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Software Requirements



Management Information
System for Kapruka Fund
Management Board

Version 1.0

Prepared by G.C.S. Wijerathne – E1943335

March 2023

Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Document Conventions .......................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ......................................................................... 4
1.4 Project Scope .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 References (IEEE Guidelines) .................................................................................................. 5
2 Overall Description.......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Product Perspective ................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Product Features ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics ............................................................................................. 8
2.3.1 Admin .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.3.2 Regional Coordinator ...................................................................................................... 9
2.3.3 National Coordinator ...................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Operating Environment ........................................................................................................ 10
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints .............................................................................. 10
2.5.1 Coding Conventions ...................................................................................................... 10
2.5.2 Operating System .......................................................................................................... 10
2.5.3 Setting up your Environment ........................................................................................ 11
2.5.4 Other Constraints .......................................................................................................... 11
2.6 User Documentation ............................................................................................................. 11
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies ........................................................................................... 11
3 System Features ............................................................................................................................ 11
3.1 System Feature ..................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.1 Description and Priority ................................................................................................ 12
3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ..................................................................................... 13
3.1.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 15
4 External Interface Requirements .................................................................................................. 17
4.1 User Interfaces ...................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Hardware Interfaces ............................................................................................................. 20
4.3 Software Interfaces ............................................................................................................... 21
4.4 Communications Interfaces .................................................................................................. 21
5 Other Nonfunctional Requirements ............................................................................................. 21
5.1 Performance Requirements .................................................................................................. 21

5.2 Safety Requirements ............................................................................................................. 22
5.3 Security Requirements .......................................................................................................... 22
5.4 Software Quality Attributes .................................................................................................. 22
Appendix A: Analysis Models ............................................................................................................ 25
Appendix B: Issues List ...................................................................................................................... 27

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

KFMB is established under Ministry of Plantation Industries under the act 2005 No 31. And
also, it is derived from Coconut Cultivation Board (CCB) most recently. KFMB has more than
2000 Kapruka societies all over the country which is intended to empower the live hood of
small coconut growers in rural areas. The duty of KFMB is to create and maintain Kapruka
Societies, provide loan facility to the societies as a bulk package, renewal and registering
Kapruka Societies and maintain Kapruka Recourse Centers. All these mention works are doing
manually so far and it is very hard to keep, maintain and process large amount of data related
to societies and loan provide among societies. I am going to propose a web base solution to
solve all above mention issues pop up when doing it manually.
These are some major statistics that kapruka fund management boards’ handling by going
through a manual system.
 Primary society – 2280
 Regional office – 18
 Regional coordinators - 18
 Regional Federations – 07
 Members – 176000
 Kapruka Fund – Rs. Mn 112
 Total savings - Rs. Mn 22
 Direct project beneficiaries – 4500
 Resource Centers – 69
 Kapruka processing centers – 840
 Coconut cultivation and intercropping projects – 1435
 Business linkages (International) – 11
 Business linkages (national) – 19

Version 1.0

1.2 Document Conventions

This document follows the MLA Format. The bold-faced text has been used to emphasize
sections and sub-section headings. Highlighting is to point out words in the glossary and
italicized text is used to label and recognize diagrams.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This system requirements specification document describes the tasks that the system should
perform and how the system performs each of those functions. BIT final project examiners,
project supervisors and client companies can be identified as prospective readers of this

1.4 Project Scope

Kapruka fund management board currently following a manual system which is using
Microsoft Excel to store data, sending and receiving loan documents and loan repayment
details by normal Sri Lankan post. It is taking more than two weeks to receive a repayment
bank slip to the head office and make enter to the database maintain with Microsoft excel. So,
up to now is it impossible to have a real updated loan recovery report in any kind of loan

KFMB has more than 2000 Kapruka societies all over the country which is intended to
empower the live hood of small coconut growers in rural areas.

The major operations of Kapruka Fund Management Board as follows,

 Create and maintain Kapruka Societies,

 Provide loan facility to the societies as a bulk package,
 Renewal and registering Kapruka Societies
 Maintain Kapruka Recourse Centers.

Since, it is not easy to give a IT solution to a government sector is not easy because they are
caring maintaining the property of the government and responsibilities of the general public. It
is very important to be careful to choose a best technologies and methodologies.

Finally, this system scope set up to the level of complete as final year project to develop a real
time updated loan management system with the facility of grade the societies as per the criteria.

1.5 References (IEEE Guidelines)

[1] "Ministry of Plantation industries," 01 05 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 7 2019].

