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The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice

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Evaluation of the relationship between

malocclusions and sleep-disordered breathing in

Sacide Duman & Handan Vural

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Evaluation of the relationship between malocclusions and sleep-disordered

breathing in children
Sacide Duman DDS, PhD and Handan Vural DDS
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey

Objective: To determine the relationship between dental/skeletal malocclusions and sleep- Malocclusion; Pediatric Sleep
disordered breathing (SDB) in the early diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders in children. Questionnaire; sleep-
Methods: Patients were evaluated by pedodontists to identify dental, skeletal, and functional disordered breathing; snore
malocclusion (n = 240; <15 years). In order to determine the sleep and daytime behavior of the
patients, pediatric sleep questionnaires (PSQ) were applied. Per results of the PSQ, patients with
a mean of ≥ 0.33 were defined as the high-risk group.
Results: A total of 25.8% children were in the high-risk group, with the most convex profile, high-
angle growth direction, and mandibular retrognathy. The prevalence of habitual snoring, mouth
breathing, and dry mouth was 48.4%, 64.5%, and 87.2% among all high-risk children, respectively.
Conclusion: Convex profile, high-angle growth direction, and retrognathic mandible were deter­
mined as risk factors for SDB. The prevalence of dry mouth, mouth breathing, and snoring was
higher in the high-risk group.

Introduction SDB in middle-childhood and adolescence [3]. The most

significant causes of encountering SDB in childhood are
Clinical conditions that emerge as a result of pathologi­
adenotonsillar hypertrophy, craniofacial malformations
cal changes that are encountered in respiration during
(Crouzon, Apert, Pierre Robin syndromes, etc.), max­
sleep and lead to increased morbidity and mortality in
illary narrowness, mandibular retrusion, neuromuscular
patients are known as sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)
diseases (Muscular Duchenne/Becker dystrophy, cere­
[1]. SDB is a clinical problem that is increasingly becom­
bral palsy, etc.), and rhinological reasons (allergic rhini­
ing prevalent among children, and there is a set of
tis, deviated septum, etc.) [2–4]. It is thought that
difficulties in its diagnosis [2]. The nighttime symptoms
bruxism also affects sleep quality in children and plays
of SDB in pediatric patients are highly noticeable, and
a role in the etiology of SDB [5].
these are the reasons that direct parents to physicians.
In the diagnosis of SDB, polysomnography (PSG) is
The typical nighttime symptoms of SDB include mouth
used as the gold standard [1,2]. However, usage of PSG
breathing, night sweats, nocturnal enuresis, irregular
in pediatric patients is a debated issue due to difficulty of
sleep, difficulty in breathing, and snoring. Daytime
application and assessment, lack of standardization, and
symptoms, such as getting tired quickly, hyperactivity,
limitation of epidemiological studies that aim to reach
bad temper, development and growth disability, daytime
broad masses [1–7]. Symptoms in the etiology of SDB
mouth breathing, learning disability, and low school
that affect the quality of life of children, such as cranio­
performance are not noticeable at the initial stages of
facial development anomalies, malocclusions, and brux­
the disease. These symptoms are frequently not noticed
ism may be diagnosed and treated by dentists. In the
by parents, and they are only discovered when asked
diagnosis and treatment of SDB, it is important for
about them. Sleep-disordered breathing problems that
dentists, otorhinolaryngology specialists, and pediatri­
occur on various levels, when they are not treated, may
cians to pursue a collaborative process with
lead to cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurocognitive
a multidisciplinary approach [5]. Questionnaires that
disorders, in addition to behavioral disorders [1–4].
may be easily applied by dentists, which are proven for
SDB is seen most frequently in the age range of usefulness and validity in early diagnosis, may also be
2–8 years in children, but with the increase in predis­ used to diagnose SDB [8,9]. The Pediatric Sleep
posing factors, increases are observed in the incidence of Questionnaire (PSQ) is one of the pre-diagnosis

