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Hello everyone, I have a little disclaimer, the presentation I've prepared for today might

contain somewhat disturbing pictures of destruction, so If there is anyone sensitive to

that I would recommend not watching, thank you.
I would like to start with a question.
"What day changed your life upside down forever?"
For me, as well as all Ukrainians, it was February 24th, 2022. On that day, Russia
savagely attacked and invaded my home, Ukraine. Destroying cities, killing civilians,
marauding, and ruining lives.
- Irpin, my town has been affected severely. Many streets I knew were destroyed.

Today I would like to introduce you to the Kedyk family. This is Natalia, her husband
Nazar, and their little daughter Christina. Natalia and Khrystyna had to flee Ukraine and
Nazar had to stay and defend his country in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Here is the story of Natalia and her family:
On Feb. 24, 2022, Natalia Kedyk said she went to work the day the war began in her
home country of Ukraine because she "didn't know what to do." The 27-year-old said
her husband, who is in the Ukrainian military along with her father, told her to take their
four-year-old daughter, Khyrstyna, and leave the country the next day with other family
members. "It was a full car of kids and mums," she said. Kedyk said she was the only
one who had a driver's license and she drove everyone out of Ukraine. "We went to the
Romanian border. We decided to spend a few nights just to figure out what we have to
do with our lives.". Kedyk said she and her daughter moved around a lot before they
came to Canada in April, which upset Khyrstyna. "She couldn't understand what was
going on with us. We've moved somewhere from spot to spot, from country to country,"
Kedyk said her daughter has been doing better recently. She said they are still living
with their host family, but planning to move into their own apartment soon. But Kedyk
said, "Part of me all the time [is] still in Ukraine." She said she spends hours scrolling
through the news, looking for updates on the fighting back home. She said she feels an
indescribable terror when she hears air sirens, or when power outages keep her from
reaching her family.
- Natalia's husband Nazar is still fighting in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
- And so do any husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, and daughters are fighting right
now to defend their homes.
- How can we help them?
- Come Back Alive Foundation - Come Back Alive is a foundation that provides
support to service members in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The foundation
purchases arms and equipment to help equip Ukrainian servicemembers.
- It helps save lives and protect those defending their homes, freedom, and peace.
- Between May 2014 and June 2022, the foundation raised over $100 million.
- Five months into the full-scale invasion over 20,000 bulletproof vests and sets of
bulletproof armor plates with plate carriers were provided.
- From February 24 to June 2022, the foundation purchased 3,460 thermal
imagers and thermal sights. It also purchased more than 3000 drones and 139
unmanned aircraft systems for the Armed Forces.
- Today, I would like to ask you, not to support war, but to help protect life. To help
protect men and women on the battlefield who are laying their lives on the line for
their home, their families, and for peace.
- Come Back Alive has many ways to donate, either through monthly support
subscription or one-time donations. The sum doesn't matter it can be 5$, 10$,
20$. Every penny makes a difference and every repost matters.
- I understand that we are college students and don't have a lot of money, instead,
I would offer sharing the information on social media or forwarding it to your
parents, maybe they can help.
- I understand that many might say that the US already sends a lot of money to
Ukraine. But I don't ask you to donate to countries, governments or politicians. I
ask you to help buy a bulletproof vest for somebody's father, brother or son, so
their life can be saved.
- So please, help save and protect fathers of children like Khrystyna, so her father
can "Come Back Alive".
- Thank you

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