Importance of Women Soccer

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SOCCER WORLD CUP (1991-2023)




PROBLEM STATEMENTS………………………………………………………Pag. 3

INTRODUCCION ……………………………………………………………….. Pag. 4

CHAPTER 1: The first woman matches, Mexico team ………………………Pag. 5

CHAPTER 2: The real money that a woman earns playing soccer …………Pag. 8

CHAPTER 3: Principal women's icons, how do they inspire? ………………Pag.11

CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………………Pag.13

SOURCES ………………………………………………………………………..Pag.

CHECKLIST ………………………………………………………………………Pag.14.


This work will analyze the importance of the women's soccer world cup,
showing the difficulties that a woman can pass, exposing the corruption that exist
with biggest soccer boss that in majority are mans, also the history that starts many
years ago but many centuries before have been recognize, showing biographies of
the best woman players in this last century, how the woman soccer world cup have
been overshadowed by manly events using the techniques of documentary, life
story and biography research to have the assessment of historical documents.

The women's soccer world cup is important because is a battle that
nowadays the women’s still trying to have the same importance as the man’s even
the corruption exist, like in the case that a woman don't receive the same money
as a man, also to be an event that recognize that a woman could be good athlete
like a man, why this soccer cup don't have the public and the publicity that a man’s
cup will have and this is because most of the people don’t know about this types of
events, even though the first women soccer world cup was on China in 1991.

The purpose of this work is to show the Importance of women in the soccer
world, how passing the years is an industry that grows every day that also have
problems in the way but inspires other girls to try a new sport that for centuries
have been only for men, showing a little of history and players.

● Knowing the principal’s players

● Problems that women go through in this sport

● The really money that a women earn playing soccer


Every day the women’s They receive discriminatory treatment, as over the
years they have made their way through the barriers of society, in this case
focusing on soccer both in Mexico and in the world within this medium it has been
a struggle that continues to be overcome, even so this story has a beginning and
an end where brave women decided to raise their voices exactly in a historical time
where thanks to wars men were not present and showed that women could give
the same show as a man and although the story began in England, many other
countries since then have tried to give that equality that one of them has sought so
much, such as the United States, Brazil, England and Spain, which currently have
the same league level as the women's and men's both in potential as in fair
treatment and equitable pay. The various points of corruption regarding the pay
received by the players will also be taken into account, focusing on the Mexican
soccer league as well as various stories of Mexican women who have put the
name of the country high inside and outside the country and above all the bad
treatment that there is towards the players in the country with the purpose of
raising awareness and inspiring more women so that they are not afraid of fulfilling
a dream being a soccer player where the pay and the treatment are equitable.
Like principals’ objectives are knowing principals’ players in Mexico, how
every player has different histories from the childhood and now a day becoming an
inspiration, must of them due to the fact that soccer in Mexico was somewhat late
in its growth, the players who are currently part of this sport open the way more
and more for the new generations who want to conquer this sport carrying other
great women behind them who have also dared to make the change.
In other objective the problems that a woman go through even the years
this fight still trying to be different, because in this world where a society puts
stones in the way to make other people fall, the world does not advance, however,
in this sporting field, some soccer powers have shown that equality can be
achieved, even if Mexico continues to try to improve, corruption exists within the

The First Woman Matches, Mexico Team

The first soccer match was in the early 1880’s in London by Nettie
Honeyball, also the founder of the British Ladies Football Club; other experts say
that the first woman match was in Scotland in 1892 but the one that is more
recognized was in London. Years before on 1970 was the first international soccer
matches but not all the world put a good face from this because the Civil England
War was starting and this action was frowned upon by the society, great part of the
people think why a woman practice a sport that was created only for mans, even
though many fabrics in England during war had their own soccer teams this
aroused the curiosity of the people so that at the end of the war creates the English
Ladies Football Association, in fact the first women's soccer world cup was
organized in Italy in 1970 and does not even appear in the history of women's
football narrated in the official pages of FIFA, until this in 1971 the Union of
European Football Association (UEFA) became an example for Italy, United States
and Japan that nowadays are the best women's leagues. 1
Years before in 1991 was official the first FIFA Women World Cup
elaborated in China, where 12 teams participate in front of 500,000 spectators,
something curious about this first edition was that the players use man’s uniforms
because their respective countries don’t want to bought new uniforms for
something that was just becoming know, even so aroused interest in the sport,
where United States of America was the champion, with this type of examples later
in 1996 the International Olympic Committee decided to include women’s soccer in
the Atlanta Olympic Games where 8 countries participated: Japan, China,