[2] C. C. Board, "Coconut Cultivation Board," Coconut Cultivation Board, 2 4 2016.
[Online]. Available: [Accessed 01 07

[3] N. P. Greer, Web-application-development, 2012.

[4] R. Data, "," Refences Data, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 06 2019].

[5] K. F. M. Board, "Kapruka at a glance," Baththaramulla, 2018.

[6] K. F. M. Board, "Annual Report," Ministry of Plantation Industries, Baththaramulla,


[7] J. Duckett, PHP & MySQL: server side web development, Wiley, 2019.

[8], "," 16 12 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 16 06

[9] N. Simpkins, "Developing Server-Side Infrastructure for Large-Scale E-Learning of Web

Technology," International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET) , vol.
8, no. 2010, p. 15, 2010.

[10] M. Junkkari, "Path Expressions in SQL: A User Study on Query Formulation," Journal
of Database Management, vol. 27, no. 3, p. 22, 2016.

2 Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

Kapruka Fund Management Board Formally organize the coconut small holder
individuals in to the Kapruka societies and empowering them to develop their sustainable
livelihood based on coconut Industries. KFM Board has initiated the formation of
Kapruka Primary Societies (KPS) by associating 30 - 200 coconut growers in a GN area
with a consolidated minimum of 1000 palms. Following diagram shows major
functionalities which going to address using proposed web application.

Figure 1 Major Funtionalities of the system.

2.2 Product Features

Figure 2 System features

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

The system consists three main parts.

2.3.1 Admin

• Create Accounts
• Edit Accounts
• Manage system users
• Manage New societies
• Manage loans
• Change Account Password
• Add/Remove coordinator
• Monitoring loan progress
• Handle loan recovery process
• Monitoring maintains recovery progress
• Manage loan applications
• Update loan recovery details
• Monitoring regional coordinators
• Add/Remove/Update societies
• Manage Regional Coordinators
• Upload / Delete user manuals and videos
• Generate, view, share reports
2.3.2 Regional Coordinator

• Login and Log Out,

• Add/ Remove/ Update society
• Log society details
• Update loan details
• Grading societies
• Update/Monitoring complaint progress
• Add repayment details
• View reports and charts

2.3.3 National Coordinator

• Add/Remove admin officer

• Add/Remove regional coordinator

• Update loan progress
• Check scheduled loan services
• Check/ Update loan details
• Check loan history
• Approve loan requests
• View, download Charts and reports

2.4 Operating Environment

The rule for selecting hardware and software is that the components/system must be
functionally efficient, capable of interfacing with other software, and easy to maintain.
• Operating system: Windows 10 or newer version of windows operating system
• Database: My SQL database
• Platform: PHP
• Client/server architecture
• Server: XAMPP server
• Internet browser and proper internet connection is required for to access the system.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

2.5.1 Coding Conventions

• Line length: Maximum length of each line should be 100.

• Whitespaces: Remove trailing whitespace on lines.
• Spaces & tabs: Use only spaces.
• Indent size: Indent your code Properly with tabs or 4 white spaces.
• Bracing: Put braces on the same line as the code before them, not on their own line.

2.5.2 Operating System

This system focuses on Windows operating systems. So before installing the applications need
to choose the appropriate operating system. Windows 10 or newer version of Windows
operating system.

2.5.3 Setting up your Environment

• Install sublime text as a source-code editor for Windows.

• Install Java, Android SDK.
• Install Sublime-Text for PHP.
• Install XAMPP Server for database.
2.5.4 Other Constraints

• Proper Internet connection

2.6 User Documentation

• When the machine is introduced to the customer, a basic introduction to the application
is made and in addition, users can get a clear idea and improve their knowledge by
using the relevant documentation, user training, user manuals, etc.
• Support teams and technicians can get a clear idea of the application through practical
training on how to use the application, relevant documents, notes, zoom videos,
pictures, etc.
• Using real-time chat, it is possible to negotiate with the service provider (company).

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

• All users have a proper internet connection.

• Assuming all loans from a one found.
• coordinators have email addresses and smartphones or tablets.