CONTACT Sacide Duman Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Inonu University, Malatya 44280,
© 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

methods that may be easily applicable by dentists and hypertrophy were excluded. While determining tonsillar
allow timely interventions in children with suspicion of hypertrophy, Grade 0 and Grade 1 patients, based on the
sleep disorders [9]. Brodsky [16] classification, constituted this sample.
Recently, the presence of malformations in craniofa­ The first dental examination of the children who were
cial growth has been associated with SDB in children included in the study was performed, and malocclusions
[10]. The most frequent craniofacial malformations were categorized and recorded. Intramaxillary anoma­
reported in SDB children are retrognathia, midface lies, intermaxillary anomalies, and sagittal, vertical, and
hypoplasia, narrowness of the upper jaw, macroglossia, transversal direction anomalies were separately grouped
and anterior open bite [11–13]. Systematic reviews evi­ and recorded in the malocclusion form at the clinic by
denced the association between maxillomandibular vari­ a pediatric dentist (S.D.), who had at least 5 years of
ables and sleep disorder, suggesting that children with experience in the field, and a research assistant (H.V.).
sleep disorders have a narrower maxilla and posterior Visual clinical evaluation of the dental component of the
crossbite, anterior open bite, and a dolichofacial man­ malocclusion included molar and canine angle classifi­
dibular growth direction in comparison to normal chil­ cations, number and location of crossbites, and maxil­
dren [14,15]. lary and mandibular dental arch crowding or spacing.
There are very few studies investigating the relation­ Ten percent of the patients were re-evaluated in different
ship between SDB and malocclusions in the use of PSQ rooms by pedodontists (S.D. and H.V.), and interobser­
and the role of dentists in the pre-diagnosis and gui­ ver reliability values were found by using Cohen’s
dance of SDB. The purpose of this study is to determine kappa (0.83).
the relationship between dental/skeletal malocclusions In the clinical diagnosis of malocclusions, the study
and sleep disorders in the early diagnosis and treatment by Hyun et al. [17] was used as a reference for skeletal
of sleep disorders in children. visual evaluations. The clinical facial assessment of the
patients included the following: (1) a profile analysis
(considering a line from the base of the nose to the
Materials and methods
base of the upper lip and the second line from this
In this study, 500 pediatric patients who visited the point to the chin, convex if there is a narrow angle
Pedodontics Department of a Faculty of Dentistry in between these two lines and concave if there is a wide
Turkey between January 2019 and June 2019 were angle); (2) frontal appearance for facial thirds analysis
evaluated. (low, normal, or high face height); and (3) visualization
All procedures performed in studies involving human of the mandibular plane angle with fingers along the
participants were in accordance with the ethical stan­ mandibular boundary (flat, normal, or steep). The asym­
dards of the institutional and/or national research com­ metries of the dental medial line with the facial medial
mittee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its line were noted to assess the relationship of dentition
later amendments or comparable ethical standards. The with the face.
necessary permissions and approvals for the study were Visual clinical assessment of skeletal variables
obtained from the Ethics Committee of the University involved the following: (1) transverse direction analy­
(Approved number:2019/78). Additionally, the children sis: the widths of the maxilla and mandible were cate­
and their parents were informed about the purpose of gorized as decreased when there were black triangles in
the study, and their consent was obtained. By statistical posed smiling, normal when there were suitable
analysis, the minimum sample size for determining the widths, and increased when they appeared excessively
sleep disorder rate in children with malocclusion in the broad; (2) vertical dimension analysis of facial ratios in
age group of 7–15 in a 95% confidence interval (α = 0.05) frontal and lateral appearances, where the face was
and with a deviation of d = 0.04 (n = 114) was assessed by division into three parts; the vertical
determined. dimension was recorded as decreased when the lower
Two hundred-forty patients were included in this third of the face was smaller than the middle and upper
study. The inclusion criteria for the study included the thirds, normal in well-proportioned faces, and
following: age 7–15 years, having malocclusion but with­ increased when the lower third was larger; and (3)
out orthodontic treatment started, having normal or anteroposterior dimension analysis was categorized as
lower than average weight (<85th percentile), and hav­ decreased when the mandible was in a posterior posi­
ing no serious health problems. Syndrome patients with tion in reference to the maxilla in the lateral appear­
craniofacial anomalies, allergic patients, patients with ance, normal when both jaws were proportional, or
nasal airway obstruction or deviated septum, patients increased when the mandible was in an anterior posi­
with cleft lip and palate, and those with tonsillar tion [17].

Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ) Statistical analysis

To determine sleep disorders, and especially sleep- The data were analyzed by the SPSS 13.0 (Chicago, IL,
related respiratory problems, with a sleep scale, the USA) statistical package. P-values of < 0.05 were
PSQ that was developed by Chervin et al. [9] was regarded as statistically significant. Pearson’s chi-
utilized. The scale has two different versions, with 22 squared test was used to evaluate the statistical relation­
and 72 questions. In this study, the 22-question version ships between the clinical examination parameters, sex,
that was adapted into Turkish by Yüksel et al. [18] and and the reported sleep-disordered breathing symptoms.
tested for validity and reliability was used. The PSQ
form consists of 22 questions including four on sleep­ Results
lessness, four on snoring, eight on breathing problems,
and six on behavioral disorders. While assessing the General data
questionnaire, the items are answered as 1, 0, and for The sample of the study consisted of a total of 240 chil­
the missing answers, “yes”, “no,” and “I do not know.” dren in the age group of 7–15 years with the mean age of
The total score is the average of the scores of all items, 11 (± 2.1), including 45% (n = 108) male and 55%
except for the missing responses. The most effective (n = 132) female patients. Fifty-five percent of the children
cutoff value of the scale for pediatric obstructive sleep were in mixed dentition, while 45% were in permanent
apnea was determined as 0.33 [9,18]. According to the dentition. The children mostly had a convex profile
results of the sleep questionnaire, the patients with (46.7%) and high-angle growth direction (40%). In all
a score of 0.33 and above were defined as the high- children, maxillary retrognathia had a rate of 29.2%
risk group, and the patients with scores below 0.33 (n = 70), while mandibular retrognathia had a rate of
were defined as the low-risk group. 40% (n = 96). In the assessment of dental variables in
The parents were informed about SDB, its symptoms the anteroposterior direction, the most common molar
in children, the content of this questionnaire, and the relationship was found in Class II subdivision I (35%) in
study. Necessary permissions were taken from the par­ all children, followed by Class III (30.8%), Class I (29.2%),
ents. For the reliability of the questionnaire, attention and Class II subdivision II (5%). There was increased
was paid to include the children of literate parents who overjet among 38.3% of the children and negative overjet
did not have a noticeable learning disability. To prevent in 16.7%. There was 14.2% open bite and 20.8% deep bite
the parents from providing misleading or incomplete in the vertical direction; children with 4 mm or more open
information, appointments were set to allow at least bite constituted 2.5% of the sample, and those with deep
one week between the first examination and the appoint­ bite in more than 2/3 of the lower incisors constituted
ment, and the parents were told that they needed to 6.7%. In the transversal direction, the presence of posterior
observe their children until the date of the appointment. crossbite was at the rate of 31.6%, while the ratio of the
The sleep questionnaire was applied to the parents who children with crossbite in 3 or more teeth in the posterior
came for the appointments regarding their children. was 17.5%. In the anterior, those with crossbite in at least
There were three questions in the PSQ to determine 1 tooth constituted 40.8% of the sample. There was crowd­
the snoring frequency (“Do you hear your child snor­ ing in the anterior segment in 70% of the children, while
ing?”, “Does your child snore more than half of the 20% had lip deficiency. When assessed in terms of profile
time?”, and “Does your child always snore?”). However, and growth directions, no statistically significant differ­
in order to elaborate the question on “always snoring,” ence was found between the high- and low-risk groups
the question, “How many nights of the week does your (p > 0.05), but in evaluation of skeletal variables according
child snore?” was added by the authors as a modification. to jaws, the difference between the high- and low-risk
The children who were identified as snorers were also groups was statistically significant (p < 0.05).
classified according to their frequency of snoring (No
snoring, 1–3 times a week, or 3 or more times a week),
with those who reported to snore 3 or more times a week Assessment of malocclusions in children in the
considered to be “habitual snorers” [19]. high-risk group
The patients’ mouth breathing activities were assessed In the high-risk group, there were a total of 25.8%
with eight questions. Questions on “daytime mouth breath­ (n = 62) children with the mean age of 11 (± 2.4),
ing” and “dry mouth on awakening” (wet lip corner, wet including 32 (51.6%) male and 30 (48.4%) female chil­
pillow, halitosis, feeling of dryness in the throat, etc.) were dren. Just over sixty-one percent (61.3%) of these chil­
evaluated in detail. The patients were classified according to dren were in mixed dentition, while 38.7% were in
their low- and high-risk groups about this parameter. permanent dentition.

