elements and Controls of
Weather and Climate
5.3. Spatiotemporal Patterns and
Distribution of Temperature and
Rainfall in Ethiopia
5.4. Agro-ecological Zones of
5.5. Climate and its Implications
on Biophysical and
Socioeconomic Aspects
5.6. Climate Change/Global
Warming: Causes, Consequences
and Response Mechanisms
Chapter 6. : Soils, natural 6 3 3 6 12
vegetation and wildlife
resources of Ethiopia and the
6.1. Introduction

6.2. Ethiopian Soils: Types,

Degradation and Conservation
6.3. Types and Distribution of
Natural Vegetation in Ethiopia
6.4. Natural vegetation: Uses,
Degradation and Conservation
Chapter 7. Population of Ethiopia 4 5 5 10 20
and the horn
7.1 Introduction

7.2. Population Data: Uses and

7.3. Population Dynamics:
Fertility, Mortality and Migration
7.4. Population Distribution and
7.5. Sociocultural Aspects of
Ethiopian Population: Education,
Health and Language

Chapter 8. Economic activities 6 4 4 8 16
in Ethiopia
8.1. Introduction

8.2. Mining, Fishing and Forestry

8.3. Agriculture in Ethiopian

8.3. 1.. Contributions, potentials

and characteristics of agriculture
in Ethiopia
8..32. Agricultural systems in
8.3.3. Major problems of
Ethiopian agriculture
8.4. Manufacturing in Ethiopia

8.4.1. Manufacturing: essence

and contributions
8.4.2. Types, characteristics and
distribution of manufacturing
8.4.3. Industrial development in
Ethiopia: Challenges and
8.5. The Service Sector in Ethiopia

8.5.1. Transportation and

communication in Ethiopia: types,
roles and characteristics
8.5.2. Trade in Ethiopia: types,
contributions and characteristics
8.5.3. Tourism in Ethiopia:
Types, major tourist attraction
sites, challenges and prospects
Total 27 26 53 106
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15% 1 1
2 Assignments 10% 1 1 2
3 Tests 10% 1 1 2
4 Assignments 10 % 1 1 2
5 Quiz 5% 1 1
Total 14
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 % 2 4 6
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Choose an item.

and resources to 2 Choose an item.
deliver the course
3 Choose an item.
(e.g. software,
4 Choose an item.
computer lab,
5 Choose an item.
simulation room
13 Text book Ministry of Science and Higher Education Moral and Civic Education Module.

1 Morgan R.P.C (2005). Soil Erosion and Conservation. National Soil Resources
Institute, Cornfield University. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK
2 Assefa M., Melese W., Shimelis G. (2014). Nile River Basin; Eco hydrological
Reference Challenges, Climate Change and Hydro politics. Springer International Publishing,
3 Robert, E.G, James, F.P & L. MichaelT. (2007). Essentials of Physical Geography.
Thomson Higher Education, Belmont, 8th edition...
4 Addis Ababa University (2001). Introductory Geography of Ethiopia, Teaching Text,
Department of Geography.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Mathematics
2 Course Category Common
Course Name Mathematics for Natural Science
Course Code: Math1007
3 Synopsis: This course covers the basic concepts of logic and set theory, the real and complex number
systems, Mathematical induction, least upper bound and greatest lower bound, functions and
types of functions, polynomial and rational functions, logarithmic and exponential functions,
trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions and their graphs and analytic geometry.
4 Name(s) of
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 1
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- None
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Analyze basic concepts of logic and set theory.

CLO2 Describe the fundamental properties of real and complex numbers system.
CLO3 Identify basic properties of functions.
CLO4 Analyze basic concepts of analytic geometry.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)












CLO1 √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO3 √ √ √ √ √

CLO4 √ √ √ √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 knowledge of understanding and analyzing mathematical equations.
2 Skill of understanding and analyzing mathematical equations.
3 Knowledge of understanding and analyzing mathematical word problems.
4 Skill of understanding and solving mathematical problems.
5 Knowledge for understanding mathematical context for the next courses.

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: Proportional Logic and
Set Theory
1.1 Definition and examples of
1.2 Logical proportions
1.3 Compound (or complex) proportions
1.4 Tautology and contradiction
1.5 Open proportion and quantifiers CL01 5 7 0 0 2 10 24

1.6 Set Theory

1.7 The concept of a set
1.8 Description of sets
1.9 Set operations and Venn diagrams

Chapter 2: The real and complex CLO2 5 7 0 0 2 10 24

number systems
2.1 The real number system
2.2 he natural numbers, principle of
Mathematical induction and the well
ordering Principle
2.3 The integers, rational numbers and
real numbers
2.4 Upper bound and lower bound: least
upper bound and greatest lower bound;
completeness property of real numbers
2.5 Complex number system
2.6 Definition of complex numbers and
their operations
2.7 Polar representation of complex
numbers and the De-Moivere’s formula
2.8 Extraction of roots
Chapter 3: Functions
3.1 Review of relations and functions
3.2 Real-valued functions and their
3.3 Types of functions and inverse of a
function CLO3 4 7 0 0 2 13 26
3.4 Polynomials, zeros of polynomials,

rational functions, and their graphs
3.5 Definitions and basic properties of
logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric
and hyperbolic functions, and their
Chapter 4: Analytic Geometry
4.1 The straight-line: Division of
segments and various forms of equation
of a line
4.2 Circles
4.3 Definition of circles and examples
4.4 Equation of circle center at the origin
and different from the origin
4.5 Intersection of a circle and a line
4.6 Parabola
4.7 Definition of parabola and standard
form of equation of parabola CLO4 7 10 0 0 2 15 34
4.8 Equation of parabola parallel to the x-
axis(the y-axis)
4.9 Ellipse
4.10 Definition of ellipse and examples
4.11 Equation of ellipse center at the
origin and different from the origin
4.12 Hyperbola
4.13 Definition of hyperbola and
4.14 Equation of hyperbola of center at
the origin transverse axis to x-axis (the y-

Total 21 31 0 0 8 48 108

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 25% 1 1 2
2 Assignments 20% 2 1 3
3 Quize 5% 0.5 1 1.5
Total 6.5
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 3 2.5 5.5
Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements
and resources to
deliver the course (e.g.
software, computer
lab, simulation room
13 Text book and 1 Text book:
reference:  Alemayehu haile and yismaw alemu, mathematics an introductory
(note: ensure the course,AAU, Department of Mathematics
 Ministry of Science and Higher Education: Mathematics for Natural Science
latest edition
Module 2020.
1 AberaAbay, An introduction to Analytic Geometry, AAU, 1998
2 set theory and logic, supplementary materials, Math 103:
3 Fundamental concept in Mathematics, Yismaw Alemu
4 Contemporary Mathematics with Applications, A. Calini, E. Jurisich, S. Shields, 2008:

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Social Science
2 Course Category Common
Course Name Physical Fitness
Course Code: SpSc1013
3 Synopsis: This course covers:- Concepts of physical fitness, the health benefits of physical activity,
making well-informed food choices, health related components of fitness and principles of
exercise prescription and assessment of fitness components
4 Name(s) of Mesfin Mengesh, Beshir Edo and Ali Wale
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 1
6 Credit Hour: 2
7 Prerequisite/ Co-
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 State the basic Concepts of physical fitness conditioning exercise

CLO2 Identify the Health Benefits of Physical Activity
CLO3 Recognize Making Well-Informed Food Choices
CLO4 Demonstrate Health related components of fitness and principles of exercise prescription
CLO5…etc. Demonstrate Assessments of fitness components
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)










Methods Practice


L T P O Exam


CLO1 � � � � �
CLO2 � � �
CLO3 � � �
CLO4 � � � � �
CLO5…etc. � � � �
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Develop healthy and fitness long life skills

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total

CLO Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independen (SLT)
Course Content Outline Learning t Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Unit 1: Concepts of physical fitness

1.1. Meanings and definitions of terms
1.1.1. Physical fitness
1.1.2. Physical Activity
1.1.3. Physical exercise
1.1.4. Sport 1 2 6 11
1.2. General principles of fitness training 3
1.2.1 Principle of Overload
1.2.2 FIIT Principle
1.2.3 Principle of Rest, Recovery and Periodization
1.2.4 Principle of Reversibility
1.2.5 Principle of Individual Deference
Unit 2: The Health Benefits of Physical Activity
2.1. Physical Activity and Hypokinetic Diseases/Conditions
2.2. Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Diseases
2.2.1 Coronary Heart Disease
4 6
2.2.2 Hypertension 2 4 14
2.2.3 Hyper-cholesterolemia and Dyslipidemia
2.2.4 Diabetes Mellitus
2.2.5 Obesity and Overweight
2.2.6 Metabolic Syndrome

2.2.7 Aging
2.3. Physical activity and postural deformity
2.3.1 Musculoskeletal disease and disorders
Unit 3: Making Well-Informed Food Choices
3.1. Sound Eating Practices
3.1.1 Macronutrients
3.1.2 Micronutrient
3.1.3 Calories (Food Energy)
3.2. Nutrition and Physical Performance 4 8
3 4
3.2.1 Nutrition Before Exercise
3.2.2 Nutrition During Exercise
3.2.3 Nutrition After Exercise
3.2.4 How to Plan Your Training Diet
Unit 4: Health related components of fitness and principles of
exercise prescription
4.1. Health Related Components of Fitness
4.1.1 Cardiorespiratory Fitness
4.1.2 Muscle Fitness
4.1.3 Flexibility
4.1.4. Body Composition
4.2. Principles of exercise prescription for health and fitness
4.2.1 Fitness Goals
4.2.2 Mode of Exercise 4 4 15 1 6 26
4.2.3 Warm Up
4.2.4 Primary Conditioning Period: The Workout Plan
4.2.5 Cool – Down

