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Đoạn giới thiệu:

○ To begin with, it is widely believed that...
○ Nowadays, many people argue that...
○ In today's society, the issue of... is becoming increasingly important.
2. Phát biểu ý kiến:
○ In my opinion, I strongly believe that...
○ I am of the view that...
○ From my perspective, it is clear that...
3. Nêu ví dụ:
○ For example, a recent study showed that...
○ To illustrate this point, let's consider the case of...
○ A case in point is when...
4. Phát triển ý kiến:
○ Furthermore, it is important to consider...
○ Moreover, another factor to take into account is...
○ Additionally, it should be noted that...
5. Đối luận:
○ In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that...
○ To sum up, there is a strong argument for...
○ In summary, the evidence suggests that...
6. Đề xuất hoặc đưa ra giải pháp:
○ One possible solution to this issue is...
○ It might be beneficial to consider...
○ To address this problem, we could...
7. Thể hiện sự đồng tình hoặc phản đối:
○ I completely agree with the idea that...
○ While I understand the importance of..., I cannot ignore the fact that...
○ I partly disagree with the statement because...

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