The children in this group mostly had a convex pro­ Assessment of the Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire
file (48.4%) and high-angle growth direction (54.8%). In
this group, the boys (n = 32) mostly had a convex profile The overall prevalence of snoring was found to be
(56.3%), but the girls (n = 30) had equal rates of convex 47.50% (n = 114) (Table 4). The prevalence of habitual
(40%) and concave profiles (40%). When the growth snoring (3 or more times a week) was found to be
direction was evaluated, a low-angle growth direction 48.4% (n = 30) among all high-risk children (n = 62),
was the most frequent among the boys (56.3%), while 26.3% among snorers (n = 114), and 12.5% among all
a high-angle growth direction was the most frequent participants (n = 240) (Table 4). In the children in the
among the girls (80%) (p < 0.01) (Table 1). high-risk group, the prevalence of habitual snoring was
In the children in the high-risk group, maxillary higher in the girls (53.3%) than in the boys (43.8%)
retrognathia had a rate of 32.3% (n = 20), while man­ (Table 5).
dibular retrognathia had a rate of 54.8% (n = 34). In this In evaluation of the respiratory questions, 45.2%,
group, 33.3% of the girls (n = 10) and 31.3% of the boys 19.4%, and 19.4% of the parents of the children in the
(n = 10) had maxillary retrognathia. Mandibular retro­ high-risk group answered ‘‘yes’’ to the questions about
gnathia was present in 66.7% of the girls (n = 20) and “children having trouble breathing or struggling to
43.8% of the boys (n = 14) (Table 2). breathe,” “children having heavy and loud breathing,”
The most common molar relationship was found as and “having seen children stop breathing during the
Class III (35.5%) in the high-risk children, followed by night,” respectively. The overall prevalence of mouth
Class II subdivision I (29%), Class I (29%), and Class II breathing was found to be 37.50% (n = 90) (Table 4).
subdivision II (6.5%) (Table 3). There was increased over­ The prevalence of mouth breathing was found to be
jet in 25.8% of the children in the high-risk group, and 64.5% (n = 40) among all high-risk children (n = 62)
negative overjet was in 22.6%. There was 24% open bite (Table 4), 44.4% among children with mouth breathing
and 12% deep bite in the vertical direction; the children (n = 90), and 16.6% among all participants (n = 240). In
with 4 mm or more open bite constituted 7.4% of the the children in the high-risk group, the prevalence of
sample, and those with deep bite in more than 2/3 of the mouth breathing was higher in the boys (66.8%) than in
lower incisors constituted 12%. In the transversal direc­ the girls (60.8) (Table 6). Moreover, the prevalence of
tion, the presence of posterior crossbite was at the rate of dry mouth was found to be 87.2% (n = 54) among all
45.2%, while the ratio of children with crossbite in 3 or high-risk children (n = 62), 44.2% among children who
more teeth in the posterior was 29%. In the anterior, those had mouth breathing (n = 122), and 22.5% among all
with crossbite in at least 1 tooth constituted 59.2% of the participants (n = 240) (Table 4). In the children in the
sample. There was crowding in the anterior segment in high-risk group, the prevalence of mouth breathing was
71% of the children, while 20.8% of the children who had higher in the boys (87.5%) than in the girls (86.7%)
lip deficiency were in the high-risk group. (Table 6).

Table 1. Evaluation of skeletal variables, according to profile, growth direction.

