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April 8th 2024

Hello Professor Fisher,

I am presenting to you my report, Occupation Discipline of Hygiene

Faculty: The three data figures found in this report were selected to inform
the many different options there are to choose from in this career choice
and the bigger picture on education it sums up to. 1) By showing the rates
we go over education in the dental atmosphere. 2) Focusing on the field
you're going into. The teeth, labs, machines, running tests, these all come
into place in this field. 3) The competitiveness in this field is high and
knowing your job will be a big eye opener to expand and explore more
options. Focusing on what field best fits yourself.

The information assembled in this report was collected by three different

data collections. I hope that I have met your requirements and expectations
regarding this “Data Report” assignment.

Autumn Carrillong-Sanchez

Occupation Discipline of Hygiene Faculty

By: Autumn Carrillo-Sanchez

San Juan College

Occupation Discipline of Hygiene Faculty

Submitted to
Professor Johnathan Fisher
Spring 2024 G-Professional and Technical Communication
ENGL 2210-1010

By Autumn Carrillo- Sanchez

This data report provides information on the many different options there
are to choose from in this career choice and the bigger picture on
education it sums up to.

1). By showing the rates we go over education in the dental atmosphere.

2). Focusing on the field you're going into. The teeth, labs, machines,
running tests, these all come into place in this field.

3). How competitive this field is and knowing your job will be a big eye
opener to expand and explore more options. Focusing on what field best
fits yourself.

Table Of Contents
Title & Cover Letter…..………………………………………………….……..i

Cover Page….……...…………………………………………………………..ii

Title Page………..………………………………………………………………iii

Table Of Contents………………………………………………………………iv

List Of Figures…………………………………………………………………...v

1.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………..1
1.1 Purpose…………………………………………………………………..1
1.2 Background………………………………………………………………1
1.3 Scope…………………………………………………………………….1

2.0 Figure 1….…………………………………………………………………..2

2.1 Summary……….……………………………………………………….3
2.2 Interception……………………………………………………………..3

3.0 Figure 2………………………………………………………………………4

3.1 Summary…………………………………………………………………5
3.2 Interception………………………………………………………………5

4.0 Figure 3……………………………………………………………………….6

4.1 Summary…………………………………………………………………7
4.2 Interception………………………………………………………………7

5.0 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………8

List Of Figures
Figure 1: Data report about dental hygiene education | Registered Dental

Figure 2: Data report about the technological changes taking place that are
truly revolutionizing the way dentistry is practiced.

Figure 3: Employment trends in dentistry lead to a bright future for dental


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this report is to provide solutions on how colleges can

adjust teaching methods to prepare the knowledge of the future dental
atmosphere. The main issue today is that there are not enough dentists,
there is a lower percentage with dentists nowadays. Knowledge in this field
is so important and the importance, in procedures, taking X-Rays,
cleanings, and any other teaching methods could improve many skills
needed in this field.

1.2 Background

From the background knowledge about the “dental field” it seems there is
quite a lot. The importance of teeth and ways to resolve the issue that
come with it is a big deal. If you don’t take care of your teeth, it could cause
your gums to rot and all your teeth could fall out, and most of all serious
other health issues could occur. On a day to day basis in the dental field
there are many things you could be doing, depending on what part of oral
health you want to go into, as far as an oral surgeon, dentists, dental
assistants and many other options.

1.3 Scope

This data report covers the importance in dental health education and
employment options in this field. Getting the education needed to become
more successful in all careers options in this field.

2.0 Figure 1

This first piece of data in this figure report comes from graduates of dental
hygiene programs that have continued to grow throughout this decade and
was chosen to show how to increase the rates of dentists in the oral atmasphere.
Increasing these rates will help encourage people to push to become dentists and
strive to take that extra mile. This data was generated by Christine Nathe, RDH,
MS, director of dental medicine.

Figure 1: Data report about dental hygiene education | Registered Dental Hygienists;_ylu=c2VjA2ZwLWF0dH

2.1 Summary

This data illustrates how much education dental hygienists have, while
hours of dental hygiene coursework is being documented. Although this
increase is happening at a slower rate. This information was collected to find
etiquette results for educating dental hygienists.

