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Nutritional Deficiency Diseases

Vitamin A deficiency In Farm Animals

‫نقص فيتامين ا فى حيوانات المزرعة‬

‫ا‪.‬د حامد عطية‬

‫استاذ طب الحيوان – كلية الطب البيطرى‬
‫جامعة الزقازيق‪ -‬مصر‬
‫المستشار الفنى‬
‫بمؤسسة اوميجا الخبربالرياض لألدوية البيطرية‬
Classification of Vitamines
‫انواع الفيتامينات‬
Vitamines important in animal
1. Fat soluble vitamins:
D (D2 and D3)
Water soluble vitamines

a.C (ascorbic acid)

b.Thiamine (B1)
c.Riboflavin (B2)
d.Niacin (nicotinamide)
f.Pantothenic acid
h.Folic acid
i.Cyanocobalamin (B12)
important of Vitamines in
animal nutrition
‫أهمية الفيتامينات فى تغذية الحيوانات‬
Importance of Vitamin A
❖Vitamin A is important for the function of the immune
system, the health of epithelial tissues, mucous membranes,
the eye and the central nervous system.
❖It is also important for reproductive performance, and
normal bone growth and development of calves and lambs.
،‫ واألغشية المخاطية‬،‫ صحة األنسجة الظهارية‬،‫❖فيتامين أ مهم لوظيفة جهاز المناعة‬
.‫العين والجهاز العصبي المركزي‬
.‫❖ومن المهم أيضا لإلنجاب األداء ونمو العظام الطبيعي وتطوير العجول والحمالن‬
Importance of Vitamin A
❖Vitamin A deficiency causes keratinization,
which breaks down the protective functions of epithelial
cells in the digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive
❖This leads to a higher susceptibility to infections.
Vitamin A is an essential for:
➢ Reproduction
➢ Development
➢ Normal growth
➢ Functioning of the nervous
system and vision
(especially in growing animals)
Vitamin A deficiency occurs most
commonly due to a lack of vitamin A in
the diet, or inhibition of absorption from
the digestive tract.
It is commonly seen in cattle and sheep
in feedlots, and also those being fed
high concentrate diets in the absence
of green pasture, as is common during
the β-carotene & vitamin A
Cattle and Sheep cannot generate their
own Vitamin A, they need to eat green
plants containing carotenoid precursors
such as β-carotene – found in the orange
yellow pigments in the green leaves of
The cattle and sheep then convert
the β-carotene to vitamin A in the wall of
the small intestine.
Forms of Vitamin A
Alcoholic form
It is found in green fodder, doesn’t pass the
placental barrier and a high intake of green
pasture before parturition doesn’t increase
the hepatic store of vitamin A in the newborn
animals but only increase it in clostrum.
Ester form
(in fish oil) passes through the
placental barrier and feeding of
these oils before parturition will
cause an increase of the stores of
the vitamin in fetal liver.
Vitamin A requirements
Vitamin A requirements
Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin and is
stored in the liver, with small amounts in
other tissues and organs.
When adequate green feed is available, cattle
and sheep meet their daily requirements,
and can store excess Vitamin A in their liver
Vitamin A requirements
When the diet is deficient in the carotenoid
precursors, Vitamin A is released from the
liver to meet daily needs.
When the liver supply is exhausted, vitamin
A deficiency occurs
Sources of Vitamin A
Sources of Vitamin A
❖Liver is a rich source of vitamin A.
❖Egg yolk and milk fat are generally
rich sources.
❖Green forages
❖Grains, except corn, are low or
devoid of vitamin A activity.
When does deficiency occur?
When does deficiency occur?
Deficiency is most commonly seen in animals that are being
fed stored feeds, as commonly occurs in feedlots and under
drought conditions.
‫ كما يحدث‬،‫يظهر النقص بشكل شائع في الحيوانات التي يتم تغذيتها على األعالف المخزنة‬
.‫عادة في حظائر التسمين وتحت ظروف الجفاف‬
When does deficiency occur?
❖Liver reserves protect cattle and sheep
against short term dietary deficiencies
❖in Vitamin A.
❖ Prolonged periods without green feed lead to clinical
signs of deficiency.
‫❖احتياطيات الكبد تحمي الماشية واألغنام ضد نقص التغذية على المدى القصيرفي فيتامين‬
.‫❖ تؤدي الفترات الطويلة بدون تغذية خضراء إلى ظهور عالمات سريرية للنقص‬
When does deficiency occur?
❖Calves are born with low vitamin A levels, and rely on colostrum
from their mothers until their intake of green feed meets their
❖ If they are being fed by cows that are vitamin A deficient, the
calves will also become deficient.
‫ وتعتمد على اللبأ من أمهاتها حتى يفي تناولها من‬،‫❖تولد العجول بمستويات منخفضة من فيتامين أ‬
‫العلف األخضر بحاجتها‬
‫ فإن العجول سوف تصبح ناقصة‬،)‫❖ إذا تم إطعامهم من قبل األبقار التي تعاني من نقص فيتامين (أ‬
When does deficiency occur?
❖The demand for vitamin A is higher for cattle and sheep around the
time of giving birth, and when they are fighting off infections such
as mastitis.
‫ وعنتدما يقتاومون‬،‫تا‬،‫❖يكون الطلب على فيتامين أ أعلى بالنسبة للماشية واألغنام في وقتت التوةدة تقريب‬
.‫العدوى مثل التهاب الضرع‬