Profile Growth Direction
Normal Convex Concave Normal Low High
n (%) n (%) n (%) p- value n (%) n (%) n (%) p- value
Low- risk Girls 26 (25.5) 56 (54.9) 20 (19.6) .011* 30 (29.4) 40 (39.2) 32 (31.4) .219
Boys 22 (28.9) 26 (34.2) 28 (36.8) 14 (18.4) 32 (42.1) 30 (39.5)
Total 48 (27.0) 82 (46.1) 48 (27.0) 44 (24.7) 72 (40.4) 62 (34.8)
High- risk Girls 6 (20.0) 12 (40.0) 12 (40.0) .380 2 (6.7) 4 (13.3) 24 (80.0) .000*
Boys 6 (18.8) 18 (56.3) 8 (25.0) 4 (12.5) 18 (56.3) 10 (31.3)
Total 12 (19.4) 30 (48.4) 20 (32.3) 6 (9.7) 22 (35.5) 34 (54.8)
Chi-square analysis; *p < 0.05; n: number of teeth; %: frequency.

Table 2. Evaluation of skeletal variables, according to jaws.

Maxilla Mandible
Normal n n (%) Prognathic n (%) Retrognathic n (%) p- value Normal n n (%) Prognathic n (%) Retrognathic n (%) p- value
Low- risk Girls 44 (43.1) 36 (35.3) 22(21.6) .018* 48 (47.1) 18 (17.6) 36 (35.3) .007*
Boys 34 (44.7) 14 (18.4) 28(36.8) 22 (28.9) 28 (36.8) 26 (34.2)
Total 78 (43.8) 50 (28.1) 50(28.1) 70 (39.3) 46 (25.8) 62 (34.8)
High- risk Girls 14 (46.7) 6 (20.0) 10(33.3) .580 6 (20.0) 4 (13.3) 20 (66.7) .082
Boys 12 (37.5) 10 (31.3) 10(31.3) 6 (18.8) 12 (37.5) 14 (43.8)
Total 26 (41.9) 16 (25.8) 20(32.3) 12 (19.4) 16 (25.8) 34 (54.8)
Chi-square analysis; *p < 0.05; n: number of teeth; % frequency.

Table 3. Evaluation of risk groups according to Class I, Class II div. 1, Class II div. II, Class III classification.
Class I Class II Div. I Class II Div. II Class III
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) p-value
Low-risk Girls 36 (35.3) 42 (41.2) 4 (3.9) 20 (19.6) .008*
Boys 16 (21.1) 24 (31.6) 4 (5.3) 32 (42.1)
Total 52 (29.2) 66 (37.1) 8 (4.5) 52 (29.2)
High-risk Girls 8 (26.7) 8 (26.7) - 14 (46.7) .111
Boys 10 (31.3) 10 (31.3) 4 (12.5) 8 (25.0)
Total 18 (29.0) 18 (29.0) 4 (6.5) 22 (35.5)
Chi-square analysis; div: division; *p < 0.05; n: number of teeth; %: frequency.

Table 4. Distribution of participants’ response related to snoring frequency, snores loudly, mouth breathing, and dry mouth.
Yes No No idea Total
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Do you hear your child snoring? 1–3 per week ≥3 per week
Low-risk 44 (24.7) 26 (14.6) 108 (60.7) - 178 (100)
High-risk 14 (22.5) 30(48.4) 18 (29.1) - 62 (100)
Total 114 (47.5) 126 (52.5) - 240 (100)
Snore loudly? Low-risk 10 (5.6) 164 (92.1) 4 (2.3) 178 (100)
High-risk 10 (16.2) 46 (74.1) 6 (9.7) 62 (100)
Total 20 (8.3) 210 (87.5) 10 (4.2) 240 (100)
Tend to breathe through the mouth during the day? Low-risk 50 (28.1) 110 (61.8) 18 (10.1) 178 (100)
High-risk 40 (64.5) 16 (25.8) 6 (9.7) 62 (100)
Total 90 (37.5) 126 (52.5) 24 (10.0) 240 (100)
Have a dry mouth on waking up in the morning? Low-risk 68 (38.2) 104 (58.4) 6 (3.4) 178 (100)
High-risk 54 (87.2) 4 (6.4) 4 (6.4) 62 (100)
Total 122 (50.8) 108 (45.0) 10 (4.2) 240 (100)
n: number of teeth; %: frequency.