2.2 Interpretation

One takeaway from this chart would be that increasing rates in dental
education will make a great impact and provide more work in the dental
atmosphere. Educating dental hygienists is important to the public’s health.
Dental hygienists play an important role in improving patient OHL.
Additionally this chart specifically tells us about the role of human emission
in change. Having that dental health education is effective in improving the
knowledge, attitude and practices of oral health.

3.0 Figure 2

My second piece of data in this figure comes from a National Library of

Medicine. This data is showing the research in dental medicine and
exploring the potential benefits using digital data both for dental practice
and in research. This will help others explore their research skills in the
dental industry and find tips for dental practice.

Figure 1: Data report about the technological changes taking place

that are truly revolutionizing the way dentistry is practiced.;_ylu=c2

3.1 Summary

This data illustrates dental practices, and gives you a bigger picture of
what all comes with the dentistry atmosphere. Dental practices are
important due to working on teeth. Having the knowledge of what technique
you use throughout the whole dentistry is important, especially when
cleaning teeth, that is very valuable. Education could lead to further
practices in the dental atmosphere and open more doors in which path you
want to take. Prosthodontics means the dentistry focusing on teeth. The
lab, education, training, running tests are all shown throughout the graph to
give you a bigger picture.

3.2 Interpretation

This figure matters because it is important to understand dentistry and

how it works and what you study. Education is important in dental hygiene.
The knowledge you collect will not only help you and your teeth but others
as well. Dental medicine and the procedure is so important, when numbing
someone's mouth it is good to know what to numb it with and how much to
use if using the wrong medicine and dose it could harm the patient and the
dental office. The lab, education, training, running tests, research are all
shown throughout the graph. That is why educating dental hygienists is
important and good for future intel.

4.0 Figure 3

My third piece of data in this figure comes from a DentistryIQ. This

graph is showing employment throughout all positions through 2014-
24, in the dental hygiene atmosphere. There is more to teeth than you
think and exploring your options will help you understand dentistry and
different ways of learning it.

Figure 1: Employment trends in dentistry lead to a bright future

for dental assistants | Dentistry IQ
The Bureau of Labor Statistics points out that a dental assistant acts
as a dentist’s “second pair of hands.” As a result, “Dentists look for
people who are reliable, work well with others, and have good manual

4.1 Summary

This data illustrates that there is more to teeth than you think and
exploring your options will help you understand different ways of
learning how to move up in your job. There are many options in the
dental field. Having options in dentistry is so important because it has
become very competitive. Sometimes you might need a little eye
opener in the right direction. As it shows on the graph dentists/dentists
generally have the highest employment rate, whereas orthodontics
and prosthodontics and oral surgeons are on the lower side.

4.2 Interpretation

This graph is so important because, knowing what other options there

are instead of just going for a dentist or dental hygienist there are
more options to choose from that still involve the dentistry area. Oral
and maxillofacial surgeons repairs facial bones and tissue.
Orthodontists help prevent any future issues from occurring as well as
fixing them. Prosthodontists make sure you have everything that you
need to fit your teeth perfectly such as crown dentures and last but not
least dentists, they diagnose, state ways to prevent things from
occurring again and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral
cavity. Pick a field that best fits you and still do what you love!

5.0 Conclusion


Dental Hygiene is very important in today's society. It is important to

understand dentistry and how it works and what you study. The knowledge
you collect will not only help you in your career choice but others as well.
Dental medicine and the procedure to it is so important, when numbing
someone's mouth, you need to know how much to use and where to insert
it. That is why getting the education you need in this line of work is so
important. Increasing the rates in dental education will make a great impact
and provide more work in the dental atmosphere.


Lastly, know what your options are. Learning different methods on how
certain areas in this line of work operate could be a big eye opener in which
to choose in dental hygiene. As we go over these figures you really want to
be sure in what exactly you would like to be doing in the dental
atmosphere. Are you wanting to become a Dentist or a dental hygienist….
There are many options we covered in this field and picking a field that best
fits you will help this era in dental hygiene grow and still be able to do what
you love from what could be a higher level of dental hygiene.

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