4.3. Individualizing workout
4.4. Means and methods of developing cardiorespiratory fitness
4.4.1 Exercise prescription for Cardiorespiratory Fitness
4.4.2 Starting and Maintaining a Cardiorespiratory Fitness
4.4.3 Training Techniques
4.5. Means and methods of developing muscle fitness
4.5.1 Guiding Principles for Designing a Strength and
Endurance Program
4.5.2 Types of Weight Training Programs
4.5.3 Exercise Prescription for Weight Training: an overview
4.5.4 Developing an Individualized Exercise Prescription
4.6. Means and methods of developing flexibility
4.6.1 Exercise Prescription for Improving Flexibility
4.6.2 How to Avoid Hazardous Exercise
Unit 5: Assessment of fitness components
5.1. Evaluating Health Status
5.2. Assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness
5.2.1 The 1.5 Mile Run Test
5.2.2 The 1 Mile Walk Test
5.2.3 The Cycle Ergometer Fitness Test
5.2.4 The Step Test
5.3. Assessment of Muscle Fitness 9
1 2
5 6
5.3.1. Assessing muscular strength
5.3.2. Assessing muscular endurance

5.4. Assessment of flexibility
5.4.1 Trunk Flexibility
5.4.2 Shoulder Flexibility
5.5. Assessment of body composition
5.5.1 The Skin Fold Test
5.5.2 Estimation of Body Composition: Other Field Techniques
Total 14 33 2 19 68

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Assignments 10 - -
2 Others 10 1 1 2
3 Others 10 1 1 2
4 Others 10 1 1 2
5 Others 10 1 1 2
Total 8
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 2 2 4
Grand Total SLT 80
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Choose an item.

and resources to 2 Choose an item.
deliver the course (e.g. 3 Choose an item.
software, computer 4 Choose an item.
lab, simulation room 5 Choose an item.
13 Text book 1 Zerihun B., Haileyesus G., (2019). Physical Fitness Module; Ministry of Science
and Higher Education
Reference 2 Schott k. Powers, Stepheen L. Dod and Virginia J. (2006), Total Fitness and
3 Paul M, and Walton T. (2006), Core Concepts in Health, 10th edit.
4 Charles B. Corbin and Ruth Lindsey (1990), Fitness for life, 3rd Edition, Scott.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Physics
2 Course Category Common Module
Course Name General Physics
Course Code: Phys1001
3 Synopsis: This algebra based introductory course is designed to enable students to learn the basic concepts,
principles and applications of elementary physics. The topics include vectors, Kinematics & Dynamics
of Particles, Fluids Mechanics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Oscillations, waves and optics,
Electromagnetism & Electronics, Cross Cutting Applications of Physics.
4 Name(s) of Academic
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: 1
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- None
requisite: (if any)

8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:
Measure physical quantities in the laboratory with appropriate attention to minimizing possible sources
CLO1 of random and systematic errors.
CLO2 Analyze the kinematics and dynamics of particles using the basic physics laws such as Newton’s laws of
motion and gravitation, and the laws of conservations of energy and linear momentum
CLO3 Solve problems of fluid mechanics by applying continuity equation, Bernolli’s equation, and
thermodynamics problems by applying the first law of thermodynamics and concepts of heat capacity.
CLO4 Use the laws of electromagnetism, such as Coulomb's law, Faraday's Law, and Kirchhoff's rules, to solve
CLO5 Identify the cross cutting applications of physics knowledge in different streams.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)













CLO1    
CLO2        
CLO3     
CLO4      
CLO5   
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Develop analytical skills through Lab.
2 Develop Communication skills
3 Develop Problem Solving Skills
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
Course Content Outline Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independen
Learning t Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Preliminaries
1.1 Physical Quantities and Units of
1.2 Uncertainty in Measurement and 1 2 3 3 8
Significant Digits
1.3 Vectors: composition and resolution
1.4 Unit Vectors
Chapter 2: Kinematics & Dynamics of
2.1 Displacement, Velocity and
Acceleration in 1D and 2D
2.2 Motion with Constant Acceleration
2.3 Free Fall Motion
2.4 Projectile motion 1,2,3 6 9 1 9 25
2.5 Particle Dynamics and Planetary
2.5.1 The Concept of Force as a
Measure of Interaction
2.5.2 Types of forces
2.5.3 Newton’s Laws of Motion and
2.5.4 Circular Motion
2.5.5 Newton’s Law of Universal
Gravitation and Examples
2.5.6 Kepler’s laws, satellites motion
and weightlessness
2.6 Work, Energy and Linear Momentum
2.6.1 Work and Energy
2.6.2 Linear Momentum
2.6.3 Conservation of Energy and
Linear Momentum / Collisions
2.6.4 Power
2.6.5 The Concept of Center of Mass
Chapter 3: Fluids Mechanics
3.1 Properties of Bulk Matter
3.2 Density and Pressure in Static Fluids
3.3 Buoyant Forces, Archimedes’ 3,4 3 4.5 3.5 11
3.4 Moving Fluids & Bernoulli’s
Chapter 4: Heat & Thermodynamics
4.1 The Concept of Temperature: Zeroth
Law of Thermodynamics
4.2 The Concept Heat and Work 1 13
4.3 4.3 Specific Heat and Latent Heat 3,4 3 4.5
4.4 Heat Transfer Mechanism
4.5 Thermal Expansion
4.6 First Law of Thermodynamics
Chapter 5: Oscillations, Waves and
5.1 Simple Harmonic Motion
5.2 The Simple Pendulum 3,4 4 6 1 15
5.3 Wave and Its Characteristics
5.4 Resonance
5.5 Doppler Effect
5.6 Image formation by thin lens
Chapter 6: Electromagnetism &

6.1 Coulomb’s Law and Electric Fields
6.2 Electric Potential
6.3 Current, Resistance and Ohm’s Law
6.4 Electrical Power
1 6 17
6.5 Equivalent Resistance & Kirchhoff’s 3, 5 4 6
6.6 Magnetic Field and Magnetic Flux
6.7 Electromagnetic Induction
6.8 Insulators, Conductors,
6.9 Diodes / Characteristics Curve
6.10 Transistors
Chapter 7: Cross Cutting Applications
of Physics
7.1 Application in Agriculture
7.1.1 Energy balance concept, energy
balance in soils, moisture content,
soil densities, soil moisture
7.2 Physics and Industries
7.2.1 Principle of Motor and generator
7.3 Physics in Health Sciences and 6 2 3 8
Medical Imaging
7.3.1 Radiation and its biological
effect,x-ray, MRI, Ultrasound
7.4 Physics and Archeology
7.4.1 Radioactive Dating
7.5Application in Earth and Space
7.5.1 Geothermal Energy,
Seismometer, Radio and TV
7.6 Application in Power Generation
7.6.1 Solar and Wind
Total 24 36 4 33 97
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 25% 2 2 4
2 Assignments 5% 1 2 3
3 Lab-report 15% 1 6 7
4 Quize 5% 1 1
Total 15
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 2 6 8
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special 1 Choose an item.

requirements and 2 Choose an item.
resources to deliver 3 Choose an item.
the course (e.g. 4 Choose an item.
software, computer 5 Choose an item.
lab, simulation room


13 Text book and 1 General Physics Module

reference: 2 Serway, R. A. and Vuille, C., 2018, College Physics, 11th ed., Cengage Learning, Boston, USA
(note: ensure the 3 Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics by Douglas C. Giancoli
latest edition 4 Herman Cember and Thomas A. Johnson, Introduction to Health Physics, 4th ed., (2008).
/publication) 5 William R. Hendee and E. Russell Ritenour, Medical Imaging Physics, 4th ed., (2002).

Course Name: Introduction to emerging technologies

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Electrical and mechanical engineering Department: Computer engineering
2 Module Category Computer engineering Module Code:
Course Name Emerging Technology for Engineers
Course Code: EmTe1108
3 Synopsis: This course will enable students to explore current breakthrough technologies in the
areas of Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Augmented Reality that have
emerged over the past few years. Besides helping learners become literate in emerging
technologies, the course will prepare them to use technology in their respective
professional preparations.

4 Name(s) of Mr. Yonas Tesfaye

Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 1
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- None
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Identify, explain, and differentiate all industrial revolutions

CLO2 Explain, identify and differentiate data science, artificial intelligence, internet of things and
augmented reality
CLO3 Apply the big data, artificial intelligence, and internet of things concepts in different sectors
CLO4 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of emerging technologies such as big data, artificial
intelligence, internet of things and augmented reality
CLO5 Explain and use ethics and professionalism in emerging technologies
CLO6 Explain and differentiate other emerging technologies such as nanotechnology, biotechnology,
quantum computing, computer vision, cybersecurity, and 3D printing
9 Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes to the Program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods, and
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)













CLO1 √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √

CLO3 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO6 √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Introduction to CLO1 0.5 0.5

Emerging Technologies
1.1 Evolution ofTechnologies

1.2 Role of Data for CLO1 0.5 1 1.5

Emerging Technologies
1.3 Enabling devices and CLO1 0.5 0.5

network (Programmable
1.4 Human to Machine CLO1 1 1 2

1.5 Future Trends in CLO1 0.5 0.5

Emerging Technologies
Chapter 2: Data Science CLO2 0.5 1 1.5

2.1 An Overview of Data CLO3

2.2 Data types and their CLO2 0.5 1 1.5

representation CLO3

2.3 Data value Chain CLO2 1 1 2


2.4 Basic concepts of big CLO2 1 2 3

data CLO3
Chapter 3: Artificial CLO2 1 1 1 3

Intelligence (AI) CLO3

3.1 What is Artificial
Intelligence (AI)
3.2 History of AI CLO2 0.5 0.5
3.3 Levels of AI CLO2 0.5 1 1 2.5
3.4 Types of AI CLO2 1 2 1 1 1 6
3.5 Influencers of artificial CLO2 0.5 1 1 2.5

intelligence CLO3
3.6 Applications of AI CLO2 1 2 1 4
3.7 AI tools and platforms CLO2 1 2 1 1 5
3.8 Some examples of AI CLO2 1 2 1 1 5

application CLO3
Chapter 4: Internet of Things CLO2 1 1 1 3

(IoT) CLO3
4.1 Overview of IoT
4.2 How does it work? CLO2 1 2 1 1 1 6
4.3 IoT Tools and Platforms CLO2 1 2 1 1 5