Table 5. Distribution of participants’ response related to snoring frequency and snores loudly, according to gender.
No Snoring 1–3 per week ≥3 per week Snores loudly - Snores loudly + No idea
n (%) n (%) n (%) p- value n (%) n (%) n (%) p- value
Low- risk Girls 62 (60.8) 26 (25.5) 14 (13.7) .912 98 (96.1) 4 (3.9) - .030*
Boys 46 (60.5) 18 (23.7) 12 (15.8) 66 (86.8) 6 (7.9) 4 (5.3)
High- risk Girls 6 (20.0) 8 (26.7) 16 (53.3) .308 18 (60.0) 8 (26.7) 4 (13.3) .041*
Boys 12 (37.5) 6 (18.8) 14 (43.8) 28 (87.5) 2 (6.3) 2 (6.3)
Chi-square analysis; *p < 0.05; +: answer = yes; -: answer = no; n: number of teeth; %: frequency.

Table 6. Distribution of participants’ responses related to mouth breathing and dry mouth, according to gender.
Mouth Breathing - Mouth Breathing + No idea Mouth - Dry Mouth + No idea
n (%) n (%) n (%) p- value n (%) n (%) n (%) p- value
Low- risk Girls 62 (60.8) 30 (29.4) 10 (9.8) .900 56 (54.9) 42 (41.2) 4 (3.9) .528
Boys 48 (63.2) 20 (26.3) 8 (10.5) 48 (63.2) 26 (34.2) 2 (2.6)
High- risk Girls 8 (26.7) 18 (60.0) 4 (13.3) .606 4 (13.3) 26 (86.7) - .018*
Boys 8 (25.0) 22 (68.8) 2 (6.3) - 28 (87.5) 4 (12.5)
Chi-square analysis; *p < 0.05; +: answer = yes; -: answer = no; n: number of teeth; %: frequency.

Discussion reported that skeletal anomalies, such as maxillary or

The upper airway volume, which plays an important role mandibular retrusion, are effective in the narrowing of
in development of occlusion and the maxillofacial com­ upper airways [5,15,19,20]. The purpose of the study was
plex, is in a close relationship with the pharyngeal airway to reveal the relationship between the factors that nar­
during swallowing and speech [6]. Narrowing in the row down the upper airway in children with malocclu­
upper airways is one of the main factors in the etiology sion and sleep disorders and support pre-diagnosis of
of sleep disorders, especially Pediatric Obstructive Sleep SDB with a questionnaire that can be easily applicable at
Apnea Syndrome (POSAS). Several studies have the clinic.

