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Discussion question “For A while” by Matthew Sutherland
1. How does the writer begin the essay? What do you call this technique?
He begins his essay by describing Philippine English and what is the difference
between English that he uses in England. This technique of beginning an essay with a
personal anecdote id often called a “narrative hook” or anecdotal lead. It is a way of
engaging the reader and establishing a connection between the writer and audience.
2. What does “idiosyncratic” mean? In what way is English language use in the
Philippines “idiosyncratic” Give example in the text.
The word “idiosyncratic” means having special characteristic that distinguishes a
person or thing from other. In the context of Philippine, it refers to the unique way
English is spoken and used in the country which is different from standard English.
An example from the text could be “For a while” frequently used in the Philippines
instead of saying “hold on”.
3. Why do you think Filipino use the English language differently?
There are several reasons why Filipinos use the English language differently one of
this is. Cultural adaptation the use of English in the Philippines has evolved over time
to adapt to the local culture and context. Filipinos have incorporated their own words,
expressions, and grammar structures into the English language leading to the
development of unique variety of English.
4. How do you describe the writer’s attitude toward the way Filipinos use English.
Consider his context as a foreigner.
Foreign writers’ attitude towards the way Filipino use English may vary depending on
their personal experiences and perspectives. Some foreign writers may view the
“idiosyncratic” use of English in the Philippines as charming and unique while other
may view it as incorrect or improper. Some may appreciate the way Filipino adopted
the English language to fit their cultural context. Without specific information on the
context and content of the text it is difficult to determine the writer attitude towards
the way Filipino use English.
5. In your own words, state the writer’s main idea. Support your answer with
specific details from the text.
The main idea of the writer is English may be understood and use in different ways.
He also explained how Filipino English unique from other varieties of English.

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