It is an insufficient supply of
vitamin A in the ration or its
defective absorption from the
alimentary canal.
A-Primary vitamin A deficiency

❖Lack of green feed or failure to

add vitamin A supplement to
B:Secondary vitamin A deficiency

❖It may occur in cases of:

❖(1) Chronic disease in the liver or intestine
❖(2) Continued ingestion of mineral oil
(liquid paraffin) dissolves vitamin A and
carotene resulting in its malabsorption and
excessive fecal excretion .
❖(3) High environmental temperature.
❖(4) high nitrate content in the feed which
reduce the conversion of carotene to vitamin

❖Vitamin A is essential for the regeneration of the

visual purple necessary for dim light vision, for
normal bone growth and for maintenance of normal
epithelial tissues.
‫❖فيتامين أ ضروري لتجديد اللون األرجواني البصري الضروري للرؤية في‬
.‫ ولنمو العظام الطبيعي ولصيانة األنسجة الظهارية الطبيعية‬،‫الضوء الخافت‬
Vitamin A deficiency causes keratinization,
which breaks down the protective functions of epithelial
cells in the digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive
tracts. This leads to a higher susceptibility to infections.
‫نقص فيتامين أ يسبب الكيراتين الذي يكسر الوظائف الوقائية للخاليا الظهارية في الجهاز‬
‫ وهذا يؤدي إلى زيادة القابلية لإلصابة‬.‫الهضمي والجهاز التنفسي والبولية واإلنجابية‬
1-Vitamin A and vision

Rhodopson (visual purple), the pigment of

the rod cells of the retina of the eye, is
made of the vitamin plus a protein moiety.
 When exposed to light, the pigment
breaks down into its constituents and
these chemical changes are accompanied
by stimulation of the optic nerves.
 Rhodopsin is regenerated in the dark.
Blindness resulting from hypovitaminosis A
can be classified into one of three types:
1) Night blindness related to the deficiency of the visual
pigment rhodopsin made from vitamin which is
2) Degenerative changes in the retina associated with
prolonged vitamin A deficiency.
3) Stenosis of the optic canal, which induces an
irreversible loss of vision .
2-Other tissues

 A-MM:
 Maintainsmucous membranes of the
respiratory tract, intestinal tract, urethra,
kidney and eyes in a healthy condition
Inabsence of vitamin A, they become
keratinized and susceptible to infection
B-Epithelial tissue
 Vitamin A deficiency leads to degeneration
or atrophy of the epithelial cells including
the secretory and or a covering
 These secretory cells are gradually
replaced by the stratified, keratinizing
epithelial cells.
3-Role in bone formation

 Vitamin A is
necessary to
maintain the normal
position and activity
of oesteoblasts and

3-Role in bone formation

 When deficiency occurs Over growing of

the cranial cavity occurs with resulting
distortion and herniations of the brain and
an increase in cerbrospinal fluid pressure
up to 4 or 6 times normal
 Narrowing of optic canal lead to pressure
on optic nerve and blindes
4-Emryo development

VitA is important for growth

and development of fetus
Clinical signs
Deficiency Symptoms
❖ Night blindness
❖ Reproductive failures
❖ Skeletal deformation
❖ Skin lesions
The main clinical signs in calves
➢ Poor weight gain
➢ Convulsions
➢ Diarrhea
➢ Exophthalmos, and blindness
in calves .
❖ Reduced feed intake
❖ Rough, dull hair coat,
sometimes with hair loss .
❖ Nasal discharge and excess
tears from the eyes
❖ Night blindness
1-Night blindness