Chapter 5: Augmented Reality CLO2 1 1 2

5.1 Overview of augmented

5.2 Virtual reality (VR), CLO2 1 2 1 1 1 6

Augmented Reality (AR) vs CLO3

Mixed reality (MR)
5.3 The architecture of AR CLO2 1 2 1 1 5

Systems CLO3

5.4 Applications of AR CLO2 1 1 1 1 4

Systems CLO3

Chapter 6: ETHICS AND CLO5 0.5 0.5

6.1 Technology and ethics
6.2 New ethical questions CLO5 0.5 0.5

related emerging technology

6.3 Digital privacy CLO5 1 2 3

6.4 Accountability and trust CLO5 0.5 1 1.5

6.5 Treats and challenges CLO5 0.5 1 1.5

Chapter 7: Other emerging CLO6 1 1 1 1 4

7.1 Nanotechnology

7.2 Biotechnology CLO6 0.5 1 1.5

7.3 Blockchain technology CLO6 1 2 3

7.4 Cloud and quantum CLO6 0.5 1 1 1 3.5

7.5 Autonomic computing CLO6 0.5 1 1.5

7.6 Computer vision CLO6 0.5 1 1 1 3.5

7.7 Embedded systems CLO6 0.5 1 1.5

7.8 Cybersecurity CLO6 1 1 2

7.9 Additive manufacturing CLO6 0.5 1 1 1 3.5

(3D Printing)
Total 28 42 12 12 9 103
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Lab/Demonstration 15 1 2 3
2 Test/quiz 15 1 2 3
3 Assignement/Presentat 20 2 3 5
4 Choose an item.
5 Choose an item.
Total 11
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 2 4 6
Grand Total SLT
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Different software simulation tools

and resources to 2 Comuter lab
deliver the course 3 Choose an item.
(e.g. software, 4 Choose an item.
computer lab, 5 Choose an item.
simulation room
13 Text book and 1 Follett, J. (2014). Designing for Emerging Technologies: UX for Genom
reference: ics, Robotics, and the Internet of Things: O'Reilly Media.
(note: ensure the
2 Vong, J., & Song, I. (2014). Emerging Technologies for Emerging Mark
latest edition
ets: Springer Singapore.
3 Del Rosal, V. (2015). Disruption: Emerging Technologies and the Future
of Work. Emtechub.
4 Sadiku, M. N. O. (2019). Emerging Internet-Based Technologies: CRC P

5 Mohamed Anis Bach Tobji, Rim Jallouli, Yamen Koubaa, Anton Nijholt
Digital Economy. Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation, 201

Course Plan of Entrepreneurship for Engineering

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

College: Natural and Social Science Department: Business and Management
Course Category Core
Course Name Entrepreneurship for Engineers
Course Code: Ent1106
Synopsis: This course is designed to encourage students to start their own business and to acquaint them with
the peculiar challenges and management decisions faced by owners of small business. It will develop
such entrepreneurial skills as: identifying business opportunities; initiating, financing, and developing
new venture business plans. It also addresses issues of small business, such as: legal aspects,
financing, costing, locating, personnel, marketing, competition, sources of funding, and constituency
Name(s) of Academic
Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 1
Credit Hour: 2
Prerequisite/ Co- None
requisite: (if any)
Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CLO1 Provide entrepreneurial service for the society

CLO2 Embark on their own business
CLO3 Address issues of the small business
CLO4 Be enterprising, innovative and practical entrepreneur
CLO5 Write, communicate and win technology based business proposals
CLO6 Act professionally and ethically to establish and operate value adding and problem solving enterprises
Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)













CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √
CLO6 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Skill of to be enterprising, innovative and practical entrepreneur.

2 Skill of write, communicate and win technology based business proposals.

3 Skill of Establish technology startups

Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) (hrs) Learning Learning (hrs)
(NF2F) (NF2F)
(hrs) (hrs)

Chapter 1: The Nature Of Entrepreneurship

2.19 Historical Origin of
2.20 Definition of Entrepreneurship 1 4 3 3 3 13
and Entrepreneurs
2.21 Type of Entrepreneurs
2.22 Role of Entrepreneurs in
Economic Development
Chapter 2: Business Planning
2.1 Opportunity Identification and Evaluation
2.2 Business Idea Development and Identification 1,2 6 4 4 4 18
2.3 Business Idea Screening
2.4 Developing Technology based Business Plan
Chapter 3: Business Formation
 The Concept of Small Business 3,4 6 4 4 4 18
 Establishing SMEs
3.3 Operating SMEs
Chapter 4: Product and Service Development
 The Concept of Product/ Service Technology
 Product/Service Development Process 3,4 6 3 3 2 14
 Legal and Regulatory Framework for Entrepreneurs
4.4 Intellectual Property rights Protection

Chapter 5: Marketing Strategy 4,5 3 3 2 4 12

M.4 The Marketing Concept
M.5 Segmentation, Targeting and
5.3 The Marketing Mix Strategy for technology startups

Chapter 6: Business Financing 5 4 4 3 3 14
 Financing Technology Startups
 Traditional SME Financing
6.2 Micro financing
6.3 Crowd funding
Chapter 7: Managing Technology Startups 2,6 4 4 2 3 13

 Managing Technology Startups

 Planning, organizing, leading and
controlling Startups
 Timmons Model of Entrepreneurship
 New Venture Expansion Strategies
7.3 Business Ethics and Social Strategy
Total 33 25 21 23 102
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F(hrs) NF2F (hrs) SLT(hrs)
1 Tests 25 1.5 1.5 3

2 Assignments 20 2 4 6
3 Quiz 5 0.5 1.5 2

Total 11
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 2 5 7
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face

Text book and reference: Text Book

2 Hisrich, R.D., Peters, M.P., Shepherd, D.A. (2011), Entrepreneurship,
McGraw Hill International.
 International Labor Organization (2015) Generate Your
Business Idea.
 Kotler & Keller ( 2012) Marketing Management, 14th edition,
Prentice Hall
 Antoncic, J.A. and Antoncic, B., 2011. Employee satisfaction, entrepreneurship and
firm growth: a model. Industrial Management & Data Systems: Bingley.
 Autio, E., George, G. and Alexy, O., 2011. International Entrepreneurship and
Capability Development: Qualitative Evidence and Future Research Directions.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice: Waco / Oxford.
 Ghillyer, A.W., 2011. Management: A real world approach. 2nd ed. Mc Graw-Hill:
 Morris, M.H., Kuratko, D.F., Schindehutte, M. and Spivack, A.J., 2012. Framing the
entre-preneurial experience. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice: Waco /
 Wulfen, G.v., 2011. Creating innovative products and services: The fourth
innovation method. Gower Publishing Limited: Farnham.
 Cholle, F.P., 2012. The intuitive compass: Why the best decisions balance reason
and instinct. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.

1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Social Science
2 Course Category Common Course
Course Name Social Anthropology
Course Code: Anth1002
3 Synopsis: This course as a freshman course gives an understanding of different key areas of
anthropological inquiry: family, means of production, political organizations, social
organization, language, religion, and gender
4 Name(s) of Teshome Abera (PhD)
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 1
6 Credit Hour: 2
7 Prerequisite/ Co- None
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Develop a critical perspective in order to acquire a detailed and Dynamic understanding of
culture society and Characteristic feature of culture
CLO2 Understand the cultural and biological diversity of humanity and unity in diversity across the
world and in Ethiopia;
CLO3 Analyze and discuss different forms of marginalization in society and the problem of ethno
CLO4 Identify customary systems of governance and conflict resolution institutions of the various
peoples of Ethiopia;
CLO5 Describe the significance of Indigenous knowledge
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)

Outcomes (CLO)














CLO1 √ √ √ √

CLO2 √ √ √

CLO3 √ √ √ √

CLO4 √ √ √ √

CLO5 √ √ √ √ √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1  Develop written communication skill

2  Develop Analytical and critical thinking skills.

3  Acquire problem solving skills.

4  Develop the ability to construct an argument skill
5  Internilize clear, logical and independent thinking skill.
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Unit1. introducing CLO1

Anthropology and its Subject
1.1.Definition, Scope and Subject
Matter of Anthropology
1.2.Sub-fields of anthropology 3 1 3 7
1.3. Unique (Basic) Features of
1.4.Misconceptions about
1.5.The Relationship between
Anthropology and Other Disciplines
1.6.The Contributions of
1.7. Unit Summary
Unit 2: Human Culture CLO1
and Ties that Connect
4 4 8
2.1 Conceptualizing Culture: What
Culture is and What Culture isn't

2.2 Characteristic Features of

2.3 Aspects/Elements of Culture
2.4. Cultural Unity and Variations:

Universality, Generality and
Particularity of Culture
2.5. Evaluating Cultural
Differences: Ethnocentrism,
Cultural Relativism and Human
2.6. Culture Change
2.7. Ties That Connect: Marriage,
Family and Kinship
2.8. Unit Summary
Unit 3: Human Diversity, CLO2
Culture Areas and Contact in
Ethiopia 3 1 3 7
3.1 Human Beings & Being
Human: What it is to be human?
3.2 Origin of the Modern Human
Species: Homo sapiens sapiens
3.3 The Kinds of Humanity:
human physical variation
3.4 Human Races: the history of
racial typing
3.5 he Grand Illusion: Race, turns
out, is arbitrary
3.6 Why is Everyone Different?
Human Cultural
3.7 Culture area and cultural
contact in Ethiopia
Unit4.Marginalized,Minorit CLO3

ies, and Vulnerable Groups

3 3 6
4.1 Definition of concepts

4.2 Gender-based marginalization

Female genital cutting
4.3 Marginalized occupational
4.4 Age-based vulnerability
4.5 Religious and ethnic

