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30/05/2020 Opening Mindsets – UMP University

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The first step of having a reliable open is to have the right frame of mind. The following two mindsets will
help you open effectively.

Bring it on
Be prepared to get a ‘negative’ reaction from the open. Don’t expect the girl to be immediately receptive
towards you.

She has the choice between talking to her friends who she has known for years or some random guy.

Who do you think she is likely to choose?

The key is learning not to be put off guard by a little non-compliance or shit tests.

Walk into the set expecting a challenging reaction; think to yourself ‘bring it on!’. Women will only ever
challenge and test you if they identify you as a potential option. Understand this is the first step in the
flirting process and enjoy sparring back and forth with witty, fun, challenging women while turning
around their initial perception of you.

Assume familiarity
Women will be more receptive to your approach if they feel a sense of safety and trust, which can be
achieved with familiarity.

While you speak with a girl, your actions and demeanor should give the impression you have known her
for years, like you are seeing an old friend. This sense of familiarity will be projected onto the interaction
and transform an open that could have been a complete blow out to a girl giggling and asking for your

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