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Baguio, Khaezier D.

Design 9 5A

Thesis Proposal Title:

Center For Comprehensive Rehabilitation Against Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Statement of the Problem (Brief Description)

 Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol affects millions of people nationwde.It's one the disease that
affects your brain and behavior. When your addicted to drugs and alcohol you can't resist the
urge to use them no matter how much the ham it may cause. Substance abuse is never the
answer to life's problem. If you are still using Alcohol and Drugs despite knowinf its health and
social consequences, then it is a sign that you may have a substance abuse problem, and for
drug addiction or drug dependency problems. Alcohol and Drug Addiction patients needs a
program that includes a good environment that could help and support their recovery process.
Giving a Comprehensive Center facility with people who specialize in their line of work in giving
proper health care and therapy/program. Medication with the help of its environment could
bring an effective way for the patients more better recovery.

Research Objectives (3-5 Objectives)

 To provide a specialize facility with rigth architecture approach and the right environment that
will be suitable for Acohol and drug addict patients.
 To Provide the spaces that cater the needs of Alcohol and Drug addict patients.
 To select the most suitable location and the right type of environment for the Comprehensive
Thesis Proposal Title:

Comprehensive Center For Attention to Overweight and Obesity

Statement of the Problem (Brief Description )

 The prevalance of Overweight / Obesity among adults showed a gradually increasing trend in
the Philippines. Overweightand Obesity are complex and Multifaceted problems that would
require multisectoral and comprehensive strategies to effectively and sustainably prevent and
manage. According to (WHO), overweight and obese children are more likely to stay obese into
adulthood and to develop non communicate disease (NODS) like Diabetes and Cardiovascular
disease at a younger age. Obese Children and Adolescents may also suffer from both short term
and long term health disease.
The rate of increase in adult obesity in the Philippines exhibited very rapid growth between
1995 and 2015 that 5.4% in men and 3.7% in women, according to a report released by WOF
this March. Globally, obesity prevalence is predicted to reach 18% in men and surpass 21% in
women by 2025.
Providing a Comprehensive Rehabilitation center for this people will help them improve their
heath care and with the help of professionals in this line of work can make them gradually
process an effective way of recovery. Surroundings and the kind of people will influence once

Research Objectives (3-5 Objectives)

 To provide a Facility in helping the said patient to have an effective way of recovery.
 To cater the spaces needed for the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center with the help of
 To select a suitable location and environment for the said Center.
Thesis Proposal Title:

Physiotherapy Rehabilitation For Stroke Patient Recovery

Statement of the Problem (Brief Description )

 Most people nowadays follows an unhealthy lifestyle and as a result people are more likely
prone to different kind of diseases.
Stroke is one of those life threatening medical condition. According to (DOH) Department of
Health, It is the second leading cause of death here in the Philippines. A Stroke survivor needs
an on-going process of therapy. May it be in the Hospital , at Home or at a Local Clinic. As per
studies shows Physical environment has an impact to patients in recovering. Most of the time
environment can be stressful and may affect the healing process of the patient.
Patients with stroke sickness needs an environment that could support and could help them in
continue their recovery. Providing a Physiotherapy Rehabilitation that focuses in physical
therapy giving health care program through medication and its environment will give a better
healing process and aneffective recovery.

Research Objectives (3-5 Objectives)

 To provide spaces to cater the needs of Stroke patients.

 To select the most appropriate environment and location for the Physiotherapy Rehabilitation
 To propose a Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Center facility for stroke patients.
 To provide assistants with the help of Physiotherapy program given by the facility.

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