3 System Features

3.1 System Feature

Figure 3 ER Diagram for KFMB

3.1.1 Description and Priority

Feature Description Priority

Registration Admin register the users High

User Login Login to the account. High

User profile manage Edit/Update account. High

Admin User Control Control the user accounts by admin High

Society management Insert, Update, Close, Monitor progress of societies High

Request, Schedule, Update, Monitor progress of loan
Loan management High
Regional Coordinators Insert, Update, Delete New Coordinators High

Society Grading Grade societies as per criteria High

Update Recovery Details Regional coordinators update High

Generate reports Select the report criteria Medium

Chat View charts Medium

Table 1: Description and Priority

3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

• Registration
Stimulus: Admin clicks on login
Response: Display home page
Stimulus: Select user registration
Responses: The registration details displayed
Stimulus: Fill registration details and save
Response: Save from the MYSQL database

• Login to the system

Stimulus: Click on user login
Response: The login page is displayed
Stimulus: Enter the username and password of the user
Responses: Check the validity of username and password

Stimulation: Click on the User Login button
Responses: If the username and password combination is correct, home page displayed.
If not, error message displayed.

• Insert, Update, Delete New Society

Stimulus: Clicks on user (Admin) login
Response: Display the home page
Stimulus: Select product management - Brands
Responses: Display the Society
Stimulus: Insert, Update, delete new brands details and save
Responses: Save from the MYSQL database

• Insert, Update, Delete loan

Stimulus: Clicks on user (Admin, Support staff) login
Response: Display the home page
Stimulus: Select Loan Management
Responses: Display the Sold Items section
Stimulus: Insert, Update, delete loan details and save
Responses: Save from the MYSQL database

• Insert, Update, Close, Monitor progress, of loan repayment

Stimulus: Click on user login
Response: Display the home page
Stimulus: Select loan management
Responses: Display Loan management sections
Stimulus: Insert, Update, Close, Monitor progress of complaint details and save
Response: Save from the MYSQL database

• Insert, Update, Monitor the progress, of grading criteria

Stimulus: Click on user login
Response: Display the home page
Stimulus: Select Grading Societies
Responses: Display Grading Criteria
Stimulus: Insert, Update, monitor progress of machine been repair details and save
Response: Save from the MYSQL database

• Generate reports
Stimulus: Click on the user login
Response: Display the home page
Stimulus: Select report center
Responses: Display report center
Stimulus: Select the report criteria
Response: Download

• View, Sent Chat

Stimulus: Clicks on user login
Response: Display the home page
Stimulus: User selects chat
Responses: Display the chat section
Stimulus: View, send messages
Response: Send are successful and save chat from the MYSQL database

• Logout
Stimulus: User clicks on logout
Response: the user is logged out

3.1.3 Functional Requirements

• Registration

REQ-1: The user (admin) shall be able to view and click on the login

REQ-2: The user shall be able to enter the username and password

REQ-3: The database shall be able to validate username and password

REQ 4 - The user shall be able to fill in registration details and save the system details
about the user

• Log in to the system

REQ-1: The user shall be able to view and click on the login

REQ-2: The user shall be able to enter the username and password

REQ-3: The database shall be able to validate username and password.

• Insert, Update, Delete Society

REQ-1: The user shall be able to view and click on the login

REQ-2: The user shall be able to enter the username and password

REQ-3: The database shall be able to validate username and password.

REQ-4: The admin shall be able to insert, update and delete the society details.

• Insert, Update, Delete Regional Coordinator

REQ-1: The user shall be able to view and click on the login

REQ-2: The user shall be able to enter the username and password

REQ-3: The database shall be able to validate username and password.

REQ-4: The admin shall be able to insert, update, delete the regional officer details

• Insert, Update, Close, Monitor progress, of loan management

REQ-1: The user shall be able to view and click on the login

REQ-2: The user shall be able to enter the username and password

REQ-3: The database shall be able to validate username and password.

REQ-4: The admin and support staff shall be able to insert, update, close, and monitor
the progress of loan recovery. The regional coordinators shall be able to update, and
close loan repayment details. National Coordinator shall be able to insert and monitor
the progress of complaints.

• Request, Schedule, Update, Monitor the progress, of maintenance services

REQ-1: The user shall be able to view and click on the login

REQ-2: The user shall be able to enter the username and password

REQ-3: The database shall be able to validate username and password.

REQ-4: The admin and support staff shall be able to request, schedule, update, and
monitor the progress of maintenance services. The technicians shall be able to update
details and request spare parts for maintenance services. Customers shall be able to
request maintenance services and monitor the progress.

• Generate reports

REQ-1: The user shall be able to view and click on the login

REQ-2: The user shall be able to enter the username and password

REQ-3: The database shall be able to validate username and password.

REQ-4: The admin shall be able to generate the reports.

• View, Sent Chat

REQ-1: The user shall be able to view and click on the login

REQ-2: The user shall be able to enter the username and password

REQ-3: The database shall be able to validate username and password.

