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30/05/2020 Goal Setting – UMP University

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The following section on goal setting may seem counter-intuitive.

However, it was adapted from a number of the best books on goal setting such as: Think and Grow Rich,
Psycho Cybernetics, The Strangest Secret and You Were Born Rich. They are founded on sound, proven
and reliable strategies. Embrace them and watch them transform your life as you live out your amazing

When a man really desires something – a goal – so deeply that he is willing to stake his entire future on a
single turn of the wheel in order to get it, he is sure to win.

You must know precisely what you want, and have the determination to back that desire until your realise
it. Every reader of this book will have a different goal for game. Define it clearly. Know what you want, and
get after it!

Every person who attains great success in any undertaking must be willing to burn all bridges and cut all
sources of retreat. Only by doing so can one be sure of maintaining the state of mind known as hunger; a
burning desire to win at any cost, which is essential to success.

Merely wishing will not bring success. But desiring success so greatly with a state of mind that becomes
an obsession, then planning precise ways and means of attaining success, and supporting those plans
with persistence which does not recognise “failure,” will bring success.

If you truly desire success in game so keenly that your desire is an obsession, you will have no trouble
convincing yourself that you will attain it.

First. Be definite as to your goal. It is not enough to say you ‘just want to get better in social
interactions with women.’ Be precise.
Second. Establish a definite time frame for when you intend to achieve the level of success you
desire in game, social interactions and relationships.
Third. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready
or not, to put this plan into action.
Fourth. Write our a clear, concise statement for the level of success in ‘game’ you intend to attain,
name the time limit for its acquisition, state what action you intend to take in return for the goal,
and describe clearly the means through which you intend to accumulate it. 1/2
30/05/2020 Goal Setting – UMP University

Read your written statement aloud, once daily. As you read – see and feel and believe yourself
already in possession of the abundance and success. It is important that you follow the instructions

Only those who become “success conscious” ever reach the lofty heights of success. “Success
consciousness” means that the mind has become so thoroughly saturated with the desire for success,
that one can see one’s self already in possession of it.

The following is an example from one of our members who has been in the Ultimate Man Project
Mastermind Group from the beginning. These are the goals he shared with us before taking the Rite of
Passage 2-Week Residential:

By the 30th of June 20–, I will have achieved complete and utter abundance in all my social interactions
with women. I will meet, sleep and keep at least 1 girl a week who is exactly my type, and keep her in my
rotation of girls that I see frequently.

In return for this goal I will do whatever it takes to wipe all ounces of approach anxiety and hesitation
through taking massive action, and capitalising on every opportunity to open. Moreover, I will cultivate
complete and utter abundance through taking massive action, setting aside 3 nights a week to hit the
nightclubs in the city with my wings (who also follow Ultimate Man Project and know how to be a good
wing), as well as spontaneous daygame approaches throughout the week for both momentum and more
leads. In addition to this, I will dedicate myself to getting the most brilliant Tinder photos, and constantly
improving my texting through reading the texting examples and guides in the Ultimate Man Project
Mastermind Group. Similarly, I will improve my fashion through finding inspiration on Instagram and
YouTube, hit the gym consistently, pack on 15kgs of muscle mass, getting ripped and smelling great so that
my SMV is amazing. I will always strive diligently to make more money so I can better provide for myself,
those close to me, my family and to afford better logistics. Additionally, I will strive to form a closer and
more intimate connection with the girls I am currently seeing, I will endeavour to read and use all the sex
coaching resources available to me. I will strive to be a better friend, and to be the positive change I want to
see in the world.

I will post in the Ultimate Man Project Mastermind group asking questions so that I can be constantly
improving. I have complete confidence that should I follow my plan, I will most certainly achieve my goals.
Let’s get it.

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