Inability to see in dim light is the

earliest signs in all species, Later
on in day light.
‫عدم القدرة على الرؤية في الضوء الخافت هي‬
‫ والتي تظهر‬،‫العالمات األولى في جميع األنواع‬
.‫ا في ضوء النهار‬،‫ةحق‬
(2) Xerophthalmia

 It is a dryness of
conjunctiva, Thickening
of cornea giving
clouding apperance ) .
‫ وسماكة‬،‫ وهو جفاف الملتحمة‬
.)، ‫ غائما‬، ‫القرنية مما يعطي مظهرا‬
(3) Changes in the skin

 A heavy deposit of bran like

scales on the skin are seen.
 Dry, scaly hooves with
multiple, vertical cracks are
particularly noticed in

.‫ظهور رواسب ثقيلة من النخالة مثل القشور على الجلد‬

‫تُالحظ بشكل خاص الحوافر الجافة والمتقشرة ذات الشقوق العمودية‬
(4) Loss of reproductive function:

 In the male, libido is retained with

reduction in the number of motile,
normal spermatozoa produced.
‫ يتم اةحتفاظ بالرغبة الجنسية مع انخفاض عدد‬،‫ عند الذكور‬
.‫الحيوانات المنوية الطبيعية والمتحركة المنتجة‬

(4) Loss of reproductive function:

 Inthe female, placental degeneration

occurs leading to abortion and birth of
dead or weak young.
 Placental retention is also common.

‫ ويحدث عند اةناث تدميرالمشيمة مما يؤدي إلى اإلجهاض‬

.‫ووةدة صغار ميتة أو ضعيفة‬
، ‫ احتباس المشيمة شائع أي‬
(5) Nervous symptoms:

 1) Paralysis of skeletal
muscle due to damage of
peripheral nerve roots.
 2) Encephalopathy due to
increase intracranial
‫) شلل العضالت الهيكلية بسبب تلف جذور‬1 
.‫األعصاب الطرفية‬
‫) اعتالل الدماغ بسبب زيادة الضغط داخل‬2 
 .
(5) Nervous symptoms

 Calves and Lambs that may be malformed or born weak

and unable to stand.
 • Seizures in adult animals
 • Seizures in lambs and calves
.‫العجول والحمالن التي قد تكون مشوهة أو ولدت ضعيفة وغير قادرة على الوقوف‬ 

‫ • النوبات في الحيوانات البالغة‬

‫• النوبات في الحمالن والعجول‬ 

 3) Blindness due to constriction of

optic nerve canal.
 NB: It is common in young
growing animals.
.‫) العمى بسبب ضيق قناة العصب البصري‬3 
Calves are blind and
‫ إنه شائع في الحيوانات الصغيرة‬:‫ ملحوظة‬
may show "star-
.‫النامية‬ gazing" behaviour
Hypovitaminosis A in feedlot calves. A
sick calf showing mydriasis and absence
of pupillary reflex.
Alopecia on the neck of affected cow
Widespread alopecia
between the hind legs
of an affected cow
Scaly skin and tufts of loose hair on the
dorsal midline of an affected cow

 (1) History (green feed or vitamin A

supplements aren’t being provided)
and symptoms.
 (2) Testing for night-blindness is the
early method.
 (3) Increase CSF pressure is the
earliest measurable changes.
 (4) Estimations of vitamin A level in
Level of vitamin A in serum

The normal serum level of

vitamin A in calves is reported
to be between 25 and 35 µg/dl;
a level below 20 µg/dl is
classified as hypovitaminosis A
Differential Diagnosis

(1) Zinc Def. in calves.

(2) Hypomagnesemia
(3)B1(Thiamin deficiency)
(4) Rabies.
(5) Lead poisoning.