El puntapié inicial para el fútbol femenino. (s/f). Recuperado el 13 de diciembre de

2022, de

Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, USA and Brazil, in fact in this event Brazil
was the first Latin American country in participate.2
Talking about Mexico before the first World Cup held in China, the Mexican
team had already participated in two unofficial international tournaments even
though soccer is the most popular sport in Mexico the women’s branch has had to
fight for almost 48 years to open space in the professionalism. One of the best
feats of the women’s national team was reaching the final of a short tournament
against soccer powers such as Argentina, Ital, France, England and Denmark,
winning the tournament 3-0 against the Danes receiving 110 thousand people as
fans, team led on the pitch by Alicia Vargas and Maria Eugenia Rubio.3
Many of the contributions that women’s soccer currently has is thanks to
Armando Magaña (former player of the Necaxa club) in 1996 and 1997 he was
offered the project of creating a women’s team so he traveled within the nation
looking for new talents like Monica Vergara y Maribel Dominguez. After the search,
it was decided to put Leonardo Cuellar as technical director of the team, managing
to qualify for the 1999 World Cup, even though he didn’t pass the group stage, it
was a great step for the team, to later qualify for the Olympic Games Athens 2004,
thanks for the effort of this people, on December 5, 2016 the actual MX league
president Enrique Bonilla found the women’s league in the country with 18 teams
representatives with the ones of the man's league since that only are 4 different
champions Chivas (the first champion), América, Tigres and Rayadas, in fact this
tournament have been broken many records like in the 2022 Opening First Leg
Final between América and Tigres held at the Azteca Stadium presented more
than 52,654 fans, an event that had not happened in a women’s match.4

Historia del fútbol femenino. (s/f). Recuperado el 13 de diciembre de 2022,

Historia del fútbol femenino. (s/f). Recuperado el 13 de diciembre de 2022,

López, C. (2019, abril 10). El fútbol femenino mexicano: casi medio siglo de historia y apenas tres
años de ser una realidad. CNN Español.

The Women’s MX League has evolved as improvements have been
incorporated, such as the acquisition of foreign players to improve the vision of the
league, making it attractive and trying to attract more public to discover a new way
of seeing this sport, even though it continues to improve. Both in sports and in
administration, it continues to be a struggle that as the year goes by the equality
that has been so desired will be achieved.5
Waiting for the 2023 World Cup that will take place in Australia and New
Zealand from July 20 to August 20 in which 32 teams will participate, even though
in this edition the Mexican team will not participate.6

López, C. (2019, abril 10). El fútbol femenino mexicano: casi medio siglo de historia y apenas tres
años de ser una realidad. CNN Español.

López, C. (2019, abril 10). El fútbol femenino mexicano: casi medio siglo de historia y apenas tres
años de ser una realidad. CNN Español.

The real money that a woman earns playing soccer

One of the great discontents of the players is that they don’t receive the
same pay that a man would receive, this is not only happens in Mexico, it's really
something that happens around the world, even in many countries like United
States, women are not given the same equality and this is reflected in the pay with
the excuse for not paying them was their condition as amateurs, on average, for a
female soccer player who belongs to a Mexican first division team receives 7,463
pesos a month, while the average monthly salary for men is 666,946 pesos,
according to data from Salary Sport and in Europe used to pay 47 euros.7
The national women's team from England, Brazil, Ireland, Norway, Finland
and the United States already earn the same as their male counterparts and
another time United States demonstrate why is a first country, the National
Women’s Soccer League it is one of the most viewed, therefore the one that
generates the most money, which is why the player with the largest soil in the
United States is Carli Lloyd, who has a contract which she earns 518 thousand
dollars, despite the fact that it was inaugurated since 2012 many experts affirm that
American soccer is one of the best along with the European one, in fact the
national team of USA have been winning 4 Soccer World Cups.8
Secondly the European football especially English and German are not left
behind (UEFA) it is estimated that the best paid player is Leah Williamson who
earns £200.000 euros in total which is approximately 4 million pesos in this case if
approaching the average that a man earns, even though on this side of the world

Herrera, W. (2022, octubre 25). Un hombre gana en 8 horas el sueldo mensual de una mujer
futbolista en México. Serendipia; Serendipia | Periodismo de datos.

