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Victor Justine B.



Our country is a beautiful environment blessed with natural wonders, diverse ecosystems, and
abundant resources. However, in recent years, it has been facing serious environmental challenges
that threaten its beauty and vitality. The degradation of our natural environment is a cause of great
concern, prompting the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines to issue a pastoral letter on
ecology, entitled "What is Happening to our Beautiful Land".

In the pastoral letter, the bishops express their deep concern for the state of the environment in the
Philippines and the need for urgent action to address the environmental crisis. They highlight the
degradation of forests, the pollution of rivers and seas, the loss of biodiversity, and the impacts of
climate change as some of the major threats to the country's natural resources. They emphasize that
these environmental challenges are not only ecological but also moral and social issues that affect
the well-being of all Filipinos, especially the poor and vulnerable.

The bishops call for a renewed commitment to caring for the environment and the promotion of
sustainable development. They stress the importance of responsible stewardship of God's creation,
as well as the need for the protection and preservation of natural resources for future generations.
They also underscore the role of government, businesses, and communities in addressing
environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices.

The pastoral letter also addresses the issue of environmental justice, highlighting the
disproportionate impact of environmental degradation on marginalized communities and the need
for inclusive and participatory approaches to environmental protection. The bishops call for solidarity
and collaboration among different sectors of society in addressing the environmental crisis,
emphasizing the importance of working together to promote ecological sustainability and social

Furthermore, the pastoral letter calls on the faithful to reflect on their own attitudes and behaviors
towards the environment and to take concrete actions to protect and preserve natural resources. We
must be an advocate ourselves and as a student we need to encourage individuals and communities
to adopt sustainable lifestyles, reduce their ecological footprint, and advocate for environmental
protection and conservation. We need to practice "clean as you go or claygo" and recycle single use
of plastic materials in order to avoid harming the environment and help to make it a better place for
each and everyone of us.

Lastly, the pastoral letter "What is Happening to our Beautiful Land" is a timely and important call to
action for all Filipinos to address the environmental crisis and promote ecological sustainability and
social justice. It is a reminder of our moral obligation to care for God's creation and to work towards
a more sustainable and equitable future for the Philippines. It challenges us to rethink our
relationship with the environment and to take responsibility for the well-being of our beautiful land.
It is a powerful and inspiring invitation to work together for the common good and to protect the
natural wonders of the Philippines for future generations.

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