4.6 Human right approaches and
inclusiveness: Anthropological
4.7. Unit Summary

Unit 5: Identity, Inter-

Ethnic Relations and
CLO3 3 1 3 7
Multiculturalism in
5.1 Identity, Ethnicity and Race:
Identification and Social

5.2 Conceptualizing Ethnicity –

What’s it?
5.3 Ethnic Groups and Ethnic
5.4 Race –The Social Construction
of Racial Identity
5.5 Theories of Ethnicity:
Primordialism, Instrumentalism
and Social Constructivism

5.6 Instrumentalist (Situational)

Theory of Ethnicity
5.7 Unit Summary
Chapter 6: Customary and Local CLO4,
Governance Systems and Peace
Making 3 3 6
6.1. Indigenous and local

6.2. Intra and inter-ethnic conflict

resolution institutions
6.3.Inter-ethnic conflict resolution
6.4. Women’s role in conflict
resolution and peace-making
6.5.Legal pluralism: interrelations
between customary, religious and

state legal systems
6.6. Unit Summary
Unite 7 Indigenous Knowledge CLO
Systems (IKS) and Practices 5 4 1 3 8
7.1. Definition of concepts
7.2. Significance of indigenous
7.3. Indigenous knowledge and
7.4. Preservation, Challenges and
Limitations of IK
7.5. The Erosion of Indigenous
Knowledge Systems(IKS)
7.6. Unit summary
Total 23 4 23 49
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15 1 1
2 Assignments 10 12 12
3 Tests 10 1 1
4 Quize 5 1 1
5 Assignments 10 12 12
Total 27
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 100% 2 2 4
Grand Total 80
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Choose an item.

and resources to 2 Choose an item.
deliver the course 3 Choose an item.
(e.g. software, 4 Choose an item.
computer lab, 5 Choose an item.
simulation room
13 Text book Ministry of Science and Higher Education Social Anthropology Module.

1 Kottak, Conrad Phillip, 2011 Anthropology, Appreciating Human Diversity. Random
House, New York.
Reference 2 Salzman, P.C. & Rice P. C. 2004 Thinking Anthropologically: a practical guide for
students.Pearson/Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
3 Podolefsky & Brown 1996 Applying Anthropology Mayfield Pub. Co. Mountain View

4 Dip Kapoor And Edward Shizha(2010). Indigenous Knowledge And Learning In

Asia/Pacific And Africa Perspectives On Development, Education, And Culture.
Palgrave Macmillan.USA

Course Plan of Applied Mathematics IB

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Mathematics
2 Course Category Common Module Module Code:0
Course Name Applied Mathematics IB
Course Code: Math1002
3 Synopsis: This course covers basic elements of vectors, vector spaces, matrices, determinants, solving
systems of linear equations, concepts and applications of differential and integral calculus of
one variable.
4 Name(s) of
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 1
6 Credit Hour: 4
7 Prerequisite/ Co- None
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CLO1 Analyze the basic ideas of vector algebra and vector spaces
CLO2 Analyze Matrix Theory
CLO3 Describe the concepts of limit and continuity
CLO4 Apply derivatives and its application.
CLO5 Analyze definite, indefinite integrals and improper integral
CLO6 Apply integration to solve real world problems
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)













CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √
CLO6 √ √ √ √

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Skill of formulating, and solving broadly defined technical or scientific problems by applying
knowledge of mathematics and science related to the content students are covering.
2 Skill of Applying thecourse knowledge tosolve complex engineering problems.

3 Skill of analyzing and interpreting mathematical data and use scientific judgment to draw conclusions

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline learning (F2F) Learning Learning
(hrs) (NF2F) (NF2F) (hrs)
(hrs) (hrs)

Chapter 1:Vectors and vector spaces

1.1 Scalars and Vectors; located & position vectors
in R2 and R3
1.2 Addition and scalar multiplication
1.3 Dot(Scalar) product, Magnitude of a vector ,
Angle between two vectors, Orthogonal
1 9 9 4 6 28
projection,Direction angles & Direction cosines
1.4 Cross (Vector) product ; Triple products with
1.5 Lines and planes in R3
1.6 Vector space; Subspaces
1.7 Linear Dependence and independence
1.8 Basis of a vector space

Chapter 2:Matrices, Determinants & Systems of

Linear Equations
2.1Definition of matrix and basic operations
2.2Product of matrices and some algebraic
2.3 Elementary row operations and echelon forms
1,2 9 9 4 6 28
2.4 Rank of a matrix
2.5 Inverse of a matrix and its properties
2.6 Determinant of a matrix and its properties
2.7 System of linear equations; Cramer’s rule;
Gaussian’s method; characterization of solutions
2.8 Eigen values and Eigenvectors

Chapter 3:Limit and continuity
3.1Definition of limit
3.2Examples of limit of a function
(linear, quadratic, rational with linear denominator)
3.3Basic limit theorems 3
3 4 4 14
3.4 One sided limits
3.5 Infinite limits, limit at infinity and asymptotes
3.6 Continuity of a function; one sided continuity;
Intermediate value theorem
Chapter 4:Derivatives and application of derivatives
4.1Definition, examples & properties of derivatives;
basic rules; the chain rule
4.2Derivatives of inverse functions; Inverse
trigonometric functions;
Hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions 3,4 12 12 4 10 38
4.3Implicit differentiation; higher order derivatives
4.4 Application of derivatives: Extrema of a function;
Mean value theorem;
first and second derivative tests; Concavity
and inflection point ; Curve sketching
4.5 Indeterminate Forms (L’Hopital’s Rule)

Chapter 5:Integration
5.1 Anti-derivatives; indefinite integrals
5.2 Techniques of integration
5.2.1 Integration by substitution, by parts and by
partial fraction
5.2.2 Trigonometric integrals
3,4,5 9 9 5 5 28
5.2.3 Integration by trigonometric substitution
5.3 Definite integrals; Fundamental Theorem of
5.4 Improper integrals
5.5Application of integrals; Area ;
Volume of solid of revolution; Arc Length;
Surface Area

Total 42 42 21 31 136

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F(hrs) NF2F (hrs) SLT(hrs)

1 Tests 25 3 2 5
2 Assignments 20 4 4 8
3 Quiz 5 0.5 1.5 3
Total 16
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 3 5 8
Grand Total SLT 160
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Text book and 1 Text Book

reference: 1. Robert Ellis and Denny Gulick, Calculus with analytic geometry, 6th ed,
(note: ensure the Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, 5th ed, 1993.
latest edition 2. Demissu Gemeda: An introduction to Linear Algebra, 2000, Department of
/publication) Mathematics, AAU
3. Serge Lang: Linear Algebra, 1974, Springer science +Business media Inc.
2 Leithold, The calculus with analytic geometry, 3rd Edition, Herper &Row, publishers.
3 Howard Anton: Calculus with analytic geometry, 2000, Anton Text Books, Inc.
4 H. Anton and C. Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra,1994, john Wiley & sons, Inc.
James Stewart: Calculus, 2009, Thomson Brooks/ Cole

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Social Science
2 Course Category Common Course
Course Name Moral and Civic Education
Course Code: MCiE1012
3 Synopsis: This course generally covers basic understanding of civics and ethics, approaches of ethical
decision-making, moral judgment, state and government, Constitution, Democracy and
Human Rights. In so doing students will have basic knowledge of their duties and rights
besides the understanding of theories of state, morality and global issues.
4 Name(s) of Biruk Shewadeg, Sophia Kiflie, Solomon Gebre, Shumye Getu,Teshome Abera, Mengistu
Academic Staff: Gutema
5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 1
6 Credit Hour: 2
7 Prerequisite/ Co-
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Define the subject matter of Civics and Ethics.

CLO2 Cultivate certain moral values and civic virtues that enable them to be morally matured and
competent in their professional and citizenry lives
CLO3 Appreciate and recognizing, and tolerance towards diversity and difference by building the culture of
CLO4 Identify the theoretical discourses and practices of state, government and citizenship in the context
of Ethiopia.
CLO5 Analyze the essences of democracy, human rights, constitution and constitutionalism.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)













CLO1 √ √ √
CLO2 √ √
CLO3 √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Enable students to be good and responsible citizens.

2 Students will be active participant in the socio-economic and political aspects of their country.

3…etc. Self-reliant and ethical individuals are the direct result of teaching this course.

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1:Understanding Civics CLO 3 1 2 6

and Ethics 1&5
1.1 Defining Civics, Ethics,
Morality and amorality
1.2 The Origin and Development
of Civics and ethical education
1.3. The purpose of civics and
ethical education
1.4. Citizens’ Rights and
1.5. Competences of good citizen

Chapter 2: Approaches to Ethics CLO 6 2 12 20

2.1.Normative ethics 1,2,3

2.1.2. Deontological Ethics (Non-

2.1.3. Virtue Ethics and Civic

2.2. Non-Normative Ethics

2.2.1. Meta Ethics

2.3. Issues in Applied Ethics

2.3.1. Development Ethics

2.3.2. Environmental Ethics

2.3.3. Professional Ethics

Chapter 3: Ethical Decision CLO 2 2 5 9
Making and Moral Judgments 3,5
3.1. Ethical Principles and Values
of Moral Judgments

3.2 The principle of equal

consideration of interest
3.3. Conflicting goals and ethical
3.4. Ethical values and Justifiable
3.5. Why Should I act ethically?