Herrera, W. (2022, octubre 25). Un hombre gana en 8 horas el sueldo mensual de una mujer
futbolista en México. Serendipia; Serendipia | Periodismo de datos.

things are handled differently, since the salary given to the players is decided by
the club and not the federation, since the federation only supervises it, but
depending on the club it is the reappointed money that is given to the players. 9
Concentrating on the statics of the Mexican women’s league between 2017
and 2021 the salary was of 3,500 pesos until this last tournament increase until
5,000 pesos, this is why the players look for a brand to sponsor them to match the
pay of a man but even so the average pay is not reached, consequently those who
don’t have enough income take another job as an alternative, however this
“extreme” measure also puts its position in the league at risk because the clubs
demand perfection and some do not perform 100% in their matches due to
demand. According to the Mexican Football Federation (FMF)10
● Those over 23 years of age would earn a maximum of 2,000 pesos.
● Those under 23 years of age, 500 pesos plus a course for their
personal training
● The players in the Under-17 category would not have an income, but
they could have help with transportation, studies and food.
The women’s league since it was inaugurated in Mexico has had a large
audience filling stadiums and 80% of the matches have been broadcast on pay
television, which is why different media question the fact that the league does not
have enough money to be able to match a man's salary. In Mexico the players
better paid is Katty Martínez (from Club América), Stephany Mayor (from Tigres)
and Jenni Hermoso (from Pachuca) have salaries of more than 100,000 pesos per
month, but it is still below the average of what a man earns, that’s why this action

Lozano, L. E. (2020, diciembre 18). El Top 10 de las futbolistas mejor pagadas del mundo. Futbol
Total: Un juego auténtico lleno de nobleza y emoción; Futbol total.

Futbol femenil en México: una historia de opresión y resistencia. (2022, abril 3). Zona Docs.

exposes the FMF for the mysterious movements of money in the Mexican women’s
league since income verifiable.11
For those who demonstrate their value and their passion for this wonderful
sport with the women’s league, it has been proven that Mexico has a good material
with a lot of potential, they just need to give them the necessary support.12


Futbol femenil en México: una historia de opresión y resistencia. (2022, abril 3). Zona Docs.

Tope salarial para la Liga MX Femenil: Mujeres ganan 200 veces menos que los hombres.
(2021, septiembre 23). El Financiero.

Principal women’s icons, how do they inspire

Now we talk about the different figures of women's soccer both in our
country and abroad, in the women's Mexican league have remarkable
players, the ones that play here in the Mexican League the ones that put the
name of Mexico in other teams around the world. One of the most important
and with more trajectory is Monica Vergara participating in the first FIFA
World Cup from Mexico in 1999, attend 2 Goldens Cup in 2002 and 2006,
also in Atenas Olympic Games 2004 and 4 Panamericans Games winning
only silver medals, she was also technical director of the women’s soccer
team until this year her contract would end.13
Apart from Monica is not the only Mexico star player exist others like
Katty Martinez the 24 year old Mexican born in Nuevo León, is one of the
greatest public images in this field, at her young age she has been in two
great teams in the Mexican league while in Tigres and actually in Club
America, the player has stood out for being one of the best forwards in the
country with a total of 100 goals scored in her career, won tournaments with
the Tigres team, she is considered on the roster of the Mexican team and
has been acclaimed by various expert such as Forbes magazine, among the
100 most powerful women in Mexico.14
Other great history of Mexican players is Stephany Mayor who even
though she was Mexican, her career did not start here, but rather in a team
from Iceland, because the player is committed to Bianca Sierra and in
Mexico they were not well regarded for their sexual orientation until 2010
Tigres opened the doors to both of them also both are in the scheme of the
national team, for other part also exist the players of Chivas Alicia Cervantes
and Blanca Felix, Alicia boast 89 scores in total, her career started in the

