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Chapter 3: New Backgrounds

d6 Ideal
Dark Apothecary
Aspiration. I will prove myself to Lady Sylvanas no
The Royal Apothecary Society (or the Apothecary Society, 1
matter the sacrifices. (Any)
and abbreviated R.A.S.) is an alchemical society based in
the Apothecarium in Undercity. It was created by Lady 2
Greed. Dead people don't worry too much about
Sylvanas Windrunner in order to create a new undead their gold. (Evil)
plague to wipe out the Scourge. Its members are all Revenge. I am driven by the urge to avenge my
Forsaken or other types of undead beings who joined 3
death. (Neutral)
Sylvanas' cause. They are constantly brewing up new
plagues and poisons to unleash upon Sylvanas' enemies. 4
Honor. I know what the Society is expecting of
me and I will deliver. (Lawful)
The other races of the Horde believe they are working on a
remedy to cure their "illness". Members of the Apothecary 5
Beauty. What I do is art, no matter what others
society are called Apothecaries or Dark Apothecaries. think. (Chaotic)
Change. The curse of undeath must come to an
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Investigation. 6
end. (Good)
Tool Proficiencies: Alchemist's supplies, poisoner's kit.
Equipment: Alchemist's supplies or poisoner's kit, an arm- d6 Bond
band with an embroidered flask and crown, a notebook,
a set of black velvet robes, and a pouch containing 15 gp. 1 Finding a cure is the only thing that matters.
I will do anything to repay my debt to Lady
Feature: R.A.S. Agent 2
Sylvanas for freeing me from the Scourge.
As a member of the Royal Apothecary Society, you have
access to a network of supporters and operatives that are 3 I will someday get revenge on the Scourge.
working under the official support of Lady Sylvanas The Royal Apothecary Society will regain its
Windrunner. Anywhere where you can find Forsaken, you 4
former status.
can find the Dark Apothecaries, that can support you with
safe houses, assistance in finding information, herbs or 5 Even in death, I'll continue my life's work.
alchemical ingredients. This is a two way coin, though, and 6
Should my true mission come to light, everything
they might expect you to help them with one or more tasks. would be lost.

Suggested Characteristics d6 Flaw

As a member of the Royal Apothecary Society you are I have a knack of overthinking and
probably curious in nature. Whether or not you're looking 1
overcomplicating solutions.
for a cure or a weapon you are likely to be striving for the
better of the Forsaken, albeit not necessary for the Horde. 2
I'm superior to those around me, and I have no
Remember that "better" never means "better for everyone". issues pointing it out.
Your bond might be associated with other members of the 3 I am dogmatic in my thoughts and views.
Royal Apothecary Society, or a location or an object that is
important to it. The ideal you strive for is probably in 4 I have an insatiable desire for carnal pleasures.
keeping with the tenets and principles of the Society, but 5 I never question the orders of my superiors.
might be more personal in nature.
6 My pride will likely lead to my destruction.
d8 Personality Trait

I won't say no to an exciting experiment, unless Double Agent
I'm the subject.
You are an informant for an opposing faction or organi-
Friends are good. I need potential experiment zation, secretly providing them with false information on
candidates. behalf of another organization in which your loyalty lies.
You can't spell "necromancer" without You may be an informant for the Scarlet Crusade, providing
"romance". them with false intel on behalf of the forsakens. Perhaps
you are a member of the Bilgewater Cartel, providing the
I'm looking to cure anyone, no matter their goblin trade partners with false information to give the
allegiance. cartel the richest scores whilst staying out of their reach.
I hide my sinister plans behind a shy smile and Discuss with your DM the factions/organizations you are
gentle eye... sockets. working with and against.
I always have a plan for what to do when things
go wrong. Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Insight
Tool Proficiencies: Forgery kit
My attention wanders as I'm always a bit lost in Languages: You can speak your choice of Darnassian,
my own thoughts. Draenei, Dwarven, or Gnomish.
I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I Equipment: Forgery kit, dagger, two pieces of chalk, 4
8 never raise my voice or let my emotions control sheets of parchment, one bottle of ink, one quill, a set of
me. traveler's clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp


Feature: Two Sides of One Coin d6 Flaw
You have contacts within both organizations that you 1 I always think i'm one step ahead.
provide information to and/or for. Official organizations will 2 I see double agents everywhere.
often allow you to commit minor crimes without fear of
punishment, or run a business without paying all the taxes 3 I indulge in illegal behaviors whenever possible.
or fees typically required. Additionally, you can gain an 4 I am pessimistic about everything.
audience with functionaries from both organizations.
5 I am vindictive and impulsive.
Suggested Characteristics 6 I am reckless and seek dangerous thrills.
Having to work for two sides, hearing each sides story and
delivering crucial information false or not. This is not a life
for all, often shaping carries to leave personal connections Faction Fostered
behind, distance themselves from 'close' allies. You were abandoned at birth and found by members of the
d8 Personality Trait
opposing faction, taken in by a family and raised as a
member of their faction. Having had a harsh childhood of
People are only as valuable as the information being shunned upon by members of the faction, never fully
they have. being accepted but merely tolerated in their presence.
2 I act sophisticated and proper. You might be a tauren born in the eastern kingdoms, and
abandoned by your parents, to be found by human farmers
Being simple keeps me unnoticed and that took you in, nurtured you and raised you as their own,
underestimated. or you may be a human of Theramore, who ran away from
4 I always share with those in need. your home, to be taken in by orcs and raised as a member
of the horde within Orgrimmar, taught how to fight and
5 I am paranoid and a nervous wreck. learn the language of orcs.
I try to gather as much information as I can Discuss with your DM the details of the faction and race
before I act. who raised you, as not all races of Azeroth have an equal
I hide behind a facade, only showing my true self relationship towards other races.
to trusted friends.
Skill Proficiencies: History, Perception
I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I Languages: You can speak your choice of Darnassian,
never raise my voice or let emotions control me. Draenei, Dwarven, or Gnomish.
Equipment: A set of common clothes, hooded cloak, a
d6 Ideal trinket of your faction, book, one bottle of ink, one quill,
Selfless I use my position to help good people and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
avoid prosecution or victimization. (Good)
Feature: A False Allegiance
Manipulative I use secrets to manipulate and Your race and appearance makes you able to enter and go
blackmail others. (Evil) undisturbed through villages and cities of both factions, eye
Just Means I get my hands dirt for the greater may wander upon you as you walk, but none will stop and
good. (Lawful) ask questions, or raise arms against you.
Freedom I support mine and others right to do as Suggested Characteristics
we wish. (Chaotic)
Having lived a life amongst races of the opposite faction,
Everyone has something to hide, so I trust no one. getting to know and love their customs often make faction
(Neutral) fostered social skills within their born faction limited. They
Secretive Everyone has secrets, no one will ever are nonetheless social individuals, many of which greatly
know mine. (Any) appreciate the races they now have grown up with, and
stand by their side against their own kin.
d6 Bond d8 Personality Trait
I got involved in a web of lies to protect the ones I am optimistic and appreciate simple gestures
1 1
I love given to me.
I work to undermine an oppressive organization I am genial and make an honest effort to get
2 2
that harms my home. along with my new faction.
I was forced into providing information because I I smile often, but I am distrustful of people
3 was framed, so I found a way to get back a little of 3
outside my family.
my freedom.
I am quiet and study the people around me
4 My family relies on my support. 4
I am stuck in dangerous games because of a 5 I am always looking over my shoulder.
loved one's poor decisions.
I am uncomfortable in urban settings and only
I need to advance in my position within my 6
6 truly feel safe on the open road.
7 I am friendly and extremely curious.
8 I love to talk to people and hear their stories.


d6 Ideal Suggested Characteristics
Loyalty I never betray a friend, no matter their An apprentice of the Kirin Tor is often eager to learn what
allegiance. (Lawful) lies around Azeroth, wishing to learn any knowledge given
2 People I help those who help me. (Any) to them. These apprentices vary drastically in personality,
but they all have one thing in common, a deep lying wish
Aspiration I will prove im worthy of this faction. for knowledge and understanding of the magic of the world.
d8 Personality Trait
4 Family Blood is thicker than water. (Lawful)
1 I am quiet and observant.
Anger I was abandoned and am angry at my kin
for being left behind. (Evil) I compare any magical effect i see to one I have
learned about.
6 Peace All races deserve peace. (Neutral)
3 I bring up my mentors' teachings often
d6 Bond I enjoy experiencing the world and avoid being
1 My family means everything to me. 'cooped up' in a quiet or stuffy location.
I owe everything to the people that took me in, 5 I treat others as though they are unintelligent.
and would do anything for them. 6 I am wide eyed and easily excited.
My foster parents were better than my birth I like to use big words to showcase my
3 7
parents and I love them dearly. intelligence.
4 I strive to one day find the parents that left me. 8 I enjoy an intellectual challenge.
I must prove myself worthy of the love of a
prominent family member. d6 Ideal
6 I must complete a great quest to prove my worth. Protection Magic can protect us from all the evils
in the world. (Good)
d6 Flaw Power Knowledge can be leveraged into power in
1 I am very slow to trust others. the world, and I want more. (Evil)
I have no sympathy for anyone of my born Respect Magic deserves our humble efforts to
2 3
faction. understand and master. (Lawful)
3 I throw myself into danger recklessly Experimentation New and exciting magics await
discovery. (Chaotic)
4 I try to talk my way out of every situation.
Knowledge Understanding the world around us is
5 I always believe those of my foster race. 5
the only thing that matters. (Neutral)
I am painfully shy and have difficulties speaking Self-Improvement I will achieve magical power
6 6
to people I don't know. through self-mastery and understanding. (Any)

Kirin Tor Apprentice d6 Bond

You have been accepted into the Kirin Tor, Dalaran's elite 1
I will be known for my power, knowledge, and
cadre of the most powerful wizards on Azeroth. You have discoveries.
spent time within their school, earning yourself a magi 2 I will prove myself superior to my mentors.
mentor to oversee your studies and guide your learning.
You've learnt the basics of the schools of magic, and the 3 I will bring honor and renown my family.
ley lines of arcane magic that runs beneath the surface of 4
I will discover new magics that my mentor has
Azeroth. You've spent enough time within Kirin Tors never heard of.
libraries, learning what knowledge interested you, and have A former mentor was a monster, I will avenge his
been sent out onto Azeroth by your mentor to seek know- 5
ledge elsewhere, and to gain experience.
I have heard of a scroll that contains knowledge I
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, History seek that I must find.
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools
Languages: One of your choice d6 Flaw
Equipment: A bottle of high quality ink, a quill, chalk, a I point out others mistakes to make them look
scroll case with 5 pieces of parchment, robes, a candle, 1
smaller so I feel bigger.
tinder box, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp
I can't resist the opportunity to learn a new spell
Feature: A Prominent Mentor or gain a new magical item.
You know a prominent mage within the Kirin Tor that you 3 I never learned proper social skills or interactions.
can call upon for answers and information. At the DMs
discretion, the mentors information may be false, missing 4
I use spells and magic to do things I can do by
vital details, or may not respond within a timely fashion. hand.
5 I have disdain for authority and act rebelliously.
6 I'm compelled to prove my superior intelligence.


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