Interchange4thEd IntroLevel Unit08 Listening Worksheet

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Unit 8 Listening Worksheet Notes


AudioScript C
Listen again. Do the people like their jobs? Check the
B correct column.
Listen to the people talk about their jobs. Correct your
guesses. Answers
Marisa A
Man: Hey, Marisa. Where are you going? Answers will vary. Some possible answers:
Marisa: To work.
She’s a nurse. She works at a hospital.
Man: You work at a hospital, right?
He’s a police officer. / He’s a security guard. He works
Marisa: No. I work at Kennedy High School.
at a park.
Man: And what do you do, exactly?
He’s a cashier. / He’s a salesman. He works at a store.
Marisa: I’m a nurse.
Man: Oh. How is that? Difficult? B
Marisa: Not really. It’s pretty easy, actually. I love my job! Marisa: nurse, school
Ray: security guard, (department) store
Ray Victor: cashier, restaurant
Woman: How’s work, Ray?
Ray: Good. I have a new job, you know. C
Woman: Oh? Where do you work now? Marisa: likes
Ray: Downtown, at BJ’s Department Store. Ray: likes
Woman: Oh, I love that store! Are you still a security Victor: doesn’t like
Ray: Yeah.
Woman: And are you happy at your new job?
Ray: Yes, I am. It’s dangerous, but I like it.
Woman: Hi, Victor. How are you?
Victor: Pretty good, thanks. And you?
Woman: Fine. What’s new with you?
Victor: I have a new job. I’m a cashier.
Woman: Really? That’s nice. Where do you work?
Victor: At Annie’s Restaurant. And it’s not nice at all!
It’s a very boring job.
Woman: I’m sorry, Victor.


AudioScript Answers
Some people are talking about jobs. Listen and check 1. She’s a flight attendant.
the correct response. 2. That’s too bad.
3. I agree. A lawyer doesn’t have an easy job.
Man What does your sister do?
Woman: Yuki doesn’t like her job.
Man: A lawyer’s job is difficult.

Interchange Intro Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2013 Photocopiable
A Look at the pictures. What do the people do? Where do you think they work?
Complete the sentences with your guesses.

Marisa Ray Victor

She’s a . He’s a . He’s a .
She works at a . He works at a . He works at a .

B Listen to the people talk about their jobs. Correct your guesses.

C Listen again. Do the people like their jobs? Check () the correct column.

Marisa □ □
Ray □ □
Victor □ □


Some people are talking about jobs. Listen and check () the correct response.
1. □ They’re teachers.
□ She’s a flight attendant.
2. □ That’s too bad.
□ Not bad.
3. □ I agree. A lawyer doesn’t have an easy job.
□ I disagree. A lawyer has a difficult job.

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