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AP United States History – 11th Grade

Period 8: 1945-1980
Internet Activity: Korean War

Korean War Overview -

[1] When and how did the Korean War break out?

[2] Explain how the United Nations Security Council was able to pass a resolution condemning North Korean invasion of
South Korea.

[3] What term did Harry Truman use to describe America’s presence in Korea?

[4] Why did the U.S. become involved in the Korean conflict? Give at least 3 reasons.

[5] What were concerns outlined in Truman’s statement on June 27, 1950? Give at least 2 concerns.

President Truman’s Speech on Conflict in Korea, 1950 -

[6] How does President Truman’s speech add to U.S. concerns over the spread of communism?

President Truman’s Report to the American Public, 1951 -

[7] What justification does President Truman give for why the United States is fighting a war in Korea? Give at least 2

General MacArthur and U.S. President Harry S. Truman conflict -

[8] Why was General MacArthur replaced as military commander?

[9] What do you think about Truman’s decision to replace General MacArthur? Be specific.
Truman’s Speech Explaining the Firing -

[10] What type of war is the United Nations fighting in Korea?

[11] Does President Truman specifically mention why he replaced General MacArthur? Give specifics.

Big Historical Question – Be sure to weigh in on this one!

[12] Explain the impacts (political, economic, or social) of the Korean War. Give at least 2 impacts- be sure to fully

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