Chapter 4: State, Government CLO 6 2 11 19

and Citizenship 4,5
4.1. Understanding State

4.1.1. What is a state?

4.1.2. Attributes of State

4.1.3.State Structures
4.2. Understanding Government
4.2.1. Major Function and Purpose
of Government

4.2.2. Types of Government:

Limited and Unlimited

4.2.3 Systems of Government

4.3. Understanding Citizenship

4.3.1.Inclusion and exclusion in
4.3.2.Ways of Acquiring

4.3.3.Ways of Losing Citizenship

4.3.4.Citizenship in Ethiopian
Context: Past and Present

4.4. State Formation and Nation-

building in Ethiopian Context

Chapter 5: Constitution, CLO 6 2 8 16
Democracy and Human Rights 4,5
5.1. Constitution and
5.1.1. Peculiar features of

5.1.2. Major Purpose and

Functions of Constitution

5.1.3. Classification of
5.1.4. The Constitutional
Experience of Ethiopia: pre and
post 1931

5.2 .Democracy and

5.2.1. Definitions and Forms of

5.2.2. Views on Democracy:

Substantive and Procedural Views
5.2.3. Fundamental Values and
Principles of Democracy

5.2.4. Democratization and Its


5.2.5. Major actors in

Democratization Process

5.2.6. Democracy and Good

Governance in Ethiopia

5.3 Human Rights

5.3.1. Definitions and Nature of

Human Rights

5.3.2. Basic Characteristics of

Human Rights

5.3.3. Dimensions of Human


5.3.4. The Protection and

Promotion of Human Rights

5.3.5. Human Rights Instruments:


5.3.6. Oversight Mechanisms:

Total 23 9 38
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15% √ 1
2 Quize 5% √ 1
3 Assignments 15% √ √ 2
4 Others 25%(Mid exam) √ 2
Total 6
Final Exam Percentage 50 F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 40% 2 2 4
Grand Total SLT 80
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Choose an item.

and resources to 2 Choose an item.
deliver the course 3 Choose an item.
(e.g. software, 4 Choose an item.
computer lab, 5 Choose an item.
simulation room
13 References 1 Alexander, Larry (eds.). (1998). Constitutionalism: Philosophical Foundations.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2 Assefa Fisseha. (2006). Federalism and Accommodation of Ethnic Diversity in

Ethiopia: Comparative Study. Utrecht: Wolf Legal Publishers
3 Fasil Nahum. 1997. Constitution for a Nation of Nations: The Ethiopian Prospect.
Lawrenceville,NJ: Red Sea Publishers.
4 Goodin,Robert E. 2005. Reflective Democracy.Oxford University Press: New York.
Text Book Ministry of Science and Higher Education Moral and Civic Education Module.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Social Science
2 Course Category Common
Course Name Inclusiveness
Course Code: SNIE 1002
3 Synopsis: The course will provide concepts of disabilities/vulnerabilities and inclusiveness,
application of assessment strategies for service provision, skills of demonstrating inclusive
culture and introduce the existing national and international legal frameworks. In addition,
the course will offer techniques on establishing partnership with stakeholders and apply
inclusiveness for peace, democracy and development.
4 Name(s) of Awoke Mihretu, Mihret Abraham, Getaw Walelegn, Wondwossen Girma, and Gashaw Tesfa
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 1
6 Credit Hour: 2
7 Prerequisite/ Co- None
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CLO1 Describe disabilities, vulnerabilities and Inclusiveness concepts

CLO2 Apply various assessment strategies for service provisions
CLO3 Demonstrate features of inclusive culture in peace, democracy, and development
CLO4 Appraise the existing legal frame work and resources allocation for inclusion
CLO5 Establish partnership with stakeholders
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning Outcomes

Individual Assignment

Group Assignment

Final Examination










Test I


CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Promote the characteristics of vulnerable People for better coexistence in society

2 Encourage the culture for inclusiveness
3 Apply indigenous inclusive values in practices
4 Demonstrate problem solving skills for inclusive services provisions in different sectors.
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning (F2F) Guide Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline d Learning
Learn (NF2F)

Chapter 1: Understanding
Disabilities and Vulnerabilities

 Definitions of disability and

vulnerability 4 1 5 10
 Types of disabilities and
 Causes of disability and
 Historical movements from
segregation to inclusion
 The effects of attitude on the
move towards inclusion

 Models of disability
Chapter 2: Concept of Inclusion

 Definition inclusion 3 4 7
 Principles of inclusion
 Rationale for inclusion
 Features inclusive

Chapter 3: Identification, CLO2
Assessment & Differentiated
 Level of disabilities for support
 Needs and potentials of persons
with disabilities
 Needs and potentials of persons
with vulnerabilities 3 1 5 9
 Assessment and evaluation
Availability of legal frameworks
in line with inclusion
 Assessment and evaluation
inclusiveness of the sector plans
 Assessment and evaluation
attitude towards inclusion
 Assessment and evaluation of
accessibilities of social and
physical environments
 Assessment and evaluation of
strategies and plans that remove
social and physical barriers to
facilitate inclusiveness
 The components and purpose of
differentiated service plans
 Assistive technologies and
software to enhance inclusion.

Chapter 4: Promoting Inclusive

 Definition of Inclusive Culture

 Dimensions of Inclusive culture
 Policy related to Inclusive
Culture 3 4 7
 Building inclusive community
 Means of establish inclusive
 Inclusive values
 Indigenous inclusive values and

Chapter 5: Inclusion for Peace,
Democracy and Development
 Definition of Peace, Democracy
and development from the 3 4 7

perspective of Inclusiveness
 Sources of exclusionary practices
 Exclusionary practices in the
 Respecting divers needs, culture,
values, demands and ideas
 Conflict emanated from exclusion
 The full participation of the
marginalized group of people
 The democratic principles for
inclusive practices
 The importance of inclusion for
psychosocial development
 The importance of inclusion for
economic development
 The importance of inclusion for

Chapter 6: Legal frame work
 Components of legal framework
 International legal frame works
2 3 5
in relation to inclusiveness
 National legal frame works in
relation to inclusiveness
Chapter 7 Resources Management
for Inclusion
 Resources for inclusion 3 4 7

 Planning for inclusion services

Chapter 8: Collaborative
Partnerships with
 Definition of collaboration,
partnership and stack holder
 Key elements of successful
collaboration 3 1 5 9
 Benefits and challenges of
collaboration of stakeholders for
the success of inclusion
 The strategies for effective co-
planning and team working
 Characteristics of successful
stockholders partnerships
 Strategies for community

Total 24 3 34 61
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Test I 10 1 2 3
2 Individual Assignments 10 3 3
3 Test II 15 1 2 3
4 Group Assignment 10 3 3
5 Quiz 5 1 1
Total 13
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 2 4 6
Grand Total SLT 80
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 None

and resources to
deliver the course (e.g.
software, computer
lab, simulation room
13 Text book 1 Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) (2019). INCLUSIVENESS (SNIE

1012) Module, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Reference 2 Alemayehu Teklemariam and Temsegen Fereja (2011). Special Need Education in
Ethiopia: Practice of Special Needs Education around the World. Washington:
Gallaudet University Press.
3 Alemayehu Teklemariam (2019). Inclusive Education in Ethiopia: WILEY and
Blackwell: Singapore
4 Tirussew Teferra and Alemayehu Teklemariam (2007). Including the Excluded:
Integrating disability into EFA Fast Track Initiative Process and National Education
Plans in Ethiopia. World Vision

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Business Management
2 Course Category Common Course

Course Name Introduction to Economics

Course Code: Econ 1011
3 Synopsis: This course is an introductory course covering basic principles and issues of economics.
Broadly speaking, the course has two components, microeconomics and macroeconomics. In
microeconomics, the focus is on the way in which individual economic agents – workers,
consumers, households and firms – make decisions. This part begins with a discussions and
applications of the concepts of demand & supply; theory of the consumer; theory of producer;
and market structures. While in macroeconomics, the study involves the study of the
economy as a whole, especially issues related to macroeconomic goals, national income
account and its measurement, interest rates macroeconomic problems such as
unemployment, deficit and inflation, growth and policy instruments.

4 Name(s) of Mengesha Yayo (Ph.D.), Dugassa Mulugeta (Ph.D.), Faris Ediris

Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: I Year: I
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- None
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CLO1 Describe the major economic agents and their respective roles and objectives using diagrams
CLO2 Analyze and apply the concepts of demand and supply and their interactions using concepts, tabular,
graphical and mathematical methods

CLO3 Analyze and apply the theory of consumer preferences and utility maximization approaches using
concepts, tabular, graphical, and mathematical tools

CLO4 Analyze and apply short- run behaviour of production and the related cost structure using concepts,
tabular, graphical, and mathematical functions

CLO5 Analyze and apply the different market structures and their real-world applications using concepts,
graphical, diagrams, and mathematical functions

CLO6 Describe and analyze macroeconomic goals, national income accounting, economic problems and
policy instruments in light Ethiopian context.