 (1) Calves with convulsive form due to

increased CSF pressure will usually
return to normal in 48 hours following
 (2) Blind animal with ocular form will
not respond to treatment and should
be slaughtered.
Calves and lambs that are born with
deformities due to deficiency during foetal
development cannot be treated with
Vitamin A.
Affected sheep and cattle should be
injected with Vitamin A at a rate of 400
Intramuscular injection.
This is commonly sold as Vitamin A, D&E
Recommended doses for adult
cattle range from 1 to 1.5 million IU
Vitamin A per injection,
‫يوجتتد مركبتتات عديتتدة‬
‫متتتتتتتتتن مركتتتتتتتتتب اد‪3‬ه‬
‫تحتوى علتى تركيتزات‬
‫مختلفتتتة ولتتتذل يجتتتب‬
‫اةلتتتتتتتتتزام بالجرعتتتتتتتتة‬
‫المتتتتتتتذكورة بالنشتتتتتتترة‬
‫‪per ml:‬‬
‫‪80,000 I.U. vitamin A,‬‬
‫‪40,000 I.U. vitamin D3‬‬
‫‪and 20 mg vitamin E.‬‬
‫"مكمتتتتتتل غتتتتتتذائى يعمتتتتتتل علتتتتتتى‬
‫تعتتتتتتتتتتويض نقتتتتتتتتتتص األمتتتتتتتتتتال‬
‫الضرورية ويساعد علتى تحستين‬
‫المناعة وزيادة الخصوبة وتقوية‬
‫عضتتتتتالت صتتتتتغار الحيوانتتتتتتات ‪.‬‬
‫يحتتتوى هتتذا المنتتتت علتتى تركيبتتة‬
‫متوازنتتتة متتتن األمتتتال المعدنيتتتة‬
‫المدعمة بالميثونين والفيتامينتات‬
‫خاصة فيتامين ا ليعطتى الحيتوان‬
‫فيتامين ا مع امال معدنية‬
‫حصتتتتة متكاملتتتتة متتتتن العناصتتتتر‬
‫يحتاجها الجسم‬ ‫الالزمة لإلنتاجية ‪" .‬‬
‫مكمتتتل غتتتذائي يحتتتتوي علتتتي‬
‫الفيتامينتتتات لتعتتتويض نقتتتص‬
‫الفيتامينتتات وكفتتا تتتح للشتهيه‬
‫ويستتاعد علتتى تحستتين معتتدل‬
Vitamins ( B1 - B2 - B3 - B6 -
B12 )
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E
Vitamin K3
Vitamin C"

