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Carlos Vasquez

C. Baalke

ENGL 1120

1 May 2024

MWA 3: Research Paper Reflection

The most useful skill I learned over the course of this class that helped me write my

research paper was usage of sources and analyzing said sources. By using my sources in the

ways we learned about in class, I was able to effectively portray the research I gathered to fit my

thesis statement and prove how music connects all people as a universal language. However, I

did struggle more on this paper than the other two major writing assignments.

For this paper, what I struggled with the most was transitioning between the main points

within my paper. Thankfully, I still needed to fulfill my visit to the Writers Workshop with

CAPS for the semester. So I went to CAPS and they helped me immensely. Not only did they

help me find ways to transition between points, but they also helped me organize the points in a

way that made more sense.

When it comes to the process of writing this research paper, the part I enjoyed the most was

learning about the topic through reading my sources. I was able to take a topic I was interested in

and learn about it to a greater, more in depth, extent. My least favorite part of the process,

however, was taking what I learned and then writing about it to fit my theme. I am happy with

the overall outcome of my paper, because it was a writing style I have never written in before.

With that being said I believe I executed the research paper relatively well. If given more time to

work on the paper(well more than the extended time I was already generously given), I would
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have included more main points that also applied to my topic, as well as would have tried to get

rid of any objective wording that might be in my paper.

The most important thing I learned from writing this paper was, how to conduct research

and convey the research into a report. I will be able to use what I have learned from this paper to

help me immensely on my inevitable research papers I will need to write in the future in

accordance with my major in Anthropology.

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