9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)













CLO1 √ √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √ √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √
CLO6 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Develop a skill of formulating, and solving demand and supply function, elasticity coefficient,
consumer utility optimization
2 Develop a skill of constructing cost and production function, cost and production optimization of firms

3 Develop a skill of computing total revenue, profit, breakeven point , shutdown points , cost and benefit
of firms
4 Develop a skill of analyzing and interpreting economic data and use scientific judgment to draw
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline learning (F2F) Learning Learning
(hrs) (NF2F) (NF2F) (hrs)
(hrs) (hrs)

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Definition and Meaning of Economics
1.2 Rationale of Economics
1.3 Scope and methods of economic analysis
1.3.1 Micro and macroeconomics
1.3.2 Positive and normative economics
1.3.3 Inductive and deductive reasoning
in economics. 1 6 2 1 3 12
1.4 Scarcity, choice, opportunity cost and
production possibilities frontier
1.5 Basic economic questions
1.6 Economic systems
1.7 Decision making units and the circular flow

Chapter 2: Theory of Demand and Supply
2.1 Theory of Demand
2.1.1 Demand function, demand
schedule and demand curve
2.1.2 Determinants of Demand
2.1.3 Elasticity of Demand
2.2 Theory of Supply
2.2.1 Supply function, supply 1,2 8 5 1 5 19
schedule and supply curve
2.2.2 Determinants of supply
2.2.3 Elasticity of supply
2.2.4 Market equilibrium
Chapter 3:Theory of Consumers’ Behaviour
3.1 Consumer preferences
3.2 The concept of utility
3.3 Approaches of measuring Utility
3.3.1 The cardinal utility approach Assumptions of cardinal utility
3 8 4 1 7 20 Total and marginal utility Law of diminishing marginal utility
(LDMU) Equilibrium of the consumer
3.3.2 The ordinal utility approach Assumptions of ordinal utility
approach Indifference curve and map Properties of indifference curves The marginal rate of substitution
(MRS) The budget line or the price line Equilibrium of the consumer

Chapter 4: Theory of Production and Costs

4.1 Theory of production in the short run
4.1.1 Definition of production
4.1.2 Production function
4.1.3 Total, average, marginal
4.1.4 The law of variable
3,4 7 4 1 5 17
4.1.5 Stages of production
4.2 Theory of costs in the short run
4.2.1 Definition and types of costs
4.2.2 Total, average, marginal costs
in the short run
4.2.3 Relationship between short-
run production and cost curves

Chapter 5: Market structure
5.1 The concept of market in physical and
digital space
5.2 Perfectly Competitive market
5.2.1 Assumptions
5.2.2 Short run equilibrium of the
5.2.3 Short run equilibrium of the
3,4,5 5 4 1 5 15
5.3 Monopoly market
5.3.1 Definition and Characteristics
5.3.2 Sources of Monopoly
5.4 Monopolistically competitive market
5.4.1 Definition and characteristics
5.5 Oligopolistic market
5.5.1 Definition and characteristics

Chapter 6: : Fundamentals of macroeconomics (with

stylized facts from Ethiopia)
6. Fundamentals of macroeconomics

6.1 Goals of Macroeconomics

6.2 The National Income Accounting 6 8 3 1 5 17
6.2.1 Approaches to measure national
income (GDP)
6.2.2 Other income accounts (GNP, NNP,
NI, PI and DI)
6.3 Nominal versus Real GDP
6.4 The GDP deflator and the Consumer Price
6.5 The Business Cycle
6.6 Macroeconomic Problems
6.6.1 Unemployment
6.6.2 Inflation
6.6.3 Trade deficit and budget deficit
6.7 Macroeconomic Policy Instruments
6.7.1 Monetary policy
6.7.2 Fiscal policy
Total 42 22 6 30 100
Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F(hrs) NF2F (hrs) SLT(hrs)
1 Tests 25 3 2 5
2 Assignments 20 2 3 5
3 Quiz 5 0.5 1.5 2
Total 12
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50 3 5 8
Grand Total SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Text book and Text Book

reference: 1. Campbell R. McConnel, Economic Principles, Problems and Policies, 19th edition
(note: ensure the , publisher McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2010
latest edition Reference
/publication) 1. A. Koutsoyiannis, Modern Microeconomics, 2nd edition (2003), 7th edition (2020)
2. R.S. Pindyck& D.L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics. 8th edition (2013)
3. Dwivedi, D.N., Microeconomics: Theory and Applications, 3rd edition (2016)
4. Ayele Kuris, Introduction to Economics, 2001.
5. N. Gregory Mankiw, 2007, Macroeconomics, 4th edition (2007)

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Social Science
2 Course Category Common Course Stream: Engineering
Course Name Global Trend
Course Code: GLTr2001
3 Synopsis: The course aims to equip students with the basics of international relations,
foreign policy and diplomacy, introduction to international political economy,
globalization and regionalism, and major contemporary global trends.
4 Name(s) of Academic Staffs: Solomon G.
5 Semester and Year offered: Semester: I Year: 2
6 Credit Hour: 2
7 Prerequisite None
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CLO1 Define the major theories of International Relations and develop the ability to critically evaluate
and apply such theories for global issues.
CLO2 Explain foreign policy and diplomacy and evaluate the overriding foreign policy guidelines of
Ethiopia in the past and present regimes.
CLO3 Explicate the nature, issues and elements of international political economy.
CLO4 Examine the major issues in globalization and regionalism in world politics.
CLO5 Analyze and evaluate the major contemporary global issues.
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Outcomes (CLO)
Course Learning

Methods Assignment


L T P O Project

CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √
CLO4 √ √ √
CLO5 √ √ √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills
1 Lifelong learning
2 Problem diagnosis
3 Individual and team work
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities Total

AASTU College of Natural and Social Sciences Social Sciences Department 1|Page
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)
Chapter 1: Understanding International
1.1Conceptualizing Nationalism, Nations
and States
1.2Understanding International Relations
1.3 Levels of Analysis in International
Relations CLO 6 1 7 14
1.4 The Structure of the International 1
1.5Theories of International Relations
Chapter 2: Understanding Foreign Policy
and Diplomacy
2.1 Defining National Interest
2.2 Understanding Foreign Policy and CLO 3 2 6 11
Foreign Policy Behaviors 2
2.3. Overview of Foreign Policy of
Chapter 3: International Political
3.1 Meaning and Nature of International
Political Economy (IPE)
3.2 Theoretical perspectives of
International Political Economy
3.3 Survey of the Most Influential 8
National Political Economy systems in CLO 10 18
the world 3
3.4. Core Issues, Governing institutions
and Governance of International Political
3.5. Exchange Rates and the Exchange-
Rate System
Chapter 4: Globalization and
4.1Defining Globalization
4.2The Globalization Debates
4.3 Globalization and Its Impacts on
Africa CLO 6 3 11 20
4.4Ethiopia in a Globalized World
4.5Pros and Cons of Globalization 4
4.6Defining Regionalism and Regional
4.7. Major Theories of Regional
5. Major Contemporary Global Issues
5.1Survey of Major Contemporary CLO 2 2 3 7
Global Issues
Total 25 8 37 70

Total 70

AASTU College of Natural and Social Sciences Social Sciences Department 2|P age

Continuous Assessment Total-50(%) F2F NF2F SLT

1 Quiz 5%
2 Test I 15% ½ hr ½ hr 1
3 Assignment I 10% 2 2
4 Test II 10% ½ hr ½ hr 1
5 Assignment II 10% 2 2
1 5 6
Final Exam
50 (%) 2 hr 2 hr 4
Final Exam
Grand Total 80

13 Reference 1 Balaam, David N., and Bradford Dillman. (2011). Introduction to International
Political Economy. Boston: Longman.
2 Baylis, J. and Steve S. (2001). The Globalization of World Politics: An
Introduction to International Relations. Oxford University Press: New York.
3 Payne, J.R. (2013).Global Issues: Politics, Economics, and Culture (4th eds.).
Pearson Education, Inc.: Illinois State University.
4 Samuel P. Huntington, (1996). The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of
World Order. New York: Simon and Schuster.
5 Steans, Jill, (1998). Gender and International Relations, Cambridge, Polity
Text book (Module) Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) (2019). Global Affairs
Common Course Teaching Module. Addis Ababa.


Teaching Methods: L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others,

Teaching and Learning Activities: F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face

AASTU College of Natural and Social Sciences Social Sciences Department 3|Page
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Social Science
2 Course Category Common Course
Course Name History of Ethiopia and the Horn
Course Code: HiES2010
3 Synopsis: This course describes why history is important, how history is studied and introduces the
region Ethiopia and the Horn. It treats human evolution, Neolithic Revolution, settlement
patterns as well as religion and religious processes in Ethiopia and the Horn. Based on these
historical backgrounds, the course describes states, external contacts, economic formations
and achievement in terms of architecture, writing, calendar, and others to the end of the
13th century. Historical processes including states formation and power rivalry, trade,
external relation, threats and major battles, centralization and modernization attempts,
Italian occupation, and socio-economic conditions from 1800 to 1941 makes central position
in the modern history of the region.
4 Name(s) of Dagmawie Tesfaye ( PhD)
Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: II Year: 1
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co- None
requisite: (if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Identify the nature of history

CLO2 Identify pertinent sources for the history of the peoples of Ethiopia and the Horn
CLO3 describe changes and continuities in Ethiopia and the Horn .
CLO4 Discuss the causes, courses and consequences of events that happened in the region
CLO5 Explain the nature of the region’s external contacts and their effects
1 CLO 6 Appreciate peoples‟ achievements, heritages and cultural diversities of the region
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning
Outcomes (CLO)













CLO1 √ √ √ √
CLO2 √ √ √
CLO3 √ √ √ √
CLO4 √ √
CLO5 √ √
CLO 6 √ √
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box

10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Develop a skill of critical analysis of sources.

