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國立中興高中 111 學年度第一學期高二英文期末考 Class No Name

[電腦卡未正確劃記者扣 5 分]
I. Listening Test (10%)
Part 1: Picture Questions (2%)
Look at each picture and answer the question.
1.( D )

2.( C )

Part 2: Best Response Questions (2%)

Listen to the question or statement and choose the best response.
(C) 3. (A) What kept you from finishing it?
(B) I know. I heard it had very bad reviews.
(C) Really? What’s so good about it?
(D) I agree. I can tell it’s boring just from the cover.

(A) 4. (A) I know. That’s what she plans to do.

(B) Yes. Because she is happy with her old car.
(C) Really? Why did she give up the idea?
(D) Yes. Because she doesn’t need a car anymore.

Part 3: Conversation Questions (4%)

Listen to each conversation and answer the question.
(B) 5. (A) If she wants to talk to him.
(B) If she wants to fix her friendship.
(C) If she got into a fight again.
(D) If she knows a girl named Annie.

(D) 6. (A) The woman.

(B) An old friend.
(C) A famous movie star.
(D) Someone that looks like the woman.

(B) 7. (A) The music.

(B) The food.
(C) The buildings.
(D) The festivals.

(C) 8. (A) A scoop of ice cream.

(B) Slices of fresh fruit.
(C) A small amount of sugar.
(D) A sweet liquid.

Part 4: Short Talk Questions (2%)

Listen to the following paragraph and answer the questions.

(C) 9. (A) He was the first person to climb Everest without a guide.
(B) He was the first people to try to climb Everest.
(C) He was the person who made Everest popular.
(D) He was a good friend of George Everest.

(A) 10. (A) In an adventure travel magazine.

(B) In the business section of a newspaper.
(C) In a book about George Everest.
(D) In a history textbook.
II. Vocabulary/Grammar (16%)
B11. After paying the fee, you will become our member.
(A) violation (B) registration (C) reunion (D) prosperity
D12. is better than cure. You had better get yourself prepared in advance.
(A) Delight (B) Orientation (C) Misfortune (D) Prevention
D13. I will not that sort of behavior. It is absolutely unacceptable.
(A) hasten (B) strive (C) correspond (D) tolerate
A14. Policies should be enough to meet various needs of local communities.
(A) flexible (B) suspicious (C) aggressive (D) imaginary
B15. His classmates are to work with him on group projects as he is lazy.
(A) dynamic (B) reluctant (C) intermediate (D) splendid
A16. All creatures have the survival -the ability to know what to do to survive.
(A) instinct (B) reunion (C) privacy (D) invasion
B17. Don’t read others’ letters or diaries without their permission. It is wrong to invade
others’ .
(A) empire (B) privacy (C) disguise (D) remedy
C18.There are many mistakes in your writing. Apparently, it was written in .
(A) refusal (B) halt (C) haste (D) glimpse
A19.The goods are arranged in a very way, so you can find what you want very
quickly. .
(A) systematic (B) singular (C) passive (D) shameful
D20. They tried their best to their guests by telling jokes and playing tricks.
(A) contain (B) idle (C) resign (D) amuse
D21. Emily hasn’t in the new environment after she moved to another city.
(A) used to living (B) gotten used to live (C) used to live (D) gotten used to living
B22. I like many types of music, one of is jazz.
(A) them (B) which (C) that (D) those
D23. My writing needs because it has a lot of mistakes.
(A) revised (B) to revise (C) be revised (D) revising
B24. I couldn’t Emily my secret.
(A) resist to tell (B) resist telling (C) require telling (D) require to tell
D25. Which statement is grammatically incorrect?
(A) If you feel like making improvement in English, you should study hard.
(B) I’m having trouble with my assignment, so I have to ask my teacher for help.
(C) Even though everyone suspects Lisa, she denied stealing the phone.
(D) Jenny has problems to understand what her English teacher is speaking.
C26. Which statement is grammatically incorrect?
(A) That story bears repeating.
(B) There’s no acounting for taste.
(C) The plant needs being watered every day.
(D) I would like to know the reason why she leaves.