‫"ستتتتيلفوس منتتتتتت متميتتتتز يحتتتتتوي علتتتتى‬
‫مجموعتتة فيتامينتتات ب ‪ 1‬و ب ‪ 2‬باإلضتتافة التتي‬
‫فيتتتامين هتتي لينيتتوم يعمتتل علتتى تقويتتة العضتالت‬
‫وزيتتتتادة الخصتتتتوبة وتحستتتتين معتتتتدل التحويتتتتل‬
‫الغتتتتتذائي وتعزيتتتتتز اةنتاجيتتتتتة ورفتتتتتع المناعتتتتتة‬
‫‪.‬يستخدم السيلينيوم و فيتامين هاء في ‪ • :‬خلتل‬
‫• زيتتتادة‬ ‫فتتتي الجهتتتاز التناستتتلي‬
‫عدد الحيوانتات المنويتة• صتعوبات نمتو الجنتين‬
‫• اعتالل عضتلي (ضتمور عضتلي) الرختاوة •‬
‫•‬ ‫اعتتتتتتالل عضتتتتتلة القلتتتتتب‬
‫متترض الكبتتد وتلفتتة ‪ •.‬ضتتعف اكتستتاب التتوزن‬
‫• تستتتتتمم بتتتتتالنترا ت•‬ ‫وتقتتتتتزم النمتتتتتو‬
‫اإلجهتاد يستتتخدم فيتتامين ب ‪ 1‬و ب ‪ 12‬فتتي ‪•:‬‬
‫تقويتتة الجهتتاز العصتتبي واألطتتراف العصتتبية‪• .‬‬
‫يتتدخل فتتي عمليتتات اةنزيمتتات المختلفتته • يتتدخل‬
‫فتتي عمليتتى ايتتض الكربوهيتتدرات ممتتا يتتزود متتن‬
‫دعم معامل التحويل الغذائي ورفع معدل النمو •‬
‫انتتتاح حمتتض الهيتتدروكلوري (هتتام فتتي عمليتتة‬
‫الهضم ) أدينوزين ‪ - 5 -‬مونوفوستفات يستتخدم‬
‫كمصتتتتدر داعتتتتم للطاقتتتتة وليعطتتتتي أدا ء ستتتتريع‬
‫ونتيجه فورية ‪".‬‬
‫‪What is AD3E used for‬‬
‫استخدامات مركب الفيتامينات التى تذوب فى الدهون‬
Indication for uses of Vitamin AD3E
➢ Respiratory diseases
➢ Urinary disease
➢ Genital diseases
➢ Gastro-intestinal disorder
What is AD3E used for
❖Vitamin A improves immune response to disease
challenge which prevents deleterious effects in
animal’s growth and performance.
❖Vitamin D has an important role in the absorption
and storage of calcium and phosphorus from the
kidney and bone.
❖Vitamin E is a biological antioxidant that provides
the resistance to animal against stress factors
(change in weather condition, vaccination and
disease outbreak) of immune system.
‫استخدامات فيتامين اد‪3‬ه‬
‫❖يعمل فيتامين أ على تحسين اةستجابة المناعية‬
‫لتحدي األمراض مما يمنع التأثيرات الضارة على نمو‬
‫الحيوان وأدائه‪.‬‬
‫❖فيتامين د له دور مهم في امتصاص وتخزين‬
‫الكالسيوم والفوسفور من الكلى والعظام‪.‬‬
‫❖فيتامين ‪E‬هو أحد مضادات األكسدة البيولوجية التي‬
‫توفر مقاومة الحيوان ضد عوامل اإلجهاد (تغير حالة‬
‫الطقس والتطعيم وتفشي األمراض) لجهاز المناعة‪.‬‬
What is AD3E used for
❖Prevention and treatment of deficiency in new borns:
rickets, muscular dystrophy,
osteomalacia, delayed growth .
❖Increases of viability and stimulates body resistance against
❖Enhancement of optimum health, good performance.
What is AD3E used for
❖To help the pregnant animals.
❖Improves growth, feed conversion, fertility, flesh
development and lactation
❖Different stress conditions.
❖Night blindness, corneal keratinization
‫احتياج االبقار اليومى من فيتامين ا‬
‫‪❖Cows‬‬ ‫‪need 30,000 to 50,000 IU of vitamin A/hd/day.‬‬
‫‪Injectable vitamin A is a quick method of returning the cow’s‬‬
‫‪vitamin A status back to normal.‬‬
‫‪❖ 1.5 million IU of vitamin A are needed for an adult cow. If‬‬
‫‪severely vitamin A deficient, monthly injections may be‬‬
‫❖تحتاح األبقار إلى ‪ 30.000‬إلى ‪ 50.000‬وحدة دولية من فيتامين أ‪HD//‬اليوم‪.‬‬
‫❖ يعتبر فيتامين أ القابل للحقن طريقة سريعة إلعادة حالة فيتامين أ للبقرة إلى وضعها‬
‫❖ هنا حاجة إلى ‪ 1.5‬مليون وحدة دولية من فيتامين أ للبقرة البالغة‪.‬‬
‫❖إذا كان النقص شديد‪،‬ا في فيتامين أ‪ ،‬فقد تكون هنا حاجة إلى الحقن الشهرية‪.‬‬
‫احتياج العجول اليومى من فيتامين ا‬
‫‪❖Newborn‬‬ ‫‪calves obtain the majority of their vitamin A by ingestion‬‬
‫‪of colostrum.‬‬
‫‪❖ Very little vitamin A is transferred across the placenta, unlike other‬‬
‫‪minerals and vitamins.‬‬
‫‪❖ Calves born to vitamin A deficient cows may need a parenteral‬‬
‫‪injection of vitamin A.‬‬
‫‪❖ Newborn calves require 500,000 IU of vitamin A.‬‬
‫❖تحصل العجول حديثة الوةدة على معظم احتياجاتها من فيتامين أ عن طريق تناول اللبأ‪.‬‬
‫❖ يتم نقل كمية قليلة جد‪،‬ا من فيتامين أ عبر المشيمة‪ ،‬على عكس المعادن والفيتامينات األخرى‪.‬‬
‫❖ قد تحتاح العجول المولودة ألبقار تعاني من نقص فيتامين أ إلى حقنة بالحقن من فيتامين أ‪.‬‬
‫❖ وتحتاح العجول حديثة الوةدة إلى ‪ 500000‬وحدة دولية من فيتامين أ‪.‬‬
Supplementation during Pregnancy

Cows and ewes should be supplemented prior to joining, to

prevent deficiency during fetal development.
They should also be supplemented prior to giving birth, as
this is a time of high demand for vitamin A.
Supplements in feed or water
❖Vitamin A is often added to processed feeds such as
calf pellets and other feedstuffs used in full hand
feeding conditions.
❖Vitamin is readily broken down by heat, light,
humidity, and when mixed with other feedstuffs.

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