2 Demonstrate a skill of substantiation of arguments.

3 Document a sources.

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
CLO Guided learning Guided Independent (SLT)
Course Content Outline (F2F) Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)

Chapter 1: 1 4 4 8 16
1.1. The Nature and Uses of
1.2 Sources and Methods of
Historical Study
1.3. The History of Historical
Writing in Ethiopia and the Horn
1.4. The Geographical Context of
Human History in Ethiopia and
the Horn0
Chapter 2: Peoples and Cultures 2 3 3 6 12
in Ethiopia and the Horn
2.1. Human Evolution
2.2. Neolithic Revolution
2.3. The Peopling of the Region
2.4. Religion and Religious
Chapter 3: Polities, Economy and 3 4 4 8 16
Socio-Cultural Processes in
Ethiopia and the Horn to the End
of the 13th Century
3.1. Evolution of State
3.2 Ancient Polities
3.3. External Contacts
3.4. Economic Formation

3.5. Socio-cultural Achievement

Chapter 4: Politics, Economy and 4 3 4 7 14

Socio-Cultural Processes from the
Late Thirteenth to the beginning
of the Sixteenth Centuries
4.1 The “Restoration” of the
“Solomonic’’ Dynasty
4.2. Power Struggle,
Consolidation, Territorial and
Religious Expansion of the

Christian Kingdom
4.3. Political and Socio-Economic
Dynamics of Muslim Sultanates
4.4. Rivalry between the Christian
Kingdom and the Muslim
4.5. External Relations 5
Chapter 5: Politics, Economy and 5 5 10 20
Socio-Cultural Processes from
Early Sixteenth to the End of the
Eighteenth Centuries
5.1. Interaction and Conflicts 6
between the Christian Kingdom
and the Sultanate of Adal
5.2. Foreign Interventions and
Religious Controversies
5.3. Population Movements

5.4. Interaction and Integration

across Ethnic and Religious
5.5. Peoples and States in Eastern, 4
Central, Southern and Western
5.6. The Period of Gondar (1636-
1769) and Zemene-Mesafint / Era
of the Princes (1769-1855)
Chapter 6. Internal Interactions 4 5 5 10 20
and External Relations in Ethiopia
and the Horn, 1800-1941
6.1. The Nature of Interactions
among Peoples and States of
Ethiopia and the Horn
6.2. Power Rivalry

6.3. The Making of Modern

Ethiopian State
6.4. Modernization Attempts 4
6.5. Socio-Economic
6.6. Socio-Economic 5
Chapter. 7. Internal Developments 3 2 5 10
and External Relations, 1941–
7.1. Post-1941 Imperial Period 5
7.2. The Derg Regime (1974- 6
Total 27 27 54 108

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 15% 1 1
2 Assignments 10% 1 1
3 Tests 10% 2 2
4 Assignments 10% 1 1
5 Quize 5% 1 1
Total 12
Final Exam Percentage 50 F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 2 4 6
Grand Total SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements 1 Choose an item.

and resources to
2 Choose an item.
deliver the course
(e.g. software, 3 Choose an item.
computer lab,
simulation room 4 Choose an item.
…etc.) 5 Choose an item.

13 Text book Ministry of Science and Higher Education History of Ethiopia and the Horn

Probability and statistics course plan

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

1 College: Natural and Social Science Department: Physics
2 Course Category Supportive Module Module Code:
Course Name Probability and Statistics
Course Code: Stat2091
3 Synopsis: This course covers basic elements of statistics, probability, central tendencies, variation,
and types of sampling, concepts and applications of estimation and hypothesis testing,
regression analysis.
4 Name(s) of Academic Staff:
5 Semester and Year Semester: Choose an item. Year: Choose an item.
6 Credit Hour: 3
7 Prerequisite/ Co-requisite: None
(if any)
8 Course Learning Outcome ( CLO): At the end of the course the student will be able to do:

CLO1 Understand the basic concept of statistics and applications of different types of data collection and
CLO2 Application of measures of central tendencies and measures of variation
CLO3 Application of probability and probability distribution for understanding and analysis of different
engineering problems
CLO4 Application what is sampling and sampling distribution of a sample mean
CLO5 Analyze of simple linear regression model for relating different variables
CLO6 Conducting estimation for unknown population parameters and applying hypothesis testing
9 Mapping of the course Learning Outcomes to the program Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment:
Program Learning Outcomes (PO)
Course Learning

Outcomes (CLO)














CLO1     
CLO2      
CLO3      
CLO4      
CLO5      
CLO6      
Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PO by ticking “√”on the appropriate relevant box
10 Transferable Skills (if applicable)
(Skills learned in the course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)
1 Conducting problem Solving research by collecting accurate information and analyzing by using
Statistical software
2 Communication via scientifically supported information by using valid evidence as a bridge between
information users and data analyzer
3 Data analysis/Reasoning Skills

11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities Total
Guided learning (F2F) Guided Independen (SLT)
Course Content Outline Learning t Learning

1. Introduction 1 2 1 1 4
1.1 Definition and Classification of
1.2 Stages of statistical investigation
1.3 Definitions of some basic terms
1.4 Applications, uses and limitations of
1.5 Types of variables and measurement
2. Methods of Data Collection and 1 6 4 7 17
2.1 Method of data collection
2.1.1 Sources of data
2.1.2 Methods of data collection
2.2 Methods of data presentation
2.2.1 Frequency
2.2.2 Diagrammatic display of data:
Bar chart, Pie chart,
2.2.3 Graphical presentation of data:
Histogram, Frequency Polygon,

3. Measures of Central Tendency 2 3 2 3 8

3.1 Objectives of measures of central
3.2 Important characteristics of good
3.3 Mean(Arithmetic mean, Combined
mean, Weighted mean and
Harmonic mean)
3.4 Median
3.5 Mode
4. Measures of Variation (Dispersion) 2 4 2 5 11
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Range
4.3 Variance
4.4 Standard deviation
4.5 Coefficient of Variation
4.6 Standard scores

5. Elementary Probability 3 4 2 5 11
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Definition and some
concepts(Random experiment,
sample space, event, equally likely
outcomes and mutually exclusive

5.3 Counting rules: Addition,
Multiplication, Permutation and
Combination rule
5.4 Approaches in probability defn(
Subjective, Classical, Frequentist
and Axiomatic)
5.5 Conditional Probability

6. Probability Distributions 3 6 2 5 13
6.1 Definition of random Variables and
Probability Distribution
6.2 Introduction to expectation:
Mean and variance of random
6.3 Common Discrete Probability
Distribution: Binomial & Poisson
6.4 Common Continuous Probability
7. Sampling and Sampling distribution 4 3 1 1 5
of sample mean
7.1 Basic concepts
7.2 Reason for sampling
7.3 Types of sampling techniques
7.3.1 Non probability sampling
7.3.2 Probability sampling
7.4 Sampling Distribution

8. Simple linear regression 5 4 2 2 8

8.1 Simple linear regression analysis
8.2 The covariance and the correlation

9. Estimation and Hypothesis testing 6 4 3 1 8

9.1 introduction
9.2 point and interval Estimation
9.3 Hypothesis testing
9.4 Important concepts in Hypothesis
9.5 Hypothesis testing on population

Total 36 19 30 85

Continuous Assessment Percentage F2F NF2F SLT
1 Tests 25% 3 5 8
2 Quize 5% 1 2 3
3 Assignments 20% 2 4 6

4 Choose an item.
5 Choose an item.
Total 17
Final Exam Percentage 50 (%) F2F NF2F SLT
Final Exam 50% 2 16 18
Grand Total SLT
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non Face to Face
Note: indicates the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in item 9.

12 Special requirements and 1 Choose an item.

resources to deliver the 2 Choose an item.
course (e.g. software, 3 Choose an item.
computer lab, simulation 4 Choose an item.
room …etc.) 5 Choose an item.

13 Text book and reference: 1 Bluman, A.G. (1995). Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach (2nd edition).
Wm. C. Brown Communications, Inc.
(note: ensure the latest
2 Bluman, A.G. (1995). Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach (2nd
edition /publication) edition). Wm. C. Brown Communications, Inc.
3 T.T Soong. Fundamentals of probability and statistics for engineers, wiley series
4 Eshetu Wencheko(2000). Introduction to statistics. Addis ababa university press.
5 Freund, J.e and Simon,G.A.(1998). Modern Elementary Statistics (9th Edition)

2.23 PO and Course mapping summary

Table 22: List of core courses



No Course Title
Introduction to Software Engineering
1 6 √ √ √ √
and Computing
2 Fundamentals of Programming I 4 √ √ √
3 Fundamentals of Programming II 5 √ √ √
Discrete Mathematics for Software
4 6 √ √ √ √
Data Communication and Computer
5 4 √ √ √ √
6 Database Systems 4 √ √ √ √
7 Object Oriented Programming 4 √ √ √ √ √
8 Internet Programming I 4 √ √ √ √
9 Internet Programming II 4 √ √ √ √
10 Data Structure and Algorithms 4 √ √ √ √
Computer Organization and
11 5 √ √ √ √
12 Operating Systems 5 √ √ √
13 System Analysis and Modeling 5 √ √
14 Software Requirements Engineering 6 √ √ √ √ √ √
15 Advanced Programming 5 √ √ √
16 Embedded Systems 4 √ √ √
17 Distributed Systems 4 √ √ √ √
Formal Language and Automata
18 4 √ √ √ √
19 Principles of Compiler Design 6 √ √ √ √
20 Mobile Computing and Programming 5 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
21 Software Design and Architecture 5 √ √ √ √
Software Quality Assurance and
22 5 √ √ √ √ √
23 Software Project Management 4 √ √ √
24 Computer Graphics 5 √ √ √ √ √
25 Human Computer Interaction 6 √ √ √ √ √ √
26 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 √ √ √
Research Methods in Software
27 4 √ √ √ √
28 Integrated Engineering Team Project 3 √ √ √ √ √ √
29 Industrial Internship 5 √ √ √
30 Senior Research Project I 5 √ √ √ √

31 Senior Research Project II 5 √ √ √ √ √
32 Computer System Security 5 √ √ √ √
33 Software Configuration Management 5 √ √ √ √ √
34 Software Evolution and Maintenance 3 √ √ √ √
35 Software Component Design 5 √ √ √ √
36 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 √ √ √
37 Software Defined Systems 4 √ √ √ √
38 Open Source Software Paradigms 4 √ √ √ √
Selected Topics in Software
39 6 √ √ √ √
40 Introduction to Big Data Analytics 5 √ √ √ √ √ √
41 Data Mining and Data Warehousing 5 √ √ √ √ √ √
42 Introduction to Cloud Computing 6 √ √ √ √ √ √
43 High Performance Computing 6 √ √ √ √ √
44 Multimedia Systems 6 √ √ √ √
45 Simulation and Modeling 6 √ √ √ √ √
47 Logic and Critical Thinking 5 √ √ √
48 General Psychology 5 √ √ √ √
Communicative English Language √
49 5
Skill – I
Communicative English Language
50 5 √
51 Geography of Ethiopia and The Horn 6 √ √ √ √
52 Mathematics ( For Natural Science) 4 √ √
53 Physical Fitness 5 √ √ √ √ √ √
54 General Physics 5 √ √ √
55 Emerging Technology for Engineers √ √ √
56 Entrepreneurship 6 √ √ √ √
57 Social Anthropology 5
58 Applied Mathematics IB 6 √ √
59 Moral and Civic Education 5 √ √ √ √
60 Inclusiveness 5 √ √ √
61 Introduction to Economics 6 √ √ √ √ √ √
62 Global Trend 5 √ √ √ √
63 History of Ethiopia and the horn 6 √ √ √ √ √
64 Probability and Statistics 6 √ √ √ √
65 Digital Logic Design 4 √ √ √ √

Figure 1: CLO to PO Mapping summary graph

Quality Management System (QMS)
Quality management system indicates the reference points used to assess quality and standard of
the proposed program. These may include standards and indicators in terms of the breadth and
depth of academic content, innovations in teaching and learning, success and track record of
graduates in employment, and program accreditation etc. It also includes the program monitoring

The mechanisms may include student, staff and stakeholder feedback schemes; procedures for
innovation and improvement of the curriculum, standards and quality of teaching, learning and
student performance.