III. Cloze Test (28%)
When it comes to riding elephants, which country firstly occurs to you? There is no
denying that Thailand is known for elephant tourism, which brings a lot of money into Thai
27 . Nevertheless, the high demand in tourism industry has made elephants fall victim
to brutal treatments. After wild elephants are caught, they are violently abused, 28 in
small cages. 29 being forced to leave their mothers, theses elephants are subjected to
psychological torture and physical abuse. After elephants are trained to be 30 to their
trainers, they are made to carry people on their backs, which leads to back injuries. What’s
worse, 31 the lack of enough food and water, elephants are exhausted after tiring work.
Why does such cruel elephant trade continue? It is beause local companies keep
engaging in this cruel activity 32 they profit. In order to save elephants from
mistreatment, it is high time that we 33 with this problem by refusing to visit any
attraction where elephants are abused. Instead, we can take pleasure 34 going to national
parks to see elephants roam freely as they want.
B27. (A) economic (B) economy (C) economical (D) economics
C28. (A) confining (B) be confined (C) confined (D) confine
D29. (A) Regardless (B) With regard to (C) Except for (D) Apart from
B30. (A) obedience (B) obedient © intelligent (D) intelligence
B31. (A) because (B) due to (C) as a result (D) despite
B32. (A) at which (B) from which (C) what (D) that
A33. (A) coped (B) cope (C) coping (D) have coped
C34. (A) of (B) to (C) in (D) on
With more than five million people participating in the Mazu pilgrimage every year, the
festival is believed 35 one of the world’s largest birthday parties. After the temple
authorities cast two 36 wooden blocks to determine the date when pilgrims set out on
their journey, the festivities take place over the course of nine days. Although it is a great
challenge for pilgrims to journey on foot, 37 their passion fade since they are
accompanied by the statue of Mazu.
Such pilgrimage is an event 38 . It can only be experienced here. Explosive sounds
of drums and horns can be heard to pierce the air, and throngs of people fill the street, 39 to
send Mazu off on her long journey. Also, locals offer washing facilities, being 40 to
passing pilgrims. Indeed, the Mazu pilgrimage is more than a religious 41 . It reflects not
only people’s dedication to Mazu but also the warmth of the Taiwanese people. Nowdays,
the Mazu pilgrimage has been 42 as the living cutural heritage by UNESCO. If you want
to experience Taiwan’s culture, be sure to take part in the Mazu pilgrimage.
D35. (A) to have been (B) that is (C) that (D) to be
B36.(A) half-moon-shaping (B) half-moon-shaped
(C) half-shaped- moon (D)half -shaping-moon
A37. (A) never does (B) never is (C) is never (D) does never
B38. (A) like another (B) like no other (C) as others (D) as the other
B39. (A) exciting (B) exciting (C) be excited (D) to be exciting
C40. (A) spectacular (B) complex (C) hospitable (D) brutal
B41. (A) pavement (B) ritual (C) industry (D) trap
B42. (A) emerged (B)designated (C) lured (D) struck

43 on the border between Nepal and Tibet, Mount Everest has attracted
generations of mountain climbers. It’s the world’s tallest mountain 44 its height above
sea level, at 8,849 meters, and about 800 visiting climbers try to climb Everest annually.
However, climbing Everest is a deadly challenge. One of the most difficult sections to climb
is called Hillary Step, which is named after Edmund Hillary, the first person in recorded
history to reach Everest’s peak. In addition, climbers find it hard to survive for long at
heights above around 8,000 meters, 45 the atmosphere’s oxygen level drops to about 8
In addition to the risk of climbing Mount Everest, such climbing activities 46
the mountain and its surroundings. The supplies and waste climbers leave behind often
pollute the mountain and 47 local water sources. Therefore, for those who would like to
conquer nature, they must 48 the harsh realities with great efforts.

B43. (A) Locating (B) Sitting (C) Sit (D) Be located

D44. (A) apart from (B) in the wake of (C) rather than (D) in terms of
B45. (A) for which (B) where (C) what (D) which
A46. (A) have an impact (B) date back to (C) set the stage for (D) cast a spell on
C47. (A) decline (B) resemble (C) contaminate (D) differentiate
D48. (A) tag along (B) pop up (C) contribute to (D) contend with

Without a doubt, rising summer temperatures and decreased rainfall have made severe
droughts a new normal. Recently, a UN report suggested the number and duration of
droughts have increased 49 nearly one-third globally since 2000. Droughts of this
severity can have extreme environmental and social impacts. They destroy crops and starve
livestock, 50 not only the livelihood of farmers but also the stability of the entire food
supply chain. In order to tackle the water crisis, Israel has built a number of desalination
plants so that seawater can be turned into drinking water. Also, the country plans to 51
this approach by building a pipeline that is used to desalinate water from the Mediterranean.
Another country, Singapore, also puts its limited water resources to good use by filtering
wastewater. 52 this water is primarily used for industrial processes, it is added to
reservoirs in times of drought. It has also promoted water 53 , encouraging people to
use water-saving devices and teaching water-saving tips. It is hoped that these solutions will
54 solving water scarcity. However, they don’t deal with the root cause of the problem.
Only by addressing the behaviors that contribute to climate change can water crisis be
D49. (A) off (B) at (C) on (D) by
A50. (A) (B) to threaten (C) threaten (D) threatened
D51. (A) declare (B) record (C) eliminate (D) expand
B52. (A) Since (B)While (C) In order that (D) If
C53. (A) (B) removal (C) conservation (D) chemical
B54. (A) close in (B) catch sight of (C) raise the stakes for (D) go a long way toward

