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AC - Area Coordinator

ACT - Area Coordinating Team

ADB - Asian Development Bank

AR - Accountability Reporting

BA - Barangay Assembly

BBI - Barangay-Based Institutions

BDC - Barangay Development Council

BDC-TWG - Barangay Sub-Project Management Committee – Technical

Working Group

BDIP - Barangay Development Investment Program

CBO - Community-Based Organization

CBPM - Community-Based Procurement Manual

CDD - Community-Driven Development

CF - Community Facilitator

CSO - Civil Society Organization

CV - Community Volunteer

DANA - Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis

DILG - Department of the Interior and Local Government

DROM - Disaster Response Operations Modality

DSWD - Department of Social Welfare and Development

ECPP - Emergency Community Procurement Plan

ESMF - Environmental and Social Management Framework

ESMP - Environmental and Social Management Plan

FA - Functionality Audit

GAD - Gender and Development

GIDA - Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas

GRS - Grievance Redress System

ICC - Indigenous Cultural Communities

IP - Indigenous Peoples

KC-NCDDP - KALAHI CIDSS-National Community-Driven Development


LCC - Local Counterpart Contribution

LGU - Local Government Unit

M&E - Monitoring & Evaluation

MAD - Municipal Agriculture Officer

MCT - Municipal Coordinating Team

MDRRMC - Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council

MIAC - Municipal Inter-Agency Committee

MLGOO - Municipal Local Government Operations Officer

MOA - Memorandum of Agreement

MPDC - Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator

MSWDO - Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office, also Officer

NCDDP - National Community-Driven Development Program

NDRRMC - National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

NGA - National Government Agency

NGO - Non-Government Organization

NPMO - National Program Management Office

NCIP - National Commission on Indigenous Peoples

O&M - Operation and Maintenance

PB - Punong Barangay

PDW - Project Development Workshop

PPT - Project Preparation Team

PSA - Participatory Situational Analysis

RFR - Request for Fund Release

RPMO - Regional Program Management Office

SB - Sangguniang Bayan or the Municipal Council

TA - Technical Assistance

PPA - Programs, Projects, and Activities

TF - Technical Facilitator

WB - World Bank

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