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‭George H.W.

‭Domestic Policy‬
‭Philosophy: Emphasized a "kinder, gentler nation" approach.‬
‭Issues: Economic initiatives, education reform, civil rights.‬
‭Specific Programs: Clean Air Act, Americans with Disabilities Act.‬
‭People: Samuel Skinner, Carla Hills.‬
‭Challenges: Economic recession, budget deficit.‬
‭Success: Passed key legislation and initiatives.‬
‭Foreign Policy‬
‭Philosophy: Prioritized international cooperation and diplomacy.‬
‭Issues: Gulf War, Soviet Union collapse.‬
‭Wars: Persian Gulf War.‬
‭People: James Baker, Brent Scowcroft.‬
‭Challenges: Iraq invasion of Kuwait, Soviet Union dissolution.‬
‭Success: Led successful international coalition during Gulf War.‬
‭Bill Clinton‬
‭Domestic Policy‬
‭Philosophy: "New Democrat" focusing on centrist policies.‬
‭Issues: Healthcare reform, crime prevention, welfare reform.‬
‭Specific Programs: Family and Medical Leave Act, Brady Bill.‬
‭People: Hillary Clinton, Janet Reno.‬
‭Challenges: Impeachment, economic challenges.‬
‭Success: Economic growth, budget surplus.‬
‭Foreign Policy‬
‭Philosophy: Promoted democracy and human rights globally.‬
‭Issues: Balkan conflicts, Middle East peace process.‬
‭Wars: Kosovo War.‬
‭People: Madeleine Albright, Richard Holbrooke.‬
‭Challenges: Genocide in Rwanda, Israeli-Palestinian conflict.‬
‭Success: Brokering peace agreements, NATO expansion.‬
‭George W. Bush‬
‭Domestic Policy‬
‭Philosophy: Conservative policies, focus on national security.‬
‭Issues: Tax cuts, education reform, healthcare.‬
‭Specific Programs: No Child Left Behind, tax cuts.‬
‭People: Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice.‬
‭Challenges: 9/11 attacks, Hurricane Katrina.‬
‭Success: Tax cuts, No Child Left Behind Act.‬
‭Foreign Policy‬
‭Philosophy: Promoted democracy through military intervention.‬
‭Issues: War on Terror, Axis of Evil.‬
‭ ars: Afghanistan War, Iraq War.‬
‭People: Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld.‬
‭Challenges: Iraq War aftermath, global anti-American sentiment.‬
‭Success: Toppling Taliban regime, capturing Saddam Hussein.‬
‭Barack Obama‬
‭Domestic Policy‬
‭Philosophy: Progressive policies, focus on healthcare and equality.‬
‭Issues: Affordable Care Act, LGBTQ+ rights, economic recovery.‬
‭Specific Programs: Affordable Care Act, Dodd-Frank Act.‬
‭People: Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton.‬
‭Challenges: Economic recession recovery, healthcare reform.‬
‭Success: Affordable Care Act implementation.‬
‭Foreign Policy‬
‭Philosophy: Multilateralism and diplomacy.‬
‭Issues: Middle East conflicts, Iran nuclear deal.‬
‭Wars: Drone strikes against terrorism.‬
‭People: John Kerry, Susan Rice.‬
‭Challenges: Syria crisis, Russian aggression.‬
‭Success: Iran nuclear deal, Paris Climate Agreement‬

‭George H.W. Bush‬

‭Defining Act: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)‬

‭●‬ J‭ ustification: Bush's ADA ensured equal rights for people with disabilities, promoting‬
‭inclusivity and access to opportunities.‬

‭Bill Clinton‬

‭Defining Act: Welfare Reform and Balanced Budget Act‬

‭●‬ J‭ ustification: Clinton's welfare reform emphasized work requirements and fiscal‬
‭responsibility, showcasing his bipartisan approach to addressing social welfare issues.‬

‭George W. Bush‬

‭Defining Act: USA PATRIOT Act‬

‭●‬ J‭ ustification: Bush's USA PATRIOT Act expanded counterterrorism measures post-9/11,‬
‭illustrating his focus on national security and combating terrorism.‬

‭Barack Obama‬
‭Defining Act: Affordable Care Act (ACA)‬

‭●‬ J‭ ustification: Obama's ACA increased access to healthcare, implemented consumer‬

‭protections, and extended Medicaid coverage, demonstrating his commitment to‬
‭healthcare reform and social progress.‬

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