V.Fill in the Blanks (不考慮大小寫) (19%)

Do you believe that there might be someone in the world who looks 55 E to you?
Such look-alikes are called doppelgängers, and a new study suggests that in addition to
bearing a resemblance in appearance, their similarities 56 A down to the level of the
DNA. By using facial 57 D software, the resaerch analyzed the faces of the look-alikes.
When the researchers 58 AC the results to those for actual identical twins, they discovered
that half of the doppelgänger pairs had twin-like scores. Also, it was indicated that nine of
the 16 pairs had similar genetic 59 C . With 60 B about the similarity of
doppelgängers’ DNA being confirmed, the study’s findings could be applied in the field of
medicine. For example, they could 61 AD predict a patient’s susceptibility to certain
genetic diseases with facial recognition software.
i e r c短c長sp
(A) extend (B) suspicions (C) characteristics (D) recognition (E) identical
(AB) determine (AC) compared (AD) potentially (AE) application (BC) virtual

In 2009, James Cameron’s Avatar 62 D onto the big screen. Since then, the film’s
influence can be felt across the cinematic 63 B . In fact, the global success of Avatar made
Cameron set about filming the sequels, one of which was 64 A for release in 2014.
However, it wasn’t until this year that he successfully accomplished a technological feat,
making audiences able to 65E themselves in the world of Pandora again. Avatar: The
Way of Water is a story about Jake Sully, who 66 AB becomes one of the Na’vi, building a
family and a life in their alien world. With familiar threats AD 67 again, he must fight
alongside his loved ones for the survival of their planet.
e l in im p s
(A) intended (B) landscape (C) announce (D) exploded (E) immerse
(AB) permanently (AC) debate (AD) surfacing

Scientists have made a AD 68 for cancer research, showing that locusts can smell
cancer cells in human beings and display the ability to D 69 between different types of
cancer. In fact,this is the first time locusts are used to AB 70 cancer. In the research, since
the scientists were aware that cancer cells not only look but also smell different from healthy
cells, they attached electrodes to locusts’ brains to measure changes in their brain activity
when they B 71 gas samples from different cells. The locusts first exhibited very different
responses to oral cancer cells and healthy cells, and they then displayed A 72 reactions to
three different forms of cancer. Such discoveries could enable much earlier detection of
certain cancers, which AC 73 leads to greatly improved chances of survival for affected
b d長 d短 e d中 i
(A) distinct (B) encountered (C) on the other hand (D) dsitinguish (E) detecting
(AB) detect (AC) in turn (AD) breakthrough (AE) competition (BC) essential

VI. Discourse (5%)

B 74 In fact, there are some simple steps you can take to improve your
memory. First, you have to exercise the body to increase blood flow to the brain. E 75
Also, good diets help us avoid conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which
are linked with memory loss. Therefore, having nutritious foods such as green vegetables as
well as nuts, berries, and other fruits can be effective in boosting memory. A 76
First, it is important to make sure your workspace is clean and tidy by keeping useful items
in specific places and getting rid of anything you don’t need. That is to say, you should have
an organized workspace. C 77 Another thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t do
too many things at once. After all, the best way to ensure that we remember details is to
focus on one thing at a time, devoting our full attention to it. D 78 In short, with
good lifestyle and proper environment, having a really powerful memory is not hard to

(A) In addition to things related to your lifestyle, the environment also plays a vital role.
(B) With the approach of a big exam, you may use all kinds of tactics to memorize the
information you need to know.
(C) If your workspace is messy, it can make you less able to focus and more likely to get
(D) If we instead try to multitask, we are more likely to forget things.
(E) With brain cells being protected, forgetfulness can be reduced.

