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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader

Project Option
Revised January 2024
The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange
cells after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include
copies of all instructional resources, including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Scott Anderson World History 10th Grade
Mentor Email School/District Date
Michael Cook CAVA Schools 3/2/24
Section 2: CSTP focus
Identify 2-3 CSTP elements in which you are at least at the applying level for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment.
Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
Emerging, Exploring, Applying, Integrating, Innovating

Rating Description
CSTP Element Initial
thinking T–
1.5 through Integrating T - Supports students to initiate critical thinking through independently developing
EXAMPLE inquiry, S– questions, posing problems and reflecting on multiple perspectives
problem Applying
solving, and S - Students respond to questions and problems posed by the teacher and begin to
reflection pose and solve problems of their own related to the content
learning to T- Uses school resources and family contacts to expand understanding of students’ prior
students’ prior T– knowledge, cultural backgrounds, life experiences, and interests to connect to student
knowledge, Applying learning.
backgrounds, S–
life Applying S- Students make connections between curriculum, and their prior knowledge,
experiences, backgrounds, life experiences, and interests.
and interests
T– T- Reinforces positive, responsible, and respectful student interactions. Assists students to
Applying resolve conflicts. Incorporates cultural awareness to develop a positive classroom climate.
2.1 within a caring
Applying S- Students demonstrate efforts to be positive, accepting, and respectful of differences.
where each
student is
treated fairly
and respectfully

with colleagues
and the broader
professional T– T- Collaborates with colleagues to improve student learning and reflect on teaching
community to Applying practice at the classroom level.
support teacher S–
and student Applying S- Interacts with members of the broader professional community to access resources
learning that support teacher effectiveness and student learning.
Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning
Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
To determine the level of student
How do we know students understanding after a given unit of
Data Chats
are learning? instruction to inform future
How Project Fits into
Audience for Project Professional Goals and/or How Audience Satisfaction will be
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Assessed
Our departmental and
Students and teachers schoolwide goal is centered Survey data
around student success.
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Identify at least one standard (NBPTS, ISTE C, Teacher Leader Model Standards) that is the special emphasis focus of your
project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated. You may add more than 1 if you wish.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
2.2.b Advocate for Equitable Access
Students will learn from live teacher instruction and asynchronous
Advocate for equitable access to educational
assignments. Students will take a survey at the end of a unit of
technology, digital content and learning
study that teachers will use to gauge student learning and inform
opportunities to meet the diverse needs of all future instruction.

Inquiry Implementation Plan

Analyze Discuss Results
Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Results with Mentor
Milestone 4 Milestone 5
Identify name and date for Student Present findings
activities. Live teaching sessions of Student Present survey
asynchronous from PLC
unit 4 survey results at PLC
work discussion
4/3 4/10 4/17 4/24 4/25
Teacher will teach unit 4 during live sessions for approximately 2 weeks. During the second
Provide 1-2 sentence week students will complete asynchronous work related to the unit of study. After completion of
summary of your teacher the unit students will complete a survey that includes a range of DOK questions to assess their
leader project. overall learning of the content. Teacher will compile data and present it at a PLC. Teachers will
discuss survey results and brainstorm ways to use the data to inform future teaching.
Summarize process for
Prior to my PLC I will ask my mentor to take notes relating to the effectiveness of my
analyzing effectiveness of
presentation. My mentor will provide feedback the next day when we meet to debrief.
leadership role.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and
statement of what was learned.)
The first article explore teacher leadership within PLCs. The findings
Full article: Teacher leadership for teaching
suggest fostering inquiry led discussions has a positive outcome on
improvement in professional learning communities
shifting teaching practices.
The second article pertains to secondary teachers perceptions of
From Professional Practice to Practical Leader: Teacher
PLCs and how teacher leadership can facilitate changes in teaching
Leadership in Professional Learning Communities
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at
department/school/district level.)
As a World History department we share in the
responsibility of leading PLCs. This is my third year in
the department and I have experienced and learned Colleague B is highly motivated to create and lead PLC content.
from two colleagues who have led past year’s PLCs. However, the demands to complete paperwork documenting the
Colleague A shared that the previous PLC set up PLC process is arduous and impedes student learning outcomes.
created busy work for teachers and did not positively
impact student learning.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Describe the impact you feel you Suggestions for Continued
Initial Rating
CSTP Element made on your own growth as an Growth as an educator and
educator and leader. leader
Promoting I will look into more research
critical I feel that by presenting at a in this area and try to apply it.
thinking conference I was able to…. At the conference, I attended
through T – Integrating a session that gave me good
inquiry, S – Applying As I spoke about my strategies, I ideas to….
problem realized that there were things I I want to conduct a PD for my
solving, and can do differently such as… grade level team based on
reflection this project
In the future, I want to continue
to be as knowledgeable as I can
Demonstrating I feel that having a strong knowledge be in my subject area. I also
knowledge of of the subject matter is important. If I want to try and learn as many
subject matter T – Applying can know as much as I can about a new techniques as possible with
academic S – Applying subject, then I can incorporate new the everchanging
content tools to try and present that to apps/technology created.
standards students. Collaborating with colleagues
and sharing information will be
imperative in the future.
I feel that after doing this project, I, as
an educator, overcame a personal In the future, I want to continue
Collaborating obstacle. At my school, there are to grow as an educator.
with numerous teachers that have been Although research and data is
colleagues and with the school for many years important, I think the most
the broader teaching World History. As a newer change can come from teacher
professional teacher coming in, it is extremely collaboration. Especially as a
6.3 community to intimidating to try and speak up to a newer teacher, I can continue to
T – Applying
support group of educators like this. After this grow daily soaking up the
S – Applying
teacher and experience, I feel empowered to let knowledge that veteran teachers
student my voice be heard and share as much can provide.
learning as possible with my colleagues.
Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions
Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed Contribution to
Product(s) Generated
by Teacher Others/Department/School/District
The contribution was significant as
Google Form that produced
Confidence in voicing ideas to veteran teachers. Using it will greatly help how the
data to drive instruction
data to guide future instruction. department teaches Unit 4 in the
next year.
Mentor Feedback
The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.
Scott’s lectures were effective in delivering content and covering
the standards. He is an engaging story teller and students were
Effectiveness of resources designed by the Candidate,
engaged and participating when appropriate during lectures. The
including presentation, notes, handouts, and other
use of the Google Form at the end of the unit was an effective
formative assessment that will help Scott with reteaching or
modifying lessons for next year.
Overall, the project was effective. Scott used data from the Google
Effectiveness of Overall Project Form to guide how the World History department will teach Unit 4
next year.

The project, I believe, was valuable. The data generated by Scott’s

Value of project for audience.
project will make the unit even better next year.

Scott is a valuable member of CAVA’s World History department.

Overall feedback
He has a great attitude and we are happy he is part of our team.

Action Items (some may not be applicable)

For curriculum design,
I will work collaboratively with my World History department to revise lesson content and
lesson planning,
reflect on assessments to promote student success.
assessment planning
I will continue to connect with students to promote critical thinking through inquiry, problem
For classroom practice
solving, and reflection.
For teaching English
learners, students with
I will use strategic check-ins (frequent) with these students and offer accommodations when
special needs, and
students with other
instructional challenges
For future professional Collaboration is key. I intend to learn as much as I can from veteran teachers and try to keep up
development with the latest classroom technology.
For supporting
Our World History department uses our PLC time to its fullest each week. This is when new
ideas, data, etc is shared to ensure student success.
Other Notes and Comments

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