Owens et al. found that 16.5% and 18.2% of pediatri­ prevalence of snoring and habitual snoring in the chil­
cians did not examine the sleep disorders of healthy dren with malocclusions was found as 47.50% and
infants and toddlers in their routine examinations, 26.3%, respectively, and higher than the prevalence
while this percentage rose to 43.9% in adolescents [21]. found by Zaimoğlu et al. (37.60% and 16.84%, respec­
A similar situation exists among dentists. In the tively) [19]. Huyn et al. [17] found that the prevalence of
American Dental Association (ADA) clinical practice breathing problems during the night was 1.8% to 5.1%,
guide for 2015–2016 [22] and the study published in while these values were 34% and 36.1% for signs of
2017 by Masoud et al. [23], the importance of dentistry mouth breathing and dry mouth on awakening, respec­
and the necessity of the dentist to play an active role in tively [17]. In this study, the ratio of the parents who
assessment of sleep and airways and help in pre- reported that their children performed mouth breathing
diagnosis of SDB were emphasized. In terms of deter­ during the day was 37.5%, and the prevalence of dry
mining the SDB prevalence in the pediatric population mouth in the children was found to be 50.8%.
by using PSQ and assessment of the relationship Additionally, these rates were higher in the children in
between malocclusions and SDB, this study is the first the high-risk group, and because habitual snoring,
one in Turkey in the field of dentistry. mouth breathing, and dry mouth were also associated
The data in the study published in 2015 by Kaditis with sleep-disordered breathing, they may all be related
[24] were data that covered the general pediatric popu­ to increased nasal resistance caused by malocclusion.
lation. In children, the incidence of apnea-related sleep- Rohra et al. [20] found that boys were affected by SDB
disordered breathing cases was reported in the range of more frequently than girls. In this study, although the
0.7–3.0% [19,24,25]. Rohra et al. [20] investigated SDB rate of the girls with malocclusion (55%, n = 132) was
risk factors by applying the PSQ on children who visited higher than that of the boys (45%, n = 108), the percen­
their orthodontics clinic and found the prevalence of the tage of the boys in the high-risk group (51.6%, n = 32)
group with a high risk of SDB to be 7.3%. In this study, was higher than the girls (48.4%, n = 30). This may be
the SDB risk rate among the children with malocclu­ explained by the change in body composition during
sions was noticeably high, at 25.8%. However, as pedia­ adolescence between girls and boys: increased total visc­
tric patients with malocclusions in whom the upper eral fat mass, different changes in elevation of gonadal
respiratory pathway may have been majorly or minorly hormone levels (estrogens and progestins usually pre­
affected were selected directly, it is thought that the dominate on androgens in women, androgen domi­
differences in the rate of patients with SDB risk and nance in men). Further studies are needed to examine
related data in this study were a predictable result. the relationship between hormones and SDB in different
In the questionnaire study by Huynh et al. that exam­ sexes [27].
ined the relationship between SDB symptoms and den­ As the numbers of sleep laboratories are low, and
tofacial morphometry, it was reported that there was standing appointments are abundant in Turkey and
a relationship between patients with crossbite in two or the world, waiting times are too long. Due to the diffi­
more teeth and a narrow and long face (dolichofacial); culty of access outside large city centers (especially rural
and increased mandibular plane angle, maxillary nar­ regions), high costs, and requirement of staying at the
rowness, and severe crowding in the mandible may be sleep laboratory for a night (especially for the pediatric
risk factors of SDB [17]. In addition, especially, factors population), as well as lack of standardization, routine
like narrow and long maxilla and posterior crossbite, usage of PSGs, which are the gold standard of SDB
anterior open bite, predisposition to lip deficiency, and diagnosis, becomes limited [1–7]. In contrast to this,
increased frontal face height (adenoid face time) narrow applying PSQ is very easy, is specific, considers the
down the upper airway, the incidence of snoring, mouth numbers and types of symptoms, takes a short time to
breathing, and SBD is higher among individuals with apply (<15 min.), and does not require a specifically
malocclusions in comparison to normally developed trained doctor or staff member. PSQ focuses only on
individuals [15,17,20,23,26]. Increased frontal face patient history (it does not consider the physical exam­
height, retrognathic mandible, narrow maxilla, posterior ination of the child). The questions are specific and
crossbite, and anterior open bite were the SDB risk usually do not raise a doubt [8,9]. In the existing guides
factors in this study and were similar to those in the of the European Respiratory Society Task Force, PSQ is
study by Rohra et al. [20]. considered a “useful instrument” in determination of
In a meta-analysis of published studies, the preva­ patients with scores of higher than 5 in the apnea-
lence of habitual snoring was 7.45% [25]. Another hypopnea index (AHI), which is used to predict OSAS,
study reported that the prevalence of snoring varied OSAS-related neurobehavioral outcomes, and/or assess­
between 2.9% and 10.9% [17]. In this study, the ment of these [2,8]. However, several factors, such as not

questioning the sociocultural levels of parents despite Disclosure statement

their literate status and parent indifference may affect
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
the completely accurate and careful responses to the
questions in the questionnaire. Additionally, PSQ is
a questionnaire that can be applied for individuals Funding
under the age of 18, and considering the age interval of
There is no funding to report for this manuscript.
the sample, the possibility that most children would not
share the same room with their parents poses some
limitations in monitoring the children. With the objec­ ORCID
tive of preventing such limitations, the parents of the
Sacide Duman DDS, PhD
children with malocclusions who arrived for their first
examination were first informed about SDB and its
signs, as well as the questionnaire that would be applied,
and the questionnaire was filled later on the dates of Author contributions
S.D. conceived the ideas; S.D. and H.V. collected the data; S.
Radiological measurements, which are some of the D. and H.V. analyzed the data; S.D. wrote, and S.D. and H.
assisting methods in diagnosis of POSAS and used in V. reviewed the manuscript.
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