Mónica Vergara. (s/f). Fútbol Mexicano Wiki. Recuperado el 13 de diciembre de 2022, de

Rabona, P. (2022, noviembre 11). Katty Martínez: la Killer de la Liga MX Femenil. Apuntes de

Atlas team being one of those affected by low pay, when the players asked the
club for a raise to continue her studies, the club denied it so she started looking
elsewhere in The Rayadas club found itself in a controversy since Rafa Marquez
himself was involved in preventing his retirement from Atlas, arriving at Rayadas it
didn’t have the impact he would have wanted, he had offers from big teams bit she
always wait for the offer from Chivas where she is currently the club’s best scorer,
while Blanca is considered the best goalkeeper of the league for great
performances such as in the final against stripes where she saved 3 penalties, has
played 137 games and has won two MX League titles. Both had become key
pieces for their Club and for the Mexican team.15
Now the Mexicans who put the name of the country high in the European
leagues such as Charlyn Corral and Tatiana Flores. The player Charlyn Corral,
born in the State of Mexico since she was a child, presented problems with her
lungs and began to play to be able to pay for medicines, thanks to her efforts, she
is considered one of the best Aztec soccer players, she was considered for the
Mexican Women's National Team at only 13 years old. and became the youngest
player to score a goal, due to several confrontations with the Director of the
National Team Leonardo Cuellas looked for another way, arriving in Spain making
his debut in the first division with the Levante club and in 2019 he joined the
Atletico team from Madrid, being one of the most valuable players in Spain, years
later she returned to Mexico where she currently plays for the Pachuca club,
despite her 30 years of age, she continues to bring experience and triumph to her
teams and talking about Tatiana player with multiple nationalities due to her
parents since she was born in Mexico but is also a Canadian and English
nationality, so her future within the Mexican team is still uncertain since she could
play in any country even though the 17 year old forward plays with him Chelsea
club n Sub-16 and it’s already a sensation.16

González, F. (2022, enero 24). Alicia Cervantes, goleadora histórica de Chivas y pilar rumbo al
segundo título de Liga MX Femenil.

López, J. P. (2022, enero 27). ¿Quién es Tatiana Flores? La hermana de Marcelo que marca
diferencias en Inglaterra.


After the previous information we can conclude that a few years ago it was
mentioned that soccer was a masculine sport, strong and beaten. For that reason,
it was difficult to find women in the stadium, wearing the shirt of their favorite team,
watching a game on television or playing, now it is normal to see a woman feel
skin-deep emotions for a team as well as defending a shield, the passion for
soccer is something that is shared, that emotion when, like, when your team wins
and your body tenses, the skin contracts and in many cases the tears come out
this is not only for men but women now share the feeling
It is considered that the social effects are the ones that have had the most
impact on the creation of a new way of seeing this sport, even though women have
participated for several years, there is still talk of a persistence of stereotypes and
gender roles. within society, which is why even in this century for many it is not a
sport that women can practice, which is why at an early age there is greater
rejection and discrimination linked to stereotypes of this kind, which seem to rule in
the school world, with the foregoing, it confirms how the patriarchal culture limits
the practice of sports by women, a situation that must be worked through
transformation in schools, since as children grow they will work in a different
mentality where men and women can work equally.
As we can see, the more time passes and the more people are willing to
be better, the more things will be achieved, as well as in the Mexican women's
soccer league where corruption exists, which is one of the reasons why both the
women's and men's teams It has not been able to have a better performance within
the world cups, as well as better coaches with different visions to turn the women's
team around as well as trying to balance the payments since many young players
decide to abandon the dream of being soccer players for the bad pay and this is
not convenient for the Mexican Soccer Federation (FMF) since young promises are
lost. The main conclusion of the work is that women's football should not be carried
out only for gender equality: sports managers must understand that it is a
professional initiative that is capable of helping the economic and social growth of
Soccer is a sport, so it can be followed, practiced and enjoyed by all
people, regardless of gender.


o Cover
o Index
o Introduction
o Chapter 1
o Chapter 2
o Chapter 3
o Sources
o Conclusion
o Format
o Checklist


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