REQ-4: The user shall be able to view, and send messages through the system.

4 External Interface Requirements

4.1 User Interfaces

The application will create a separate user interface specification for each user, depending on
the user role. The first-time user of the web application should see the log-in page when he /
she opens the app. The username and password are provided by the company for the first time
log-in for all users other than the admin. After logging in, users will see the interface for
changing the password.

Some of wireframe UI designs as follows,

Figure 4 Log in User Interface

Figure 5 Society Registration UI

Figure 6 Admin Dashboard

Figure 7 Loan Request UI

Figure 8 Regional Officer UI

4.2 Hardware Interfaces

Because the web application does not have designated hardware, it does not have a direct
hardware interface. Web applications are responsive to the any browser with a device which

connected to the internet. So can log into the system from an any device which is connected to
the internet shall enough to access this application. In the last endpoint need a printer to take
print out of loan recovery reports.

4.3 Software Interfaces

The system will use the sublime text as editor. Programming language is PHP, and user
interfaces are design using XML,CCS and BOOSTRAP.

4.4 Communications Interfaces

The application works as a collection of several different parts and the communication between
them is important as the functionality of the whole application depends on each other. A basic
internet connection is required to use the application.

5 Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

In the performance of these mobile applications, how well an application works on a mobile
device under various loads and circumstances, whether the application crashes at the peak of
user activity, the time it takes to load an application and battery usage monitoring is done.

5.2 Safety Requirements

In this case, the system data will be stored directly in the MySQL database on the server. The
hard drive damage or crashes that occur on the computer does not affect the data which store
through the mobile application.

5.3 Security Requirements

Security of the copyright-protected content that may be stored in the system, known as digital
rights management, is currently beyond the scope of this project. The username and password
of each user are unique, if a user forgets their login information, they will be able to access the
application again by providing a link to the email address provided.

And the behavior of the application must be accurate and predictable.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

• Availability
This attribute indicates whether the application executes the functions it is expected to
perform. Availability is concerned with the failure of the application and its associated
consequences. So that such failures can be observed by the users of the application.

• Reliability
Reliability is a guarantee of project performance under a variety of conditions. This ensures
that the application can continue to operate correctly under predefined conditions, and
different service environments.

• Usability
Usability is concerned with the ease of use of the user for the tasks that are expected to be
accomplished by creating the application. The app should be user-friendly, easy to learn
and simple to navigate.

• Flexibility
Flexibility is the ability of a system to adapt to future changes. The application must be
able to respond to internal or external changes in a timely and cost-effective manner.

• Portability
Portability is the ability of a software system to adapt to other environments with different
hardware, different operating systems, and more. The pre-requirement for portability is the
generalized abstraction between the application logic and system interfaces.

• Maintainability
Maintainability is the ability of the system to support changes. It requires ease of
maintenance of versions of the application, ease of adding code to the existing system, ease
of updating for new features and new technologies, identification of causes of failure,
correction of failures and confirmation of the success of the fix. Maintenance should be
cost-effective and easy.

• Interoperability
Interoperability is the ability to exchange data or services with other external systems
required for the application to function. This involves operating on different system
modules, different operating system platforms, different databases, and protocol
conditions. A well-designed system facilitates integration with third-party systems.

• Correctness
Correctness means that the functionality of the application must meet the requirements.
That is, to ensure that it gives the desired output for each input. This includes concerns
about incorrect data or incorrect calculations, the impact of incomplete data, the up-to-
datedness of the information, the availability of information, and the standards for coding
and documenting the system.

• Testability
Testability is how well the application allows tests to be performed according to pre-
determined criteria. To be able to accurately test an application, you need to be able to
control the internal status and input of each component and then monitor its output.
• Security

Security is the ability of the system to prevent unauthorized use while providing its services
to legitimate users of the application. In this case, the likelihood of accidental actions,
minimizing the possibility of data theft or loss, and ensuring confidentiality and integrity
must be ensured. Steps such as authentication, encryption, audit, etc. should be taken to
ensure the security of the application.

Appendix A: Analysis Models

Primary actors:
• Admin, Development Officer

• Update Development Officer for each region.
• Accept or reject loan requests.
• View loan log for each Development Officer.

Development Officer:
• Add new societies.
• Grade societies using a questionnaire.
• Request loans for societies.
• Update Loan Payments

Activity Diagram

ER Diagram

Figure 9 ER DiagBram for KFMB

Appendix B: Issues List
• People who don’t have required requirements to access the system may be
• People who have less knowledge about technology need to be made aware of how to
use the system.


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