Quality Management Systems Planning and Implementation for OBE shall be established in all
academic units in line with the university’s commitment to the continuous quality improvement.
Therefore, the quality assurance office shall prepare a different guideline to establish a quality
management system in the university. Figure 2 shows different quality management system

Figure 2: Quality Management System Components

AASTU’s commitment to continuous quality improvement is accomplished through a

Continuous quality improvement (CQI) Cycle in which the University adopts a systematic
comparison of institutional performance to institutional purpose to evaluate institutional

Figure 3 and 4; illustrate the overall outcome-based education implementation strategies

practised at each department and its quality management process at programme level and course
level. The diagrams show the processes where the outcomes are being measured at each level
and the feedback systems to ensure continuous quality improvement in our education system.

The CQI at unit level (CO) is evaluated and assessed every semester, while the PO attainment at
the programme level is conducted every year. The PEO assessment, evaluation and revision will
be done every five years.

Figure 3: Overall OBE Implementation Strategies

Improvements based on feedback from evaluations will close the system loop and the process
will continue year after year. Figure 4 shows that continual quality improvement cycle for
outcome-based education.

Figure 4: Continual Quality Improvement Cycle

Staff Profile and Resources

4.1 Staff Profile

Staff profile refers to the number of academic staff with the appropriate credentials and
experience required to run the proposed graduate program.
Table 23: Sample Staff Profile

No. Academic Rank Male Female Subtotal

1. Professor - - -

2. Adjunct Professor - - -

3. Associate Professor - - -

4. Assistant Professor 3 - 3

5. Senior Lecturer - - -
6. Lecturer 25 6 31

7. Assistant Lecturer - - -

8. Assistant Research Academic 11 4 15

Total 48

4.2 Resources

The Department of Software Engineering is currently owning the following library,

laboratories, equipment, ICT, and access to electronic resources.

Libraries – the department shares the central Engineering Library and Digital Library that
used for all ASTU departments with access of books and electronic recourses.

Laboratories - there are 6 (six) Computer Laboratory Rooms which are all reserved for
Practical/laboratory class. On Average there are 25 computers in each laboratory rooms.
Therefore, there are about 300 desktop computers with 4 GB – 8 GB RAM allocated for
this undergraduate program. All PCs in the mentioned labs has Internet Connection

Offices - the department has about 10 Offices located on different buildings.


5.1 Washington Accord Attributes (for Engineering Program)

Table 24: Washington Accord Attributes

Attribute Statement

WA1: Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering

fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.
WA2: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex
Problem analysis engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
WA3: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
Design/ development systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with
of solutions appropriate consideration for public health, and safety, cultural, societal
and environmental considerations.
WA4: Conduct investigations of complex problems using research-based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments,
analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to
provide valid conclusions.
WA5: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and
Modern tool usage modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to
complex engineering problems, with an understanding of the limitations.
WA6: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess
The engineer and societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
society responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solutions
to complex engineering problems.
WA7: Understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of
Environment and
professional engineering work in the solution of complex engineering
problems in societal and environmental contexts.
WA8:Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of engineering practice

Individual and WA9: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in

teamwork diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.

WA10: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with

the engineering community and society at large, such as being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
WA11: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering
Project management management principles and economic decision-making and apply these to
and finance one’s own work as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects
and in multi-disciplinary environments.
WA12: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
Lifelong learning engage in, in dependent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.

5.2 Structure of Continuing Education Program

Table 25: Structure of Continuing Education Program

Year Semester Five years program

Semester I A total of 9 to 12 Cr. hrs. course work

Year I to Year IV:
Semester II A total of 9 to 12 Cr. hrs. course work

Summer A total of 6 to 8 Cr. hrs. course work

A total of 17 to 19 course work (including

Semester I
integrated engineering team project - group work)
Year V:
Semester II A total of 17 to 19 course work

Summer A total of 6 internship program

 A total of 17 to 19 course work including

Semester I Final year thesis.
 Final year thesis (phase one) - proposal preparation
Year VI: and documentation

 A total of 17 to 19 course work (including

Semester I final year project: phase two )
 Final year thesis (phase one) - implementation

5.3 Course Breakdown for Continuing Education Program

This section catalogs the list of courses sequence in each semester for continuing education
program indicating the Credit Hour ( and European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
equivalent. The course breakdown in semesters is presented as follow

Table 26: Course Breakdown for Continuing Education Program

Year I Semester I
No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.
1. LoCT1011 Logic and Critical Thinking 3
2. Psch1011 General Psychology 3
3. FLEn1011 Communicative English Language Skill – I 3
4. Math1011 Mathematics ( For Natural Science) 3
5. SpSc1011 Physical Fitness (P/F)
Total 12

Year I Semester II
No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.
1. GeES1011 Geography of Ethiopia and The Horn 3
2. Phys1011 General Physics 3(2+1)
3. FLEn1012 Communicative English Language Skill-II 3
4. EmTe1108 Emerging Technology for Enginers 3
Total 12

Year I Summer
No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.
1. Entr1012 Entrepreneurship 2
2. Anth1012 Social Anthropology 2
3. MCiE1012 Moral and Civic Education 2
4. Incl1012 Inclusiveness 2
Total 8

Year II Semester I
No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.
1. Math1012 Applied Mathematics IB 4
2. SWEG2103 Fundamentals of Programming I 3
3. Introduction to Computing and Software
SWEG2101 4
Total 11

Year II Semester II
No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.
1. PHYS2007 Electricity and Magnetism 3
2. SWEG2105 Discrete Mathematics for Software Engineering 3
3. Econ1101 Economics 3
4. SWEG2102 Fundamentals of Programming II 3
Total 12

Year II Summer

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.

1. GLaf1002 Global Trend 2
2. EEng2004 Digital Logic Design 3
3. HiES2010 History of Ethiopia and the horn 3
Total 8

Year III Semester I

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.
1. SWEG3101 Object Oriented Programming 4
2. SWEG2106 Data Communication and Computer Networks 4

3. SWEG2108 Database Systems 4

Total 12

Year III Semester II

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.

1. SWEG3107 Internet Programming I 3

2. SWEG3103 Data Structure and Algorithms 4
3. SWEG3109 System Analysis and Modeling 4

Total 11

Year III Summer

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.

1. SWEG3102 Internet Programming II 3

Computer Architecture and Assembly
2. SWEG3105 4
3. Stat2091 Probability and Statistics 3

Total 10

Year IV Semester I
No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.
1. SWEG3108 Advanced Programming 4
2. SWEG3104 Software Requirements Engineering 3
3. SWEG4109 Computer Graphics 3
4. SWEG3110 Formal Language and Automata Theory 3
Total 13

Year IV Semester II

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.

1. SWEG4101 Principles of Compiler Design 3
2. SWEG3106 Operating Systems 4
3. SWEG4103 Mobile Computing and Programming 3
4. SWEG4105 Software Design and Architecture 3
Total 13

Year IV Summer
No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.
1. SWEG4104 Software Project Management 3
2. SWEG4102 Embedded Systems 3
3. SWEG4106 Software Quality Assurance and Testing 3
Total 9

Year V Semester I
No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.
1. IETP4015 Integrated Engineering Team Project 3
2. SWEG4117 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3
3. SWEG4108 Research Methods in Software Engineering 2
4. SWEG4110 Human Computer Interaction 3
Total 11

Year V Semester II
No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.
1. SWEG4112 Introduction to Machine Learning 3
2. SWEG5105 Computer System Security 3
3. SWEG5107 Software Component Design 3
4. SWEG5109 Open Source Software Paradigms 3
Total 12

Year V Summer

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.

1 SWEG4114 Industrial Internship 6
Total 6

Year VI Semester I

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.

1. SWEG5101 Senior Research Project Phase I 3
2. SWEG5103 Seminar in Software Engineering 2
3. SWEG52XX Elective I 3
4. SWEG5106 Software Evolution and Maintenance 3
5. SWEG5110 Selected Topics in Software Engineering 2
Total 13

Year VI Semester II

No Course Code Course Title Cr. Hr.

1. SWEG5102 Senior Research Project Phase II 3

2. SWEG52XX Elective II 3
3. SWEG5104 Distributed Systems 4
4. SWEG5108 Software Defined Systems 3
Total 13

1. Ethiopian Education Development Roadmap (2018-30), an integrated executive summary,
Ministry of Education Strategy Center (ESC), July 2018

2. Addis Ababa Science and technology university, Senate legislation July 2017

3. Guidelines of Curriculum: Foundation, Malaysian Qualifications Agency 2019

4. Managing Student Learning Time for Effective Learning, Zainai B Mohamed (PhD),
conference paper, 2006

5. Teaching for Quality Learning at University, Third Edition, John Biggs and Catherine Tang,
published 2007

6. Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Software Engineering, Regular Four Year
Program Modularized Curriculum, Revision Date Feb,2017.

7. Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Workshop on Implementation of

Engineering Program Accreditation, Dereje Engida (PhD) and Abraham Debebe (PhD), July


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