Food Production and Its Relationship To Climate Change

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1-Hello everyone, I’m your host Margarida and welcome to our daily podcast, today

we will be joined by Afonso.

2-Hello everyone, my name is Afonso.

1-Today, we are going to debate about an interesting topic, food production and its
relationship to climate change. Let's kick things off by talking about how the process
of producing some of our daily foods we eat affect the environment.

2- Sure. You know food needs to be grown, processed, transported and distributed.
All of these steps can create greenhouse gases that will contribute to climate
change. Fun fact, about a third of all human-caused greenhouse gases emissions
are linked to food productions.

1- I did not know that, it's crazy to think that some of my favourite foods can be so
dangerous for the planet in a certain way.

2- Yes.

1- I’ve heard avocados and almonds really depend on the enviromnent.

2- Definitely. Avocado production is highly sensitive to temperature changes and

unexpected precipitation. All top avocado producing countries are expected to
experience higher temperatures in the coming decades. While precipitation patterns
are expected to vary from country to country.
Warmer temperatures and changes in precipitation will lead to different climate risks
and impacts on avocado production.

1- Avocado production is being affected by climate changes but on the other hand,
almond production is not being affected by climate change but affecting it if produced
the wrong way. Their production is increasing every year, wich can be a problem,
because the process of producing, for example, almond milk is related to carbon
dioxide and many greenhouse gases emissions as well as deforestation.

2- Exactly, people sometimes think that their almond milk is way better for the planet,
because we won’t be exploring animals. What they don't know is that to produce the
almonds to make almond milk you have to get completely rid of any threats, animals,
plants and even trees sometimes.

1- I saw someone talking about that the other day. I guess people just have different
ethical beliefs.

2- That’s true!
Still on the same subject, more brands need to start using more water-efficient
practices, maybe consider exploring other nut options that have a lower
environmental impact and sustainable farming practices.

1- I did hear some companies are adopting more efficient irrigation methods and
better water management.

2- That’s progress in my books. Good to know positive changes are happening in the
food industry. These types of deep research should be done by every person to help
out the environment so we preserve the future and do not ruin it because of climate

1- Before we wrap things up, tell the people where they should search for
eco-friendly products.

2- People should look for local shops that get products from organic farming which
reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation and chemical usage.

1- There you go! Maybe a plant-based diet should be considered by more people,
reducing meat consumption since it's more ethical and the demand for
resource-intensive livestock farming will decrease.

2- Well… I guess I’m not that good of an example in that department, I love meat
and I most likely won’t change my diet to a plant-based one. I don’t think I will be as
healthy and I won’t enjoy eating. I don’t really care about the ethical part of it as well
and it's not like all the companies explore animals. The same way we talked before
about finding more eco-friendly solutions to get almonds and other products goes for
finding more ethical.

1- I will have to disagree with you on that one, since I’m a vegan.

2- I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

1- I guess so.
Either way, thank you so much for being here today Afonso!

2- Of course, thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about this important

1- Goodbye everyone and until next time!

2- Stay informed, stay green, and until next time, take care!

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