VII. Reading Comprehension (8%) (請依以下文章作答 79-84 題)

With the summer vacation season in full swing, there are many attractions that appear
ethical on the surface but still involve horrible consequences for animals including tiger
sanctuaries, riding an elephant through the jungle or swimming with dolphins. While a tiger
sanctuary might seem like a better option than a caged tiger in a zoo, in countries such
as Philippines, tourists are often allowed to sit with a tiger for a photo. In order for tigers to
be kept docile for tourists, they are not only chained to the ground, but their teeth and claws
are often removed so that tourists can get safe tiger selfies.
Elephant rides in Thailand is another case of animal cruelty. After the baby elephants
are ripped from their mothers in the wild by poachers, they are kept in captivity, subjected to
a cruel tradition. During this brutal process, the elephants are beaten and suffer from great
torture including putting hot nails into the baby elephant’s body, as well as repeatedly hitting
them and locking them in small cages. Also, many are also fed poor diets and given no
opportunity to socialize, which is traumatizing for such highly-intelligent creatures who are
used to forming strong social bonds.
In addition to the cases mentioned above, swimming with dolphins in Mexico is another
activity that attracts droves of tourists. However, forcing dolphins to interact with possibly
hundreds of humans every day is exhausting for them. Also, when in captivity, these animals
can only swim in endless circles in tanks, meaning that they are denied the opportunity to
engage in almost any natural behavior.
After knowing these cruel realities, there are things you can do now as a tourist and
traveler.To begin with, you can make it a point to do your research before engaging in any of
these activities and avoid those mentioned. You can also spread the word, letting others in
your network know about the realities of such attractions.

B79. Which of the following is closet in meaning to “docile” in the first paragraph?
(A) To be different
(B) To be tamed
(C) To be rare
(D) To be understood
C80. According to the passage, Which of the following statements is not true?
(A) Since elephants are social animals, it is hard for them to be accustomed to being kept in
(B) Dolphins are extremely tired when they are forced to swim and interact with people.
(C) It is ethical to sit with a tiger for a photo because they are well-trained.
(D) Tourists should not only be aware of animal cruelty but also take actions to avoid it.

C81. Which of the following is the purpose of this passage?

(A) To entertain readers by telling them something amusing.
(B) To inform readers that wildlife tourism is gaining in popularity.
(C) To persuade readers not to engage in activities related to animal cruelty.
(D) To illustrate how people make great profits from tourism.
D82. After reading this passage, students are asked to post a feed on Instagram according to
the last paragraph. Which of the following is the least likely to be the hashtag?
(A) #Do Not Keep Animals in Captivity
(B) #Choose Animal-Friendly Attractions
(C) #Save Dolphins from Cruelty
(D) #Do Not Destroy Tigers’ Natural Habitats
Please help fill in the blanks by copying down phrases or sentences from the passage.

Animal cruelty Where Torture that animals suffer

Taking photos Philippines *They are chained to the ground.
with tigers * 84. Their teeth and claws are often
Riding elephants Thailand *They are repeatedly hit and locked in small cages.
* They are also fed poor diets.
Swimming with 83. 1. They are forced to interact with people.
dolphins Mexico 2. They can only swim in endless circles in tanks.

VIII. Vocabulary (8%)

85. Jeff has great e m for baseball; he watches games on TV all the time.
86. The public figure looks so tough, but in fact he is very v e and breaks down easily.

87. An i t consumer compares prices and quality before purchasing something.

88. The fact that health is more important than wealth is without e n. After all,
money cannot buy health.
89. While William insisted that he had c ted the crime alone, his girlfriend said they
had done it together.
90. Without a e sleep at night, most people tend to have difficulty focusing on their
work the next day.
91. Jason has run over ten miles. You can tell from the e n on his face.
92. When Jason arrived in the city, he immediately started looking for a ns for the
IX. Sentence rewrite and translation (6%)
I encountered 93. 94. of interesting people while backpacking around

95.I have never seen a more beautiful lady than you. (以倒裝句改寫句子)

96. My mother bought a lot of books, and most of them are about cooking. (以 N,

all/most/some of 改寫句子)

國立中興高中 111 學年度第一學期高二英文期末考
Class: No: Name: Score:

VII. Reading Comprehension (4%, 2% for each)

83. Mexico

84. Their teeth and claws are often removed.

VIII. Vocabulary (8%)

85.enthusiasm 86.vulnerable 87.intelligent 88.exaggeration

89.committed 90.adequate 91.exhaustion 92.accommodations

IX. Sentence rewrite and translation (6%,93-94 題 1% for each, 95-96 題 2% for each)

93.all 94.manner

95.Never have I seen a more beautiful lady than you.

96.My mother bought a lot of books, most of which are about cooking.


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